Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 795 Fierce Battle

Hei Yan swings away!

Ba Shu looked at Su Yuan, who was wearing a pitch-black cloak, as if he was burning with black flames, and still chopped down with a single knife.

However, the moment the swords clashed, Ba Shu's complexion changed slightly.

I only felt an unexpected and terrifying force coming from the sword, and it flew obliquely at a faster speed on the spot, and hit the ground with a "bang".


Ba Shu groaned and stood up, a little blood burst out on the right arm holding the knife, and she trembled uncontrollably.

"What an amazing power!"

Ba Shu raised her head to look at Su Yuan, her eyes were full of astonishment, and then it turned into a burst of intense excitement.

Seeing Su Yuan attacking again, Ba Shu did not retreat but advanced, and in a flash, she rushed to Su Yuan and swung her knife out!

At the same time, several invisible arms were cut out together.


This time, Ba Shu managed to block Su Yuan's slash!

Ba Shu's eyes lit up: "The four arms can barely block it...huh?"

Just at this moment, Su Yuan flashed his left hand, and a black cross sword landed in his hand again, and the backhand slashed down with another sword!

When the swords clashed, Ba Shu was sent flying out again, Su Yuan flung himself to kill again with the sword.

However, with a flash of silver light, Ba Shu had already pierced through the void and arrived behind Su Yuan in an instant, swiping a knife and slashing down. The visible and invisible knife light came strangling together, trying to tear Su Yuan into pieces!

But the long sword slashed through the air, but Su Yuan teleported behind Ba Shu and slashed out with a sword in the middle.

The demon knife cut through Ba Shu's body, but it gave Su Yuan a strange feeling like before.

But seeing a silver light flash between the upper and lower body, Ba Shu's body was instantly connected together without any injuries.

As for Su Yuan's sword slashing through the air, Ba Shu had already turned around, bursts of fanaticism arose in his eyes, and he swung his knife and slashed towards Su Yuan!

Su Yuan thought of the wounds on his body before, and the form of the other party when he was released, and it was not difficult to infer that the other party still had six invisible arms.

I didn't notice it suddenly before, but now I want to feel the other party's invisible hand...but it's not difficult!

Su Yuan slashed out with the cross sword in his left hand, Ba Shu was already prepared, and immediately separated six arms to support Su Yuan's long knife.

At the same time, the remaining two arms continued to cut towards Su Yuan.

With two "chi chi", the incomparably hard Xu Xie entangled in a stalemate for a while, and then was slowly cut into it.

"Huh?" Ba Shu's eyes showed surprise.

Unexpectedly, Su Yuan's body could not be cut open in an instant!

You know, after the true form is liberated, even the defensive star beasts at the Sanyang state can't stop their own slashing attacks. The defensive power of this black fire cloak is so amazing!

At this time, all the confrontations between the two sides are between lightning and flint, and the coming and going of you and me in an instant is like a turn-based system that is infinitely magnified.

Therefore, Ba Shu's attack... was much slower than expected because of the powerful defense entangled in virtual evil!

Su Yuan let go of the demon knife with his right hand, and punched Bashu's left rib with a backhand punch. With a "bang", he was sent flying and smashed into the ground, causing a large cloud of smoke and dust to rise!

At this moment, Su Yuan has unfolded the entanglement of evil and evil, and his strength has doubled and tripled compared to before. It is not easy to hit the opponent like this.

"Sure enough, sharp strikes are useless, but blunt strikes are acceptable..."

Su Yuan has roughly understood it, and this may be related to the opponent's own ability.

Spatial capabilities can also be subdivided in various ways.

The ability of the space-type monster in front of him, if Su Yuan guessed correctly...

It should be sublimated from the "powerful cutting characteristics" of the power of space into the regular "cut everything" ability!

Because Ba Shu's slash was too sharp.

Immortal Starry Sky Gai was slashed by one of his blows, and even the defense entangled in false and evil was slowly cut open under the slash!

Not to mention the Double Sun Realm, it would be absolutely difficult to break through the defenses entangled in virtual and evil in a short period of time in the general Three Yang Realm, unless the opponent also has attack "magic powers".

And because of this ability to "cut everything", Ba Shu herself seems to have acquired the characteristic of being immune to "cutting and cutting".

So whether it was the sword after Mo Moliang or the sword just now, they couldn't kill the opponent.

All the thoughts were in the blink of an eye, and when Ba Shu was smashed into the ground, Su Yuan jumped down and killed her in a flash.

But at this moment, Su Yuan's eyes froze and suddenly turned around half a step away.

But seeing Yinhua Rulian, a dazzling silver light burst out from the smoke and dust, flashed by his side and shot out thousands of meters away.

It is a silver bright long knife that stretches infinitely!

Su Yuan glanced at it, and there was a shallow mark on the black flame cloak wrapped in evil spirits on his left shoulder.

"So fast! So fierce!"

When the speed is fast enough, even a piece of paper can cut fingers and throat, not to mention the silver blade that can cut everything?

This kind of sharpness is already enough to pose a huge threat to the virtual and evil entanglement!

One hit missed, and the silver blade stretched thousands of meters instantly shrank back into the smoke and dust.

In an instant, Su Yuan realized something, and without hesitation, he teleported to hundreds of meters away.

The next moment, the place where Su Yuan was standing just now was instantly pierced by several silver blades that shot thousands of meters away!

Su Yuan stabilized his figure, looked down, and saw Bashu's eight arms spread out in the smoke and dust, each holding a dazzling silver blade.

The threads of space above the silver blade are entangled, like a switchblade that can easily shoot thousands of meters away!

At this moment, the eight long knives are all aimed at him. Although the principle is quite different, this seems to be the pro max version of the anode gun...

The corners of Ba Shu's mouth curled up, her eyes filled with burning and excitement: "Kill!"

A silver light flashed above the eight long knives, Qi Qi shot towards Su Yuan, a thousand meters in an instant, hard to distinguish with the naked eye!

"Single hearted and clean."

Su Yuan's eyes glowed brightly, and the many silver blades shot in front of him suddenly slowed down.

Angle, trajectory, sequence... all kinds of information entered into Su Yuan's heart without a trace and processed quickly, and then controlled his body to evade.

But seeing the eight silver blades shrink and fly continuously, the bright and dense silver light shreds everything it touches like a waterfall of moonlight, extremely overbearing!

With the help of Yi Xin Wu Chen and Kamikaze Acceleration, Su Yuan can always avoid the raging silver blade one after another within a short distance without any danger.

Seeing that such an attack could not hurt Su Yuan, suddenly, the gorgeous and terrifying silver blade streamer stopped.

"give up?"

Su Yuan lowered his head to look at Ba Shu, only to see the golden pupils between the brows of the other party suddenly lit up, and the entanglement blade on the eight arms lit up with bright silver light again!

Ba Shu's eyes were full of joy, and she was already frenzied to the point of madness.

"Eight Directions Absolute Void God Strike!"

Su Yuan suddenly felt a chill coming from the void in all directions!

The next moment, the silver light blazed in mid-air, and silver blades with a length and width of one thousand meters shot from all the voids above and below Su Yuan!

Originally, the silver blade could only be shot from Ba Shu's eight arms, but under the influence of the golden pupil, it can be shot from any place in the void across the space!

"Chi Chi!"

The sound of meat piercing sounded, and the black flame cloak on Su Yuan's body was instantly torn open, a wound was cut on the left shoulder, and a hole was pierced through the waist and abdomen!

If it weren't for his pure heart and super perception of the power of space, Su Yuan might not only have these two injuries on his body, he might be strangled on the spot!

Even if you have a clean heart, you can "see" the trajectory of all long knives.

But at this moment, the bright silver blade that can be shot from any void in all directions is simply too flexible, and it has exceeded the limit of Su Yuan's body's ability to dodge.

"Ten times faster!"

The divine wind and golden light were in full bloom, and Su Yuan was about to urge the returning to the ruins divine wind to the extreme, turning into a golden phantom and dodging quickly from the silver blades that were continuously intertwined and shot.

"You can dodge this too, Your Excellency is really amazing!" Ba Shu was surprised, but her face was even more joyful, "But... I just don't know how long I can last~"

Su Yuan naturally knew that he couldn't dodge blindly, otherwise it would be hard to resist when the ten times acceleration ended.

With a flash of silver light, Su Yuan moved closer to Ba Shu with a teleport.

Ba Shu seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and after a smile, she also cast a teleport and retreated backward.

At the same time, the lights of the swords in the eight hands flickered, and immediately several thousand-meter silver blades staggered towards Su Yuan!

In fact, for Ba Shu, hand-to-hand combat is not the strongest at all.

Using the ability to "cut everything", this kind of mid-range combat is what Ba Shu is best at!

But since Su Yuan launched an offensive, he will not let Ba Shu retreat easily.

Su Yuan dodged and continued to charge forward, while the eight silver blades in Ba Shu's hands flashed with brilliance, crazily shooting out from the surrounding void to block Su Yuan's advancing route.

If it goes on like this, it will definitely not be able to cross the line of defense.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the two swords were immediately covered with the light of the God's Breaking Sword. While moving forward, he kept swinging the sword, and accurately knocked out all the intertwined silver blades.

"He was able to stop it!"

Even though Ba Shu has entered into an extremely fanatical state at the moment, seeing such an astonishing scene is still extremely frightening.

No one has ever been able to resist the attack of Ba Fang Jue Kong God Strike in this way!

And as he resisted the silver blade attacks again and again, Su Yuan's complexion began to turn pale visibly.

Because, if it weren't for God's Breaking Sword, the light can be used to overcome Gang.

Ordinary epic starware, facing this kind of silver blade attack that cuts everything, I am afraid that it will be cut off in two or three hits!

"Well done!"

Seeing Su Yuan approaching quickly in this way, the delicate and elegant face in Ba Shu's eyes was so happy that it was a little distorted at the moment, and she no longer retreated, but urged the Ba Fang Jue Jue Kong God Strike with all her strength to strike Su Yuan before Su Yuan got close. strangle!

The short time of one or two seconds was infinitely lengthened, and in the blink of an eye, Su Yuan had come to Ba Shu!

Just at this moment, with a sound of "咵啦", the black cross sword suddenly shattered!

Su Yuan's expression did not change at all, and the degree of damage to the weapon was naturally under the single-minded observation and calculation.

And Ba Shu looked excitedly at the silver-haired young man who was close at hand. It was fine to have two long swords before, but now there is only one long sword, how can he block it?

Even if the opponent still has a sword, he can't take it out in such a short period of victory or defeat!


The silver blades flashed continuously, and several silver lights that cut everything suddenly shot from all around Su Yuan's body staggeredly.

Su Yuan swung the demon knife to resist, while twisting his body slightly.

With a few "chi chi chi chi" sounds, three blood holes suddenly appeared in Su Yuan's right hand, left leg and back chest.

But Su Yuan remained expressionless, instead, wind and fire surged in the left hand of the shattered cross sword, and a mysterious and unpredictable fluctuation jumped out of his palm.


Ba Shu's expression froze, she already understood Su Yuan's plan.

In such an instant, the opponent actually blocked and evaded the fatal attack, and launched his own tricks?

It was as if everything had been calculated by the other party!

Ba Shu is about to retreat.

But at this moment, an immeasurable force lay behind her, dragging her back for a moment.

"not good!"

Ba Shu looked up and saw that the Golden Vulcan Seal had already landed a palm on her shoulder!


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