Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 794 Space Monster Beast

Su Yuan observed carefully, but did not act rashly, but waited for He Zheng's signal from outside.

If this place is remote and there are no other forces around, then the two of us don't need to worry so much, even if we bulldoze this place, it's nothing.

If there are other territories around, or high-level star beasts, then you have to be careful.

After a while, the woman in the black dress on the sofa stretched, stood up and walked aside to take out a bottle of red wine and two glasses.

"Since your Excellency is here, let's come out and meet you." The woman in the black skirt said lazily.

"Well, was it discovered?" Su Yuan's eyes froze slightly.

The woman in the black dress poured red wine into two glasses and said with a smile, "It seems that I want to invite you to treat me..."

The woman in the black dress tapped on the table lightly.

At the same time, a warning sign suddenly rose in Su Yuan's heart.

The next moment, a large number of intertwined silver threads shot out from the void in all directions!


Su Yuan immediately unleashed his immeasurable power to block many silver threads.

When the woman in the black dress saw this, surprise appeared in her eyes, and then the corners of her lips curled up excitedly.

But seeing the brilliance on the many silver lines, accompanied by an inexplicable fluctuation, they suddenly passed through the barrier of immeasurable power and continued to shoot at Su Yuan!


Su Yuan's expression moved slightly, and he stepped out on the spot, and at the same time, he took out the demon knife and cut off several silver threads!

"Hehe, Your Excellency's reaction is really fast..." The woman in the black skirt looked over with a smile on her face.

Su Yuan turned around and carefully sized up the woman in the black dress.

Although smiling, the other party's pair of golden pupils couldn't hide the indifference in his eyes.

And on its slightly exposed back, there is something similar to a tattoo... It is a big silver spider.

The spider's eight legs spread all the way to her arms and ribs, and a single golden eye was like dazzling gold.

But this is not the point, the point is, the kind of power that the other party used just now...

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly: "It's actually the power of space!"

"Isn't that the same, Your Excellency?" The woman in the black skirt smiled, "Space ability is extremely rare, and the little girl's name is Ba Shu, and it is the first time I have seen someone who also has space ability."

The woman in the black skirt was referring, of course, not to space-type skills, but to someone with space-type soul power.

The brilliance of Ba Shu's pair of golden pupils flickered, and she asked with a smile: "Your Excellency, it seems that you are also an outsider?"

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, he didn't expect the other party to see through at a glance that he was not a transformed star beast, and...

"Also...?" Su Yuan asked, "I don't know what you mean by 'also', did people from outside come here before?"

"Of course." Ba Shu pushed the red wine to Su Yuan, and sat aside with a glass, "Please sit down."

Su Yuan's eyes showed some thought, the transformed star beast named Ba Shu in front of him looked very extraordinary.

If it was the rest of the transformed star beasts, they would have already shouted to do it when they encountered outside humans breaking in.

But the other party didn't seem to be worried, instead he looked very interested.

I don't know if he is pretending to be calm and delaying time for reinforcements.

However, He Zheng was still watching outside, and if reinforcements came, he would immediately notify him.

Su Yuan didn't drink, but asked: "It seems that you have seen other humans come in before, can you tell me about the situation?"

"Yes, yes..." Ba Shu took a sip of red wine and looked at Su Yuan with a smile, "But your Excellency won't even accompany me to drink wine, so how can I tell you so casually?"

How could Su Yuan drink the wine of the gray world's transformed star beasts.

"Then what do you want?"

There was a bit of coldness in Su Yuan's eyes, at worst, he would kill the other party, and if he swallowed her softly, he would naturally get the information.

"If you can please me...then I'll tell you." Having said that, Ba Shu grinned excitedly, "It's like... like this!"

A silver light flashed in Ba Shu's eyes, and suddenly a large number of silver threads were cut from all directions!

Su Yuan had been vigilant for a long time, and instantly teleported away from the spot.

And in the blink of an eye, a layer of silver rings swung from Ba Shu's body, and the scenery in front of her suddenly changed, turning into a void and desolate space!

Without waiting for Su Yuan to look around, Ba Shu raised his hand, and in a flash of silver light, countless silver threads like spider silk shot toward Su Yuan.

Su Yuan stretched out his boundless strength, but the silver thread seemed to be able to penetrate through boundless barriers.

"Is it really impossible to prevent it?"

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the kamikaze circled around him, time accelerated and he dodged from under the large silver thread one after another without any danger and cut it off.

"It's really nimble~" Ba Shu looked at Su Yuan who was darting at high speed, and grabbed it with his left hand, "The net of heaven and earth!"

As soon as the sky brightened, countless silver threads interweaved from the space between the sky and the earth, forming a large silver net and enveloping Su Yuan!

Su Yuan shook his long sword, and the sword intent surged: "The black lotus blooms!"

The black lotus with sword energy bloomed instantly, and handed over to the large silver net covering it in an instant.

"Keng Keng Keng..."

There was a dense sound like metal clashing, and the sword energy slashed through the silver net after a violent surge!

But at this moment, Su Yuan froze in front of him, only to see that Ba Shu had already rushed forward.

Long and slender silver nails grew out on both hands, and they grabbed Su Yuan head-on.

Su Yuan immediately had his sword at his side!


The air wave exploded, and Su Yuan felt a strong force coming from the sword, not much worse than himself.

"Huh?" Ba Shu was also a little surprised, and then became more excited, "The strength is so strong, it's really not bad!"

Su Yuan's eyes lit up with a silver light, Dongxu suddenly shot at Ba Shu in front of him.

However, when the opponent turned around, he disappeared in front of him in an instant, and easily retreated tens of meters away.

"What a sensitive sense!"

Su Yuan didn't feel sorry for missing a hit, but was surprised by the opponent's powerful perception.

The two sides looked at each other for a while, and suddenly fought together again!

The sound of "Keng Keng" was as dense as rain, and the overflowing black sword energy and bursting silver wires cut iron like mud, cutting countless deep marks on the ground!

Now in the gray world, Su Yuan didn't want to get too entangled with the other party here, and the silver light in his eyes surged quickly.

"Infinite Moments!"

Ba Shu's golden pupils met Su Yuan's silvery eyes, and her expression changed slightly, her gaze froze in place.

Su Yuan stepped forward holding the sword, and the sword intent rose above the demon knife, and cut it down unceremoniously!

With a flash of black light, Ba Shu split into two.

However, Su Yuan frowned slightly, the touch of this sword seemed to be very different from that of flesh and blood.

Moreover, Ba Shu's body divided into two halves in front of him was pitch black, without any blood flowing out.

Seeing this, Su Yuan raised his hand to chop off a large piece of Taixu sword energy.

However, the silver light flashed, and a large number of silver threads shot out from Ba Shu's body like a rain of needles!

Su Yuan immediately launched a ten-fold accelerated retreat.

And in front, the two halves of Ba Shu's severed body were suddenly intertwined and connected by silver threads, and they joined together again in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It's really amazing, hahaha...!" After being hacked, Ba Shu laughed out loud, with almost frenzied excitement in his eyes, "Except for the Sanyang realm, I haven't encountered such a strong beast in the same level for a long time. opponent!"

Ba Shu raised her left hand and clasped it on her chest, grinning at the corner of her mouth: "Everything is gone, Batian Kuangspider!"

Accompanied by a burst of bright silver light, infinite silver threads surged out like a tsunami, and Ba Shu in the middle was wrapped in layers of intertwined silver threads.

Su Yuan stared at the front, only feeling a frantically rising energy fluctuation rising from it.

After a while, the silver cocoon suddenly spread out, reappearing the figure of Bashu in it.

The tight armor woven with silver threads exposed a large area of ​​fair skin, eight arms grew out from under the ribs, and there was a bright gold-like eye between his brows!

The silver light on the eight arms overlapped together, leaving only the original pair of hands.


A breathtaking terrifying coercion flooded the arena.

Su Yuan's expression became serious: "The true form is liberated!"

But at this time, Ba Shu opened her right hand, the silver threads surged and intertwined, compressed layer by layer, and turned into a long knife and landed in her hand in a blink of an eye!


The corners of Ba Shu's mouth curled up, her eyes widened excitedly, she stepped out and pierced through the space to come to Su Yuan and slash it down!

Su Yuan immediately unfolded the star robe transformed from the starry sky body + immortal starry sky, and raised his hand to meet him with a sword.


The white air neighed, and the space beside the two of them was twisted into a circle of fine space cracks by the aftermath of the paper back!

"The strength didn't increase much...huh?"

Su Yuan seemed to have noticed something for a moment, and immediately pulled back.

The next moment, it seemed that something invisible had slashed, and several knife marks appeared on the star robe!

The starlight suddenly exploded after a shock, and the star robe changed by the immortal starry sky was cut into pieces with one blow!

Su Yuan's pupils shrank, and the moment the opponent's long knife fell, almost at the same time, it seemed that several other invisible hands cut down together and fell on all parts of his body!

Su Yuan looked at the few shallow scars left on his body. If it wasn't for the star robe, he might have been chopped into pieces!

"The true release of space monsters..."

"Come again...!" With a joyful smile on her face, Ba Shu had already approached her with a knife again.

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and the scorching and evil black flames twisted on his body, instantly turning into a burning black armor like a cloak!

"Void and evil entangled!"

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