Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 806 Exploration

Fang Qingxiao said: "Opening the Hongmeng Realm will not only consume the energy accumulated in the Hongmeng Realm for countless years, but also need the support of the Spirit Emperor's mana.

But at least, all envoys have a chance to enter once, and now the envoys of Qinglong Yu have begun to enter in batches, we have to wait a while.

You must seize this opportunity to improve your strength, otherwise it will not be so easy to enter the Hongmeng Realm next time. "

Ling Huang is one of the Four Great Yan Emperors.

Today, it is the Linghuang who has locked the Primordial Realm with the secret sealing technique.

Everyone responded excitedly: "Yes!"

Although it will take a while, it would be nice to be able to enter the Hongmeng Realm. According to records, the last time the Hongmeng Realm was opened was two thousand years ago.

Danger and opportunity co-exist in disasters and catastrophes, and if it weren't for the threat of Qiguang, the Primordial Realm would not have been opened above.

Fang Qingxiao said: "In addition, it has been several years since the first tiger vein was born in Xinchen Realm.

The earth's qi that has temporarily subsided now shows signs of recovery, which means that perhaps within a few years, the dragon's veins will appear in the world.

At that time, it will not only be the Scorching Sun Knights of the Holy Church, but perhaps these people who are blessed by the Holy Spirit will be even more difficult opponents. "

Everyone's expression froze when they heard the words, "Longmai, is it coming?"

The tiger veins were fine before, Yaoxing and Huiyue basically solved it, and Scorching Sun seldom played.

As for the battle of dragon veins, it must be the home court of the Scorching Sun class!

At this moment, Nangongli's eyes are burning!

In order of qualifications, if there are dragon veins appearing in the Earth Tribulation, then it must be the Four Yuzhenjun who takes priority.

No matter which one of the Four Royal True Monarchs today, they have been in power for at least a few hundred years.

Whether it is strength, qualifications or credit, they are far superior to others.

And this will be an opportunity to reach the king level if you grasp it!

I just don't know how many dragon veins will be born in this catastrophe, and how fierce the competition will be.

"Holy blessing is just one of the things..." Fang Qingxiao glanced at Pang Heng next to him, "Let Pang Yuzuo explain the next thing to you."

Everyone immediately looked at Pang Heng who had never spoken.

"The second thing is about the gray world... There is good news and bad news."

Pang Heng's voice was deep and deep, like a stone of Zhenhai deep in the sea.

"The bad news is that there are more and more space weak points between the gray world and our eastern continent that are enough to open the passage.

According to the investigation and the department's calculations, there are sixty or seventy weak points in space in the country alone.

And if you count the surrounding areas of Dayan, there are definitely more than one hundred places. "

So many space weaknesses?

Everyone couldn't help but look a little dignified.

The current space channel alone has consumed a lot of energy, and there are sixty or seventy places where gray world star beasts may come out, so what's the point?

The previous brown-haired woman asked again: "Throne, the good news is..."

This brown-haired woman is the third seat of Xuanwu Yu, named Tian Hui.

"The good news is that it is much more difficult for the gray world star beasts than us to pass through these weak points in space.

In a short period of time, only star beasts of the Huiyue level and below can cross these weak points in space.

Even the Scorching Sun Star Beast is difficult to pass, let alone the king level and emperor level above.

So, for now, we only need to hold on to the previous passages, and focus on dealing with Qiguang and competing for the upcoming dragon veins. "

Everyone was greatly surprised: "Pang Yuzuo, why is it difficult for high-level gray world star beasts to cross these space nodes?"

Pang Heng also knew that everyone would ask, and immediately told everyone in the field the information about the gray world.

Through the communication with the Scarlet Emperor, Linghuang and others, the essence of the gray world has basically been confirmed.

The gray world is equivalent to a negative world similar to the "underworld", but it is only for the soul cards of star card masters.

It can absorb the soul cards of star card masters in various worlds after death, and reincarnate into new gray world star beasts.

And because it is the negative world, restricted by the rules of the world, in order to keep the world running correctly, the resistance from returning to the positive world such as the blue sea star from the gray world is extremely high, and the more advanced the gray world star beast is, the more so it is.

Therefore, since the appearance of the gray world, basically only the lower third-level star beasts and a small number of shining star beasts have appeared in these years, and only occasionally some traces of bright moon star beasts have been seen in the past two years.

As for the Scorching Sun Star Beast, it has never been seen before.

Only when the overlap between the gray world and the blue sea star reaches more than 90%, will there be a king-level star beast that can overcome the resistance of the world rules and enter the blue sea star.

This is also the fundamental reason why, even though the Gray Realm found Lan Haixing, they only defended and did not attack, and they were always so peaceful.

Most of the envoys are hearing the essence of the gray world for the first time.

And according to Pang Heng, the gray world can absorb the soul cards of star card masters from "every world" and reincarnate them.

The implication is... there are other worlds!

Although everyone in the field more or less thought that the world of star card masters was more than just blue sea stars, but they never confirmed this point.

After all, countless years have passed on Blue Sea Star, and since records began, there have been no outsiders.

Hearing what Pang Heng said at this moment, everyone was both curious and apprehensive.

I don't know how many other worlds there are, how strong are the star card masters in these worlds, and how are they different from Blue Sea Star...

Su Yuan already knew about it in advance, and he had a high acceptance rate for "life outside the sky", but he didn't think much of it.

Moreover, this matter is too far away...

Right now, since it is confirmed that it is difficult for the high-level star beasts in the gray world to enter the blue sea star, the most urgent task is to deal with the north and compete for the dragon's veins!

After everyone digested for a while, Pang Heng said: "Although it is difficult for the gray world star beasts to enter the blue sea star, the existence of the gray world is still not negligible for us and Qiguang.

Because, through these weak points in the space between the gray world, both parties can use the gray world to bypass the detection and defense on the mainland and travel everywhere.

And the gray world is the home ground of the gray world star beasts, it is very difficult for us from the mainland to build sufficient defenses inside.

So compared to the mainland, the gray world will be another more chaotic battlefield, and there may even be more confrontations than the mainland! "

Everyone also understood what Pang Heng meant. Although the gray world star beasts could not come out, the masters on the blue sea star could walk through it.

Whether it is Dayan or Qiguang, they have made every step of the way on the Eastern Continent, building many cities and fortifications.

Not to mention wanting to raid into the interior of the country, it is extremely difficult to cross the defense lines of the four poles of the southeast, northwest, and border towns.

But now, with the existence of the gray world, it is possible to bypass the heavy defenses directly through these weak points in space.

Even, if the emperor has a weak point in space, it is possible to gather an army to attack Huanglong directly!

Pang Heng continued: "So, it's not enough just to find the weak points in space from the outside world.

It is also necessary to enter the gray world, find out the situation of the gray world corresponding to these weak points in space, draw a map, and then try to deploy defenses in a targeted manner. "

When Su Yuan and the others heard the words, they also understood what they were going to do.

This almost involved the entire Dayan and Dayan surroundings, and even went deep to the north to check the situation on Qiguang's side.

Pang Hengdao: "The Scarlet Emperor handed this matter over to us, Suzaku and Xuanwu. We need to go to the Gray Realm as soon as possible to draw a double-layer map of 'light and dark' between the Eastern Continent and the Gray Realm."

Everyone responded: "Yes!"

This is no easy task.

For one thing, compared to the Eastern Continent, the Gray World is undoubtedly extremely unfamiliar, and it is full of crises.

It is not only possible to meet powerful gray world star beasts, but also people from Qiguang.

Secondly, the workload of this matter is really not small, and it is very slow to complete with the Scorching Sun class alone, and it is impossible to put all the Scorching Sun classes on top of this matter.

After Fang Qingxiao and Pang Heng discussed, the two royals sent a total of 16 teams, and each Zhuoyang led a team of Huiyue to explore to speed up the efficiency.

The Huiyue class can be regarded as a master anywhere, and has a certain ability to protect itself.

What's more, the past was not about fighting, it was just for faster exploration.

Nangongli is fully responsible for this operation.

Including the allocation of weak points in the space, the division of exploration areas, and the allocation of team members...all aspects must be considered, so Su Yuan and others went back to rest and prepare first.

At noon the next day, the mission details came out.

Su Yuan looked at the summons on the black card, which recorded what he was responsible for.

"According to this distance, the farthest areas of the Gray World may have already reached the Northland..."

As the third seat of Suzaku, Su Yuan is not only responsible for more weak points in the space, but they are all deep and far away, almost equal to Jiang Lan.

Su Yuan checked the details of the task in detail, and he probably knew it well.

And at the back, there is a list of people who accompanied this exploration.

Suzaku Yu: Xia Xuan (full moon), Xiang Dingqian (waning moon).

Xuanwu Yu: Ji Yuan (full moon), Tang Jiao (waning moon).

Su Yuan's expression moved slightly: "Huh? They are really acquaintances..."

Among the four people, there are three acquaintances.

Needless to say, Xia Xuan and Xiang Dinggan, but Tang Jiao, was the Xuanwu master who was with Xiong Chunyang and Lin Chongyun when Su Yuan joined the mission, and was good at scouting.

After reading the details, Su Yuan immediately flew out of the hall with Ruan Ruan.

On the South Square, there are already many envoys waiting in the square.

"I heard that today I will go to the gray world to explore."

"Yeah, I only knew that I was going to investigate the gray world with the envoy, but I didn't expect there to be so many people!"

"I'm going all the way with Imperial Envoy He Zheng, Lao Liu, who are you with?"

"He Zheng Yushi? That's Sanyang Yushi, tsk tsk, Zhou Han Yushi and I!"


"In addition to the army, when the gray world first appeared, Qinglong Yu once entered the gray world to investigate on a large scale. After so many years, this is the second time!"

"Si Nei's actions, it seems that the short-term tranquility may be coming to an end!"


On the square, many envoys who received the mission notice were talking about the mission.

Su Yuan flew over, looked at the people below, and immediately flew down.

"It seems that I came here relatively early."

"Three seats!" Everyone in the field greeted.

And a few of them immediately walked over and saluted.

"Su Sanxi!"

It was Xia Xuan, Xiang Dingqian and other members of Su Yuan's team.

Su Yuan's eyes fell on Xiang Dingqian, his face was slightly pale, and he seemed to be injured a bit?

But as long as it is not seriously injured, it will not affect the operation.

As for Xia Xuan, she was going to challenge Suzaku's bow, because this matter can only be postponed.

Su Yuan said: "In the next few days, the four of you will follow me to the gray world to investigate."

Xiang Dingqian, Tang Jiao and others cheered up: "But by dispatch!"

But looking at Su Yuan, Xia Xuan felt a little weird in her heart.

This is not because of Su Yuan's rapidly improving cultivation and strength.

Apart from the battle of the tiger's veins, there is not much intersection between myself and the other party.

But there is a faint feeling in my heart, it seems that there should be something connected between the two.

But in fact there is no, so there is a sense of dissonance...

Not long after, Jiang Lan, He Zheng and others arrived one after another.

And with a flash of fire, Nangong Li also rushed to him.

"True Monarch Nangong!"

Su Yuan and others, as well as Tian Hui of Xuanwuyu and other experts of Xuanwuyu, all saluted together.

Nangong Li said with a smile: "It seems that everyone is ready to take their seats, so I won't say any more nonsense.

The gray world is the territory of star beasts, everyone, be careful, and put safety first in everything.

This trip, I will follow the whole process, if there is a critical situation, I will immediately use a talisman to send a message. "

"Yes, True Monarch Nangong!"

Many envoys responded quickly.

Nangongli nodded, and said seriously: "If that's the case, I'll trouble you all!"

In an instant, dozens of people flew up and scattered after rushing out of Yanting!

And Su Yuan also took Xia Xuan and others to the north...

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