Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 792 Short Gathering

In the imperial capital, the north, south, east, and west are clearly distinguished.

In the north of the city, most of the organizational departments of the Great Yan government are located.

In the west of the city, most of the aristocratic families and dignitaries, including the Xiang family and other families, are in the west of the city.

The east of the city is the economic and commercial center.

The south of the city is where Imperial College and some other ordinary universities are located.

And Yan Ting's family compound is arranged in the north-west direction of the imperial capital.

Outside the family compound, Su Yuan came over.

Going in directly without using teleportation, the use of star power and skills is explicitly prohibited in this kind of place, which is easy to cause misunderstanding.

The entire family compound is not only covered by an enchantment, but there are also many Xuanwu Yu masters who are either overt or covert on duty.

And the person in charge is a Xuanwu imperial envoy of the Scorching Sun level.

Only extremely important places will be personally guarded by Xuanwu envoys, and there will not be more than ten places like the imperial capital.

Seeing Su Yuan approaching, a Huiyue-level envoy immediately stepped forward and asked, "Hi, please show your proof."

With a flash in Su Yuan's hand, he took out the red jade pendant worn by Suzaku's imperial third seat.

"So it's Suzaku's third seat!" The man looked at such a young Su Yuan in surprise, and then saluted, "Please come in!"

Su Yuan entered the compound and came to the single-family house assigned to his parents, but found that no one was at home.

Taking out the key and entering the door, Su Yuan glanced at some traces of the house, such as the materials on the scrolls and the stains on the fruits, but he couldn't help smiling.

"I still can't relax..."

Looking at the time, it was already three or four in the afternoon.

Su Yuan opened the refrigerator and saw that there were plenty of ingredients in the refrigerator.

"Since you're back, let's make dinner for your parents." Su Yuan asked Ruan Ruan on his shoulder, "Ruan Ruan, what do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat whatever the master cooks!"

Su Yuan pinched it, smiled and took out tomatoes, potatoes and some ribs and went to the kitchen.

"Master, I'll help you!" Ruan Ruan jumped down and changed into a human figure and changed into a maid outfit, then followed Su Yuan to wash and chop vegetables...

In the evening, there were sounds of walking in the corridor, Su Yang and Tang Shiyan both came back.

Tang Shiyan said in a low voice: "Brother Yang, why is there some fragrance?"

Su Yang: "How can there be... um? It seems that there is some movement in the house. Could it be that a thief has broken in?"

Tang Shiyan couldn't help giving him a blank look: "Nonsense, how can there be any thieves here!"

"That's... huh? There is really someone!" Su Yang was startled, and looked towards the door.

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, the door of the room was opened from the inside, and a tall, beautiful, blue-haired girl in a maid outfit suddenly appeared in front of the second elder.

"Uncle and aunt, you are back!" Ruan Ruan clenched her hands in front of her and greeted her with a salute.

Su Yang was stunned for a moment: "You...you are...?"

"Ruanruan?" Tang Shiyan recognized it immediately, and slapped Su Yang on the back, "Brother Yang, this is Ruanruan, Xiaoyuan's beast-fencing partner!"

"Oh? It seems to be really..." Su Yang scratched his head, "It seems to have grown a lot taller, I didn't recognize it..."

He smiled softly.

Tang Shiyan quickly asked: "Ruan Ruan, Xiao Yuan..."

"Dad, Mom!" At this moment, Su Yuan came out from the kitchen.


Tang Shiyan's eyes were overwhelmed with surprise, and there was still a little bit of redness. He left the fruit in his hand for Su Yang and stepped forward to hug Su Yuan...

The next day, early in the morning, the sun poured into the window sill.

"Master! Master! Get up! Get up!..."

In a daze, Su Yuan opened his eyes and saw that Ruan Ruan was standing on the bed, transforming into small hands to gently push himself.

It seems that I want to wake myself up, but it seems that I am afraid of disturbing myself...

Some contradictions, but in fact, it was Su Yuan who asked Ruan Ruan to wake him up on time.

Su Yuan squeezed it softly, then sat up and looked at the time, it was already past eight o'clock.

With Su Yuan's hearing ability, he could already hear some slight movements coming from the living room.

"Sure enough, I slept for a long time..."

Su Yuan originally wanted to get up early and prepare some breakfast for his parents.

However, after traveling for a long distance and fighting Ding Jin right after returning, he was quite exhausted.

Shaking his head, Su Yuan got up and opened the door to go out, while Ruan Ruan followed behind him hop by hop.

Tang Shiyan was looking at the teaching materials on the coffee table in the living room, and there were two servings of soy milk and fried dough sticks on the dining table.

"Xiaoyuan, are you awake?"

Su Yuan asked, "Mom, where's Dad?"

"Tang Teng went to his fruit shop. In the past two days, a new branch shop has opened in the southern school. You said that he didn't know that he would have two days off after you came back. Anyway, the shop is not short of staff."

"Dad can maintain his own pace of life, and this state is pretty good." Su Yuan smiled.

Tang Shiyan put down the materials in his hand, got up and took out the four boiled eggs from the kitchen and put them on the table.

"Eat quickly, two eggs for each of you." Tang Shiyan told Su Yuan, and squeezed Ruan Ruan Ruan Ruan with a smile, "Ruan Ruan, let's have breakfast, I have yours too."

"Puff!" Ruan Ruan responded, and the faint light on his body transformed into a human form, "Thank you, auntie!"

Although Tang Shiyan has seen Ruanruan transform many times before, he still feels quite novel at the moment.

"Ruan Ruan seems to have grown up a lot this time back..." Tang Shiyan's eyes fell on the tall and straight figure unconsciously.

Ruan Ruan patted his chest while eating fried dough sticks: "Yeah, thanks to the master for raising me so big!"

Looking at the soft and trembling chest, Tang Shiyan thought of something, and couldn't help but feel strange in his eyes.

And when Su Yuan heard Ruan Ruan's words, he looked at his mother again...

"It's Ruan Ruan who broke through the realm this time." Su Yuan remained calm without changing his face, "I have made a lot of progress, so I have grown a lot!"

"Is that so..." Tang Shiyan glanced at Su Yuan again, but didn't say much, "Eat quickly."


The morning passed, and Su Yang came back at noon, and the family had a happy meal again.

Su Yuan said: "Mom, I still have something to do in the department, I have to go."

Although Fang Qingxiao said that it is enough to leave within three days, the sooner this kind of thing happens, the better.

"It's so soon..." Tang Shiyan stopped in the middle of her sentence, and said, "Then you must be careful on the road!"

Su Yuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't be away for so long this time, I just go out for a run... By the way, remember to eat the spiritual fruit and elixir left for you."

"I know." Tang Shiyan had both reluctance and worry in his eyes, looking at the Ruan Ruan on Su Yuan's shoulders, "Ruan Ruan, take good care of Xiao Yuan for Auntie."

Ruan Ruan looked straight, and immediately turned into a small hand to hold it high and promised: "Ruan Ruan will definitely protect the master!"

Tang Shiyan pinched it and said with a smile, "Okay."

"Let's go, Mom~"

Su Yuan greeted and left with Ruan Ruan...

Outside Yanting, He Zheng, who was dressed in an ink-wash robe, was already waiting aside.

"Su Sanxi." He Zheng saluted slightly.

After all, having heard about Su Yuan's exploits with his own ears and seen Su Yuan's actions with his own eyes, He Zheng is quite convinced of Su Yuan's succession to the third position.

Su Yuan nodded and said, "He Yushi has been waiting for a long time."

"I just arrived a few minutes ago..." He Zheng looked at Su Yuan, and suddenly his eyes froze, "Su Sanxi, it seems that you have made progress in just one day?"

Su Yuan was quite surprised, nodded and said: "I have gained a little, He Yushi's perception is really keen."

"It's just that I have a little bit of scouting talent, and I can't even see through the three seats." He Zheng shook his head and smiled.

He Zheng also probably guessed that it should be that Fang Qingxiao gave Su Yuan some good reward after he and others left that day.

Su Yuan didn't say much, raised his hand and released a two-foot-high space door in a flash of silver light.

"Such skills can be fired instantly, coupled with the powerful breathing, it really is a perfect breath!" He Zheng's heart condensed slightly.

"He Yushi, let's go."


The two stepped into the gate of space together, and disappeared over the sky in the blink of an eye...

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