Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 808 Earth cave

"Three seats, there is a canyon in front of the left, and the miasma in the valley is filled with dead silence."

"There is a group of territories twenty kilometers away, and one of them seems to be the Scorching Sun territory. I am worried that I will not approach without authorization."

"Three seats, there is no way to the right, there is nothingness..."

"Huh? There is turbulence ahead, be careful!"


Half a month later, Su Yuan took Xia Xuan and the others forward, scanning the map and searching according to the route.

At this moment, a large number of markers have appeared on the map.

Danger zone, star beast territory, turbulent flow area...Of course, there are also some spiritual plants, materials and other resources.

Xiang Dinggan came back with a few black and yellow fruits: "Sanxi, there is a dense forest over there, and there are some rare spiritual plants in it, such as this psychic fruit."

The psychic fruit is something that can reduce the consumption of the summoner, and can greatly increase the strength of the summoning. Although it is useless to ordinary people, it is also a rare fourth-level spiritual plant.

Xiang Dingqian added: "In addition to this, there are a large number of refining materials of level three and below. It seems that star beasts are not very good at using these materials."

Su Yuan nodded, took out his star power map, and summarized the news brought back by Xiang Dinggan again.

Su Yuan looked at the map, in addition to Xia Xuan and others in his team, he could also see the positions of some people around him.

But people who are too far away can't see it.

At this moment, Su Yuan could see that there was another team on the map.

Click on it for a closer look, it is the team of Tian Hui, the third seat of Xuanwu Yu.

Relatively speaking, the tasks assigned by the Sanyang Realm Imperial Envoys are riskier, and they are basically biased towards the north.

At this moment, Su Yuan suddenly looked to the west, with a silver light in his eyes: "Sure enough, it's impossible to live in peace forever."

"Third seat, something happened?" Xiang Dingqian asked quickly.

"Jiyuan and the others are in trouble, you rest here first, I'll go over and have a look."

Xiang Dingqian naturally had great trust in Su Yuan, and immediately said: "Okay, three seats be careful!"

Su Yuan nodded slightly, raised a hand and opened a door of space and walked in.

More than ten kilometers away, in a certain vast sea of ​​quicksand.

Looking down from mid-air, you can faintly see the undulating surface of a certain sand sea, and the bottom does not seem to be peaceful.

But at this moment, several hundred meters below the sand sea, several sandworms more than 20 meters long and covered with knife-like scales were constantly twisting in it, impacting a rock ball in the middle that seemed to be composed of six shields.

These sandworms are all of the Huiyue level, and their strength is astonishing. Every time they hit the six shield rock balls, they shake violently.

Among the six shield rock balls, there are Ji Yuan and Tang Jiao who came to explore.

There was a wry smile on Ji Yuan's pale face, he supported the rock ball defense with all his strength, and looked at Tang Jiao beside him.

"I thought the sandy land was the terrain I was good at, but in the end I got stuck in it, and I even got you involved..."

Tang Jiao said: "Don't think too much, we just have to hold on for a while. Su Sanxi is a space system star card master, and he should be here soon."

As she spoke, Tang Jiao formed a seal with both hands, and a black light spread towards the surroundings, quickly forming a dark field that covered the entire kilometer radius, and she couldn't see her fingers.

Many meat worms "seeed" the six-shield rock ball, and the siege suddenly fell into chaos.

But Ji Yuan's eyes lit up, and he immediately urged the rock ball to move in the quicksand to avoid the attack, which made him a lot easier.

But even so, the six-shield sandball had no way of escaping under the siege of so many Huiyue-level sandworms.

Faced with the continuous impact of several sandworms, it didn't take long for a large crack to appear on the sand shield.

And before they knew it, the two of them were getting deeper and deeper in the quicksand...

The six-shield rock ball was about to be smashed, Ji Yuan and Tang Jiao looked at each other and prepared to attack with all their strength, but at this moment, the sandworms outside scattered and wandered away one after another.

"Huh? What's going on."

Tang Jiao frowned suspiciously, there must be a demon if something goes wrong.

Jiyuan sensed something through the powerful geotechnical system, and suddenly his expression changed.

"There seems to be something big down there!"

Tang Jiao's expression froze, she immediately closed her eyes and formed a seal with both hands, and the dark field spread downward with all her strength.

With the help of the "visible everything" feature in the domain, Tang Jiao soon detected the things below.

That is the mother of a huge sandworm with a body length of hundreds of feet hidden in the depths of the quicksand.

And its bloody mouth full of razor blades, like a black hole, is directly below the two of them!

"Not good!!" Tang Jiao's complexion turned pale immediately, and she exclaimed in shock, "Get out of the way!"

When Ji Yuan heard that Tang Jiao was so panicked, his heart shuddered. He couldn't care less about other things, so he moved to the side with all his strength.

However, at this moment, the quicksand outside the two of them slid down like a waterfall...or in other words, they were sucked by the mother of sandworms!

"This is a scorching sun-level sandworm!"

Ji Yuan and Tang Jiao were terrified and wanted to escape for no reason, but they couldn't go upstream under the strong suction force.

In a short while, the two were brought within tens of meters by the mother of sandworms, and they could even smell the stench from her mouth!

"Not good!" Ji Yuan and Tang Jiao both turned pale.

Just at this moment, a ray of deep sword light slashed across, and the quicksand that was sucked down like a tornado suddenly stagnated along the cut surface as if the flow stopped.

Ji Yuan and Tang Jiao suddenly felt the terrifying suction dissipate by themselves... It was as if the sand sea was cut off by something.

And with a flash of silver light in front of him, a silver-haired young man in a black robe with vermilion patterns appeared in front of the six-shield rock ball of the two, looking down at the dry quicksand.

"Three seats!"

Jiyuan and Jiyuan, who survived a desperate situation, were delighted when they saw Su Yuan.

But before the two of them were happy, a large number of tentacle-like flesh whiskers with serrated knives wrapped around them.

There was a silver light in Su Yuan's eyes, and an invisible force spread out from the three of them, immediately blocking all the attacking beards outside.

Then, accompanied by a sharp insect cry, a huge sandworm that didn't match the sound at all and was comparable to a hill suddenly burst out from the dry quicksand below, and swallowed Su Yuan and the others in one gulp!


The 100-foot body of the Mother of Sand Worms kept twisting, and her ferocious mouth crazily smashed on the boundless barrier, causing ripples in the void.

Ji Yuan and the two finally saw the monster's body with their own eyes. The terrifying power, huge and ferocious appearance made the two of them's already pale complexions turn pale again.

Su Yuan's expression was indifferent, and he whispered to himself: "Alright, let's use you to try the insights of these days."

Su Yuan opened his right hand, and the rich immeasurable power condensed in his palm, and a dazzling silver light suddenly lit up.

In just a moment, the immeasurable power gathered at an astonishing speed without compression, and quickly turned into a silver ball.

With a wave of Su Yuan's right hand, the silver ball in his right hand pierced through the immeasurable barrier in front of him and flew into the mouth of the not-so-intelligent Sandworm Mother.

"Stay away." Su Yuan looked sideways slightly, and said to the two behind him.


Jiyuan and the two also woke up with a start, and quickly distanced themselves.

And Su Yuan looked at the mother of sandworms whose whole body was covered in yellow, which seemed to have strengthened her physical body and was still hitting the infinite barrier, and her eyes shone with silver.

"Infinite excess!"

There seemed to be a hum in the void, and then the mother of the sandworm was shocked, and her whole body suddenly swelled up as if it was inflated!

In just a few breaths, the 100-foot-long body has swelled into a huge "balloon" with a diameter of hundreds of feet, and there are a lot of bloodstains and cracks everywhere on the body!

However, what is filled in its body is not gas, but an ever-expanding space!



Accompanied by a scream of pain, the Mother of Sandworms exploded, turning into thousands of pieces of flesh and flying in all directions.

"I go!"

Yoshino was startled, and hastily spread out the rock shield again in front of him, and pieces of meat fell on him like it was raining.

Outside Su Yuan's body, all flesh and blood were stopped by immeasurable force.

Su Yuanfei stepped forward and found the star core from the exploding flesh and blood.

"The star core of Double Sun Realm..." Su Yuan nodded slightly.

"Su Sanxi." Ji Yuan and Tang Jiao approached, and they saluted gratefully, "Thank you, Sanxi, for your help."

Su Yuan waved his hand: "There are many dangers in the gray world, I was supposed to be responsible for your safety, no thanks."

"Yes!" Ji Yuan quickly responded again.

Originally thought that a young genius like Su Yuan should be very arrogant.

But after getting along for a few days, it is completely different. Not only is he powerful, but also reliable, it is really good to be able to follow such an envoy...

Su Yuan put away the star core, and was quite satisfied with the move just now.

Infinite excess is the ability to expand a square inch of space as much as possible with infinite power and fill it with star power, and then erupt with terrifying power.

This trick was inspired by the battle with the Wuliang Xuanfeng when he obtained [Infinite Moment] before, and there are many changes in it.

Just now, Su Yuan simply used the rapidly expanding space to explode the mother of sandworms, and did not even fully explode the power of this technique.

In fact, the power of the soul itself has impressive power.

You just need to find a more suitable way to display and use it according to your specific ability.

Not only does it not need to be as complicated and rigorous as epic and legendary skills, but it can also guarantee a considerable lower limit!

With the death of the sandworm mother, the quicksand below spread out layer by layer, and a huge and dense cave entrance appeared before Su Yuan and others.

"There's still a hole in the sky!" Ji Yuan said in surprise.

Su Yuan looked at the dense black hole, his eyes were ponderous, he didn't know what was in the hole.

Compared with the terrain and feasible paths on the bright side, certain dark passages are undoubtedly more strategically key.

It's just that there are countless dangers in the gray world, and the situation in this cave is unknown.

Su Yuan turned his head to look at a few bright moon sandworms that were fleeing rapidly not far away, and when he raised his hand, the sky lock suddenly broke into the void and shot out.

But for a moment, with the sound of "嘤嘤...", several Huiyue sandworms were all tied up.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, he summoned Ruan Ruan from the mental space.

"Pfft!" Ruan Ruan rubbed against Su Yuan's face.

Su Yuan said: "Ruan Ruan, can you swallow them to check the memory?"

Su Yuan couldn't bear to swallow such an ugly sandworm.

But Ruan Ruan himself didn't mind about it, and after a reply, he opened his mouth wide, and a gust of devouring black light unfolded and swallowed several sandworms alive in a blink of an eye.

Ji Yuan and Tang Jiao who were standing next to him were shocked.

These are all Huiyue-level sandworms! Swallowing so much at once, is this slime of Su Sanxi also a scorching sun star beast...

A scorching sun-level slime?


After a while, Ruan Ruan opened his eyes and pursed his mouth slightly.

"How about it, Ruanrou."

"These sandworms have low intelligence and can only get a little vague memory.

Below is a huge crypt that seems to lead to some other place.

However, since these sandworms were born, they have basically been here for countless years, and they have no more memories. "

"A huge cave that can lead to other places..." Su Yuan's eyes froze slightly.

If this is the case, it is worth investigating.

After pondering for a while, Su Yuan immediately sent out a signal to recall Xia Xuan and Xiang Dingqian.

"The burrow below seems quite dangerous, the four of you don't stay too far away from me."

In the Catacombs, Xia Xuan and the others can naturally assist in the exploration, as long as they are not too far away, they can basically take care of them.

But if the four of them were allowed to stay outside, they would not be able to take care of any accidents.

Xia Xuan and the others nodded in response, and then followed Su Yuan into the cave...

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