Somewhere in the gray world.

In the endless desolate land, some scattered star beasts appeared from time to time.

But at this moment, two people flew forward one after the other.

One of them was a northern youth with fair skin and golden curly hair.

Another middle-aged man had a tough face, and his broad shoulders completely supported a black and red robe, and his demeanor was a little cold.

This person is the former Suzaku Imperial Third Seat, Liu Dongming!

At this moment, the two of Liu Dongming were speeding all the way without talking nonsense.

When it reached a certain place, the ground in front of it suddenly shook slightly.

The two stopped in their tracks. The blond-haired young Fidis looked ahead and said with a smile, "In this desolate place in the gray world, there are really many unformed demented star beasts..."

The next moment, the ground shattered, and a gigantic earth-shaking cow suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.


The Earth Shaking God Bull let out a roar, the gravel splashed, and the air wave blew away!

The scorching sun-level terrifying star power overwhelmed a large area of ​​the surrounding trees.

And the robes on the two of Liu Dongming were even more rumbling!

But both Liu Dongming and Fidis stood quietly in place without any intention of dodging.

Liu Dongming's expression was indifferent, while Fidis' eyes gradually became somewhat bloodthirsty.

"It's really unfortunate that you bumped into us..." The corners of Fidis' lips curled up.

And in this moment, the Earth Shaking Bull had already lifted up the twenty-meter-long stone pillar totem and slammed it down on the two people in front of it!

A yellow light lit up above the totem of the stone pillar. This blow was blessed with [Great Smash], and its power increased four times.

However, the imaginary landslides and roars did not appear.

Seeing a gust of breeze blowing by, Liu Dongming raised the iron sword at his waist, and held the stone pillar totem with the head of the sword.

The stone pillar totem, dozens of times larger than Liu Dongming's body, was blocked by the iron sword, and it was actually hanging above his head with no difficulty!

Earth Shaker Niu's eyes widened.

However, Liu Dongming raised his right hand, and the huge divine bull nearly 100 meters high was thrown out together with the stone pillar totem like weightless!


The Earth Shaking Bull was frightened and angry, so he had to stabilize his body.

And at this moment, as if sensing something, the Earth Shaking Bull hastily embraced the stone pillar totem with both hands and stood in front of him.

However, at the next moment, Ling Lie's sword light flashed past.

The totem broke, blood sprayed everywhere, and the Earth Shaking Bull was split in half together with the stone pillar totem in its arms on the spot!

Looking back, Liu Dongming had put his sword into its sheath with a "dang" sound and continued to walk forward, without even raising his head to look at the earth-shaking bull.

Fidis clapped his hands and praised: "As expected of Liu Sanxi, his strength is astonishing. No wonder the Holy Church is so optimistic about your Excellency...huh?"

Before Fidis finished speaking, an iron sword with a sheath was already resting on his shoulder.

The hilt of the sword cut a section by itself, and the sharp edge of the sword touched Fidis' neck, exuding a chill that made people tremble.

"I said, don't call me three seats again." Liu Dongming said coldly.

Fidis's heart trembled slightly, and he grinned and said, "I made a slip of the tongue...Mr. Liu."

Liu Dongming glanced at him, then retracted his iron sword and continued walking forward.

"Next time, I'll kill you."

Fidis looked at Liu Dongming's back, but there was a bit of coldness in his eyes.

It's fine to bless you successfully, if you fail, don't blame me for eating you as food!

Shaking his head, Fidis followed with a smile on his lips.

Liu Dongming went straight over the body of the Earth Shaking Bull that had been broken in half.

And Fidis licked the corner of his mouth: "Although it's just trash, it's also high-quality food. I just feel a little hungry..."

Phydis's mouth suddenly opened, stretched out and quickly expanded to dozens of times its size, and bit the corpse of the Earthshaker Bull in two or three bites.

In the blink of an eye, the body of the Earth Shaking Bull completely disappeared into the mouth, not even a bone was left, only a large bloodstain and a few pieces of meat remained.

With a flick of his neck, Fidis retracted his mouth, wiped the blood and meat residue from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of satisfaction.

“Fresh raw beef, really good, the bones are also very crisp~”

Liu Dongming's eyes fell on Fidis, and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

Fidis grinned: "Mr. Liu doesn't have to look down on me. We are all driven by power to do ugly things. There is not much difference between us...otherwise, we wouldn't be on the same path."

Although he had only been warned before, Fidis said this without worrying.

At this moment, he was just stating a fact, and Liu Dongming would not take action against himself because of this.

Sure enough, Liu Dongming quickly looked away.

"You're right." Liu Dongming looked forward and said, "Lead the way, after so many days, it should be almost here."

Fidis smiled, then stepped forward: "We'll be there soon."

The two walked forward for a while, and came to an undulating basin.

Fidis took out the talisman to send out a signal.

Soon, three people came up from the surrounding mountains.

An old man at the Double Sun Realm, and two others at the Early Yang Realm.

The old man looked at Liu Dongming and asked Fidis, "Master Fidis, is this the one from Dayan?"

Fidis smiled and said, "That's right, this is Mr. Ryu Dongmyung Ryu."

The old man nodded, raised his hand, took out a crystal and activated it.

The brilliance flickered on the crystal, and a large amount of spiritual light flew out, forming an enchantment in front of it in a blink of an eye.

Silver light surged in the barrier, and a rotating space channel appeared.

"Mr. Liu, please." Fidis looked at Liu Dongming and grinned, "Bring Your Excellency back, then my task will be completed."

Liu Dongming, Fidis and others are about to enter the space channel of the enchantment.

At this moment, Liu Dongming suddenly stopped.

"Why... hmm?"

Fidis was taken aback, but then he realized something and stopped immediately.

The next moment, a black light flashed, and a sword qi that shot for a thousand meters suddenly slashed in front of him!

Even the hem of Fidis' clothes was cut off!

Fidis' complexion sank, and he turned his head to look to the left.

But in the distance, a delicate and gorgeous silver gate with a height of more than two feet appeared out of thin air.

And in front of the gate, there is a man and a woman standing in the air.

"Transfiguration star beast?" Fidis was quite surprised.

With a flash of the ring in Su Yuan's hand, a black-bottomed robe with the same vermilion pattern as Liu Dongming was already covering his body.

"Finally caught up." Su Yuan held the sword in his right hand and looked at Liu Dongming and the others from afar, "I didn't expect it to be Liu Sanxi..."

"Oh? It turned out to be someone from the Sky Survey Division." Fidis smiled and clapped his hands in admiration, "Did this catch up? It's really amazing!"

Liu Dongming looked at Su Yuan: "Who are you?"

"Suzaku Yu, Su Yuan."

"Su Yuan..."

Liu Dongming vaguely felt a little familiar, as if he had heard the name somewhere.

Fidis next to him was even more puzzled: "Huh? Mr. Liu, haven't you seen him?"

Liu Dongming said indifferently: "Maybe he is a new master recruited by the department."

Su Yuan stayed Ruan Ruan to stare at Ba Shu and recorded the scene in front of him with water spells, and then stepped on the void.

"Liu Sanxi, are you going to betray Qiguang?" Su Yuan asked bluntly.

Liu Dongming said indifferently: "The star card master himself wants to be stronger, and everything else is foreign, so why use the faction to restrict himself?"

"Your Excellency confessed it outright."

"After you have chased here, everything is clear, and naturally there is no need to hide anything."

Su Yuan's eyes were slightly cold: "Since this is the case, there is nothing to say!"

Such a person, at this point, Su Yuan naturally doesn't think he can persuade him to come back, as long as he confirms that the other party is rebellious.

As for the rest...

Su Yuan flicked the demon sword, and the sword intent rose in his eyes!


With a swing of the sword, Tai Xu's sword energy burst out violently!

But Liu Dongming swung the iron sword at his waist, and directly shattered Tai Xu's sword energy with the scabbard.

Su Yuan's eyes froze, and the divine wind wrapped around his body, and countless Taixu sword qi burst out like a torrent in an instant!

With such power, the blue-haired old man and the three Burning Suns all stared blankly.

Seeing that the torrent of sword energy was about to submerge Liu Dongming and the others, suddenly, a bloody mouth opened and bit on the tide of sword energy.

"Keng Keng Keng..." The sound resounded violently.

Just a moment of stalemate, Dakou's neat white teeth crushed all the sword energy!

"Oh?" Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the big mouth that came out of Fidis' neck.

And he said loudly: "Mr. Liu, the passage has been opened, and there are still people outside to respond.

Your Excellency, let's go first, this guy who caught up... let me play with him! "

Liu Dongming sized up Su Yuan again, then turned around and stepped into the passage.

"Then there is work."

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