Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 790 Mosaic

Hearing Fang Qingxiao's words, Su Yuan couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Since I joined the Sky Survey Division, I have gained a lot of benefits, but I have also made more contributions to the Sky Survey Division and Dayan.

It can be said that there is nothing owed to Xuntiansi.

But for Fang Yuzuo, Su Yuan was quite grateful.

Whether it is persuading him to make a soft contract, give [Blue Falling Divine Wind Technique] and [Shenxiao Yulei Technique] in advance, and send Qinglongyu to support when drawing tiger veins...

Up to now, the [Three-Phase Yushen Jue] in front of him... really treats me quite well.

Once you accept this card, it also means that you have to take on more expectations and responsibilities.

But... this is not a conflict, because Dayan is also his own root.

Although Su Yuan is decisive in killing and attacking, and he is not a pure and good person in his actions, he has never been at a loss when it comes to big right and wrong.

If God doesn't take it, you will be blamed instead.

Su Yuan took a deep breath and respectfully said: "I will definitely live up to the expectations of the throne!"

Hearing this, Fang Qingxiao couldn't help smiling: "Take it."


Su Yuan raised his hand to receive the [Three-Phase Yushen Jue], suppressed the excitement in his heart, and inlaid it without hesitation in front of Fang Qingxiao.

But seeing the flash of spiritual light, a three-pointed star pattern like a small enchantment suddenly lit up behind Su Yuan—the three-phase diagram.

Runes loomed above the three-phase diagram, and there were "slots" made up of a large number of runes on the three corners, which seemed to be embedded with something.

Accompanied by the enlightening information in the [Three-Phase Yushen Jue], Su Yuan naturally understood that this is to inlay the divine wind, divine fire and divine thunder!

【Three-Phase Imperial Art】

[Quality: Legendary]

[Level: Entrance to the House (0/300w)]

[Introduction: From the Dayan Xuntian Division, the top skill that can upgrade and integrate the three divine arts of "wind, fire and thunder", currently inlaid (0/1)]

"Sure enough, I can upgrade a skill!"

Su Yuan could feel that he could choose a skill from [Flame Controlling Art (Virtual Evil Manifestation)] and [Blue Falling Controlling Wind Art (Covenant of Returning to the Market)] and embed it on the three-phase map to complete the upgrade!

But there is no rush now, according to what Fang Yuzuo said, [Three-Phase Yushen Jue] can upgrade one skill at each level.

When I go back, I use the system to upgrade the [Three-Phase Yushen Jue] to perfection. Wouldn't it be possible to immediately upgrade both the virtual evil manifesting the holiness and the covenant of returning to the ruins to legend?

Thinking of this, even Su Yuan couldn't help feeling a little excited!

Fang Qingxiao also saw Su Yuan's thoughts, and said with a smile: "Go back if you have nothing to do, and go northward with He Zheng to investigate after taking a rest. It just so happens that the Three-Phase Yushen Jue can also enhance your strength again."

Su Yuan respectfully responded, bowed again and then withdrew.

Fang Qingxiao watched Su Yuan leave, and nodded secretly.

In fact, Su Yuan built the Qingming Palace outside, Fang Qingxiao was still a little worried, whether Su Yuan would go far away and cut off with Dayan directly in the future.

Such people have existed in the past.

However, based on the observations so far and some information about Su Yuan, Su Yuan is not a white-eyed wolf.

At least, when asked about rewards, the first thing the young man thought of was his teacher.

"Feng Lei Ba Saber, Yang Yifeng..."

Fang Qingxiao shook his head slightly after pondering for a while, and there seemed to be a bit of pity in his eyes.


Su Yuan left from the Vermillion Bird Hall and returned to the Vermilion Garden.

Along the way, several people recognized Su Yuan and stepped forward to greet him.

In fact, after the imperial envoy, you can move into the Suzaku Palace, and as the third seat, the concentration of star power in the residence is much higher.

"Clean up and move there too..." Su Yuan thought to himself.

"Su Yuan?"

At this moment, a surprised voice suddenly came from the side.

Su Yuan turned his head and saw that it was Xia Xuan.

"It's really you!" Xia Xuan was quite surprised, and walked over in a few steps.

Su Yuan smiled and said, "Long time no see, Xia Xuan."

Su Yuan looked at the current Xia Xuan, and found that the other party had also stepped into the full moon level, and the breath was calm and stable, apparently it had broken through for a while.

When she was just at the crescent moon level, Xia Xuan was already on the Great Flame Moon Ranking, and now that she has stepped into the full moon, her strength has soared even more.

Shuanglian Shenhuo, coupled with the opponent's amazing talent, is probably a rare opponent in the same level!

"Long time no see." The corners of Xia Xuan's mouth curled up, and she looked around Su Yuan, "But now, you are Su Yushi...huh?"

Xia Xuan's eyes fell on the jade pendant on Su Yuan's waist, and her pupils shrank.

"Three...three seats?!"

Xia Xuan's beautiful eyes widened, and a look of strong shock appeared on her pretty face.

Three seats? ?

That's all for the Scorching Sun class, why didn't they see each other for three years, and now they suddenly became three seats again?

You know, there is a huge gap between the newly promoted Scorching Sun Imperial Envoy and the third seat of Suzaku Imperial Envoy.

Suzaku Royal Three Seats, those are the top three existences below the king level, and they have basically been masters of the Three Suns over the years!

Seeing Xia Xuan seemed very surprised, Su Yuan could only smile.

Anyway, this matter will be announced soon, and everyone in the company will know sooner or later.

"By the way..." Su Yuan thought of something, and asked after a moment of pondering, "Xia Yue, how is she now?"

Hearing Su Yuan speak, Xia Xuan suddenly recovered.

"She's fine." Xia Xuan's voice was slightly colder.

"That's good." Su Yuan nodded, then took his leave and left.

Xia Xuan watched Su Yuan leave, and couldn't help sighing...

Su Yuan returned to his residence and turned on the Stardust system:

【Stardust: 1321w】

On the system panel, there are still tens of millions of stardust!

For nearly a year after Mawei was eliminated, the hunting of Stardust has not stopped.

Under Su Yuan's order, Yaopo, Ruanruan and Mo Fei all took turns to hunt the star beasts in the sea area.

The star beasts within a thousand miles of Yuantong Island were basically killed, including the two scorching sun star beasts!

This kind of hunting means that there are countless star beasts in the sea, and it takes a period of time to "raise" some new sea beasts to swim over again, resulting in slower and slower acquisition of stardust...

Fortunately, so much stardust can be improved again.

"System, upgrade the Three-Phase God Control Art to perfection!"

The consumption of 300w stardust was poured into the sea of ​​stars, and Su Yuan's body had already been upgraded with a flash of inspiration.

【Three-Phase Imperial Art】

[Quality: Legendary]

[Level: Perfection (0/1000w)]

[Introduction: From the Great Yan Xuntian Division, the top skill that can be upgraded and integrated with the three divine arts of "wind, fire and thunder", currently inlaid (0/2)]

Su Yuan's eyes lit up, sure enough, there is one more skill that can be improved!

"Then the next step is to upgrade the covenant of returning to the ruins and manifesting the holiness of the false and evil!"

A bit of anticipation rose in Su Yuan's eyes, he raised his hand and let out Ruan Ruan: "Ruan Ruan, isolate star power fluctuations."

After all, the Qingming Realm is now on Yuantong Island, and it is impossible to enter the Qingming Realm to practice as you like before.

"Good master!"

The dim light on Ruan Ruan's body changed into a human form in a flash, and when he raised his hand, a devouring black light spread out and sealed the entire room.

Su Yuan's eyes froze, he quickly calmed down, and then his hands formed a seal at high speed.

As soon as the aura shines, the three-phase diagram of wind, fire and thunder appears outside the body.

"Shenhuo, Kamikaze!"

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the imprints of divine fire and divine wind in the star sea suddenly lit up with brilliant brilliance.

Wind and fire are born together, and the undead evil fire and the god of returning to the ruins whizzed up from outside themselves, continuously pouring into the three-phase diagram behind them.

The three-phase diagram rotates slowly, and countless mysterious runes light up on it, becoming more and more prosperous!

With a "wheeze", a burning black flame and a swirling golden wind appeared in two of the slots on the three-phase diagram respectively.

In an instant, a tyrannical wave burst out, and the three phases flowed, mysterious and unpredictable!

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