Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 793 Re-entering the Gray Realm

Central Five Domains.

Somewhere between Sun-seeking Domain and Heifeng Domain, there is a purple-haired man sitting cross-legged on a boulder.

At this time, there was a burst of space fluctuations in the air not far away, and then a silver door opened out of thin air.


The purple-haired man immediately got up and looked over, only to see a silver-haired young man and a man in an ink-wash robe walking out.

"Bai Huyu, Yiyang Yushi Xiao Kun, I met He Yushi, and this..."

The purple-haired man cupped his hands, his eyes fell on Su Yuan with some doubts.

The scorching sun masters, especially the three sun realm masters like He Zheng, are basically known in the company.

But Su Yuan's distinctive face with silver hair and silver pupils made the purple-haired man feel very unfamiliar.

"Suzaku Yu, Su Yuan." Su Yuan replied.

He Zheng introduced: "This is our new three seats."

"Oh, the new third seat?"

The purple-haired man was greatly surprised, and looked at Su Yuan carefully.

Not only was his face unfamiliar, but he couldn't see the other person's aura at all, but the name seemed vaguely familiar.

Su Yuan said: "Please trouble Xiao Yushi to guide us."

"Well, both of you, please follow me."

Xiao Kun and Su Yuan flew forward for a while, and soon stopped in front of a canyon.

"This is the one." Xiao Kun turned his hand and took out a map, "Where is it, let me see..."


Su Yuan stepped forward a few steps, walked to the side of the stone wall, and raised his hand to pull it!

With a sound of "crash", the void in front of them was suddenly torn open, and a space crack appeared in the eyes of several people.

At the same time, there was a rather gloomy aura coming from it.

Xiao Kun looked at Su Yuan in surprise: "What a strong affinity for space!"

He Zheng was also quite surprised, being able to easily detect space anomalies and tear open space cracks easily, even in the Three Suns Realm is difficult to do.

In fact, this space node itself is much weaker, plus it was smashed recently, it is naturally nothing to Su Yuan.

He Zheng stepped forward and said in a concentrated voice: "Such a cold and dark atmosphere is indeed the gray world."

Xiao Kun said: "I will point out the direction for you two, so I won't go in, you two should be more careful."

"There is Lao Xiao Yushi."

Su Yuan and the two nodded, and then they stepped into the space crack together.

After all, it was not a stable space passage, and the two of them just stepped into it, and the force of broken space kept hitting them.

He Zheng waved his hand, and a puddle of black ink splashed out, turning into a layer of continuously flowing ink shield around his body.

The force of space rushed over, and only caused a little ripple on the ink shield outside his body before disappearing.

But with a thought in Su Yuan's mind, immeasurable power surged around him.

All the impacting space power automatically stopped on both sides of the body, and quickly subsided.

He Zhengdao: "As expected of a rare space star card master, Su Sanxi's ability is really amazing."

"The envoy He is overwhelmed." Su Yuan said politely, and also looked at the constantly rotating ink shield outside He Zheng.

Su Yuan didn't know much about the scorching sun imperial envoys in the Sky Survey Department, after all, he was sent to the western desert just after breaking through scorching sun.

However, Su Yuan knew that He Zheng's abilities were probably related to "Mo" through the information obtained through the black card of the sky survey.

The two moved forward quickly between the space barriers, and after a while Su Yuan stopped and reminded: "It's just ahead."

He Zheng nodded: "OK."

The silver light on Su Yuan's fingertips lit up, and he raised his hand to swipe the space in front of him, and the space in front of him immediately separated to the two sides, and then flew out!

The scenery in front of him changed drastically, there was no sun in the dark world, only a cold moon hanging high in the sky.

Different from the previous Shaze area, there are many trees and lush vegetation here, and the air is humid and cold, like a "cold" rainforest!


Suddenly aware of the movement, six or seven half-man tall star beasts resembling wasps in the surrounding woods suddenly shot angrily from all around!

Su Yuan raised his left hand, and a blue flame lit up above his index finger.

"Cang Yan."

The cyan flame shot out suddenly, pierced through the first wasp, and then turned back suddenly, turning several times like cyan lightning, piercing through the remaining wasps as well.

He Zheng nodded secretly: "Extraordinary star power control is worthy of being a person with perfect breathing."

The silver light in Su Yuan's eyes lit up, and he expanded his omniscient vision to detect the surroundings.

There is an endless woodland in all directions, and some star beasts are scattered in it.

However, like the information left by Bai Huyu before, no trace of the battle was found.

Su Yuan looked at He Zheng: "He Yushi, I'm sorry."

He Zheng nodded, and when he shook his sleeves, a large amount of ink splashed out. With a slight twist, the ink turned into a black wolf as tall as a man.

"Summoning?" Su Yuan's eyes were full of thought, looking at Hei Lang, "but it doesn't look like pure summoning, it seems to be combined with creation..."

He Zheng took out an imperial envoy's robe and gave Hei Lang a sniff.

This is what Liu Dongming passed through before.

After the black wolf sniffed it, it turned around in a circle, and soon seemed to find something, and let out a low growl of "Aw~".

"Yes!" He Zheng's eyes lit up, and he ordered, "Go."

The black wolf stomped on all fours, and immediately turned into a shadow and rushed forward.

And Su Yuan and the two also restrained their breath and followed.

In the blink of an eye, half a day passed, and suddenly, Hei Lang stopped.

"What's wrong?" Su Yuan looked at He Zheng.

He Zheng frowned slightly: "The breath dissipates here."

Su Yuan's spiritual sense is fully activated, and he has long been unable to detect anything under his own perception, but he can try it with Xinxin Wuchen...

At this time, He Zheng opened his hands, and a large amount of black water rose forward like a river against the current, and in a blink of an eye, it gathered into a huge ball of black water in the mid-air above his head.

"The world is as black as crows!"

He Zheng let out a low cry, the black ball twisted slightly, and suddenly scattered into hundreds of lifelike black crows.

Although the crow is black, its pupils are bright and sharp, and it looks like a real living thing, exploring in all directions!

"This technique is indeed extremely flexible." Su Yuan's expression moved slightly.

And He Zheng closed his eyes, controlling many black crows.

Not long after, He Zheng seemed to have gained something, and opened his eyes with a bit of surprise.

"Su Sanxi, there seems to be a territory over there." He Zheng pointed forward.


Su Yuan's expression moved slightly, and the two flew away immediately.

After crossing a mountain, the front suddenly opened up, with many buildings and dense vegetation, countless gray stone pillars standing in the territory, and a large number of palaces built with rocks and vegetation.

"This territory is really not simple..." He Zheng's expression froze slightly.

Su Yuan nodded and said, "It's much more magnificent than the woodlands I've seen before!"

With a silver light in his eyes, Su Yuan unfolded his omniscient vision and looked forward.

I saw a lot of transformed star beasts in the territory, and some guards could be seen faintly.

However, what Su Yuan could see was limited, because there were many plant roots surrounding this territory, and the strange fluctuations on it blocked the exploration.

Although the barrier may not be very strong, if it is forcibly detected, it will touch the people in the territory in all likelihood.

He Zheng's eyes froze: "Could it be that Liu Sanxi was killed by the gray star beasts inside? Judging from the size of this territory, there must be scorching sun star beasts inside, and there may even be three sun star beasts."

"There are no other clues right now, so I have to go and see."

He Zheng frowned slightly: "With our energy, it may be difficult to avoid detection..."

Su Yuan said: "Please ask He Yushi to look around, I will go to the territory to check it alone."

"I forgot, Su Sanxi is still fully breathing..." He Zheng nodded, and after a moment of pondering, he warned, "If it is true that the transformed star beast here killed Liu Sanxi, it must be very dangerous, you should be more careful. "

"Don't worry, I have the technique of space transfer."

He Zheng nodded. If it wasn't specifically targeted, the space-based skills are naturally very strong in terms of life-saving ability.

After the two exchanged a few more words, Su Yuan jumped out.

Seeing this, He Zheng started his technique again, and went to explore around...

To be on the safe side, Su Yuan flipped his hands and took out a piece of wood and activated it. It was the piece of wood that Ye Jianhuang got.

Su Yuan entered the territory smoothly, and did not arouse any reaction from detecting plants.

There are overgrown trees and towering towers on the periphery of the territory, all kinds of unformed star beasts get out of the way and crawl to the ground when they see Su Yuan.

For the star beasts in every territory of the gray world, transformation not only means strength, but also means a strict system.

Su Yuan quickly swept across the large open territory and entered the central palace area, but the terrain here is complicated and it is really difficult to search.

After searching fruitlessly for a while, Su Yuan thought, and let out a little breath...

"Stop!" In a remote corner of the hall, a mature woman with a hot figure suddenly stopped Su Yuan, "Which lord are you under? Why haven't I seen you before?"

Su Yuan didn't speak, and walked up to him in a few steps.


The mature woman faintly sensed that something was wrong, and Su Yuan strangled her in a flash, and then called out Ruan Ruan, who turned into a ball of water and swallowed it in his frightened eyes!

After a while, the limp body shrinks into a slime again.

"How about it?"

Ruan Ruan said: "Yes, master! According to this person's memory, there seems to be a very powerful Chongyang class!"

"A very powerful Chongyang?" Su Yuan thought for a while and asked, "How powerful is it?"

Ruan Ruan closed his eyes and recalled for a while, nodded and said: "According to this person's memory, he is very, very powerful!"

Su Yuan looked thoughtful, could it be that this star beast really did it?

But Liu Dongming, as the original Suzaku Imperial Third Seat, would he really be killed by a Chongyang Realm?

"Where is it?"

Ruan Ruan identified the direction, and pointed to a certain hall deep in front: "It's over there, that beautiful white hall!"

Su Yuan raised his head and took a look, and immediately put away his softness, restrained his breath and walked towards the hall ahead.

On this palace, there are many rhizomes of flowering plants, and these plants are naturally not ordinary plants.

In addition, the entire hall is also extremely exquisite and has a sense of design. It is hard to imagine that this is actually the bedroom of a monster.

But to Su Yuan's surprise, there was no one guarding the vicinity.

With a flicker of Su Yuan's figure, he teleported in.

With the existence of wood chips, non-external skill fluctuations such as teleportation can also be erased.

Su Yuan hid behind the stone pillars in the hall and looked inside.

In the depths of the dark hall, there is a woman lying lazily on the sofa to take a nap.

Wearing a golden pendant on her head, this woman has an exquisite face and a well-proportioned figure. She is wearing a black and red dress, revealing her beautiful figure and fair and delicate thighs.

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