Su Yuan looked at Ba Shu in front of him, and the other party provided him with a lot of important information.

"Actually, you don't need to provide me with so much information."

Ba Shu's eyes glowed with excitement, and she said, "Your Excellency has given me an unexpected pleasure, so the little girl will naturally have to give an extra reward."

Su Yuan looked at Ba Shu in front of him, and really couldn't figure out what the other party was thinking.

"Although you voluntarily disarmed, just to be on the safe side, I still have to ask your Excellency to follow me through the journey... Ruan Ruan, the abyss demon!"

Su Yuan greeted, Ruan Ruan responded immediately, a black mark in his hands lit up, and then penetrated into Ba Shu's body.

Ba Shu's expression was as usual, as if she had expected it, she didn't resist at all, or in other words... she couldn't resist either.

Su Yuan said: "If I really find the person I want, then I won't make things difficult for you."

Ba Shu said with a clever smile, "But at your command~"

Su Yuan asked Ruan Ruan to unfold the devouring barrier, then opened the door of space and took Ba Shu out of the palace...

The door of the outer space lit up, and Su Yuan had already returned to the place where he was separated from He Zheng.

Looking up, a bright black crow was hovering high in the sky, and when it saw Su Yuan appearing, it immediately flew down.

After Su Yuan waited for a while, he saw a black hawk rushing towards him from a distance, and He Zheng was sitting on the back of the black hawk.

Seeing Su Yuan tying Ba Shu, He Zheng asked puzzledly: "Sanxi, is she...?"

Su Yuan said: "This is the Lord Star Beast in the spiritual land ahead."

He Zheng looked at Ba Shu, who was sluggish and embarrassed, and could tell that the other party was a star beast in the Chongyang realm.

Looking at Su Yuan again, his complexion was slightly pale with some traces of blood, and he couldn't help frowning secretly.

The two obviously had a fight, and it seemed that Su Yuan was still struggling.

He Zheng frowned and said, "If Sanxi didn't kill her, why did you bring her out? Also, has the situation of Liu Sanxi been investigated?"

"Slightly rewarding." Su Yuan nodded, and told He Zheng the previous matter in a simple and clear manner.

He Zheng heard Liu Dongming's rebellion to the north, the weak point of space, and the essence of the gray world...

In just a short while, the expression on his face changed again and again.

Unexpectedly, Su Yuan could get so much information during this trip.

And it's not simple information!

These alone are no small credit.

Of course, all this information was obtained from the Chongyang Star Beast in front of him, and it was up to oneself to distinguish whether it was true or false.

The matter of the gray world needs to be communicated to the department as soon as possible;

And whether Liu Dongming died or really rebelled, it is still difficult to determine.

The former is of great importance, while the latter is the mission of this trip.

He Zheng frowned, and it was difficult to make a choice for a while.

Su Yuan has long thought about it: "We will act separately, the matter of the gray world is more important, we should make preparations earlier.

I trouble He Yushi to return to the department as soon as possible, and ask the department to check the inside and outside of Dayan and beware of weak points in the space.

I will take this woman into the turbulent flow of space to see if I can catch up with Liu Dongming and confirm whether her defection is true or not. "

"This..." He Zheng looked at Su Yuan, frowning slightly, "Liu San... Liu Dongming's strength is not weak, and this place is in the gray world, why don't I take her to chase Liu Dongming."

Su Yuan looked at He Zheng, his eyes condensed slightly: "He Yushi, I want you to return to Dayan immediately and deliver the above information."


He Zheng bowed his hand, this time, without any hesitation.

Su Yuan nodded, and immediately led Ba Shu to the west.

Seeing Su Yuan fly away, He Zheng secretly sighed.

"Although this Yushi Su is an extraordinary genius and is valued by the throne, he is also a little bit brave and eager to prove himself..."

Competing and competing is different from fighting to the death.

In He Zheng's view, although Su Yuan showed impressive strength in the previous battles, Xiao Sheng Ding Jin ascended to the position of the third sequence, but he is in the Chongyang state after all.

But now, it seems a bit reluctant to fight a star beast of the Double Sun Realm in the Gray Realm, and it is slightly injured, and its upper limit of strength may be lower than expected.

Now, to find Liu Dongming who is suspected of feigning death and defecting in the gray world...

Not to mention whether you can catch up, if you really want to catch up, you may not be able to retreat completely!

Unlike Su Yuan, who barely meets the requirements of the "Three Seats", Liu Dongming's strength, He Zheng and others are all too clear...

Extremely tyrannical!

Even, not necessarily under Jiang Lan, the second seat!

"Forget it, I don't listen to my good words of persuasion. I hope that the third seat will not change when I come out this time..."

He Zheng shook his head and sighed, then flew onto the back of the black eagle again, going back and forth...

"That person just now doesn't seem to think highly of Your Excellency~" Behind Su Yuan, Ba Shu who was tied up said.

Su Yuan was expressionless and didn't intend to reply.

Ba Shu smiled to herself and said, "In my opinion, that person's strength has probably reached its limit.

Not to mention breaking through the king level, it is to further comprehend the liberation of the true form, I am afraid I will not be able to do it in this life~

Unlike you and me, with the posture of the sky and unlimited potential, the realm is only a temporary shackle. "

When Ba Shu spoke, she looked crazy.

But Su Yuan is very clear that she does have crazy capital.

At the Double Ninth level, you have mastered the liberation of true form...

You must know that the liberation of the true form is the ultimate development of one's soul power, the placenta hatched by the law, and one of the conditions for being promoted to the king rank!

And in the Xuntian Division, the legendary soul card and the liberation of the true form are the standards of the four imperial masters!

In Dayan, the number of people who have grasped the true form and liberation on the surface can be counted on two hands.


Seemingly disliking Ba Shu for talking too much, Su Yuan turned his head and glared at her softly.

"Hehehe, you are not simple, you are also a gift of heaven~" Ba Shu looked at Ruanruan, and hurriedly said with a smile, "And the cutest in the world!"

I don't know if Ba Shu really saw something, or just teasing Ruan Ruan.

But Ruan Ruan's biggest problem is that he doesn't exaggerate.

Hearing Ba Shu's words, she couldn't help humming, folded her hands on her chest and turned her head away.

And Su Yuan could see that Ruan Ruan's eyes were already filled with secret joy...

As for what Ba Shu said about He Zheng underestimating herself, Su Yuan didn't care.

In the context of the Double Ninth Festival, sitting on three seats is not unprecedented, but it is rare in thousands of years, and it is inevitable that there will be controversy.

Especially with the powerful Liu Dongming in front.

Su Yuan's current situation can be said to be "morality does not match", Jiang Lan, He Zheng and others can only say that they reluctantly approve of Su Yuan.

However, what He Zheng and others thought was completely out of Su Yuan's consideration.

Su Yuan has always acted on his own.

Right now, Liu Dongming's defection is extremely sudden, but it is not so easy for the dignified Suzaku Yu Sanxi to defect, and there may be other things involved in it.

Su Yuan's eyes were full of thought, he unfolded his omniscient vision, and led Ba Shu all the way forward vigilantly...

After a while, Su Yuan and his party came to a bottomless dark lake.

Nothing happened along the way, but Ba Shu didn't make any moves.

"It's right at the bottom of this lake. The source of the water in this lake is the Jieyuan Sea. All of it is heavy water flowing out of the Jieyuan Sea. The density is astonishing. It is almost impossible to withstand the water pressure at a depth of 100 meters below the scorching sun.

In addition, being in my territory... except for me, no one knows about the turbulent flow of space below. "

Su Yuan looked down, and the density of the lake was indeed astonishing, so that the perspective of the all-knowing horizon was limited to only a few tens of meters.

Su Yuan patted Ruan Ruan on the shoulder: "Ruan Ruan, use your clone to check."


With a soft reply, the body split into two with a slight twist.

One clone was left behind Su Yuan's shoulder, and the other clone jumped up high.

While still in mid-air, the body of the avatar suddenly lit up with a burst of water light, accompanied by a burst of coercion from the vast star power, it turned into a huge sea spirit kun!

"Is this...a legendary transformation?" Ba Shu's eyes flashed with surprise.

When Ling Kun's body crashed into the lake, strangely there was no splash, as if he and the lake were integrated.

Ling Kun's avatar submerged into the sea and swam all the way down, while the soft avatar on Su Yuan's shoulders and golden pupils lighted up slightly in sync with the scene below.

After a while, Ruan Ruan's avatar said: "Master, this lake is actually a thousand meters deep...there is indeed a whirlpool below."

Su Yuan asked: "Is there any situation around?"

"Maybe not……"

Ba Shu smiled and said: "The depth of a thousand meters, even the star beasts in the early sun state who are good at water may not be able to carry it. Naturally, there are no other creatures."

Su Yuan didn't say much, and immediately took Ba Shu into the lake.

At the bottom of the lake is a faint dark vortex, from which bursts of traction come.

But outside the soft Lingkun avatar, a layer of water light is constantly flowing, unaffected by the fluctuations of the ocean current.

Su Yuan looked towards the vortex under the sea, and could feel the obvious power of space.

After a little investigation, Su Yuan said, "Then go in."

"Wait a minute, master."

Su Yuan turned his head and looked, the soft avatar on the shoulder flew directly into Ling Kun's avatar and merged into one.

Afterwards, Ling Kun's avatar opened its huge mouth, and a huge suction force came out of the mouth immediately, sucking infinite heavy water into the body.

The lake is turbulent, and the water surface is constantly decreasing from top to bottom at a speed visible to the naked eye!


When Ba Shu saw this scene, she couldn't help showing surprise.

The total amount of heavy water in this lake is unimaginable, even if I can only resist the pressure, if all of them gather together and press on my body, I will definitely not be able to bear it!

Not to mention swallowing it into the body?

Su Yuan also moved slightly in his eyes. Although Ruan Ruan has three mimics, he rarely uses the form of Cang Hai Ling Kun.

The battles are usually on the ground. The Great Sacred Monkey and the Great Sun God Crow have fought each other, and their combat power has exploded.

And this Ling Kun's star core was also obtained from others, and it also meant to help Ruan Ruan evolve to make up the number.

Although the panel of Canghai Lingkun has been seen, the specific ability has never been actually displayed...

But after a while, the water level dropped to the feet of Su Yuan and others, and the heavy water in the entire lake was completely swallowed up!

Ling Kun's avatar floated in mid-air, and the aura on his body changed from bright to dark for a while, then gradually became smaller, and finally turned into a slime, jumped onto Su Yuan's shoulder again, and touched his stomach.

"Okay, master!"

Ba Shu said: "Although these heavy waters are not comparable to the heaven and earth treasure Xuanshui Xuanbing, they are still quite good treasures.

If you can really use it, it will be much more powerful than ordinary epic star equipment. "

"Yeah, it's not bad~" Ruan Ruan was quite happy in her heart, and even looked at Ba Shu pleasing to the eye.

At this moment, although all the lake water has been pumped away, the faint vortex below is still there.

About to enter the turbulent space, Su Yuan looked at Ba Shu who was bound, and said, "I've offended you."

Su Yuan raised his hand, grabbed a sky lock on Ba Shu's chest and held it in his hand.

Such a posture like holding a pet made Ba Shu startled, but immediately, a strange sense of excitement and joy came to her heart.

Ba Shu's breathing was slightly rapid, and the feeling of the golden chains tightening all over her body became more sensitive and clear.

Without waiting for Bashu to experience more, Su Yuan has already dragged her into the turbulent flow of space...

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