Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 479: Brother

On the ground, Qiu Boyun had arrived and joined Wang Lei and other team members.

There are nearly ten star beasts here.

As for the city guards, counting Qiu Boyun, there are a total of six brilliant stars.

However, Qiu Boyun is an epic soul card with high strength. After Qiu Boyun rushed over, the battle situation stabilized a little.

"Wind and Thunder Break!"

Vice-captain Wang Lei's saber, Feng Lei Qisheng, passed through the body of a shining silver-armored lizard.

"Zi la! Zi la!"

Zidian surged out, and the silver-armored lizard was cut in half!

"Deputy Wang, amazing!" The team members next to him were overjoyed.

Wang Lei panted slightly while holding the long knife. Although it was a lot of effort, this strike of the thunder knife fortunately killed the silver-armored lizard, so he couldn't help feeling relieved.

Qiu Boyun said in a deep voice: "Wang Lei, don't relax, be careful!"

Qiu Boyun still felt that something was wrong, because the people who started to scout ahead said that there was also a wild god bear with golden ribs and iron bones of epic quality!

However, so far, except for the two iron-backed gray bears in the field, there is no wild god bear with golden muscles and iron bones.

If it wasn't for the mistake made in the previous investigation, it means that the wild god bear has not yet made a move after hiding!

Suddenly, Qiu Boyun, who is an earth system star card master, suddenly noticed a change coming from the ground...

Wang Lei smiled and said, "It's okay, Team Qiu..."

"Move!" Qiu Boyun shouted violently.

Almost at the same moment, rocks and soil splashed behind Wang Lei, and a giant black bear suddenly rushed out, punching Wang Lei, who had just exhausted his strength and was a little lax because he killed the silver-armored lizard, on the back. superior.

When Wang Lei heard Qiu Boyun's reminder, he immediately deployed the Thunder Shield.

However, there seemed to be a huge force in the black giant bear's fist, which directly crushed the thunder shield and punched Wang Lei's back.

"Boom!" With a loud sound, Wang Lei spat out a mouthful of blood, and was directly thrown out by Beng Fei, seriously injured on the spot!

"Deputy Wang!" Everyone exclaimed.

Qiu Boyun's heart sank, but he ignored Wang Lei and looked directly at the giant black bear.

"Wild God Bear with Gold Ribs and Iron Bones!"

With the appearance of the wild god bear, the other star beasts in the field, especially the two iron-backed gray bears, suddenly rose in momentum, and the offensive was like the wind. For a while, several of Qiu Boyun's Yaoxing masters were out of breath, and even Qiu Boyun was rushed up The Earth Splitting Lion and Red Scaled Monkey were restrained.

Ye Shenxiong stepped forward and directly launched a savage charge towards Wang Lei who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, wanting to shoot him to death in one fell swoop.

Qiu Boyun couldn't make it come true, he made a seal formula, his body suddenly flashed with yellow light, and his star power surged!

"Bloom the rock flower!"

The thick earth element rushed away from Qiu Boyun's body like a blooming rock flower, and the strong force directly knocked back the two star beasts in front of him. Even the wild god bear was greatly slowed down by the impact of the powerful earth element, making it difficult to move an inch !

And Qiu Boyun dragged his big knife and strode towards the wild god bear.

Every time he took a step forward, the air absorbed from the ground above the broadsword turned into a circle of yellow air and wrapped around the knife, greatly increasing its power.

And when Qiu Boyun rushed in front of the wild god bear, six layers of yellow air rings were wrapped around the sword!

"Bringing air and dragging the knife!"

Qiu Boyun suddenly raised his long knife and slashed at the wild god bear, and there was a "clang clang" sound like metal clashing!

As expected of a wild god bear with golden muscles and iron bones, as an epic star beast of both gold and earth elements, its defense can be said to be quite amazing.

However, Qiu Boyun's dragging knife slash is also an epic skill. With the addition of six layers of air ring, the powerful burst of dragging knife slash tore the body of the wild god bear, and a long wound was drawn on its chest. Blood seeped and flowed from it.


After receiving such a heavy blow, the wild god bear was directly enraged and entered a berserk state, his eyes were red, and the star power flow on his body also turned dark brown.

Violence is a talent possessed by most bear clans, not to mention the epic-quality gold-muscled-boned wild god bear?

The injury Qiu Boyun slashed just now, under the strong physique brought by the berserk, is recovering at a high speed visible to the naked eye.

Qiu Boyun's face was ugly: "Damn it! It's a pity that I haven't perfected my entraining qi and dragging knife slash, otherwise, with the blessing of nine earth qi, even a golden muscle and iron bone will be cut in half!"

The thick dark brown air current churned and stirred in all directions, and the wild god bear instantly broke free from the restriction of blooming rock flowers, and glared at Qiu Boyun.


Violent killing intent and terrifying pressure came on the surface, Qiu Boyun only felt a huge force pressing on his body, his eyes suddenly widened, his hands and feet were cold.

Epic skill, anger deterrence!

Qiu Boyun's body surged with star power, trying to resist this extremely strong mental coercion.

However, the next moment, the wild god bear had already moved.

Qiu Boyun shouted violently and took a hard step forward to meet him.

Unexpectedly, Ye Shenxiong didn't care about Qiu Boyun who had slashed himself, but went straight past him and went straight to the seriously injured Wang Lei!

Qiu Boyun's heart skipped a beat: "Not good!"

The faces of the surrounding city guards also changed drastically.

"Deputy Wang is careful!"

"Get out of the way!"


Wang Lei's spine was shattered by Wild God Bear's punch just now, and he wanted to get up at this moment, but the severe pain from behind immediately made him sweat, and his face turned pale instantly.

The wild god bear was approaching fiercely, at the critical moment, a deep and sharp black line cut across the wild god bear's back.

All of a sudden, the blood surged, and Qiu Boyun could only seriously injure the wild god bear with a single strike, but at this moment, he was almost cut in half by this long and thin black line!


Ye Shenxiong screamed, his eyes were blood red, and he turned his head in fright to see who was attacking him.

However, just as he turned around, he saw seven or eight black lines filled with terrifying fluctuations already appearing around his body...

Wild Bear's pupils shrank suddenly.

As soon as the black light shone, the wild god bear was cut into dozens of pieces by many black lines before it could even scream again!

"This... this is?!"

Team Qiu, Wang Lei, and even the rest of the city guards around them all stared wide-eyed, looking at the wild god bear that instantly turned into a pile of flesh in disbelief!

And it didn't stop, it wasn't just this wild bear, black lines kept lighting up around it.

It doesn't matter whether it's the third level or the star level, all living beings are equal.

All the star beasts had no resistance at all under these black lines, and they were strangled in pieces!

In all directions, the soldiers of the city guard who were fighting the star beasts felt the pressure rapidly decaying, and looked around in surprise, only to find that the star beasts around them were almost dead!

"Team Qiu... go up, up!"

Soon, a member of Yaoxing Star found a black figure high above the sky.

"I see!"

Looking at the blurred figure above the sky, Qiu Boyun took two deep breaths, but he was shocked in his heart. The strength of this person is too frightening!

Could it be the Huiyue master passing by?

At this moment, the communication talisman on his waist rang again.

Qiu Baiyun saw that it was from Zhao Cong, and immediately connected to the communication.

Zhao Cong's slightly excited voice came from it: "Team Qiu, the experts from the Education Bureau are here..."

Before Zhao Cong's voice finished, Qiu Boyun saw a blue brilliance galloping from behind in mid-air.

"Is there only one?" Seeing that there was only one person, Qiu Boyun frowned slightly.

The blue brilliance landed in front of him in a blink of an eye, turning into a handsome middle-aged man in a black robe.

After seeing the person coming, Qiu Boyun shrank his pupils and hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

"Deputy Director Wang, I didn't expect you to come here in person!"

Wang Haiping, former Director of Education Bureau of Guangchuan City.

More than a year ago, he was promoted to Huiyue and transferred to the Qingye City Education Bureau, and a month ago, he was suddenly appointed as the Qingye City Education Deputy Director!

"The Star Beast riot is not a trivial matter. I should come and take a look here so close to the city." Wang Haiping looked at the situation in the arena, quite surprised, "It seems that you are about to solve it?"

Qiu Boyun looked strange, and said: "It's not that we are about to solve it. The situation is very dangerous. I don't know where a master came... It's there."

Wang Haiping had already noticed it just now, and at this moment, he followed Qiu Boyun's pointing and looked towards the sky ahead again, and landed on the figure.

This figure seems somewhat familiar...

This idea just came to Wang Haiping's mind, and the man Gao Kong had killed the last gold-ranked star beast, with a flash of silver light on his body, he suddenly appeared in front of everyone the next moment.

"Senior Brother Wang, long time no see." The visitor raised his hands and put away the bright red long knife in his hand, and said with a light smile, "Congratulations, Senior Brother, for stepping into Huiyue..."

Wang Haiping saw the silver-eyed young man in front of him clearly, his pupils trembled, and then a strong look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Junior Brother Su, it's actually you!"


Qingye City Education Bureau, Su Yuan sat aside and waited quietly.

Although Wang Haiping's identity has changed, the secretary is still the familiar beautiful female secretary.

White shirt, wrap-around skirt and translucent black silk, with black hair hanging naturally on her shoulders.

If Su Yuan remembers correctly, her name is Xiao Yu.

Su Yuan saw at a glance that the star power in the opponent's body was full and strong, and he had already reached the golden limit to refine the star power!

Xiaoyu made tea and brought it to Su Yuan respectfully, "Mr. Su, please take it slowly."

"Okay." Su Yuan took the teacup and took a casual sip.

And Xiaoyu stood by, waiting for orders at any time.

At this moment, when Xiaoyu faced Su Yuan, she felt a little apprehensive and nervous.

Xiaoyu remembers very clearly what Wang Haiping said when he became the deputy director a month ago.

"My Junior Brother Su is really amazing..."

There is no doubt that although Wang Haiping stepped into Huiyue, he was able to overwhelm others and directly enter the post of deputy director, which definitely has something to do with the boy in front of him.

Xiao Yu secretly looked at Su Yuan, but in less than three years, it is hard to imagine that the other party has grown from a student in a third-tier city to the point where he can influence Wang Haiping's promotion!

"My brother, how are you doing recently?" Su Yuan asked casually.

"Fortunately, I was promoted to Huiyue more than a year ago and transferred to Qingye, and was appointed as the deputy director of Qingye last month."

As early as the last time Su Yuan and Wang Haiping met, Wang Haiping said that he was sure to advance to Huiyue, so Su Yuan was not very surprised.

But a month ago, he served as the deputy director of Qingye... that was almost not long after he became the star king.

After a little thought, Su Yuan probably understood, nodded slightly and didn't say any more.

Xingjun Xingtian, the strength of Xingtian, is hard to say compared with Huiyue.

But in terms of status, it is no different from the envoy of the Sky Survey Division, let alone the ordinary Huiyue in the local area?

It is reasonable for Wang Haiping to benefit from this...

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