Yaodu Academy, Book Tower.

Su Yuan and Yang Yifeng sat opposite each other.

Yang Yifeng brought Su Yuan a cup of tea in person, and said with a smile, "As a star king, you have achieved the first achievement in the Xinchen world. Your growth really surprises me!"

Once a member of the Sky Survey Department, Yang Yifeng is naturally very clear about Xingjun's gold content, and also knows some information in the Sky Survey Department very well.

Su Yuan said with a smile: "If there is no teacher, it would be difficult for me to reach the current state so smoothly."

Yang Yifeng laughed: "There is no need to say polite words, just tell me, what are your plans next. Now that the Earth Tribulation has begun, if you want to make meritorious service, there are many opportunities."

Su Yuan said directly: "Teacher, with the credit this time, I have obtained the two skills of Yufeng and Yulei. Moreover, I already have clues of kamikaze..."

"Oh?" Yang Yifeng's eyes brightened, "A clue to Kamikaze?"

"That's right."

Su Yuan told Yang Yifeng about the Zodiac Star Envoy and Ashlia's prophecy that Kamikaze would be in the Southern Continent.

"Southern Continent..." Yang Yifeng frowned slightly upon hearing this, "If it was in our Eastern Continent, the chances of subduing kamikaze would undoubtedly be much greater with your current status, but in the Southern Continent, it would be very difficult. ..."

After pondering for a while, Yang Yifeng looked at Su Yuan and asked, "How much do you know about the Southern Continent?"

Before returning home, Su Yuan had checked a lot of information about the Southern Continent in the Sutra Hall.

It's just that there are seas and star sand between the two continents. For countless years, except for Scorching Sun and Wang Ji, very few people would straddle the two continents.

So Su Yuan only learned some basics.

Su Yuan replied: "Different from our Eastern Continent, on the Southern Continent, it seems that the top forces all exist in the form of sects?"

Yang Yifeng nodded: "That's right, this is the biggest difference from our Eastern Continent.

In the Southern Continent, there are also powerful countries, but the strongest is still the Zongmen!

The main reason is that the emperor-level and mythical star artifacts of the Southern Continent are all concentrated in a few sects.

After that, occupy the blessed land to gather the star veins, select talents and concentrate on training them...

After countless years, the sect will only become stronger and stronger, while the country has basically become a talent reserve for the sect. "

"Is that so..." Su Yuan nodded, not difficult to understand.

In the world of star card masters, strength is the most important thing, and cutting-edge strength is greater than everything below.

Since the emperor who holds the artifact chooses to set up a sect and selects elites to focus on training, it is naturally not something that the following individuals, forces, or countries can resist.

The reason why there is a country is that the sect deliberately allows it to exist, so as to continuously transport talents for itself and save most of the low-level trivial matters.

"I don't know, does the teacher know anything about these sects?"

Yang Yifeng shook his head and said: "I have been to the Southern Continent once before, where there are three super and seven top sects, a total of ten top sects.

It's only a few hundred years now, so there shouldn't be any changes. "

Su Yuan asked: "Three super and seven strong? I also ask the teacher for advice."

Yang Yifeng said slowly: "Three Supers, referring to the three super sects, namely Taishangmen, Motiandian, and Wanjian Shenzong.

These three super sects all hold divine weapons, and there are more than two emperor-level masters in the sect, and their status has been unshakable for thousands of years.

The top seven refers to the seven top sects including Yushou Tianzong, Wufangguan, and Zhenyang Sect. Although these sects also have emperor-level masters, they do not have mythical star artifacts, and their background is still inferior to the three super sects. some. "

Taishangmen, Motian Temple, Wanjian Shenzong...

Su Yuan quickly memorized these names in his mind.

Yang Yifeng continued: "The Southern Continent has outstanding people and abundant star power. Natural materials, earth treasures, rare and exotic animals, etc. are all on top of other continents including our Eastern Continent.

As far as the number of strong people is concerned, the Southern Continent is also the most powerful among the four continents, with numerous forces and capable people emerging one after another. The overall strength is the strongest among the four continents of Blue Sea Star! "

"Is Blue Sea Star the strongest continent?"

Hearing what Yang Yifeng said, Su Yuan's eyes gradually raised expectations, but he became more interested in the Southern Continent.

Yang Yifeng took a sip of tea: "Then you think about it, how to go to the Southern Continent? The star sand on the sea is blowing, and the shining star will be twisted into pieces as soon as it passes."

Su Yuan said: "I have already learned that there is a teleportation array leading to the southern continent in the company, but it has not been used for many years."

"I'm afraid the consumption is not small?"

Su Yuan nodded and said: "With my Yao star cultivation base, it only takes 200w centimeter stones at most to send it over, and it's still acceptable."

In the New Dust Realm, Su Yuan killed many star envoys, not to mention other things, but the star stone is definitely enough.

But Yang Yifeng said: "The teleportation formation is a one-way teleportation, and there is no specific landing point on the southern continent, and it has not been used for many years, the risk is not small...

Over the past few hundred years, several people have used the teleportation array, no matter whether they are alive or dead, at least no one has returned until now. "

Su Yuan said with a smile: "In order to get the kamikaze, you have to try anyway. Moreover, with Ashlia around, you can control the risks brought by random teleportation to a greater extent."

Yang Yifeng nodded after hearing the words.

Regarding the Aries Aishia mentioned by Su Yuan, her prophecy ability is indeed rare in the world...

After talking about the matter of the Southern Continent, Su Yuan pondered for a while, but asked about Yang Yifeng.

"Teacher, you said before that you will ask me to do something in the future. I don't know what it is?"

"Is there something I want to ask you to do..." Yang Yifeng pondered for a while, then suddenly smiled, "It's okay, although it's still a bit early for you today, but you can grow to this level, you can indeed I told you."

"Actually... I used to be a king."


Even though he had guessed that Yang Yifeng was not an ordinary scorching sun, Su Yuan was still shocked when he heard this sentence.

Scorching sun and king level are separated by one level, but there is a world of difference!

Yang Yifeng said slowly: "I used to be the king of Baihuyu, the sky surveyor, but I was accidentally fatally injured in a certain battle a hundred years ago.

Although there are masters in the company helping to save his life, but the original source is seriously lost, and the realm has fallen to the scorching sun.

Moreover, because of the serious injury, if we really want to talk about combat strength, I am afraid that I am not even comparable to the ordinary scorching sun..."

Su Yuan quickly digested these, and then asked: "Is there still a chance for the teacher to return to the king class?"

Yang Yifeng shook his head and smiled: "Don't talk about returning to the king rank, my lifespan is running out now..."

"Huh?!" Su Yuan's pupils shrank, "How come, teacher... How long is it?"

"It's less than ten years after all the calculations~"

Su Yuan opened his mouth, but finally fell silent. Looking at Yang Yifeng in front of him, he didn't know what to say for a while.

Yang Yifeng smiled and said: "After so many years, I have already accepted this result.

Of course, accepting is accepting, it would be better if you can live.

Now that the Earth Tribulation has started, there may be a collision between the four lands, and there may be a turning point at that time.

After all, there are innumerable talents and treasures in the world. Although the loss of the original source is extremely serious, there may be some solution.

And what I wanted to ask you before was also to find a solution for me to solve the loss of my origin. "

"Is that so..." Su Yuan suddenly thought of something, and with a thought, a dark light swung from his body, bringing Yang Yifeng into the Qingming Realm.

"This is... a small world?" Yang Yifeng was quite surprised.

Su Yuan nodded and said: "That's right, this is a small world built by my soul power. The star veins here are quite unique. You can try it, teacher, to see if it has any effect on your origin."

"Oh?" Yang Yifeng's expression moved slightly, and he immediately sat down cross-legged.

After all, Yang Yifeng is a scorching sun master. After cultivating with all his strength, his body swallowed the star power generated by the phoenix veins at a terrifying speed like a bottomless pit, and drained all the star power around him in the blink of an eye.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, all the star power controlled by the Qingming Realm gathered towards Yang Yifeng.

Ruanruan, Antonis, Ashilia, etc. all noticed it and looked over from a distance.

Yang Yifeng's eyes lit up as he sat cross-legged, but he stopped after a while.

"Teacher, how do you feel?" Su Yuan asked quickly.

Yang Yifeng was quite amazed: "The star veins in your small world are really extraordinary, and they can actually slow down the loss of my original source..."

Su Yuan was overjoyed: "So it's useful?"

Yang Yifeng sighed, shook his head and said, "It's only slightly slowed down, that's not enough."

Hearing this, Su Yuan frowned slightly.

The "nirvana" effect of the phoenix vein is most obvious when it breaks through, and it can repair almost all damages including the body and soul!

Although ordinary practice also has the effect of healing and repairing, it is much weaker...

However, the current phoenix pulse is still only at the wolf level. If it can be upgraded to the tiger level or even the dragon level, it may have a greater effect on Yang Yifeng.

Su Yuan took Yang Yifeng out of the Qingming Realm, and said: "Teacher, don't worry, I will do my best to find a way for you to restore your original source!"

On the one hand, try to increase the level of the phoenix pulse, even if it cannot directly restore Yang Yifeng's original source, it can still play a greater role in delaying it.

On the other hand, it is to find ways to make up for the source on various continents!

Yang Yifeng laughed: "Okay, as long as you have the heart, but it's too early for you to find a way to restore the original.

And compared to me, you have to be more careful when going to the Southern Continent.

The catastrophe is not the catastrophe of the Eastern Continent, but the catastrophe of the entire Blue Sea Star!

Going to the Southern Continent now is undoubtedly the most dangerous.

But you have always acted thoughtfully, and I don't need to say more.

But still remember what the teacher said, everything depends on your own life. "

Yang Yifeng patted Su Yuan's shoulder, and said seriously: "Even if it's kamikaze, it doesn't matter if it's gone, there will always be in the future.

But you only have one life, if you lose it, you will lose it all, so be careful yourself! "

Su Yuan replied: "Teacher, don't worry, I won't make fun of my life."

"Okay!" Yang Yifeng looked at Su Yuan in front of him, and after taking another look, he turned around and waved his hand, "Okay, that's it, I have nothing to say to you, little old man.

Go ahead, get ready, get ready! "

Su Yuan wanted to spend more time with the teacher, but Yang Yifeng waved his hand.

"Goodbye, teacher."

Su Yuan opened the door of space, bowed solemnly, and left.

After Su Yuan left, Yang Yifeng coughed suddenly, the light in his eyes dimmed, and his aura suddenly dropped a lot.

At this time, the colorful light flashed in the field, and Dean Cai Qinglong suddenly appeared.

"Do you need to hold on like this?" Cai Qinglong asked in a low voice.

Yang Yifeng turned around, but smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled.

"Old Cai, I have a hunch... this kid Su Yuan will definitely far surpass me!

Being able to teach such a student seems to be worth it even at the end of this life. "

Cai Qinglong glanced at the direction where Su Yuan disappeared, nodded slightly, then looked at Yang Yifeng, and sighed secretly.

"Go back to the enchantment at the bottom of the tower and rest. Since half a year ago, your body has really gone from bad to worse."

Yang Yifeng glanced into the distance again, then retracted his gaze, and followed Cai Qinglong to the bottom of the library tower...

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