Fang Qingxiao snapped his fingers, the flames were extinguished, and everyone returned to the Suzaku Palace in a blink of an eye.

Fang Qingxiao got up and walked down, took out a red jade pendant and handed it to Su Yuan.

This pendant is shaped like a vermilion bird, and there are two characters "three seats" on it.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Su Yuan bowed, then took the jade pendant and pinned it around his waist.

Ding Jin, the man in the scroll and the old man bowed their hands together and said, "Su Sanxi."

Nangong Li smiled, and Jiang Lan nodded slightly.

So far, the third seat of Suzaku Royal has been confirmed!

Fang Qingxiao said: "Su Yuan, the third seat is entrusted to you, so maybe you need to investigate the matter of Liu Dongming before..."

Su Yuan's expression was slightly condensed, but he was not too surprised.

Since he took over the third seat by airborne, something must have happened to the original three seats of Liu Dongming.

Su Yuan said: "Please show me the throne."

Fang Qingxiao nodded and told Su Yuan the details of the matter.

For those who have more than three seats, there will be a ray of soul guide stored in the soul lamp hall of the department.

Once the soul attraction dissipates and the soul lamp goes out, death is usually confirmed.

And not long ago, Liu Dongming, who led two Chuyang imperial envoys to the north, suddenly disappeared, as if he had been attacked.

The lamp of his soul has also been extinguished.

Later, the company contacted several Baihu imperial envoys in the five central regions to investigate nearby. There were no traces at the scene, only some spatial fluctuations were left.

After investigation, there seems to be a weak space node, and the place it leads to is the gray world!

Bai Huyu's masters broke through the space and probed into it. After some searching, they found nothing, so they came back first.

It is Suzaku Yu's fault that the three seats in the imperial court disappeared and died.

Even if the bodies of Liu Dongming and the others cannot be found, they must be thoroughly investigated.

Fang Qingxiao said: "Su Yuan, you and He Zheng are going to be investigated, of course you should be careful."

He Zheng, that bookish man, bowed his hands to Su Yuan at this moment.

Originally, this matter was to be handed over to Jiang Lan and He Zheng. Now that Su Yuan just came back to succeed the third seat, it was naturally handed over to Su Yuan.

After all, it was a matter of the previous three seats, Su Yuan immediately nodded in response.

"Let's go back and rest today, we can leave within three days."

Today itself was the choice to witness the three seats. After a while, Nangongli and the others dispersed one after another, leaving only Su Yuan in the hall.

Mastering the West Desert can be regarded as getting rid of the harassment in the west for Dayan, and the credit is not small.

Now, since Su Yuan has returned from his accomplishments, rewards are naturally indispensable.

Fang Qingxiao said: "Su Yuan, you have made a lot of contributions in Ximo, and now you are on the third seat. Tell me, what do you want?"

Su Yuan immediately asked: "Throne, is there any treasure that complements the 'origin'?"

Fang Qingxiao glanced at Su Yuan, and didn't ask any further questions: "Things that can complement the original source can naturally promote the cultivation of the king. Such treasures are extremely scarce, and there is no surplus in the department."

"Is that so..." Su Yuan sighed secretly.

Fang Qingxiao naturally understood Su Yuan's thoughts, she couldn't help but nodded secretly, and said: "Apart from that, is there anything else you want?"

Su Yuan pondered for a while, and then asked: "Then...the imperial throne, is there a way to improve the skills cultivated by the Yantian Fire Control Technique and the Blue Fall Control Wind Technique?"

It's okay to show the holiness of the false and evil, and it is still practical in some specific occasions.

However, the Covenant of Return to the Ruins, which can be used as a hole card, is now much weaker.

At the Yao star level, he can even upgrade himself to the Huiyue level;

At the Huiyue level, it was also his strongest hole card;

But after entering Scorching Sun, the improvement brought about by the Covenant of Returning to the Ruins became more and more unsatisfactory.

Especially in the previous battle with Ding Jin, when he performed the covenant of returning to the ruins, the improvement was only about 30%.

Although for the Scorching Sun class, a full 30% increase is still not a small amount.

But it is no longer the absolute hole card that can reverse the situation and turn the world around like before!

The reason for this is because the upper limit of the Covenant of Return to the Ruins itself, even if you can look into the future, it is difficult to fully take over the power of the future.

Time skills are extremely rare, and if you want to strengthen this skill again as your hole card, you can only try to improve its quality.

Fang Qingxiao's eyes moved slightly when he heard the words, and said lightly: "Yes."

Su Yuan was overjoyed: "I also ask the throne for advice."

Fang Qingxiao looked at Su Yuan and said: "Now, you have practiced the Yantian Fire Control Technique and the Blue Fall Control Wind Technique and obtained the Divine Wind and Divine Fire.

Come to think of it, the last thing I want to do is to practice the [Sanxiao Yushen Extermination Sutra], right? "

Sanxiao Yushen Annihilation Mantra, is this the name of the supreme method that the teacher said...

Su Yuan's heart moved slightly, he nodded and said, "That's right."

Fang Qingxiao continued: "If you want to practice Sanxiao Yushen Extermination Mantra, the decomposed Yantian Yuhuo and other three techniques are naturally extremely important.

But the key to it is the core skill that combines the three extremely domineering skills of Feng Huo Lei - [Three-Phase Yushen Jue].

The Three-Phase God Control Art is also a legendary skill. Apart from the fusion of the three skills of the Yantian Fire Control Technique, the remaining effects...

It is to simultaneously improve the quality of Yan Tian's fire control technique, etc., to prepare for the fusion. "

improve quality?

After the epic quality is improved, it will naturally become a legend!

Su Yuan immediately asked: "Can you raise Yan Tian's fire control skills and other skills to legend?"

Fang Qingxiao nodded and said: "The Sanxiao Yushen Extermination Scripture is a mythical skill, and it is naturally impossible to combine the three epic skills.

As for the Three-Phase God Control Art, it is necessary to increase the upper limit of the three wind, fire and thunder skills before it is possible to integrate the mythical skills.

The Three-Phase God Control Art, each level can upgrade one wind, fire, and thunder skills, and if you reach the peak, you can upgrade all three skills to legend.

Only after the skills that need to be fused have been upgraded to legend can they try to be fused and sublimated.

Of course, you don't have to think too much about fusion for now, whether it's triple fusion or double fusion, it can only be done at the king level. "

Hearing this, Su Yuan couldn't help feeling a little hot in his heart.

According to what Fang Qingxiao said, as long as the Three-Phase Yushen Jue is promoted to perfection, then his covenant of returning to the ruins and the manifestation of the false and evil can be promoted to legend!

And this, for me who has the stardust system, is not difficult at all!

What's more, if the Three-Phase Yushen Jue is raised to the pinnacle, in the future, if you get the god thunder, you can directly derive the legendary quality god thunder technique?

too strong!

One skill slot, in exchange for three legendary skills!

What's more, this skill position must be used in the future.

Earn blood!

Su Yuan took a deep breath: "Throne, I don't know about this [Three-Phase Imperial Art]..."

Fang Qingxiao said: "[Three-Phase Yushen Jue] is also one of the most core legendary skills in Xuntian Division, which is different from ordinary epic skills.

Even the Scorching Sun level is only qualified to obtain this card, and it needs to make a lot of contributions, which can only be awarded after the company evaluates it. "

"Is that so..." Su Yuan was not too surprised.

As the most core part of the Sanxiao Yushen Extinction Scripture, coupled with its role in improving the quality of Yan Tian's fire control technique, its value is naturally far beyond the ordinary.

Although he is in the third seat, he has only been promoted to Burning Sun for a short time, and now his credit is only for the integration of Ximo, and his qualifications are still relatively young.

However, it coincides with the Earth Tribulation, and there will be many opportunities to get it in the future...

At this moment, a silver light flashed in Fang Qingxiao's hand, and the golden brilliance shone brightly, and a card with the triangle opposition of wind, fire and thunder fell on his fingertips.

Su Yuan's pupils shrank slightly: "This is...?"

"Su Yuan." Fang Qingxiao suddenly looked serious.

"The subordinates are here."

Fang Qingxiao said: "According to the company's practice, if you ascend to the third seat, you will be given a legendary star card; if you ascend to the real king, you will be granted a false holy artifact.

You integrated the Western Desert within three years, and now you are the third seat in the Suzaku Imperial Palace.

His talent, temperament, and strength are all extraordinary, and he can be called a super genius that I see in a millennium.

Coinciding with catastrophes and frequent crises, there are still enlightenment and gray worlds in the Eastern Continent, and endless changes outside the Eastern Continent.

Internal and external troubles, surrounded by enemies, we need more and more outstanding talented new stars.

Now, I will bestow the [Three-Phase Imperial God Jue] on you, I hope you will be brave and diligent in the future, volunteer tirelessly, and become the mainstay of my Great Flame! "

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