Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 803: Prestige First Biography

Yaodu Academy, Dean's Office.

Cai Qinglong sat at the top, summarizing the content of the meeting.

"According to the instructions of Mr. Huangfu from the Department of Education, the education policy for the next ten years will be like this.

Strengthen the popularization of star beast knowledge, increase field and secret training, and strengthen students' multiplayer and teamwork abilities.

After going back today, everyone should think about it and think about how to implement it well. Do you understand? "

The dozen or so teachers below, including Zheng Chunsheng, all responded, "Understood, Dean."

Cai Qinglong nodded, and glanced at the clock on the wall: "Okay, let's stop here for today's meeting."

Teachers are about to get up and leave.

Cai Qinglong said with a smile: "Everyone, don't worry. In addition to conveying the content of the Department of Education meeting, there is another thing today, which can be regarded as a surprising thing."

A female teacher in Chuyangjing who was wearing glasses asked, "Did we win more resources at the Education Department's resource approval meeting last week?"

Before Cai Qinglong could reply, a male teacher next to him who was in charge of logistics preparations had already smiled and said, "It's really a lot more. All the resources were already in place yesterday afternoon, fully doubled!"

"What, doubled?!"

Over the years, the Department of Education's resources for Yaodu Academy have changed by no more than half at most. Why did they suddenly double this year?

"This is indeed a surprise!"

"Mr. Guan, why didn't you tell us about such an important matter?"

"Yes, two more star force pressure instruments can be added, and there can be more star cards in reserve. Now some types of star cards are not enough."


Everyone is quite happy, this is indeed a happy event, and it can greatly help the growth of the students.

Teacher Guan smiled wryly and said, "It's not that I didn't say it, it was Dean Cai's order."

Cai Qinglong smiled and said: "The surprise I want to talk about is not this, the resource approval is just incidental."

"Dean, what's the matter? Don't keep it up."

Cai Qinglong looked at the time again, it was just after twelve o'clock.

So the content projected next to it was switched from "Ten-Year Education Policy" to the official website of the Star Card Masters Association.

"Oh yes, today seems to be the day to update the top 100 list. Could it be that Mr. Xiao He has improved a lot this time?" Many teachers were stunned.

He Yanan shook his head and said with a smile: "Teachers, don't flatter me. It will be very difficult for me not to fall off the list. How can it be so easy to advance~"

Everyone thinks about it, it is not easy to be listed in the Double Ninth Realm.

When He Yanan breaks through the Sanyang Realm, maybe he will have a chance to be promoted to another dozen or twenty.

At this time, Cai Qinglong had already opened the Burning Sun Top 100 List and slid to the back and stopped.

"Look." Cai Qinglong said.

The teachers looked over: "There is a new master on the list..."

"Su Yuan?!"

Zheng Chunsheng and He Yanan exclaimed at the same time.

The two stared wide-eyed at a certain name on the ranking list, and a burst of disbelief suddenly burst out in their eyes!

When the rest of the teachers saw the reaction of the two, they immediately thought of something, and their faces were filled with intense shock.

"Su Yuan??"

"Could it be that genius student from our Yaodu Academy seven or eight years ago?"

"Is it him? I know he went to Xuntian Division, but this... this is the top 100 list of Scorching Sun!"

Don't say ten years, it's a hundred years, hundreds of years, Su Yuan is also the most outstanding genius student of Yaodu Academy, teachers naturally remembered it.

But this Su Yuan who is on the top 100 list of Scorching Sun is really Su Yuan, a talented student of his own academy?

This is too crazy!

All the teachers looked at Cai Qinglong in shock: "Dean, is this really...?"

And Cai Qinglong nodded, and said with a gratified smile: "My Yaodu Academy has finally cultivated another person who can be called a pillar for Dayan..."

The pupils of all the teachers were shocked, and there was a lot of gasping in the office.

It really is him!

What does the top 100 list mean?

It means that except for Cai Qinglong, all the teachers in the field are no longer Su Yuan's opponents!

It means that even in the entire Dayan, Su Yuan is already the number one top expert!

And all of this, from the time the other party finally left Yaodu Academy, to now, is less than ten years!

Even if all of you here are scorching sun masters who have experienced strong winds and waves, at this moment, you can only look at me and I look at you.

They were speechless, only in a trance...

The Xuntian Division, the test platform, is a special place for the masters in the division to discuss and practice.

The testing platform covers an extremely wide area, can simulate the environment, set the conditions, and is equipped with a dedicated therapist, which can be regarded as a super upgraded version of the actual combat hall.

For most of the envoys of the Sky Survey Division, the testing platform is a place they often go to.

After all, among masters, it is not enough to just build a car behind closed doors, and a lot of actual combat is needed to hone their skills and find gaps.

And the Xuntian Division is a place where experts gather, not to mention playing in person, even just watching the battle on the test stage can gain a lot of insights.

At this moment, two envoys of the Crescent Moon level, a man and a woman, are fighting fiercely on the test stage.

Judging from the difference in the lines of the black robes on their bodies, the male is Qinglongyu, and the female is Baihuyu.

"This Shi Zhongyu, although he is a new master recruited from the Five Domains two months ago.

But his star power is strong, his experience is rich, and his overall strength can be regarded as the upper class among our crescent-level envoys.

In the future, maybe you will often go on missions with us. "

Somewhere in the spectator stands, a blue-haired young man from Qinglong Yu said to the burly man next to him.

This burly man is none other than Xiong Chunyang.

At this moment, Xiong Chunyang, although he is still in the waning moon state, but after three years, his whole person looks calm and introverted.

Xiong Chunyang nodded: "The strength is indeed not weak. I think he can win in ten rounds at most."

Between the words of the two, the battle continued.

Sure enough, in the eighth round, accompanied by a burst of roaring flames, the White Tiger Imperial Envoy was blown to the ground and lost.

Xiong Chunyang looked at the multiple burns on the body of the White Tiger Imperial Envoy, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Oh, it's not easy to start."

The blue-haired young man next to him said with a smile: "After all, you came from the Five Realms, and you are a bit aggressive in your actions, but as far as I know, you may not be better than him back then."

Xiong Chunyang gave a dry cough and didn't say much.

It was fine before, but after seeing that talent and means, Xiong Chunyang has long understood that his own ability is nothing.

Although the trip to Ximo was quite short at the beginning, he has benefited a lot from the journey along the way!

After that, whenever I act, I always think about what the other party will do if it is that person.

After these three years, not only did he get rid of his frizzy temperament, but even his practice became smoother because of it...

In the arena, the envoy of the White Tiger Imperial Maid looked at the wound on her body, frowned and didn't say much.

Turning her head to look at Shi Zhongyu on the stage, the female envoy stood up with the support of another companion and went to the treatment room not far away.

But Shi Zhongyu curled his lips, as if he was not happy.

"I've heard that there are countless masters in the department. Is there anyone who wants to compete with my subordinates?" Shi Zhongyu looked around, and his eyes fell on the direction where there are more Suzaku imperial envoys. advice?"

But at this time, Shi Zhongyu thought of something, grinned.

"By the way, I heard that one of your Suzaku imperial envoys has outstanding talent, and was valued by the throne, but he was directly airborne and became the third seat. Tsk tsk, that's really amazing!"

Hearing the teasing in Shi Zhongyu's words, many people in the field turned ugly.

Although Su Yuan is very popular in the Sky Survey Division, the recent parachute of the third seat has indeed caused some controversy.

After all, even He Zheng of Suzaku Yu and others felt that Fang Qingxiao favored Su Yuan too much, and it was difficult to do it with his strength.

What's more, there are many envoys from other imperial courts, and many people feel that this matter is slightly inappropriate.

But no matter how inappropriate, at most it is just talking in private, and innuendo on the surface like this is still rare.

In the auditorium, the blue-haired youth knew that Xiong Chunyang was a huge fan of Su Yuan, so his heart skipped a beat.

"Old bear...this?"

"TNND!" Xiong Chunyang, who had been calm and introverted for a while, stood up angrily when he heard the words, "Speaking of Su Sanxi indiscriminately, you're courting death!"

With a fierce light in his eyes, Xiong Chunyang was about to fly up to blow up this ignorant guy who is also Qinglong Yu.

But at this time, the spirit flashed, but one person rushed to the test platform first.

Tall, with short dark red hair, and quite handsome.

It's Xiang Dingqian!

"Dinggan, you...?" Someone whispered, unexpectedly, Xiang Dinggan came to the stage.

"Did someone come right away!" Shi Zhongyu's eyes lit up, and he looked at Xiang Dinggan in front of him, "Suzaku Yu's master... But your breath seems to be a little weaker than that woman just now."

Xiang Dingqian's expression was cold: "Today, I will smash your mouth!"

"Oh, angry?" Shi Zhongyu grinned.

And Xiang Dingqian turned his hand and took out a painting halberd, and shouted coldly: "Kill!"

The Qi of Tiangang exploded, and the battle between the two sides suddenly broke out!

Xiong Chunyang didn't expect someone to be ahead of him, so he could only sit down first.

Looking at Xiang Dinggan, Xiong Chunyang asked the blue-haired young man, "Do you know that man?"

The blue-haired youth said: "Xiang Dingqian of Suzaku Yu, a member of the Xiang family in the imperial capital, had performed quite well in Yaoxing before, quite talented and not weak.

But he is Huiyue who just broke through half a year ago, even if he has some potential, but at the moment he will be very difficult to face Shi Zhongyu..."

Between the words, Xiang Dingqian in the field has already launched the Tiangang Demon General, and the field is full of domineering aura, and he is full of strength as soon as he comes up!

"Heterogeneous skills? It's just a target!" Shi Zhongyu grinned, and the flames on his body burned violently.

Seeing that Xiang Dingqian manipulated the Tiangang Demon General to swing Fang Tian's painted halberd at him, Shi Zhongyu suddenly turned into a ball of fire and flashed under the painted halberd, and punched the Demon General in the ribs with two fists.

The flames exploded, and the Tiangang demon general was shocked to take a few steps back on the spot, and the place under the ribs that was hit by the fist was even scorched black, and some pieces of the magic armor were cracked.

Xiong Chunyang frowned: "There is a gap in star power, it is really difficult for him to win..."

After a long time, after a fierce fight between the two, Shi Zhongyu jumped over the Tiangang Demon General and punched Xiang Dingqian hard again!

With a "bang", the flames burst!

Xiang Dingqian was shaken all over, and was immediately thrown by Beng Fei on the stone wall in the illusion field of the testing platform, smashing a large spider web crack.

Taking a closer look, Xiang Dinggan's skin was torn apart and bruised, and there were a lot of scorched marks on his exposed skin.

It stands to reason that if it was an ordinary exchange, they would have conceded defeat long ago, but Xiang Dinggan did not intend to stop.

"Is he still not admitting defeat?"

Everyone watching the battle was shocked, even Xiong Chunyang was moved by it.

"Even if there is an envoy from Yao staring at the test platform, no one will die, but such an injury will lie in bed for several days!"

"Definitely do it, forget it, it's just a sparring!"


Everyone was discussing, but Shi Zhongyu took a few breaths, looked up at Xiang Dinggan who stood up again, and frowned.

"If you don't admit defeat, you can't blame me!"

A trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, Shi Zhongyu's star power surged, and then the roaring flames roared and swirled like a whirlpool.

"Meteor God Fist!"

Shi Zhongyu shot out, turning into a high-speed hot meteorite and crashing into Xiang Dinggan who stood up!

On the high platform in the north, Yao Bing, the Royal Envoy of the Burning Sun who was in charge of testing the front platform, had already summoned up his energy and was ready to make a move at any time.

But at this moment, Yao Bing noticed something.

"Oh? Does this kid from the Xiang family have any backup?"

Suddenly, Xiang Dinggan's heart was beating violently, and the devil's heart in his body roared violently like an engine!

The Tiangang demon holding Fang Tian's painted halberd suddenly exploded, and at Xiang Dinggan's chest, countless Tiangang demonic energy dyed pitch black under the action of the demon's heart rushed out and wrapped his body, leaving only a pair of scarlet eyes !

"What kind of trick is this, what a powerful breath!"

Everyone on the sidelines was amazed, and Shi Zhongyu, who jumped out, was also stunned.

Without more time to react, Xiang Dingqian, who was surrounded by Tiangang's devilish energy, rushed forward and punched Shi Zhongyu's Meteor God Fist.


The two fists clashed, the flames and the devil energy collided violently, and the ground under their feet was instantly torn apart!

The spiritual light burst out, the gravel flew randomly, and the two sides clashed with each other, and they fell into a stalemate.

Shi Zhongyu did not expect that Xiang Dingqian, who had been at a disadvantage all along, could suddenly burst out with such strength.

If this stalemate continues, I am afraid that both of them will be seriously injured in the end.

Just kidding, Shi Zhongyu doesn't want to lie down for ten days and half a month casually!

"Stop it together!" Shi Zhongyu shouted loudly.

However, Xiang Dingqian did not respond.

Shi Zhongyu looked up, but saw that Xiang Dingqian was surrounded by the aura of Tiangang strengthened by the devil's heart, his eyes were scarlet, and he was in a desperate posture!

Shi Zhongyu couldn't help but his heart trembled, and his momentum couldn't help but weaken a bit.

Just at this moment, Xiang Dinggan's eyes glowed red, and the large amount of Tiangang demonic energy lingering around his body even gave up the ability to defend, and all of them gathered towards the punch on his right hand!

"Not good!" Shi Zhongyu's eyes widened and he was shocked, "Damn it, you're crazy!"

The next moment, the demonic energy surged to the sky, and Shi Zhongyu was blown away by the terrifying power!


Shi Zhongyu fell to the ground, spurting out a mouthful of blood, feeling severe pain all over his body, and his bones were about to fall apart.

The explosion of that blow just now was really amazing!

Not waiting for Shi Zhongyu to be overly startled, suddenly there was a blur in front of him, and then he saw Xiang Dingqian, who was covered in blood and with large black and red burns, rushing over again.

His pair of eyes were still indifferent scarlet.

Shi Zhongyu felt a chill, and quickly said: "I think..."


Xiang Dingqian raised his hand and slapped Shi Zhongyu away.

Shi Zhongyu's eyes were lost for a moment, and he looked at Xiang Dingqian in disbelief.

And Xiang Dinggan rushed up again, the sound of "Papapa..." was endless, and Shi Zhongyu's nose was bruised and his face was swollen in a blink of an eye, and his mouth was swollen visibly.

Not too hurtful, but extremely insulting.

After a few slaps, Xiang Dinggan stopped, with murderous intent looming in his eyes:

"Dare to criticize the three seats... I will fight with you!"

Shi Zhongyu looked at Xiang Dinggan's indifferent but crazy scarlet eyes, his heart trembled for no reason, and he had no doubt that the other party would really do this.

At this moment, discussions suddenly broke out in the field.

"Huh? Burning Sun List, Su Sanxi?!"

"It's really three seats, it's on the list!"

"I'll go, Su Sanxi actually killed so many scorching suns!"


While the shadows were moving, Xiong Chunyang had already appeared in the field, grabbing Shi Zhongyu's arm to help him get up.

Shi Zhongyu looked at his colleague who was also Qinglong Yu, and immediately thanked him: "Thanks... um!"

Before he finished speaking, Xiong Chunyang grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up.

"Boy, let me show you, Master Xiong!" Xiong Chunyang pressed his mobile phone against Shi Zhongyu's swollen face, "Chongyang Realm entered the top 100 list! Su Sanxi's celestial appearance is beyond what you and I can imagine !"

Shi Zhongyu opened his eyes, looked at the mobile phone stuck in front of his eyes with difficulty, and couldn't help being startled.

[Seventy-second, Sky Survey Division, Su Yuan, Chongyang Realm]

"Really... on the list?"

Shi Zhongyu's pupils trembled, and he swept around the test stage in a daze.

As far as the eye can see, the envoys in the entire testing platform are all amazed and discussing the matter of Su Sanxi's being on the list.

Originally, he was just looking for an excuse to provoke the so-called masters in the Sky Survey Department.

But at this moment, Shi Zhongyu found that he seemed to be a complete clown.

Xiong Chunyang let go of his hand with a cold snort, Ren Shi Zhongyu fell to the ground, and then walked aside to help Xiang Dinggan.

"Hi, are you okay?"

Xiang Dingqian took a look at Xiong Chunyang, the red light in his eyes dissipated, and suddenly he fell down with a "boom".

"Hello? Hello?...I'm going, this guy is so repulsive?!...Therapist, quickly find the therapist!"


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