Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 800: Double-Edge Slaying Ghosts

"Real form liberation?"

Su Yuan's pupils shrank slightly, and in just a few days, he unexpectedly encountered people who performed the true form liberation one after another!

Even Ba Shu in the back squinted his eyes slightly. Didn't expect this ugly, average-strength guy in front of him to complete the true liberation?

"Hahaha, are you scared?" There was a crack on all the jagged wings, and Phoenix's voice came out from it, "Boy, you can see my holy posture, you Should be honored!"

Su Yuan chuckled lightly: "Your posture can be said to be quite ugly..."

"Ugly? This represents strength!"

As if provoked, Fidis flew close, and many jagged wings rushed towards Su Yuan.

As soon as Su Yuan raised his hand, immeasurable power lay in front of him.

The sawtoothed wings split from the middle, biting the boundless force like a large sawtooth scissors.


The void was chaotic, and the immeasurable power that stretched across it was bitten through in a blink of an eye.

Su Yuan's eyes froze: "His ability is much stronger!"

Before, it was difficult for Fidis's big mouth to crush the immeasurable power.

And at this moment, after the release of the true form, this kind of sawtooth wing broke through the immeasurable power in an instant!

Seeing a large number of sawtooth wings flying towards him, Su Yuan's body swirled with divine wind, slashing with his sword!

However, the hardness and strength of the sawtooth wings are obviously far better than the previous big mouth. Even if it is cut by Su Yuan, who is full of evil spirits, it is only retreated a little and then surrounds and "bites" it again!

More than a dozen jagged wings surrounded Su Yuan, even if the kamikaze accelerated, there was not much room to turn around.

After a moment of confrontation, a jagged wing suddenly "bites" the demon knife!


A trace of cracked bite marks immediately appeared on the demon knife!

You know, the Demon Sword is only a top-notch epic star weapon.

When fighting with Ba Shu before, although the demon knife did not break like the black cross sword, it was also injured by Ba Shu's silver blade.

But at this moment, he is attacked again by Zhenxing Liberation, a master of the Three Yang Realm, and he might really be bitten off, and that would be a big trouble!

"God breaks!"

The sword intent rose from Su Yuan's body, and the light of the Shenduan sword quickly cut open the serrated wings that "bite" the demon knife!

Ba Shu's eyes lit up, and she smiled and praised: "The space-type slash combined with spiritual power, this level of power is already comparable to my true form liberation!

However, he seems to be premised on paying a lot of mental power, unlike the liberation of the true form, which uses the power of his own soul power, which consumes less.

According to his consumption, even the top-notch mental power aptitude may not be able to cut a few swords..."

"Puff!" Ruan Ruan next to him heard the words, and his small face suddenly became tense again.

After Su Yuan cut the saw-toothed wings, the silver light flashed on his body and immediately retreated. In the next moment, more than a dozen saw-toothed wings rushed to the spot and almost bit Su Yuan.

"I'll see how long you can run!"

Fidis didn't care if he missed a hit, and flew forward to control a large number of sawtooth wings to attack Su Yuan.

Su Yuan raised his hand to release the void shatter, and the twisted vortex formed instantly and pulled Fidis.

However, Fidis sneered, and the many serrated wings bit together continuously, crushing the twisted vortex in a blink of an eye.

Soon, Fidis rushed to Su Yuan: "Dare to slander my holy body, die!!"

A ferocious smile appeared in Fidis' eyes, and all the jagged wings strangled towards Su Yuan like a tide!

Seeing that a large number of jagged wings were about to engulf Su Yuan, at this moment, the black flame cloak outside Su Yuan suddenly burst into flames!



Infinite black flames surged out, and a gigantic evil statue broke through the flames and appeared in the field in a blink of an eye.

Xuxie Xiansheng has Hongyueqie in his left hand and Hei Tianzhao in his right hand, holding red and black double blades and slashing at the sawtoothed wings flying in front of him.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, and the many sawtooth wings that were originally extremely hard were split into pieces and flew up, leaving behind knife marks of different depths.

Not only that, all the sawtooth wings that were cut off either ignited black flames, or had scarlet energy eroded in, gradually becoming weak and weak!

"What kind of heresy is this?" Looking at the black and red double blades in Xuxie's hands, Fidis's horrified voice came from all the jagged wings, "How can there be such a perverted weapon!"

Even Ba Shu in the distance was stunned: "Pseudo-holy artifacts? This heretic can actually condense false sacred artifacts, not just one! Sure enough, he didn't use all his strength before!"

In the arena, Fides was frightened, and fully mobilized the star power to resist the further erosion of black flames and corruption. At the same time, he manipulated the rest of the sawtooth wings to bite Xuxie from all angles. Yuan bites off!

However, the brilliance flowed on the Lingling of the Ruin, and the huge virtual evil manifested like a light butterfly dodged flexibly from the attacks of a large number of serrated wings, and at the same time swung the black and red double blades in his hands to counterattack and slash down.

Although the false holy weapon could not directly cut off the sawtooth wing, but when the knife fell, more and more black flames and corruption appeared on the sawtooth wing...

However, the Serrated Wings are quite helpless in the face of the powerful defensive power and self-healing ability of the supernatural level Xuxie Manifestation!


Hei Tianzhao once again slashed a certain sawtooth wing with a lot of black flames burning. A large amount of black flames superimposed and exploded, instantly burning it to ashes!

As soon as the Xu Shenling shook, Xu Xie Xiansheng rushed forward, and slashed on the other two serrated wings that were more than half rotted, with two "bang bang" cuts on the spot!


A bit of panic rose in Fidis' already panicked heart, and he wanted to stop and retreat.

But how could Su Yuan let him get what he wished, the brilliance on the Xu Shenling was so brilliant that he swung his double blades and flew to chase after him!

The black and red sword lights flashed again and again, and the sawtooth wings were constantly being destroyed. The situation has been completely reversed!

"It's over." Ba Shu looked up at Su Yuan, licked the corner of her mouth, her eyes were full of excitement, "It's really amazing, even more powerful than expected~"


With a flash of the knife, the last sawtooth wing was cut off by Hong Yue.

In an instant, Fidis was shaken all over, and the aura outside him collapsed and returned to normal in an instant.

Because he was forcibly broken from his true form and liberated, his aura suddenly weakened to the extreme.

"No... how is it possible? How is it possible! It's just the Double Ninth Festival, how could it be stronger than my true form liberation!"

Fidis looked crazy, his face was distorted, and there were large red bloodshot eyes in his eyes, which almost popped out of his eye sockets!

"I have mastered the liberation of the true form! I have become more like a monster because of this! Why was Chongyang defeated, why!!"

Seeing Fidis getting more and more crazy, Su Yuan couldn't help frowning.

Cultivation is not easy, and I really don't want to see such an ugly face of a scorching sun master, which is obviously abnormal.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, Xu Xie Xian Sheng once again raised Hong Yueqie and Hei Tianzhao, intending to end each other.

However, without waiting for Su Yuan's double-bladed slash, the star power on Fidis' body was disordered, and the flesh and blood on his face suddenly twitched violently...


There was a muffled sound, and my head exploded.

Blood gushed out of Fidis' neck like a fountain, and stopped after a few seconds, falling down with the corpse...

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