The next day, seven o'clock in the morning.

Before dawn, a black car had already parked at the gate of Four Seasons Garden.

Three or four people got out of the car, and the leader was a lean middle-aged man in a brown robe.

It is none other than Tan Lun, the current director of Guangchuan Education Bureau.

"Director, are we here too early?" A young cadre next to him asked.

Tan Lun glanced at a certain room upstairs in the Four Seasons Garden, shook his head and said, "It's not early. It was too late yesterday, so I have to come and visit as soon as possible today anyway."

Many things were not clear to the people below, but as Wang Haiping's successor after he was transferred to Qingye, how could Tan Lun not be clear.

In particular, Wang Haiping has recently been appointed as the deputy director of the Qingye City Education Bureau.

That former demon capital genius is no longer a college genius.

Not only joined the Xuntian Division, but now he has stepped into the top of Yaoxing, and has become a star king!

This means, let alone a small city of Guangchuan, among all the shining stars in the entire Dayan, this group of people is also the group of people with the highest strength and power!

How can the director of education in a third-tier city like myself be able to compare.

Even if the Department of Surveying Sky and the Department of Education are not in the same system, but when such a big boss comes, I have to show some basic attitude.

Even if the other party is extremely young, only in their twenties!

Tan Lun and his men hadn't waited for a few minutes before another car drove up to the gate of the community, and a man with an inch of hair nearly two meters tall and strong in the air got out of the car.

Seeing someone coming, Tan Lun greeted, "Captain Liu, you are here too."

The name of this inch-haired man was Liu Bo, and he was the captain of the City Guard of Guangchuan City.

Liu Bo walked up to Tan Lun, quite surprised: "Director Tan, are you older than me?"

"I just came here too."

Liu Bo glanced into the Four Seasons Garden, and said, "Director Tan knows that this person is back, so why not call me?"

Tan Lun smiled and said, "Since I can get the news, how can you not know Captain Liu?"

"Heh, if this guy didn't show up in Qingye City yesterday, I might not know about it."

"Yesterday, Qingye City?" Tan Lun suppressed his smile, and asked in surprise, "Yesterday, the Baimiaolin Star Beast rioted. Could it be that this person is also at the scene?"

"It's not just at the scene..." Liu Bo grinned, leaned in front of Tan Lun and lowered his voice, "This is the one who will kill all the rioting star beasts...all of them!"

"Huh?!" Tan Lun froze.

And Liu Bo smiled, didn't say any more, looked into the Four Seasons Garden, his eyes were full of respect.

The city guards were originally under the supervision of the Supervising Army Division, and the Sky Survey Division's authority was above that of the Supervising Army Division.

Just a third-class special envoy can mobilize city defense forces everywhere, let alone Xingjun?

Although Su Yuan is not Liu Bo's immediate superior, he can be said to be the superior of Liu Bo's superior!

As for strength, there is no need to talk about it...

And just last night, Liu Bo had already received news from the Qingye City Guards that the star beast riot was resolved thanks to this person in the community.

Otherwise, the entire brigade in Qingye City might be in danger!


In the study, Su Yuan woke up.

Suddenly thinking of something, Su Yuan quickly turned his head and looked behind him.

However, Luo Bingtong had already left early, only a faint scent of ice mint remained.

I don't know if it was because of these scents, Su Yuan was still sleeping soundly, and it was already past eight o'clock.

Outside, Tang Shiyan's voice kept coming, as if he was talking about something.

"Little Hitomi, this is a fighting top. Xiaoyuan liked to play with it when he was a child. He and his classmates could play with the top for an afternoon with an iron basin. Once the top broke and came back crying!"

"This racing car seems to be called 'Whirlwind Charge', and he played it when he was in elementary school. At that time, every day after school, he would shout something like 'Whirlwind Charge Tornado' in the yard downstairs..."


After hearing a few words, Su Yuan's face darkened, and he hurried out of the study.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Tang Shiyan holding Luo Bingtong and chatting on the sofa, and there was a big box at his feet, which was filled with various toys and some photos from his childhood.

Tang Shiyan turned her head and smiled, "Oh, Xiao Yuan is awake?"

Luo Bingtong also looked over: "Su, Yuan."

"Mom, what are you doing..." Su Yuan was speechless, and moved these things away.

Tang Shiyan said: "Why put it away, I haven't finished it for Xiaotong yet."

Su Yuan rubbed the center of his eyebrows and asked, "Where's Dad?"

"I'm going to carry the fruit after six o'clock."

"So early?" Su Yuan frowned slightly, shook his head and didn't say any more, and turned to look outside the door.

"Come so fast?"

The silver light in Su Yuan's eyes lit up, and he saw two people standing outside the door.

Although it is an unfamiliar face, but in a place like Guangchuan City, he has a star-level cultivation, and his identity is self-evident.

"Dingling~" The doorbell rang, and Tang Shiyan hurriedly got up to open the door.

Seeing the two people outside the door, Tang Shiyan was startled, and then recognized the lean middle-aged man on the left.

"Director Tan, why are you here! And this..."

"Heh, hello Director Tang, I'm Liu Bo of the City Guard." Liu Bo accepted the conversation with a smile.

"Liu Bo? Captain Liu!"

Liu blogger said angrily: "Yes, yes, Director Tang can just call me Xiao Liu."

" can that be done!" Although Tang Shiyan didn't know what was going on, Tang Shiyan stepped aside, "Ju Tan, Team Liu, come in first!"

The two of Liu Bo saw Su Yuan sitting on the sofa at a glance, their eyes lit up immediately, and they were about to salute immediately.

"Go into the study and talk." Su Yuan interrupted the two, and then said to Tang Shiyan, "Mom, these two are here to find me."

Tang Shiyan hurriedly said: "Okay, entertain them well, I'll make you a pot of tea."

Liu Bo quickly waved his hands and said, "No need."

The dignified leader of the City Guards of Guangchuan City seemed a little cautious at the moment.

Tan Lun also smiled politely: "Director Tang, let's just say a few words and leave."

Su Yuan said: "Mom, you and Bingtong should stay in the living room first."

Taking the two of them to the study room, Su Yuan locked the door, and when he raised his hand, the black light unfolded and brought the two of them directly into the Qingming Realm.

"This is?!……"

The scenery in front of them suddenly changed, Liu Bo and the two looked at the surrounding mountains and the sticky star power, both of them were surprised.

And not far from the side, there is a ferocious unicorn with a pitch-black body. Its aura is terrifying, as if it can catch the two of them to death with one claw!

"Su Xingjun actually has such a trick up his sleeve!" Tan Lun and Liu Bo took a deep breath to suppress the horror in their hearts.

Su Yuan smiled, and told Ruan Ruan on Mo Fei's back, "Go and prepare two cups of coffee for the guests."

"Puff!" Ruan Ruan directly transformed into a human form, "Yes, master!"

With that said, he went to the side to make coffee.

Shapeshifting Star Beast!

Seeing this scene, Liu Bo and Tan Lun's eyes widened even more.

This slime is actually a transformed star beast?

Seeing the shock in the eyes of the two, Su Yuan smiled, and said straight to the point: "Although I am from Guangchuan City, I am not familiar with you two.

It's just that my parents are still here, and I hope you two can help me from time to time. "

Liu Bodao: "Su Xingjun is serious. I am responsible for the safety of your parents, so I should do my best."

Tan Lun also said: "If you can do what you can, you must do your best."

Su Yuan looked at the hands of the two with a smile, combined with their aura and figure, he already guessed the weapons they used.

With a flash of the ring in his hand, Su Yuan flipped his hands and took out a sword, a spear and two star artifacts and put them in front of him.

"Of course, I won't let the two of you help out for nothing. These two gifts are considered as early rewards for the two of you."

Liu Bo and Tan Lun looked at the two stellar devices in front of them, and their eyes widened: "Super blue star device?!"

The two of them never expected that Su Yuan would just take out two super blue star devices.

Not to mention Guangchuan City, even Qingye City, there are not many Yaoxing stars with super blue star devices!

After all, a super blue star device basically costs tens of thousands of star stones!

Of course, these things are nothing to Su Yuan, the more people he kills, the more these things, and the countless star stones...

Liu Bo and Tan Lun looked at the two star artifacts with bright eyes, wanting them very much, but they couldn't accept them.

Originally, I came to visit this person, but who would have thought that the other party took out two star artifacts first.

Su Yuan smiled: "You two just accept it, I'm away for a long time, I just need you two to help take care of the house."

Tan Lun pondered for a while, then picked up the long sword in front of him: "Okay! Thank you Xingjun, as long as I, Tan Lun, are still here, I will definitely not let Director Tang and your father have any accidents!"

Liu Bo also picked up the spear: "Don't worry, Mr. Xing, this is my duty, and I, Liu Bo, will definitely do my best to ensure the safety of the two of you!"

"I'm relieved when you two say that." Su Yuan smiled, and then changed his words, "I also hope that the two of you can do what you say, otherwise..."


A deafening roar came from the mouth of Mo Qilin next to him, and the terrifying star power surged out. The tyrannical and cold breath directly made Liu Bo and Tan Lun feel as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, and they did not dare to move!

At this time, Ruan Ruan handed over the coffee with some aroma.

"Please, both of you." Su Yuan said with a smile.

And as Su Yuan opened his mouth, Mo Fei on the side also stopped roaring, restrained his breath and curled up obediently on the ground.

Only then did Liu Bo and Tan Lun recover from their horror and looked at each other, only then did they truly realize that although the person in front of him looked young, he was not as kind as he appeared on the surface!

"Yes... yes!" The two stretched out slightly trembling hands and drank the coffee in one go.

Su Yuan smiled, the black light on his body swayed, and he took the two of them away from the Qingming Realm...

"Tan Ju, Liu Dui, why don't you sit down for a while?"

Su Yuan smiled and said, "Mom, they still have something to do."

Tan Lun said: "Yes... yes, there is still something to do, I will visit you next time."

After speaking, the two retreated.

And Su Yuan was finally enjoying the happy time with his family...

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, fishing, cooking, shopping with my parents... and Luo Bingtong was with me.

For Su Yuan, this is really a rare and leisurely life.

And every night, Luo Bingtong would quietly come to the study, and then run back by herself before dawn.

But there is always an end to the leisure time.

After eating that day, Luo Bingtong picked up the communication talisman, but after a brief inspection, she was a little silent.

Su Yuan already guessed something, and asked, "What's the news from 'home'?"

Luo Bingtong nodded and said, "I'm going to go back, Yaodu."



Su Yuan thought for a while and said, "Then I'll take you there."

Luo Bingtong's eyes lit up: "Hmm!"

The next day, under Tang Shiyan's and Su Yang's persuasion and reluctance, Su Yuan took Luo Bingtong on the flight to Yaodu.

When they arrived at Yaodu, Ming Snake, who had met once, was already waiting at the airport.

"Miss Bingtong." Ming Snake stepped forward and took Luo Bingtong away.

Luo Bingtong looked at Su Yuan, her eyes flickering: "See you again."

Su Yuan smiled and said, "Goodbye."

Luo Bingtong followed Ming Snake and left, while Su Yuan was able to discern the direction a little bit, and then flew to Yaodu Academy...

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