Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 796 Information

Gold and fire are intertwined, and the shackles of the forbidden gods are entangled wildly!

In an instant, the eight arms outside Ba Shu's body trembled violently, and they couldn't sustain it in a blink of an eye.

Ba Shu stared at her beautifully: "What...!"

Before Ba Shu was too surprised, Su Yuan had already punched her in the face firmly!

The terrifying punch of Xu Xie's entanglement landed, Ba Shu's face was slightly distorted and sunken, and she was blown away on the spot!

Before he landed, Su Yuan teleported to the top of his head with a flash of silver light.

There was a loud bang, the ground cracked, and a big hole was smashed out!

Ba Shu spat out a mouthful of blood, and before she could stand up, she saw the black shadow transformed by Su Yuan fall in front of her, leaned over and raised her fists.

Ba Shu's beautiful eyes trembled: "You...?"

"Bang bang bang...!"

Countless fists fell on Ba Shu crazily like raindrops, the spiritual light burst, the air waves exploded, and the ground collapsed layer by layer, splitting a kilometer away in an instant!


After another heavy punch, the ground 100 meters away from the two suddenly shattered!

Under Su Yuan, Ba Shu's eyes were lost, and her armor of silver thread had burst.

The originally beautiful body was already a bloody mess, her face was even more bruised and swollen, the nasal bone was broken, and one eye was blown out!

But at this time, the divine prohibition was broken, and Bashu, who was seriously injured, suddenly broke away from under Su Yuan in a flash of silver light, and teleported to an altitude of several hundred meters.

Su Yuan's eyes turned cold and he wanted to fly after him, but at this moment, an extremely strong warning rose from his heart.

I saw Ba Shu's bloody right hand clenched the silver thread blade tightly, and the golden pupil between her brows lit up with a dazzling golden light, as if she was staring at herself.

In the dark, Su Yuan had a feeling that no matter where he dodged, the next blow would hit him instantly!

This will be an inevitable blow, and it is also an absolutely fierce lore blow!

Su Yuan immediately stopped and stared at Ba Shu closely, with a high degree of concentration.

A few runes lit up on the black flames around him, and the immortal body was ready...

After a few breaths of confrontation, Ba Shu suddenly pulled the red and swollen corners of his mouth.

Seeming to be in pain, Ba Shu groaned softly, and raised her hand to disperse the silver thread blade in her hand.

Afterwards, with a flash of silver light on his body, he turned into a long black and red dress again, and even the liberation of his true form was lifted.

Su Yuan stared at the other party quietly for a while, then suddenly appeared in front of Ba Shu, grabbed the other party's throat and lifted him up.

"Crystal (love)... Bao (report)..." Ba Shu seemed to be in pain, and spoke with difficulty.

Su Yuan glanced at Ba Shu's body, and her weak breath, and with a thought, the Sky Lock rushed out from outside and bound her.

The golden chains outlined his beautiful figure under the long skirt, but at this moment, his skin was torn apart and his flesh was mutilated, so it couldn't be called a beauty.

The silver light in his eyes dissipated, and Su Yuan untied the entanglement of Yixinwuchen and falsehood, and his already pale face suddenly turned pale again.

Not only did Shenduan Jianguang fight against the opponent's fierce and incomparable Bafang Absolute Void God Strike, but also launched a virtual and evil haunting, which consumed a lot of mental power and star power.

Coupled with the several pierced injuries on the body, the state is naturally not good.

Of course, compared to Ba Shu who was beaten beyond recognition and with a sluggish breath, Su Yuan was considered better.

"So soft."

"Master!" Ruan Ruan came out of the mental space, "Pu Chi Chi!"

Seeing that Su Yuan was seriously injured, Ruan Ruan quickly deployed the Sea Soul Asylum to treat Su Yuan's injuries and replenish his star power.

"Drain her star power."


Softly unfolding the sea monster tentacles wrapped around the bound Ba Shu, a black light flashed, and the powerful devouring force immediately swayed away.

Swallow... swallow?

Ba Shu continued to make legends, and at the same time glanced at Ruan Ruan with her only left eye.

Ruan Ruan was not polite, and urged the devouring power with all his strength, but it was about to swallow all the remaining star power on Ba Shu's body in a short while.

"Hurting Master, you bad woman!"

Ruan Ruan widened her golden pupils, and the black light on her body swelled up, as if she was going to swallow Ba Shu too.

"Okay, Ruan Ruan." Su Yuan temporarily stopped Ruan Ruan, and his eyes fell on Ba Shu.

Just now, the opponent clearly still had energy and hole cards, but he took the initiative to withdraw the killing blow.

In this case, Su Yuan would not kill her directly.

Su Yuan asked: "You said earlier that there are still humans coming in from outside, can you talk about it now?"

"Before... there were a few...human beings who came in from that...space node...."

Su Yuan flipped his hands and took out a portrait, which showed a middle-aged man with blue hair, which was Liu Dongming.

"Is there him?"

Ba Shu looked at the portrait with her remaining left eye: "There is..."

Seeing Ba Shu speak so hard, Su Yuan looked at Ruan Ruan: "Ruan Ruan, heal her trauma."

"Oh..." Although she was very reluctant in her heart, Ruan Ruan still used her skills to heal Ba Shu.

Under the nourishment of the water element, Ba Shu's surface wounds quickly stopped bleeding and healed, and even the bruises and swelling also recovered a lot.

Although the scars, especially the internal injuries, are still there, but from the outside it looks like he has recovered to a good degree.

As for the exploded right eye...it might not be difficult for the other party to recover.

Ba Shu was quite surprised to feel her own state, and then slowly said:

"First, a blond man came over... In the words of your outsiders, he should be a 'northern man'.

He came from the north, and after waiting for a while, the blue-haired man in the Sanyang Realm on the portrait came in with two other people. "

Except for the blue-haired man, the other two were directly killed by the blond northerner.

It's funny to say, those two people even asked the blue-haired man for help...

But the blue-haired man obviously made an appointment with the blond-haired northerner, so he remained indifferent. "

"Huh?!" Su Yuan's pupils shrank suddenly.

Rao was faintly aware that something was wrong before, but now Su Yuan was still shocked when he heard what Ba Shu said!

Ba Shu continued: "Later, after the two talked for a while, they put away the corpse disposal site and left to the north."

Su Yuan stepped forward and stuck it in front of Ba Shu: "What you said, is it true?"

According to what Ba Shu said, Liu Dongming ignored the killing of his colleagues, but was in the same group as the blond northerner?

In other words... that means Liu Dongming betrayed Dayan and took refuge in the North!

The corners of Ba Shu's mouth curled up, and she said with a smile: "Of course it's true, and before they left, they still left breaths and traces outside my territory, obviously trying to confuse the public and put the blame on me.

Although I don't care, this kind of calculating feeling is not very good...

It is also because of this that you... and the human being at the Three Sun Realm outside can arrive here unimpeded. "

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly: "So not only did you discover Liu Dongming and the others, you also discovered us from the very beginning."

"Your Excellency, don't be nervous. Since that weak space node appeared, I have already laid the space line. I will know whoever comes in..."

Ba Shu smiled: "Of course, I have already noticed that Your Excellency sneaked into my bedroom and watched the little girl sleep~"

She was beaten up by Su Yuan just now, she was seriously injured and tied up, but Ba Shu's eyes were calm, and she couldn't see much panic or fear.

Su Yuan's eyes froze slightly, and neither he nor He Zheng found any spatial lines.

It is worthy of being a monster who has comprehended the liberation of the true form in the Chongyang Realm, and the other party's attainments in the way of space have reached an astonishing level.

"Real form liberation..." Su Yuan's eyes revealed some thought.

Ba Shu said: "If you want to catch up, I can show you a way~"

Su Yuan was quite surprised: "Oh? It's been several days, can you still catch up?"

"The holy world is now connected to your world, and they use the weak space nodes to quietly shuttle between the two places using the holy world as a springboard.

But the holy world is huge, it's not your human place, and it's not so fast to go back.

And I happen to have a shortcut here, from here all the way to the west, you will find a stable spatial turbulence.

I often go out through this turbulent flow, which can greatly speed up, if you want to catch up with them, it is also possible~"

Su Yuan frowned: "Shuttle through the turbulent flow of space?"

Ba Shu was quite puzzled: "Why, you haven't tried it... Oh yes, you don't have much room for turbulence in the outside world.

Ordinary people, even the Scorching Sun class, find it difficult to act in the turbulent space for a long time.

But for us who control the power of space, it is quite easy. "

Su Yuan looked thoughtful, and looked Ba Shu up and down.

After all, the other party is a gray world star beast, and it is difficult to fully determine whether what is said is true or false.

However, it would be best if he could catch up with Liu Dongming and confirm the information, otherwise there would be no evidence at this moment.

Su Yuan thought for a while, but thought of another thing.

"You just said that they use the gray world as a springboard to travel between the two outside worlds. There are many space nodes like this?"

"It didn't exist before, but there have been quite a few recently." Speaking of this, Ba Shu suddenly asked, "Do you know anything about our holy world?"

Su Yuan didn't know why the other party asked this suddenly, but he really didn't know much about the "holy world" in her mouth, that is, the gray world.

In the past three years, the company may have explored the gray world a lot, but its own cognition has not changed much compared to three years ago.

Seeing that Su Yuan was silent, Ba Shu asked again: "Then do you know how the star beasts in our holy world are formed?"

Su Yuan had already learned about the birth of star beasts when he was still an apprentice in Guangchuan No. 4 Middle School.

"Some are derived from heaven and earth, some are produced by breeding, and some are produced by the influence of the environment and secret realms... What, which one are you?"



The corner of Ba Shu's mouth curled up: "Including your world, as long as there is a star card master who awakened a soul card in the outside world and dies, then in our "Holy Realm"... a new life will be born!"

Su Yuan's pupils shrank, and he immediately realized that this didn't seem like a trivial matter.

The blue sea star itself is actually related to the gray world?

Ba Shu continued on her own: "Your world and our holy world are like opposite sides.

So once it is locked, our holy world can gradually approach and 'cover' your world.

But now, as the holy world is getting closer to your world, the space barrier between the two worlds is getting thinner and thinner, and naturally more and more weak space nodes are created. "

Su Yuan's heart trembled slightly, knowing what this meant.

It turned out that the Great Yan army blocked some entrances and exits of the gray world, stationed in the gray world to establish a defense line, and temporarily stabilized the situation in the gray world.

But now, with the generation of weak space nodes, it means that there may be gray world star beasts rushing out everywhere?

Su Yuan said in a deep voice: "This is not a trivial matter for the gray world, is it that you can tell me like this?"

Ba Shuqiao said with a smile: "Since the space rift has appeared, it won't be long before you all know about it~"

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