Liu Dongming turned around and stepped into the transmission channel.

The silver light surged in Su Yuan's eyes, and the hole shot out instantly.

With Su Yuan's current strength, the side effects caused by the hole are quite limited, and it is not difficult to use it continuously.

And Phydis greeted him again with his bloody mouth, swallowing even the silver light in the hole!

Liu Dongming glanced back at Su Yuan slightly, and disappeared into the passage in a blink of an eye.


Su Yuan frowned slightly, and looked up at the bloody mouth.

I was able to crush Taixu's sword energy just now, but now I swallowed Dongxu...

Although ugly and weird, its power is extremely astonishing.

At this time, that big mouth had already rushed towards Su Yuan.

Su Yuan swung his sword and slashed repeatedly, Tai Xu's sword energy burst out but he still swallowed it.

There was a deep darkness in the big mouth, and in a blink of an eye, Su Yuan approached and bit down!

"Master?!" Ruan Ruan clenched her fists worriedly.

"Don't worry." Ba Shu, who was bound by the sky lock, chuckled lightly, "That person is a bit weird, but someone who can force me to submit will not be swallowed so easily~"

As soon as the words fell, the bloody mouth in mid-air was struggling violently in pain, and soon, some black flames escaped from the teeth.

At the same time, Fidis twisted all over his body, opened his bloody mouth suddenly, and quickly retracted to Fidis.

Fidis covered his mouth with a pained expression.

In mid-air, the undead evil fire surged violently and surrounded Su Yuan's body.

Su Yuan looked at Fidis: "It seems that not everything can be swallowed by your 'mouth'..."

Fidis finally calmed down, his face gloomy.

"You actually have divine fire!"

Phydis' "Greedy Ghost" can devour almost all objects, whether physical or energy.

There are only a very small number of things with high energy levels that are difficult to swallow quickly, and the rare treasures of heaven and earth such as Shenhuo Shenfeng are one of them!

In mid-air, Su Yuan was a little bit surprised, even the undead evil fire couldn't burn Fidis' bloody mouth in a few seconds.

Obviously, the opponent's ability is very strong.

With a flash in Fidis' hand, a silver-white saber fell into his hand immediately, and rushed towards Su Yuan who was in mid-air.

"Well done."

Su Yuan's expression was as usual, the starry sky body unfolded, and the monster knife was in his hand, and he slashed forward.

The two sides exchanged blows, and Fidedis was immediately knocked back a few steps.

"Huh? Such a strong force!"

Fidis' complexion changed slightly, although the physical growth of Star Card Master was not as great as Star Power after being promoted.

But the strength of this Chongyang realm is actually stronger than his own, he is definitely a legendary star card master with A-level strength qualification!

Fidis opened his left hand, and suddenly there was a big mouth in his palm, which became bigger and flew out to bite Su Yuan.

Su Yuan's sword entangled with black flames and slashed over, causing the big mouth to collapse.

Compared with the blood-filled mouth that Fidis' mouth turned into just now, this mouth is obviously much smaller, and its power is also weaker.

However, under the blessing of the star power of the Three Yang Realm, it is still extremely strong and difficult to cut.

Not only that, Fidis's flesh squirmed all over his body, and several big mouths bit Su Yuan down.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen big mouths were biting towards Su Yuan in the middle. This situation was simply terrifying.

"Master Fidis's strength is really terrifying. That person from the Sky Survey Division must not be able to hold on..." said the middle-aged man at the Chuyang Realm below.

"Strong is very strong..." The blond woman next to her shuddered slightly, "It just looks a little... a little uncomfortable."

The old man said indifferently: "Lord Fidis is a master of the Three Suns Realm, and his ability has been greatly enhanced after the blessing, so it is of course no problem to deal with a Double Yang Realm.

Even if this envoy of the Sky Surveyor is quite unusual, possessing such a treasure as Shenhuo can only last him a while longer. "

"That's right..." The middle-aged man nodded, but then his face changed, "Huh? What's going on!"

I saw a large piece of undead evil fire gathered outside Su Yuan's body, and turned into a black flame cloak in an instant.

"Void and evil entangled!"

Su Yuan unfolded the entanglement of evil and evil, and his strength surged in an instant. He raised his hand and counted the swords, and then he slashed his mouth open, and killed Fidis in front of him!

Fidis was greatly surprised, and quickly swung his sword to meet him.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Fidis was sent flying by the sudden explosion of Su Yuan, almost unable to hold the saber in his hand.

"This power?!"

Fidis' eyes widened, it was hard to imagine that this was the power that could erupt from the Chongyang Realm!

And with a flash in front of him, Su Yuan has already chased him down.

Fidis immediately responded with all his strength.

Even though he was prepared, Su Yuan's domineering strength coupled with his fast and flexible sword skills and agility still made it difficult for Fidis to resist Su Yuan's entanglement, and he retreated again and again.

Even if Fidis called out strange big mouths, he could break through all spells with one sword, and he was constantly cut and exploded under that long sword, and he couldn't bite Su Yuan at all.

In an instant, Fidis was at a disadvantage.


With a muffled sound, Fidis was thrown out again by Su Yuan's savage sword.

Su Yuan was about to make a move, when suddenly, six ferocious rock spears that were several feet long and shaped like the spine of a giant dragon rushed from the ground and shot at Su Yuan!

But the old man in the Chongyang realm below made a move, with epic skills, rock ridge Liuhe sudden!

Su Yuan was about to sway and get out of the way, but there was a flash of water in all directions, and a hollow water polo with a diameter of hundreds of meters surrounded Su Yuan inside.

In a blink of an eye, the six ferocious rock spears pierced through the water and rushed to Su Yuan.

Su Yuan raised his eyebrows, but he simply didn't hide.

With a burst of divine wind on his body, time accelerated and he swung his sword to slash repeatedly, brutally chopping all six rock spears into pieces in an instant!

Before this was asked, the water polo in the outer room froze quickly, and the icicles as thick as arms shot towards Su Yuan in the middle from all directions.

"The black lotus blooms!"

The huge and exquisite black lotus with sword energy suddenly bloomed, but saw the ice chips burst, and all the flying ice cones were chopped into pieces by the black lotus.

And the sword qi black lotus hit the frozen inner wall of the water polo, and after a short stalemate, they chopped it up together!

Among the ice crystal debris filling the sky, Su Yuan lowered his head and looked at the old man and the others below.

The three old men suddenly felt a chill rising from their hearts, and then they saw Su Yuan disappearing from the sky.

"not good!"

The old man's heart trembled, and he quickly launched a star power defense.

But at this moment, a sharp scream came from behind.


The screams stopped abruptly, and the old man hurriedly turned his head, only to see the head of the blond woman flying high, and Su Yuan's sword had already decapitated her!


The old man and the middle-aged man were both horrified, and while retreating quickly, they launched rock spears and flame blasts to attack Su Yuan.

Su Yuan smashed the rock spear and Lie Yan casually, and at the same time raised his left hand, immeasurable force stopped the two from retreating,

"Why can't I retreat!"

The middle-aged man was shocked when he realized that he was standing still.

But in a flash before his eyes, he saw Su Yuan approaching with a sword, he was shocked and inexplicable.

"No! Go away!"

The mighty scorching sun star power crazily turned into raging flames and swept out, the middle-aged man tried to burn Su Yuan away like a huge sun.

However, Su Yuan's face was indifferent, and the flames wrapped in the black flame cloak would not invade, and when he raised the demon knife, he would cut his head off with a single blow!


Blood poured out like water, and it was cut in half with a single sword.

Su Yuan turned to look at the old man again.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that Su Yuan killed two people in a row, the old man's eyes trembled, his hands formed seals in astonishment, layers of rock walls rose from himself!

Holding the demon knife, Su Yuan turned into a phantom and plundered the past.

But at this moment, several big mouths rushed down from the sky, but it was Fidis who tried to stop Su Yuan.

Su Yuan sneered, and immeasurable force immediately stopped Dakou.


Fidis' complexion changed slightly, and he quickly urged his big mouth to bite on the invisible force lying in front of him.

And in this moment, Su Yuan had already charged in front of the rock wall, the sword energy on the sword was continuously compressed, and after a little momentum, he suddenly slashed out with the sword.

With great sword intent, a Taixu sword slashed out swiftly, like cutting tofu, breaking through all the rock walls in one fell swoop and reaching the old man.

"This sword energy?!"

The old man was horrified, and hastily took out a long rock and iron stick to block in front of him.

The sword energy surged, and the rock element surged, and the old man was about to use his strength to crush this condensed and incomparable sword energy with a low shout.

But a silver light flashed in front of him, and Su Yuan had already arrived with a sword.


The old man's pupils shrank suddenly, and before he could make any movement, he was pierced by the demon sword!

Four swords, cut three people!

And at this time, the several bloody mouths above the head finally bit off Su Yuan who was stabbing down with boundless force.

Su Yuan turned around, and after a sneer, he flew up and slashed with his sword, slashing bloody mouths one after another!

"This guy……"

Fidis looked gloomy. Unexpectedly, Su Yuan killed all three of Luka in just a blink of an eye!

And...the other party not only has divine fire, but also has such a terrifyingly enhanced divine fire skill, which is really extremely tricky.

No matter whether it was the swallowing mouth formed by the mouth on his face, or the many mouths of cell division on his body, they were all suppressed by the other party.

Watching Su Yuan make the last big blow, Fidis took a deep breath:

"A mere Chongyang can actually have such strength, it seems that you are also an absolute core genius in the Dayan Sky Survey Division.

If it can kill you, then it is also a great achievement! In this case……"

With his left hand clasped on his chest, the corners of his mouth suddenly grinned, and a look of madness and tyranny suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Chew it, cruel glutton!"

Fidis shouted loudly, and the aura around his body turned into a deep purple color, and then, countless bloody mouths appeared densely in all directions.

One of the big mouths swallowed Fidis suddenly, but was immediately swallowed by the other big mouths behind.

After repeating this, there was only one big mouth left in a moment, and a strange wave of ferocity and tyranny suddenly came from it!

The next moment, there was a "chi la", and the long, sawtooth-like wings tore open and stretched out.

And in the center of many jagged wings, it was Phidis who was covered in gray and white.

At this moment, although the head of Fidis is still there, the organ of "mouth" seems to have been removed from his face, which looks quite pervasive!

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