Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 483 Skills with tens of thousands of military exploits

After Su Yuan left from Yaodu, he returned directly to Xuntian Division.

In order to go to the Southern Continent, one must make the best preparations.

The most important thing is to wait for Yaopo to recover and the two epic star artifacts to be forged.

It's less than half a month since the three-month period for the monster to recover, and before that, there is still something to be done...

That is to use up the merits of battle!

Sky Survey Division, Xingzang Palace.

Jiang Lang was checking the display materials in the library, but when he looked up, he saw a familiar figure in a star robe.

"Su Xingjun!"

Jiang Lang immediately got up and bowed, his eyes were burning hot.

The last time Su Yuan came to Xingzang Palace to exchange for the Wulei Tiangang Formation, he was still a first-class special envoy.

And at this moment, only a week had passed since the battle of the tiger's veins, and it was the time when Su Yuan's reputation was at its peak!

"Special Envoy Jiang." Su Yuan nodded in response, and then walked into the hall towards the third floor.

"Look over there, Su Xingjun!"

"Really! It is said that Su Xingjun made the first contribution in the battle of the tiger's veins, and this is the first time I have seen him in person."


From time to time, there were excited and respectful discussions in Xingzang Hall.

Now Su Yuan became a star king first, and then made great contributions, and he is no longer an unknown pawn who first joined the Sky Survey Department.

However, it doesn't matter whether Su Yuan is unknown or famous.

Only one's own strength is the foundation of everything!

Su Yuan went straight to the third floor, where there were obviously fewer star books than the two floors below.

Su Yuan came to the storage place of space-type skills. When he came here last time, Su Yuan had his eyes on several excellent space-type skills, including attack, control, and defense.

However, after experiencing battles with Virgos, Geminis, etc., Su Yuan has already decided on the skills he needs.

That is the space system martial art!

Su Yuan's eyes fell on the two star books in front of him.

【Dancing in the Sky】

[Quality: Epic]

[attribute: space]

[Introduction: Through the technique of spatial folding, high-density and high-intensity slashes are formed, which are divided into three states: ten strikes, hundred strikes, and thousand strikes. 】

[Battle feat: 8k]

Although this kind of space-type martial skill has only one move, the increase in power is quite astonishing.

If you really want to practice to the level of a thousand strikes, then you can break ten thousand spells with one force.

And it is more flexible to use, and the power can be adjusted according to the situation.

This move is quite similar to Zhang Qianyi's divine wind skill Hundred Cracks and Thousand Strikes, even though it consumes more and is slightly less mysterious, it is still quite powerful!

For Su Yuan before, it can be said to be a good choice.

But now Su Yuan..."rich"!

Putting down the star book of Shuokong Kuangwu, Su Yuan's eyes fell on another star book——

【Nine Heavens on the Sword】

[Quality: Epic]

[attribute: space]

[Introduction: Use the power of space to form the Nine Heavens on the blade, and cut it out with one blow, as if the Nine Heavens are pressing down, destroying everything]

[Battle Achievement: 1.4w]

1.4k combat achievements, not only broke 10,000, but also exceeded a full 4k, just a fraction is more expensive than the starry sky!

Even in the entire third floor, it is one of the star skills with the highest military exploits!

Although the further you go to the back, the price will overflow a lot every time you increase the power, but this 1.4w is really quite expensive.

But it's expensive, and it's expensive for a reason.

Su Yuan carefully looked through the star book of the Nine Heavens on the Sword. Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the extreme power of the epic level. There are almost no shortcomings in power storage speed, flexibility, attack range, star power consumption, etc., not Shuo Kong. Dancing can compare.

"That's it!"

Without too much entanglement, Su Yuan directly took out the black card and put it on the star book, and exchanged it for [Nine Heavens on the Sword].

Soon, a ray of purple light fell into Su Yuan's hand from the planetarium above, and Su Yuan immediately put it away carefully.

After all, this is a treasure with tens of thousands of military exploits!

"There are more than 6,000 combat achievements left..." Su Yuan thought about it.

I don't know how long it will take to go to the Southern Continent, and there will be no chance to accumulate or use the military exploits in a short period of time, so this time it will all be spent.

Now star artifacts and skills are no longer difficult to improve, but there is still something that can be improved, and that is formation!

A five-level formation that is fully activated is basically equivalent to the epic skill of consummation and even transformation.

For example, the Great Formation of the Five Thunders and Heavenly Gang is extremely powerful. Combined with the Qingming Realm as the foundation, it can almost be used as an ordinary method.

But today's phoenix veins are stronger than ordinary wolf-level star veins. Not to mention a five-thunder sky formation, even if the other four sub-spaces are filled with formations, it is more than enough!

Therefore, with the remaining 6k combat achievements, you can find another powerful five-level formation.

The formations on the third floor all start at 5k, Su Yuan thought it would be difficult to find a suitable formation.

Unexpectedly, before he left for a long time, he had already taken a fancy to a formation—the Nine Dragons Suoyang Formation.

After the formation is completed, nine Suoyang fire pools will be formed. By hunting and plundering Yang Qi, they will condense into Yang-eating flame dragons, which will burn both the body and the soul. Burn on touch!

"Under the bright moon, it will burn when touched. Although it is a bit exaggerated, its power is strong enough..."

Su Yuan exchanged this formation just after a little thought.

First of all, the demon soul is about to recover, and with this fire system formation as its home field, its strength will definitely increase greatly.

When the time comes to face a strong enemy, he can even directly collect the opponent into the Qingming Realm and hand it over to Yao Po to deal with.

Secondly, this formation can cause mental damage.

I don't have any spiritual means for the time being, so I can just use this formation to make up for it before going to the spiritual way to seek the method, so that I won't be at a big disadvantage when encountering enemies who are good at mental attacks.

To set up this formation, nine pieces of the fourth-level material "Soul Yang Stone" are needed.

In the past, it might have been difficult to find so many soul yang stones.

But now, the Tiger Vein War is over, and the Sky Surveyor has just brought out a large amount of materials from the New Dust Realm, including many soul-yang stones.

Whether it is exchanged at the Military Supplies Hall or exchanged with the special envoys in the department, it is not difficult to get together.

After exchanging the two items, there were only a few hundred battle achievements left, so Su Yuan left the Xingzang Palace directly.

"I really want to know what he changed!" Jiang Lang watched Su Yuan leave, feeling like he was tickling.

For more than a year, Jiang Lang has witnessed Su Yuan's rise from obscurity to what he is now. Compared with other people, Jiang Lang pays more attention to Su Yuan.

However, the redemption on the third floor was beyond Jiang Lang's authority, and there was an envoy from the Xingzang Palace to check it. No matter how curious Jiang Lang was, he couldn't see it...

Next, while arranging the Nine Dragon Soul Sun Formation in the No. 2 secondary space, Su Yuan went to the Sutra Hall to learn the master-level knowledge of formations.

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Zhu Yuan and Su Yuan sat cross-legged in the training room with their eyes closed, and the demon sword was quietly placed on their knees.

Suddenly, a red light flashed above the demon knife, and then a large amount of blood-red brilliance surged more and more intensely.

Su Yuan opened his eyes, flicked the demon knife with his left hand, in an instant, many dark red lights surged from the knife, and all of them gathered in front to form a Su Yuan wearing a red robe.

"Hey, long time no see!" Yaopo laughed.

Su Yuan nodded and said, "Welcome back."

Su Yuan rubbed on the demon knife, and with a thought, a lot of memories were synchronized.

Yaopo closed his eyes slightly, and after a long time, when he opened them again, he already understood the whole process of the tiger vein dispute.

"Did you actually miss such a big battle..." Yaopo shook his head, then raised the corners of his mouth again, "But it seems more interesting to go to the Southern Continent next."

The ring in Su Yuan's hand flashed, and a large number of red flames flew out and landed in front of Yaopo, turning into a scarlet fire satin.

"This is the fire star device built for you." Su Yuan said.

"Oh?" Yaopo's eyes lit up, and he directly grabbed the scarlet fire satin in front of him.

This fire silk is alternate between virtual and real, covered with golden patterns, it can be used for attacking and defending as well as binding the enemy;

After just a few tries, Yaopo already understood the function of this treasure, and his eyes lit up.

"'Yan Luo Ling'? Very good!"

For Yaopo who has mastered many attack methods, this kind of flexible and comprehensive star device can naturally make up for some of its own shortcomings in other aspects!

With a thought in Yaopo's mind, he took Yan Luo Ling into his body.

Su Yuan said: "Now we have to wait for the Sky Lock to be reforged."

"Okay!" The corner of Yaopo's mouth curled up, "Southern Continent...I can't wait to try the effect of this Yan Luo Ling!"

The black flames in the eyes flowed, and the demon soul once again turned into a large piece of red light and sank into the demon swords on Su Yuan's knees...

In the blink of an eye, nearly half a month has passed.

Su Yuan successfully exchanged for nine soul yang stones, and set up the Nine Dragons Suoyang Formation.

After the formation was activated, nine cynomorium fire pools were formed directly with nine soul yang stones as the core.

But because no soul died in it, so now it can't exert its power...

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