Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 805 True shape, unique skill

Yan Ting Xun Tiansi, Sixiang Hall.

The Hall of Four Elephants is only used when discussing important matters between the four royals of the Xuntian Division, and only imperial envoys and above can enter this hall.

At this moment, there are two groups of people standing on the left and right sides of the hall.

On the left are Nangongli, Jiang Lan, He Zheng and other Suzaku Yu people, and on the right are some masters of Xuanwu Yu.

And Fang Qingxiao, the Suzaku Throne, sat on the upper side with another man who was more than two meters tall.

This man is wearing a Xuanwu great cloak, with a Chinese character face, a calm and resolute face, and an unfathomable aura. He is the Xuanwu Throne—Pang Heng.

After Su Yuan came in, everyone on both sides also looked over, especially the many masters of Xuanwu Yu, all with a bit of curiosity in their eyes.

After all, he is a talented master who has ascended to the third seat in the Chongyang realm, and in just half a month, all the imperial envoys have already known his name.

Su Yuan went straight to the left and stood up. After a while, several imperial envoys entered the hall one after another.

Fang Qingxiao looked at Pang Heng, who nodded to indicate that everyone had arrived, and then Fang Qingxiao spoke.

"I called you here today because I have important information to communicate."

Fang Qingxiao opened his mouth, and the masters of the two guards below all looked over in silence.

"Earlier, the soul lamp of my Suzaku Mihara Sanshi Liu Dongming went out, and I was suspected of missing and died.

Afterwards, I dispatched the current third seat, Su Yuan, to investigate the matter.

Su Sanxi returned a week ago, but we are only now announcing the conclusion on this matter. "

Fang Qingxiao looked at the crowd: "The original Suzaku imperial third seat, Liu Dongming, did not die, but feigned death and betrayed Qiguang."


The people below couldn't help being surprised when they heard this.

Nangongli, Jiang Lan and others only found out at this moment, and they all looked at Su Yuan and He Zheng with suspicion.

In the Sky Survey Division, rebellion is very rare.

Firstly, to know the basics, and secondly, as the core violent organization of Dayan, Xuntian Division has comprehensive and rich cultivation resources, which is definitely the best place for practitioners.

Liu Dongming, as a veteran Sanyang master and the dignified Suzaku imperial third seat, would actually feign death to betray Qiguang?

This is something no one has ever thought of!

Nangong Li condensedly asked: "Throne, what is the reason?"

Fang Qingxiao didn't answer directly, but asked instead: "I don't know everyone, do you still remember Qiguang's 'sacred blessing' plan?"

Speaking of this, everyone below changed their expressions slightly.

Although the original sacred plan only involved the Yaoxing level, it did not have direct contact with many scorching sun masters in the field.

But after all, it was an important event in the early stage of the Earth Tribulation a few years ago. Everyone has heard about it more or less, but they still remember it.

But Su Yuan, who had fought many star envoys, knew this even more clearly, and secretly said that it was true.

Fang Qingxiao said: "Holy blessing is a ceremony for Qiguang to increase the power of the soul by means of special means and by means of pulling seedlings to encourage growth.

At the beginning of the Earth Tribulation a few years ago, Qiguang used this method to create the "Zodiac Star Envoy" whose soul power far exceeds that of ordinary people.

Although the first battle in the early days of Earth Tribulation, the battle for the Tiger Veins in the New Dust Realm ended in our victory.

But it is undeniable that the divine blessing has created Qiguang's extremely top combat power in the same realm. "

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded slightly, and many of them looked up at Su Yuan.

After all, it was Su Yuan who was the key figure in the Battle of the New Dust Realm, and who claimed to have killed the most Star Envoys!

Thinking about it carefully, less than ten years have passed before and after, and this one has already been ranked among the first and third seats...

It's no wonder that such a terrifying talent is favored by Suzaku Throne because of it!

Fang Qingxiao continued: "Since it is a means to encourage seedlings to grow, it must have its own flaws.

There were many problems with the divine blessing at the beginning. First of all, it was a large number of death rates.

Although twelve star envoys comparable to star kings/star knights were created, as well as dozens of slightly weaker servants.

However, there are thousands of failure cases such as disability, dementia, and death caused by this!

Secondly, even the successful Twelve Star Envoys will have difficulty entering the country because of their overdraft potential to damage their soul cards.

And the most important point, the effect of the divine blessing was limited at the beginning, and it was already the limit to be able to act on Yao Xingxing.

Therefore, judging from the original evaluation, although Qiguang's sacred blessing is not a failure, it is difficult to have an impact on the middle and upper classes, at least within a few hundred years.

After all, the power of the soul is extremely complicated, and various countries, including Dayan, are constantly researching it, but it is difficult to make any obvious progress. "

Hearing this, everyone has vaguely guessed...

Jiang Lan asked: "Fang Yuzuo, could it be said that this time Qiguang's sacred plan...has made progress again?"

"That's right." Fang Qingxiao nodded, "And...it's not a small improvement!"

When everyone heard the words, their expressions froze.

"This time when Su Yuan went to the north, he not only found out that Liu Dongming had faked his death and betrayed Qiguang, but also brought back the corpse of a knight of Qiguang.

This knight of enlightenment is a purple card master of the three yang realm, and his strength can only be regarded as ordinary.

But this person has mastered the true liberation, and there are traces of divine blessings on his body! "

All the envoys in the arena were shocked.

Fang Qingxiao continued: "Through the sacred blessing, a not-so-strong Sanyang Realm star card master has completed the liberation of his true form, and his strength has greatly increased.

According to some of the memories we have extracted, there seem to be many people like him.

That is to say, Qiguang has been able to use the holy blessing on a small scale to let the Burning Sun class master the true form and liberate to a certain extent.

There is no doubt that Qiguang has made great progress in the experiment of divine blessing in just a few years! "

When everyone heard this, they were all shocked, and some people even had a little scorching color in their eyes.

True form liberation, that is true form liberation!

In the Sky Survey Department, there are more than enough people who have mastered the liberation of the true form with two hands.

It can be said that realizing the liberation of the true form is the ultimate pursuit of many people, after all, the king is hard to come by.

But now, Qiguang seems to be able to do it as long as he performs a blessing ceremony?

Fang Qingxiao looked at the people below, and smiled lightly: "It seems that you are also very excited about this..."

"I dare not wait!" Everyone's hearts trembled, and they immediately clasped their fists and said.

Heartbeat and actual action are two different things. People need to be able to control their own desires.

There are many things that you can think about but not do.

Jiang Lan whispered to herself: "So, Liu Dongming betrayed Qiguang because of the liberation of the true form..."

Nangongli next to him nodded: "It seems so."

Fang Qingxiao said: "I can also imagine your desire for the liberation of the true form, after all, it can fundamentally improve your strength, but I will also cool you down.

Although Qiguang's sacred blessing has made great progress, it can allow the burning sun class to complete the true form liberation.

But its essence is still to violently stimulate the power of the soul in a way that encourages seedlings to grow, and it does not lightly damage the soul card.

After our analysis, the soul of the enlightened knight brought back by Su Yuan has been in a state of "disorder".

This disorder will affect people's spirit, making them more crazy and paranoid.

And after unfolding the liberation of true form, this disorder will be more obvious.

Once severely injured, mentally broken, etc., it is easy to trigger the backlash of one's own abilities.

Physical collapse, loss of sanity, and sudden death on the spot are all possible...

This is not something that can be fixed over time, but a huge hidden danger that cannot be eradicated. "

After everyone heard this, they also nodded secretly, restraining their thoughts a little.

Everyone already knew that there must be a price to be paid to master the liberation of the true form through a ceremony.

It's just that the temptation to liberate the true form is too great...

Fang Qingxiao said: "In any case, although there are shortcomings, but without considering the side effects, the sacred blessing is still a means to greatly enhance the combat power of Qiguang's middle and upper classes.

Even the true form liberation of a purple card master is at least equivalent to a legendary skill, and the powerful true form liberation is comparable to or even surpasses supernatural powers. "

When everyone heard the words, they also felt a sense of sternness.

On Xuanwuyu's side, a brown-haired woman frowned and said: "It seems to be quite unfavorable to us, Fang Yuzuo, do we have any countermeasures?"

Fang Qingxiao nodded and said with a smile: "Of course, the higher-ups have already been preparing for the catastrophe. After the arrangement from the higher-ups, just yesterday, the Hongmeng Realm was restarted!"

"Hongmeng Realm?"

Most of Su Yuan, Ding Jin and others were quite puzzled, not knowing what this Primordial Realm was.

As for Nangongli, Jiang Lan, and some of the older imperial envoys, their eyes lit up, showing surprise!

Next, Fang Qingxiao introduced Hongmeng Realm to everyone.

The Hongmeng Realm is a fragment of the world that has been preserved since ancient times!

It is not only the place where the breath method was born on the blue sea star, but also the place where the sage who created the breath method sat down, and there are a lot of mysteries about breathing in it.

Entering it can greatly improve the progress of breathing practice, and even have a chance to get a glimpse of the secret technique directly in the Primordial Realm!

The liberation of the true form is the in-depth development of the power of the soul, and it is the cornerstone and springboard for comprehending the laws.

Perfect breathing is the development of the body's potential, and it is also one of the prerequisites for becoming a king.

As for the stunt... Even if it is not as unique and powerful as the liberation of the true form, it can definitely greatly improve the strength!

After everyone learned about the Hongmeng Realm, they were all excited!

Su Yuan asked: "Throne, what if you have already breathed perfectly and mastered the unique skill?"

Fang Qingxiao looked at Su Yuan and said with a smile: "Then there is also a chance to master the second stunt!"

The five special skills of breathing do not conflict with each other, but it is much more difficult to comprehend a new special skill after comprehending one.

Usually, it is difficult for one person to master two stunts at the same time.

But the opening of Hongmeng Island undoubtedly gave some people a chance!

In particular, Nangongli and other four royal masters are themselves legendary soul cards, real form liberation, and comprehension of unique skills...

The skills of a body have already been inlaid, and there are almost no shortcomings, but it has reached the point where there is no way to advance.

It can be said that as long as the dragon vein is needed, it is expected to step into the king-level super master.

If he can comprehend another unique skill, he will be able to go a step further!

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