Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 478 The Star Beast Changes

After leaving the Vermillion Bird Hall, Su Yuan returned to Zhuyuan 777.

As soon as she entered, she found that Luo Bingtong and Ruan Ruan were sitting on the sofa watching the news together.

"In the past two months, in Luoshui, Hengyang, Qiukan and other cities, star beasts rushed out of the danger zone and attacked the cities one after another.

Although the city guards from various cities rushed to solve it in time, there were still some damages..."


"Su Yuan."

Hearing the greeting, Su Yuan looked away from the TV and landed on the two girls.

"Well, I'm back."

"Master, how about the reward?" Ruan Ruan leaned forward and asked expectantly.

Luo Bingtong also looked over curiously.

Su Yuan smiled and said: "The harvest is rich, and I have obtained two secret arts of the envoy god Fengshenlei."

"Okay!" Ruan Ruan raised her fist excitedly.

After the three chatted for a while, Su Yuan talked to Luo Bingtong and Ruan Ruan about the situation in Xinchen Realm.

"With the tiger's veins being taken away by us, the rapid growth of Xinchen Realm with the help of Blue Sea Star as a springboard has come to an end.

This time, the New Dust Realm consumed a lot of origin and heritage, but it might not even be able to evolve to the Huiyue level, which can be said to be a big loss.

Now, the space in the New Dust Realm is becoming more and more unstable, and it is about to move away from Blue Sea Star. I am afraid that all the entrances to the New Dust Realm will be closed in the near future. "

Hearing this news, Ruan Ruan didn't care, but Luo Bingtong's expression became more silent.

With Luo Bingtong's identity and background, it is naturally impossible to be as free as Su Yuan.

Although Luo Bingtong can come out to take risks in valuable places such as the secret realm and the new world, but after the end, she has to return as soon as possible.

It's like a "good girl" with strict tutoring.

And now that the New Dust Realm is about to close, her "home" will probably know soon...

Su Yuan asked: "Bingtong, what are your plans next?"

Luo Bingtong thought for a while and asked, "What about you...?"

"Me?" Su Yuan smiled, "I'm going to look for Kamikaze later."

Hearing this, Ruan Ruan hugged Su Yuan's arm and asked expectantly: "Master, where can we find Kamikaze?"

To Luo Bingtong and Ruan Ruan, Su Yuan had nothing to hide.

"Go to the Southern Continent!"

According to Ashlia, the clue to Kamikaze is in the southern continent.

"Pu Chi Pu Chi!" Hearing that he was going to take an adventure in the mysterious Southern Continent, Ruan Ruan's eyes lit up with excitement.

Luo Bingtong looked at Ruanruan, and envy rose in her heart...

Su Yuan said with a smile: "However, we still need to make some preparations to find Kamikaze, and before that, we need to go home first."

When Luo Bingtong heard the words, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Now... just go home, as soon as possible."

"Huh?" Su Yuan looked at Luo Bingtong suspiciously, "Then Bingtong, you...?"

Luo Bingtong pinched Su Yuan's right hand with two slightly cool hands: "One, together..."

Since she shook Su Yuan's hand in Xinchen Realm last time, Luo Bingtong seemed to be a little braver.

However, Su Yuan suddenly remembered what Suzaku Throne said just now.

But looking at the well-behaved girl holding her carefully and looking forward to her eyes, can she bear to refuse?

"Okay." Rubbing Luo Bingtong's little head, Su Yuan smiled, "Then let's go now."



In the north of Qingye City, the wild area between Qingye Beicheng District and the Dangerous Area Baimiao Forest.

In the area that was originally desolate, fierce battles are taking place at this moment.

A large number of city guard soldiers are resisting the impact of hundreds of star beasts here, and among these star beasts, there are still a few star beasts with shining stars!

"Old Xu, step back a little bit!..."

"Luo Yong, watch your back! Two more yellow ligers are rushing over!"

"Why are there so many star beasts rushing out of the Baimiao Forest, it's endless!"


These star beasts that rushed out of the danger zone looked normal, and there were no abnormalities such as "red eyes" or "black air around their bodies".

But it is precisely because of this that it is not normal.

After all, these star beasts in the danger zone have always been used to living in their own territory, and will not easily leave the danger zone, let alone hundreds of star beasts trying to attack Qingye city together...

Outside the battle circle, there are still many silver and bronze city guards holding star power cannons and other props nervously forming a defensive line and standing in place. Facing the battlefield with shining stars, it is difficult to intervene.

And in front of these people was Qiu Boyun, one of the captains of the Qingye City Guard, and Zhao Cong, a gold-ranked deputy.

While coordinating the remaining city guards, the two acted as the final barrier to prevent the shining star beasts from breaking through and entering the city.

Looking at the entire battlefield ahead, Qiu Boyun frowned and asked, "Zhao Cong, when will the other teams from the headquarters arrive?"

Although judging from the current size of the star beasts, their own brigade can still handle it.

But after all, it was the first time in decades that the Baimiaolin Star Beast had encountered such a riot, so be careful, Qiu Boyun immediately applied for support from the headquarters of the Qingye City Guard!

Zhao Cong replied, "It should be soon. Team Yao and Team Lin are already on their way, and the headquarters has also contacted the Education Bureau which is very close to here."

"Education Bureau..." Qiu Boyun frowned slightly. He didn't know how many people the Education Bureau would send to support him. He still had to rely on himself.

Zhao Cong said: "Team Qiu, don't worry. Although there are a lot of these star beasts, they are only four or five star beasts. They should be able to handle it with the help of Vice Captain Wang Lei alone."

Qiu Boyun nodded, and was about to give another order when he suddenly felt strong waves coming from the front.


Qiu Boyun and Zhao Cong's expressions changed at the same time, and they looked towards the distance ahead.


The next moment, the communication talisman on Qiu Boyun's body sounded an emergency communication!

"Team Qiu, another shining star beast appeared from the direction of Baimiaolin! Quantity, quantity..." A hurried voice came from the talisman.

Qiu Boyun hurriedly asked in a deep voice: "How many?!"

"Quantity, five! One of them is the epic star, the wild god bear with golden ribs and iron bones!"

Qiu Boyun's pupils trembled.

Five shining stars? And an epic star?

Qiu Boyun quickly recovered from the shock, his complexion changed drastically, and he quickly ordered: "Notify Wang Lei and the others, retreat quickly, shrink the defense..."


Accompanied by a dull impact and the sound of bones and bones being broken, the communication over there stopped abruptly!

"Captain Qiu? He... what happened to him?!" Zhao Cong, who was next to him, asked in shock.

Qiu Boyun's face sank like water, and he said solemnly: "Notify the headquarters immediately, there are five more star beasts appearing, including an epic star beast, the situation is out of control, please ask for more support!

In addition, all the residents in the north are urgently transferred to the south, immediately! "

"Yes Yes!"

Zhao Cong responded in a hurry, while Qiu Boyun flew up and went directly to the battle circle ahead...

First-class cabin on a medium-sized airliner flight to Aono.

An Zaixun, who was wearing sunglasses and dressed youthfully, looked at the handsome boy sitting on the right from time to time.

As a popular idol singer among young people, An Zaixun has met countless young heroes and college students.

But this is the first time, vaguely, inexplicably attracted to a boy.

An Zaixun observed secretly, except for his handsome appearance, there was nothing particularly outstanding about this boy, he was no different from an ordinary college student.

Silver pupils are quite rare, they may be star card masters of a certain academy.

However, among his fans, there are also many talented star card masters from various colleges, including Sandu College.

It's just that the other party seems to have an inexplicable and unexplainable unique temperament, which seems to be quite different from ordinary people...

Feeling the slightly accelerated heartbeat, An Zaixun pressed the bell next to the seat next to him after struggling for a while.

Soon, a beautiful stewardess in black silk came from behind.

The flight attendant obviously recognized An Zaixun, and asked in a slightly excited whisper, "Excuse me... May I ask what do you need?"

"Coffee..." An Zaixun took a breath and added in a low voice, "Two cups."

"Two cups?"

The stewardess glanced at Su Yuan next to An Zaixun with some surprise, secretly thinking that it might be her assistant or something.

"Okay, please wait a moment!"

Not long after, the stewardess came over with two cartons of coffee.

"Your coffee, please take it easy."

"Thank you..." An Zaixun took the coffee, but his movements became a little stiff.

Although I have experienced many performances and have never been stage frightened, I have never taken the initiative to strike up a conversation with the opposite sex...

Now that two cups of coffee have been brought over, An Zaixun's heartbeat accelerated slightly, so he could only bite the bullet and pick up a cup of coffee to pass to the young man next to him.

"That..." The stewardess next to her suddenly spoke again, and An was so frightened that she was looking for a shock.

The stewardess lowered her voice and said, "Miss An, can I take a photo with you when I arrive in Qingye later?"

"Ah... yes!" An Zaixun quickly responded.

"very good, thank you!"

"You're welcome."

The stewardess responded excitedly, then backed away.

Seeing that the flight attendant retreated to the position behind her, An Zai patted her chest and secretly let out a sigh of relief. She looked to the right again, but the young man turned his head away, as if he was looking out the window.

"Friend, you... hello." An Zaixun said as calmly as possible.

The young man by the window turned around, but there was an unusually bright silver light in his eyes.


An Zaixun gasped in fright, and dropped the coffee he was holding.

But An Zaixun's eyes blurred, before he could see clearly, the young man next to him somehow caught the coffee, and the silver light in his eyes disappeared, as if it was an illusion just now.

"Is it for me?" Su Yuan asked.

This young man was exactly Su Yuan who had returned from the imperial capital. As for Luo Bingtong, he was currently trying to refine the blood essence of the dragon clan obtained from the Aurora Forest in the Qingming Realm.

"Yes... yes." An Zaixun was still a little dazed, only feeling a little fever on his face.

"Thank you." Su Yuan smiled politely, took a sip of the coffee.

Su Yuan naturally noticed the girl's actions just now.

But what I didn't expect was that the seemingly ordinary self would have a day when he would be approached by a strange girl.

After all, in terms of appearance, although I am still pretty, I am not as good as Zhang Qianyi and Fu Dongliu, and I am far behind Kong Yaowang...

An Zaixun was thinking about what to say, but the little boy in the front seat of Su Yuan leaned against the window and said in surprise: "Mom, there seem to be a lot of star beasts down there!"

Because it is close to Qingye, the plane has already descended.

"There are no star beasts, it's almost to Qingye." The mother of the boy next to him said casually.

"Really... Mom, look! Over there, that winged star beast seems to be flying towards us!" The boy suddenly became excited!

Hearing this, most people in the first class didn't pay much attention to what a child said.

However, there were a few idle people looking out of the window, but they really saw a golden-winged strange eagle with three eyes flying over from below.

"Xiao Hai, don't talk nonsense..."

"There are star beasts!"

"There really is a star beast! It even flew over!!"


All of a sudden, the first-class cabin suddenly became restless, and there were bursts of noise and exclamation from the cabin behind.

A thin red-haired young man in the front row got up directly from his seat, ran to the side of the little boy and looked out the window.

Seeing this, the red-haired youth's complexion turned pale immediately: "That's a shining star beast, how could there be a shining star monster appearing here!"

There are three or four gold-level star card masters in the first class, and this red-haired young man is one of them. He is the coach of a martial arts gym in Qingye City.

Gold-rank star card masters are like this, and ordinary people are even more frightened.

"How could there be a star beast!"

"It's coming, what to do!"

"Xiao Hai, hug mom tightly!"


"Golden Winged Three-Eyed Eagle... Is there a star beast riot in Qingye City?" Su Yuan frowned slightly as he recalled the news he had seen on TV earlier.

The exclamation in the cabin is getting louder, because the golden-winged three-eyed eagle is getting closer!

The plane had already begun to accelerate and try to regain altitude, but it was a bit late at this moment.

Naturally, Su Yuan wouldn't look at it like that, and raised his hand to point out.

With a "bang", under the astonished eyes of everyone, the golden-winged three-eyed eagle suddenly bumped into a huge transparent wall.

"No, no, no! Am I going to die!..."

"Quickly stop yelling! That star beast is blocked!"

"What is that, the air wall? It actually blocked the star beast!"


The red-haired young man next to the little boy was startled, and turned to look at Su Yuan. It seemed to be the flickering star power fluctuation on this man just now!


The red-haired youth cried out inwardly.

And beside Su Yuan, An Zaixun, who was stunned just now, vaguely saw what Su Yuan seemed to have done, and looked at Su Yuan in a daze.

"Thank you for the coffee." Su Yuan took another sip of coffee, and then a silver light flashed on his body, and he disappeared from his seat under the shocked eyes of An Zaixun and the red-haired young man.

The next moment, bursts of exclamations came from the cabin.

"Who is that?"

"Damn, I must be dreaming, he cut off the wings of that strange bird!"

"Too awesome!"


"That big brother is amazing!" The little boy's eyes were full of admiration.

The red-haired young man swallowed, also inexplicably shocked.

Ordinary people don't know how strong Yao Xingxing is, and they don't know how powerful the Golden Winged Three-Eyed Eagle is.

But the red-haired young man knew how terrifying it would be to chop off the wings of the Golden Winged Three-Eyed Eagle with a single blow!

Not to mention in the sky, even on the ground, ordinary Yaoxing stars can't do it!

"Who the hell is he? We still have such a master in Qingye City?!"

And An Zaixun, who leaned over to the window, was already stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw the silver-eyed young man stepping on the back of the strange eagle with only one wing left, and chopped it down with a knife.

Blood spilled into the sky, and the golden-winged three-eyed eagle let out a series of screams, but it couldn't get rid of it at all.

"Good... so amazing!"

An Zaixun's pupils trembled. Although he guessed that the other party was a star card master from a certain academy, he didn't expect that the other party was so powerful!

Looking at the young man who casually slaughtered the golden-winged three-eyed eagle, An Zaixun felt a sense of loss and loss for no reason.

There were also many academy geniuses who wanted to pursue themselves before, including geniuses from the Imperial Capital and the Demon Capital.

But looking at the silver-eyed young man in front of him, this was the first time that An Zaixun had a strong feeling of being untouchable even though he was the same age!

It's like people from two worlds...

I didn't expect to meet such a person just during the concert tour in Qingzhou.

"Who the hell... is he?"

And Su Yuan stabbed into the body of the golden-winged triceratops again, and the opponent finally stopped whining and turned into a corpse.

Su Yuan casually put the corpse into the Qingming Realm, glanced at the battle circle below, and then quickly fell down.

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