Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 788 Three Seats

Jiang Lan, and even the other imperial envoys stared at Su Yuan again.

But Nangongli didn't see much surprise in his eyes, Nangongli had already noticed it when Su Yuan entered the palace.

Nangong Li smiled and suggested:

"Third seats do have to have a certain amount of strength, my lord, I don't think so.

Since Su Yushi has already entered Chongyang, it is better to let him fight with a certain Sanyang Yushi.

If Su Yushi can win and his strength is enough, he can sit in the third seat of Suzaku Royal;

If not, Su Yushi will practice again for the time being.

I believe that with Su Yushi's talent, he will be able to be qualified for this position in a few years. "

"Oh? It's a good suggestion." Fang Qingxiao nodded slightly, and looked at Jiang Lan, "Jiang Lan, is this method feasible?"

Jiang Lan nodded and said: "There are Sanyang imperial envoys in the field, as long as Su Yuen envoy can be in any one of the field, then I have no objection."

Fang Qingxiao looked at Su Yuan: "Su Yuan, what about you?"

Su Yuan said: "It's all according to the order of Your Excellency."

"Okay." Fang Qingxiao looked at the people on the left and right, and his eyes fell on the fat imperial envoy, "Ding Jin, then you will be Su Yuan's opponent."

The fat imperial envoy nodded in response: "Yes, Your Excellency!"

Ding Jin, a master of the Three Suns Realm, is not a person on the Burning Sun List, but also a "young Three Suns" who entered the Three Suns Realm more than ten years ago.

Of course, no matter how weak he is, he is still a master of the Sanyang Realm of the Xuntian Division, and his quality in all aspects will not be bad!

"As for the time... Su Yuan, you just came back from the West Desert, do you want to take a rest?"

"No need." Su Yuan smiled, "It's better to hit the sun than choose the day, so let's do it now."


As soon as Fang Qingxiao raised his hand, a group of golden red flames rose forward, and suddenly swung away after a slight twist.

The scenery in front of everyone suddenly changed, and they came to a fiery purgatory filled with magma, sky fire, flame dragon...etc. in the blink of an eye.

Fang Qingxiao sat on a flaming lotus, and said lightly: "Just do it in my flame prison Zhenluo realm, and you can do whatever you want."

And Nangongli, Jiang Lan and others also flew away and gave up the venue to Su Yuan and Ding Jin.

Ding Jin looked at Su Yuan, and said: "Suzaku Yu Ding Jin, Su Yushi is polite."

"Su Yuan, Imperial Envoy Ding is polite."

Ding Jin took out a pair of double hammers, and said seriously: "Although Su Yushi is only in the Chongyang realm, this matter is related to the three seats, and I will do my best."

Su Yuan turned his hand and took out the demon knife, nodded: "I understand, please!"

The two looked at each other, and then the spiritual light burst out and jumped out to fight together!

The bookish man next to him asked: "Zhenjun Nangong, do you think it is possible for Su Yushi to beat Ding Jin?"

After all, it is Chongyang who has just been promoted, and Ding Jin, who is in the Sanyang realm... I feel that there is not much hope.

Nangong Li smiled and said: "Any battle is unpredictable, not to mention...Su Yushi himself is a master full of surprises, of course there is a chance of winning."

The scroll man nodded, and Jiang Lan and the old man next to him also stared at the field seriously.


The long sword and the double hammer clashed at high speed, sparks flew everywhere, and the aura burst out!

Although Ding Jin is on the fat side, he is a "flexible fat man".

The bloated body is as light as a butterfly, and the double hammers in his hands are also light-lifting, fast and flexible, with tricky angles, wrapped in the force of the strong wind and constantly hitting Su Yuan!

Su Yuan opened his left hand and took out the black cross sword. With both swords in his hands, he immediately pressed towards Ding Jin at a faster speed.

From the point of view of close-up pressure alone, the extremely fast Su Yuan was even a little bit worse.

This battle is different from the past, it is not a competition, nor is it a battle of life and death.

As a battle to be promoted to the third seat of Suzaku, not only must he win, but he must also win the approval of the rest of the people.

In a short while, dozens of rounds have passed.

Su Yuan didn't really fall behind, with a perfectly breathed domineering body, coupled with A-level strength and agility aptitude...

Not only is his strength no less than Ding Jin's, but his speed is even faster!

Ding Jin, as a master of the Sanyang Realm, had no way to deal with Su Yuan in a short confrontation, and he felt a little embarrassed.

With a thought, a large piece of shocking thunder suddenly appeared on the double hammers entwined by the strong wind.

Blessed with the power of wind and thunder, the speed and power of the double hammers increased greatly, and they were about to cross the defense and hit Su Yuan.

But at this time, the golden wind outside Su Yuan's body was strong, and he directly launched a ten-fold acceleration, and instead of retreating, he slashed towards Ding Jin's chest at an even faster speed!

With a sound of "dang", the demon knife fell first, and immediately sent Ding Jin flying!

Some blood flowed from Ding Jin's chest, and after a sudden outburst, Su Yuan actually countered it!

The scroll man's expression froze: "Is that his kamikaze?"

Several people have also heard about Su Yuan before, among which there are naturally Kamikaze and Shenhuo.

Jiang Lan said in a concentrated voice: "The power of time... the kamikaze is fourth on the kamikaze list, the kamikaze of returning to the ruins!"

Ding Jin glanced at the injury on his chest: "Su Yushi, it's really powerful!"

Then Ding Jin stared, and the wind and current entangled and neighed, and in an instant, he condensed a wind and thunder armor outside his body!

"Be careful!"

Ding Jin let out a low shout, and stepped out, the wind and thunder disappeared in the field in an instant.

The next moment, Ding Jin appeared in front of Su Yuan and smashed it down with a hammer!

"So fast!"

Su Yuan's expression was slightly condensed, and he immediately waved his sword to meet him.

However, with a sound of "Zi La", the demon knife cut directly from Ding Jin's body.


Su Yuan's pupils shrank, and the immeasurable force suddenly swung away from his body!

But he saw a heavy hammer wrapped in wind and thunder coming directly to Su Yuan's back, and was blocked by immeasurable force.

"Oh? What a magical power!" Ding Jin didn't expect to be blocked like this, and immediately shouted, "Feng Lei Zhen!"

The spiritual light exploded, the wind and thunder roared, and violent entangled wind and thunder erupted from the hammer, and the composite energy surged like a rising air current!

And with a flash of silver light, Su Yuan had already pulled back!

But the next moment, Ding Jin caught up again, as fast as lightning.

Su Yuan raised his eyes and saw Ding Jin's wind and thunder afterimages in the front, back, left and right, there were hundreds of them!

Composite skills - the wind and thunder move in thousands of ways.

The man in the scroll said with a smile: "You can't underestimate Ding Jin just because he is fat, he is the fastest one in the whole Suzaku Yu!"

Jiang Lan looked at Su Yuan: "How should I deal with it..."

But among the many phantoms, a cloud of wind and thunder shot out and punched Su Yuan behind him at a speed that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye!

The wind and thunder exploded on the fist, and the air roared. Such a blow surpassed the limit of all-round immeasurable power with a slight delay.

However, at this moment, Su Yuan's body was full of starlight, and with a "Dang", Ding Jin's fist was blocked with a sword sideways!


Ding Jin was surprised, he didn't expect Su Yuan to block the blow.

When Su Yuan turned his head to look, Ding Jin realized that Su Yuan's eyes with beautiful silver pupils had completely turned into a frightening silver color, and he couldn't even see the pupils.

"Single-minded and clean?!"

Jiang Lan and the others looked surprised at the substantial light in Su Yuan's eyes.

Unexpectedly, he is pure-hearted!

One must know that even in the Scorching Sun class, there are only a handful of people who comprehend unique skills.

Missing a hit at this moment, Ding Jin once again turned into a wind and thunder and retreated, and rushed out from another direction in an instant.

But under the pure heart, all movements were extremely clear, Su Yuan swung his sword again like a prophet!


You come and I go back and forth in a blink of an eye, and every time, Su Yuan swung his sword precisely and retreated Ding Jin's attack.

Ding Jin's heart became more and more dignified, and the wind and thunder raged on his body, and in a blink of an eye, the afterimages of the wind and thunder around him moved in unison!

The scroll youth said in a concentrated voice: "Here we come, the afterimage of wind and thunder! It can turn the afterimage into a clone with actual combat power in a short time, no matter in quantity or quality, it is not much worse than the main body!"


Hundreds of afterimages of wind and thunder launched their fists of storm and thunder to hit Su Yuan from all directions, and the full force of the three suns exploded, even the avatar could run over the immeasurable power in all directions!

Facing the attack of afterimages all over the sky, Su Yuan, who was so pure in heart, was as calm as water, and his expression did not change in the slightest.

"The covenant of returning to the ruins..."

As soon as the golden light shines, the covenant to return to the ruins is instant, but the strength seems to have only increased by about 30%.

But 30%... is enough!

Holding the two swords in Su Yuan's hands, he unfolded them again at ten times the speed, and countless extremely fierce Taixu sword qi shot out in all directions like a torrential rain!

The cold light flashed randomly, and the sword energy crisscrossed, accurately and quickly tearing up the afterimages of the wind and thunder that flew over one by one!

"Bang bang bang...!"

The afterimages of the wind and thunder continued to explode, and among the many afterimages, Ding Jin's body also mixed in and killed him!

However, at the next moment, he was blocked by an infinite force far exceeding the previous one.

"Huh?" Ding Jin raised his eyes, but saw Su Yuan raised his left hand to point at himself.

The immeasurable power of direction doubles the power!

But at this time, Ding Jin looked into Su Yuan's eyes, only to find that the pair of bright silver pupils in the other party seemed to be filled with shocking spiritual fluctuations!

"No!" Ding Jin wanted to get out of the way.

"Infinite Moments!"

Ding Jin's pupils shrank, and suddenly he felt the scene in front of him infinitely stretched, and then he stopped in place with a dull expression.

Even a large number of afterimages of wind and thunder outside him that were controlled by him exploded one by one in an instant.

Su Yuan's expression remained the same, he shook the demon sword, and the light of the Shenduan sword rushed to the sword body, raised his hand and slashed at Ding Jin!

Just at this moment, a little golden-red fire ignited at the edge of the sword.

Originally, the light of the Divine Breaking Sword that cut everything could not cut through the fire at all!

Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, he looked up at Fang Qingxiao who was sitting on the fire lotus, and immediately stopped.

"Okay, the winner has been decided." Fang Qingxiao said slowly, and then snapped his fingers.

With a sound of "wheeze", the golden red flames lit up, and Ding Jin, who was caught in the shock of endless information, reflected the flames in his eyes, and suddenly he came back to his senses.

"This move of mind control?!" Ding Jin looked at Su Yuan in front of him, his heart trembled.

In the situation just now, even I can't guarantee that I can survive the end of control!

Ding Jin took a deep breath, then cupped his fists and said: "Su Yushi is so powerful, I really lost a hand...I admire it!"

Su Yuan scattered his heart and said: "It's just a competition, and the battle of life and death may not be able to win against Yushi Ding."

Seeing this, Fang Qingxiao said: "Since Su Yuan won, then he will take over the third seat of Suzaku."

When Jiang Lan and the others heard the words, they naturally had no objection, and said one after another: "Congratulations to Su Yushi, you have been promoted to the third seat!"

The boundless moment of reaching the pinnacle is only the means to finalize the final word.

More importantly, the strength, speed, kamikaze, secret skills... all kinds of fighting abilities that Su Yuan showed before.

Su Yuan's combat power is indeed comparable to that of the Sanyang Realm!

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