Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 807 All Enter the Gray Realm

Outside the Arctic City, somewhere thirty kilometers away, Su Yuan flew there with Xia Xuan and others.

Ji Yuan looked at the map of weak points in the space that Xuanwu Yu had scouted before, and said to Su Yuan, "Su Sanxi, this is it."


Su Yuan nodded, and already felt that the space here is quite thin.

Su Yuan raised his left hand, and an invisible force swayed from his palm, and then the space in front of him slowly expanded like ripples towards the surroundings.

Soon, it became as thin as a cicada's wing, and it split open on its own with a "tear".

"What a miraculous method!" Xia Xuan and the others' eyes lit up.

Although it is a weak point in space, it cannot be broken casually!

Especially for the Huiyue class, they have to go all out.

Su Yuan looked at everyone: "Everyone, get ready, we are going to enter the gray world."

Xia Xuan and the others cheered up immediately.

Afterwards, Su Yuan stepped out one step at a time, leading everyone into the gray world again.


Somewhere in the gray world, the space in mid-air vibrates.

Accompanied by a burst of dense blue thunder, a crack in space was suddenly blasted open.

Then, a group of northerners in white uniforms came out of it.

The two leaders are a blue-haired young man from the Chongyang Realm;

And the other one is a young man with yellow hair and ordinary face, judging from his aura, he is in the early sun state.

The rest of them are all Huiyue class.

At this moment, the blue-haired youth looked around curiously, and said excitedly:

"Is this the gray world? It's much cooler than outside...

According to intelligence, Dayan's movements are faster than ours.

I thought there were only a few weak spots in the space, but I didn't expect that there were so many more!

Hey, Tian Yu, what do you think, just say something. "

After talking to himself for a while, the blue-haired youth looked at the yellow-haired youth next to him, and pouted.

"Master Katu...Master Tian Yu, the current situation...seems to be quite bad!"

A few Huiyue classes behind the two of them, the blue-haired female knight wearing glasses looked down with a timid look on her face.

Looking around, there are already a large number of transformed star beasts flying towards them.

Because the place where everyone appeared...is in a huge territory!

A mature woman with a hot body beside him smiled and said, "Helena, don't worry, with the two adults Katu and Tian Yu in front, even the Sanyang Realm star beasts are not so afraid~"

Accompanied by a tyrannical aura and a flash of light, two double-yang-level transformed star beasts, a man and a woman, flew towards them surrounded by the rest of the star beasts.

One of the dark-skinned men frowned and asked, "People from the outside world?"

This big man has rough skin and thick flesh, with a pair of dark red horns on his head.

Katu looked at the horned man curiously: "Is this the gray world star beast? It is said that it was reincarnated from a soul card. It seems that it is no different from the outer star beast~"

Seeing these outsiders not only not answering, but also looking at him like an animal, the big man with horns couldn't help a burst of anger in his big copper bell-like eyes.

"Are you courting death?"

"What nonsense are you talking to them!" The woman next to her was even more irritable, and flew into the sky with a sneer, "If you dare to rush into our territory like this, you will die!"

There was a "sizzling" sound from the woman's body, and "cracking" golden lightning surged out, and turned into a golden-haired thunder lion in a blink of an eye!

Lei Shi raised his head, and an incomparably bright golden thunder light formed in his mouth, but in the blink of an eye, an extremely strong energy fluctuation erupted.


The thunder lion roared, the sky suddenly darkened, and a dazzling beam of golden thunder shot towards Katu and the others in front of him!

Katu and Helena and the others behind Tian Yu all changed their expressions slightly.

But at this time, Tian Yu, who had never spoken, took a step forward, and directly stretched out his right hand to grab the golden beam of light.

In an instant, the lightning exploded, and the surging golden thunder swayed towards the surroundings!

This attack is called Lion Roaring Lightning Pill. Although it is not a particularly powerful skill, it can inject more star power to enhance its power, and it can even reach 1.5 times that of similar attack skills!

In addition, the speed is as fast as lightning, not to mention the weakness of the upper level, even if the defense is opened in advance, it is absolutely difficult for anyone at the same level to block it!

And two seconds later, the thunder light dispersed.

Tian Yu stood on the spot, his sleeves exploded, and there were still some shallow scorched marks on his hands that were blasted by lightning...

But apart from this skin trauma, there is no other injury!

As for Katu and the Huiyue knights such as Helena behind them, they were not damaged at all. After all, all the power of the golden beam of light was almost blocked by Tian Yu.

"What! The lion lord's lion roar Lei Guangwan was taken by someone with bare hands?!"

"How can it be!"

"Could it be that the yellow-haired human being is a Sanyang Realm with hidden cultivation!"


Many transformed star beasts were shocked.

The expressions of the golden retriever thunder lion and the horned man also changed.

But at this time, everyone's eyes blurred, and Tian Yu had already soared into the sky and appeared in front of the golden-haired thunder lion.

"Huh? So fast?!" Golden Retriever Thunder Lion's pupils shrank, "Lei Chi roars!"

The golden hair on Leishi's body stood on end, and suddenly the lightning flashed, the thunder burst, and thousands of electric currents roared out, instantly turning into a scalp-numbing field of thunder pools!

But Tian Yu didn't dodge or dodge, he clenched his palm into a fist and crashed directly into the infinite thunder.

"You're courting death!" The golden retriever thunder lion was frightened and angry.

But Tian Yu's expression was indifferent, and he punched the golden fur lion!

The moment the seemingly unpretentious punch landed, the Golden Retriever's face was distorted by it.

The next moment, the Golden Retriever Thunder Lion plummeted down like a golden meteor, even hitting the three or four star beasts behind it before hitting the ground heavily.


The ground shattered and smoke and dust rose.

On the other hand, Tian Yu at high altitude was only injured by the golden lightning.

What's more, these flesh wounds are still healing quickly with scars visible to the naked eye!

"Boss Lion!" The Golden Retriever Thunder Lion was easily hit hard, and all the star beasts in the territory were even more horrified!

"Damn it!"

The red flames surged from the horned man's body, and immediately turned into a shadow of fire, about to crash into Tian Yu who was high in the sky!

Just at this moment, five blue thunderbolts like giant claws shot out and stopped in front of the horned man, but it was Katu who made the move.

"You want to stop me with lightning?!" The horned man roared, and the red flames on his right fist punched the five blue lightnings.

However, with a "dang", it made a sound like hitting hard metal.

Although the blue lightning shattered a little, it was not blown away by the punch of the horned man!

And at the next moment, five blue lightning flashed, and turned into a thunder prison, trapping the horned man inside!


The horned man let out a roar, and his body turned into a flame-exploding demon cow.

Muscles surged all over his body, and his physical body swelled, trying to enlarge his body to forcefully open the thunder prison.

However, the corner of Katu's mouth grinned: "It's really rude~"

Katu raised his hand and pointed, and the lightning above the thunder prison was full of light, and the endless "cracking" current surged out of the thunder prison and drowned the magic cow.


The screams came from the mouth of the demon cow, the flames on its body collapsed, and even its swollen body was restrained!


"Kill them!"


Seeing that the boss of the magic cow was blocked, the remaining hundreds of transformed star beasts in the territory rushed over one after another.

And Katu smiled contemptuously, opened his hands, and the blue light behind him was shining, and the blue thunder guns that were harder than metal shot towards the many star beasts in front of him!


After a long time, the field became quiet.

The entire territory is already full of corpses and a mess.

Katu walked in front of the magic cow controlled by the thunder prison in the distance, and the thunder light flowed when he raised his hand, and it turned into a thunder gun with a strong texture and landed on his palm in a blink of an eye.

The magic cow watched all the star beasts in the territory being killed by Katu and others, and his eyes were tearing apart at this moment.

But the body was already bloody and bloody under the continuous erosion of the thunder prison current, unable to move at all, only trembling slightly.

"Too weak, too weak!"

Katu's eyes showed fanaticism, and he raised his spear and stabbed it out in the eyes of the magic cow full of hatred and despair.

In an instant, the blood gushed out, and immediately pierced the magic cow!

"Hahaha, this power... I am really too strong!"

Feeling the tyrannical power in his body, Katu couldn't help laughing out loud!

And Tian Yu waited aside, watching him quietly.

As for the yellow-haired thunder lion, it had already been beaten to death on the ground.

Looking at the slaughtered territory, Helena couldn't help biting her lower lip, and couldn't help frowning.

And that sexy mature woman's face was full of excitement: "As expected of Master Katu, it's easy to deal with the Chongyang Star Beast. One person killed more than 90% of the Star Beasts in this territory!"

When Katu heard the exclamation of the mature woman, he felt even more happy.

"It's a pity that I don't have the opportunity to play it to the fullest... I'm looking forward to it, I really met the star beast of the Three Suns Realm!"

The mature woman said with a smile: "Master Katu is powerful, so these star beasts are naturally nothing.

Moreover, there are not only star beasts in this gray world, but also people from the Sky Survey Division, so there must be opponents that satisfy the adults. "

Katu's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait.

"Speaking of which, everyone else should have come in too..." Katu looked at Tian Yu and said, "Let's go, Tian Yu, we can't fall behind~"

After finishing speaking, Katu turned into a blue thunder and flew out of the ruined territory.

And Tian Yu looked at his back, and immediately rushed out with the rest of the people...

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