As soon as the new list came out, besides the discussions on the lower three ranks and the Yaoxing and Huiyue lists, almost everyone noticed the addition of 72 newcomers to the Burning Sun List.

There is no other reason, because the record of "killing more than ten Burning Suns, including two at the Three Suns Realm" is really amazing.

Forums all over the place are curiously discussing what kind of master this Sky Surveyor Su Yuan is.

But those who really knew Su Yuan, such as Zhuang Xun, Geng Qiuyi, Wang Haiping... were all shocked and shocked beyond imagination.

Many old acquaintances were amazed and inspired by Su Yuan, but there were also people who felt deeply powerless...

In Shanghai, in a detached villa that occupies a large area and is luxuriously decorated.

The girl with twin ponytails came out of the underground practice room, and there was still a bit of joy and excitement in her eyes.

"With the scorching sun fruit in the secret realm of the Fiend Prison Flame Tower last time, I finally successfully broke through to the Huiyue level!

Although there are many dangers in a narrow escape, it is worthwhile to be able to break through everything. "

Xia Yue smiled in satisfaction, she didn't know what to think of, and there was a bit of anticipation in her eyes.

"My sister said that after the Burning Sun level, the promotion is relatively slow, so there is a chance to catch up a little bit.

Moreover, if you go to Suzaku Yu with a cultivation base of Huiyue level, you might be able to meet them, and may have the opportunity to go out on missions together! "

Thinking of this, Xia Yue threw herself onto the bed, kicking her legs wrapped in black pantyhose excitedly, and finally hugged the pillow tightly and took a deep breath, her eyes were full of joy and longing.

Xia Yue has her own pride, if she is useless, she will not stick to it with shame.

At least it must be able to play a little role before trying to get a little closer...

Now, Xia Yue has already agreed with Xia Xuan that if she breaks through to Huiyue, she will participate in the assessment of the Sky Survey Division Suzaku Yu.

In order to improve and break through as soon as possible, Xia Yue entered the so-called most dangerous secret realm of the Hell Flame Building in three years, and got the Scorching Sun Fruit, and finally successfully broke through to the Huiyue level!

"It's time to contact my sister!"

Xia Yue turned on her phone and couldn't wait to send Xia Xuan a message.

"It's already on the 7th, and it's almost a month of retreat, just in time to see the top 100 list."

Xia Yue lay on the bed and fiddled with her mobile phone, her feet wrapped in black pantyhose kept shaking.

[The twenty-seventh place on the shining star list, Xia Yue...]

[Latest evaluation: Killed three shining star epic star beasts in the prison flame building, and beheaded twelve shining stars in the melee for the scorching sun fruit, and won three scorching sun fruits, the special ranking raised to 27]

"Finally reached the top 30 before breaking through!"

Xia Yue's eyes lit up, feeling that it was finally complete.

Because of being promoted to Huiyue, this list is already his last chance to make it to the list.

Xia Yue was very satisfied to finally enter the top 30.

The competition on the star list is really too fierce. To be able to break into the top 30 is already a super master known all over the country!

After reading the star list, Xia Yue continued to look back.

"My sister has improved by three places, and is already 19th, which is amazing!

If you enter the top 20, you should be able to compete with the Yuejun of the Sky Survey Division.

If I had the talent and strength of my older sister, I would have gone to the Sky Survey Division long ago..."

Xia Yue secretly sighed, but soon smiled again.

It's not too late now!

Xia Yue withdrew her gaze and continued to look at the Burning Sun List behind her.

Looking at it from the beginning, it is the same as before, even the ranking has basically not changed.

Originally, it was just a passing glance, but suddenly, the girl trembled all over, and her swaying legs suddenly froze.

Looking at the very familiar name on the phone screen, Xia Yue's pupils shrank.

"He... he, Double Sun Realm? Scorching Sun List?"

Didn't my sister say that the promotion of the Scorching Sun level will be very slow?

How come he has already been promoted to Chongyang? Moreover, it was also on the Burning Sun List?

With a "buzz", Xia Yue's expression was dull, and her mind suddenly went blank.

The distance that had been shortened after desperate efforts, and the hope that it seemed to be able to get closer, suddenly opened at an unimaginable speed, turning into a more intense gap.

For a moment, a deep sense of powerlessness and frustration emerged from every cell...


The girl fell headfirst on the bed, her eyes lost their focus, and her bright eyes seemed to have dimmed.

But at this moment, there was a flash of inspiration in the room, and a golden bodhi seed suddenly appeared.

A large amount of golden brilliance flowed from the bodhi seed, and in an instant it turned into a clean and handsome middle-aged man wearing a golden bodhi robe.

The eyes of the middle-aged man have no pupils, only two groups of burning golden flames.

"It's amazing obsession, it's increased a bit compared to last time.

Being so young, yet able to have such obsession, is indeed a fiery and unlimited potential..."

The middle-aged man looked at Xia Yue in front of him, and could see the turbulent obsession emanating from her body.

And Xia Yue also saw the middle-aged man, but didn't express anything.

The middle-aged man stood up with one hand and said, "My benefactor, what I said earlier, would you like to think about it again?"

Xia Yue's slack pupils slowly gathered focus, turned slightly to look at him, pondered for a while, and said, "You can really improve my strength quickly?"

"Of course, you are very talented, even higher than you expected."

The middle-aged man smiles and speaks softly, giving people a comfortable and convincing feeling.

"The fluctuating mana is a range, but if you can continuously expand this range, then you can sublimate from the measurable upper limit to infinity.

So your ability is not a fluctuating fire-type spell, but a restricted and undeveloped 'infinity'! "

Speaking of this, the golden flames burning in the middle-aged man's eyes became even more intense.

The middle-aged man said sincerely: "You are the seed with the most potential and the most suitable for my magic method that I have seen so far.

We pay attention to fate and never force it. This is my third visit to the benefactor. If the benefactor is still unwilling, the little monk will not come again. "

Xia Yue looked at the middle-aged man and knew that he must be a super expert far beyond imagination.

But what about him can make the other party covet him?

"If my sister can't find me, she will be very sad."

"Don't worry, benefactor..." The middle-aged man smiled, "As long as you follow me, I can guarantee that you won't make any of the benefactor's friends sad."

Xia Yue struggled, the other party must have some plans.

But at this moment, the other party seems to be the last straw that can be seen.

Grab this straw, and you may enter an unexpected abyss.

But if it really goes on like this, by myself alone, maybe I won't even have any interaction with that person in the future...

Xia Yue's eyes fell on the phone, and after staring at it for a while, Xia Yue closed her eyes and stood up.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

The middle-aged man nodded and smiled: "Dashan."

The middle-aged man raised his hand, the golden light in his palm seemed to have a boundless Buddha kingdom, and he took Xia Yue into it with a wave of his hand.

Afterwards, the middle-aged man closed his eyes and pinched the Buddha's seal with his hands. As the light flashed, a mysterious golden Buddha wheel lit up behind him.

Accompanied by the slow rotation of the Buddha wheel, a wave of extremely mysterious power swayed from the Buddha wheel...

Sky Surveyor, in a certain attic.

Xia Xuan is drinking tea with Zhuang Yuehua, who is now Qinglong Shangxian.

Zhuang Yuehua smiled and said: "Xia Xuan, you have been promoted to four places this time, and entered the top 20 of the Huiyue Ranking. With your strength, you should be able to challenge Suzaku for the last place."

"Well, I have already applied, and I will fight in three days."

"The strings downstairs are not weak, so you have to prepare well."


Xia Xuan was about to nod, when suddenly her expression changed, she raised her hand and clenched her chest tightly.

"What's wrong?" Zhuang Yuehua asked hastily.

Xia Xuan clenched her teeth, feeling an inexplicable and intense panic in her heart, as if something had been pulled away from her cognition.

It seems to be... something very important...

Xia Xuan clutched her chest tightly, trying to stop this extremely uncomfortable feeling.

But with just two breaths, this uncomfortable feeling quickly disappeared.

And Xia Xuan's eyes were lost, and she leaned on the back of the chair blankly.

Um? What am I thinking...was there something just now?

"Are you okay, Xia Xuan!" Zhuang Yuehua's voice came to mind again.

Looking at Zhuang Yuehua who was a little surprised in front of her, Xia Xuan quickly regained her composure and shook her head.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little flustered all of a sudden."

Zhuang Yuehua frowned and said, "Could it be that the pressure is too great to challenge for the lower position?"

"Maybe." Xia Xuan rubbed her eyebrows and stood up, "Forget it, I'll go back and have a rest first."

"Okay, then you have a good rest."

Zhuang Yuehua nodded, watching Xia Xuan get up, but suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, you said that you want to introduce...someone to Xuntian Division. After two months, we will arrange a unified entrance examination for Huiyue level. You'd better hurry up."

"Yeah, you want to introduce me...I..."

Subconsciously, Xia Xuan was about to talk about someone, but when she opened her mouth, she couldn't say anything.

Suddenly remembered something, Xia Xuan quickly turned on the phone, it seemed that there was a message just now, but no matter how I searched or refreshed it, there was nothing.

"How not?"

"Did I remember wrong?"

"It should be!"


Xia Xuan flicked her phone frantically, but the intense and direct pain from before came back again, flooding her heart more and more violently!

"Xia Xuan, what's wrong with you?"

Zhuang Yuehua looked at Xia Xuan who was fiddled with the mobile phone in a daze.

"No, nothing." Xia Xuan closed her eyes, took a deep breath, turned and left, "I'm not feeling well, so I'm leaving first."

"This...well, if you have any questions, remember to go to the Si Nei Huichun Palace to have a look."

And Xia Xuan waved her hand, quickly flew out of Zhuang Yuehua's sight, and then stopped again.


Before I knew it, two tears suddenly fell from the corners of my eyes and dripped on the ground...

"What's wrong with me?" Xia Xuan raised her hand and caught two drops of crystals, "I seem to... forget something?"


Suzaku Palace, a certain palace.

Su Yuan woke up from meditation, with a slight joy in his eyes.

"Although it's only a few days, the harvest is not small."

Long-term accumulation, coupled with a fight with Ba Shu, gave Su Yuan a lot of insight into the power of space.

Su Yuan looked at his right hand, a little silver light lit up in his palm, and then accompanied by a terrifying fluctuation, it grew to the size of an egg in an instant.

If you take a closer look, you can see that a small silver ball is filled with boundless and terrifying energy that is as vast as the sea!

"Master drink tea!"

Seeing that Su Yuan's meditation was over, Ruan Ruan, who was wearing a maid outfit, handed the brewed tea to Su Yuan.

Su Yuan rubbed her head fondly, then picked up the teacup and was about to drink it.

But at this moment, Su Yuan's movements froze, his eyes lost focus for a moment.

"Master?" Ruan Ruan called out in a low voice.

Su Yuan looked thoughtful, as if he forgot something just now...

"Boom boom boom."

At this time, someone knocked on the door of the main hall, Ruan Ruan stepped forward to open the door, it was an envoy of Zhuque Yu.

"Su Sanxi, Your Excellency has summoned you to the Hall of Four Elephants." The envoy said respectfully.

"Four Elephants Hall... good."

Su Yuan's eyes froze. Going to the Hall of Four Elephants probably had something more important to do, and nine times out of ten it was the result of the previous conclusion about Fidis.

Su Yuan got up immediately, and was about to follow the messenger in front of him to go outside, but suddenly remembered the uncomfortable feeling just now, and couldn't help but froze.

After frowning for a while, Su Yuan shook his head and stepped out of the hall...

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