Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 810 Encountering the Enemy

In the crypt, Su Yuan swept across the front.

"There is a fork in the front left, Ji Yuan, Tang Jiao, take a look and be careful."

"Yes, three seats."

Yoshino and Tang Jiao flew out immediately, heading for the side road on the left.

And in Tang Jiao's arms, she was holding a slime clone.

After entering the cave, the spirit son signal was severely blocked by the stone wall in the cave.

So Su Yuan asked Xia Xuan to move in groups of four, and let Ruan Ruan create two clones to follow the two groups.

It can not only transmit key information, but also properly guarantee the safety of several people.

Su Yuan explored at the front all the way, Xia Xuan and Yoshino followed behind to check for omissions and fill in the gaps on both sides, and the slime was used to connect them softly.

Although there are many star beasts in the cave, Su Yuan and the others do not want to kill them, they just need to find out the route.

As for the suspected dangerous areas, either mark them or wait for Su Yuan to investigate them himself.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and on this day, Su Yuan, who was walking alone in front of him, suddenly felt something, his eyes moved slightly, and kept moving forward.

But only a few seconds later, on the stone wall of the narrow pass in front, a shadow suddenly twisted and leaped up after Su Yuan passed by, raised the short blade and stabbed quietly at Su Yuan's back.

However, when the dagger was about to stab Su Yuan, it stopped suddenly and was blocked by the infinite barrier.

Su Yuan stopped and turned around, but he was a short-haired young man in a white uniform.

"The same uniform as Fidis, Qiguang?" Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

The short-haired young man seemed to be greatly surprised that his surprise attack was blocked. Seeing Su Yuan, the dim light flashed on his body and he wanted to retract into the cave wall.

However, with a thought in Su Yuan's mind, immeasurable power lay behind him and blocked his retreat.

The short-haired young man showed surprise in his eyes, and before he could make any more moves, Su Yuan held the demon knife with a flash of red light in his hand and slashed down with the sword.


One sword broke in two, but it exploded into a shadow.

Su Yuan was not surprised by this: "A shadow clone with high attainments, whether it is breath, expression, strength level, etc., is considered to be excellent."

Just as Su Yuan was thinking, shadows twisted on the stone walls in all directions of the crypt, and short-haired youths appeared one after another.

Counting carefully, there are nearly a hundred of them!

The silver light in Su Yuan's eyes swept towards these shadow clones: "The number is even better."

The next moment, all the shadow clones took out their short blades and charged at Su Yuanwei!

Su Yuan called softly: "Wuliang."

The void shook slightly, and the immeasurable barrier unfolded in a hemispherical shape centered on Su Yuan.

Afterwards, all the shadow clones who came to kill with short blades were all blocked outside, so densely packed that they even completely blocked Su Yuan's vision!

Su Yuan shook his long sword, and the sword energy surrounded him.

"The black lotus blooms!"

The immeasurable barrier was released, and the black lotus with sword energy bloomed, cutting through the bodies of nearly a hundred shadows in an instant.

Before the nearly hundred shadow clones came close, a large number of sword marks appeared on their bodies, and then all of them exploded in a "puff puff puff"!

Although the shadow clone exploded, the large amount of shadow elements left behind filled the entire field in an instant, turning into a viscous shadow field that blocked Su Yuan's vision and perception.

Outside the shadow field, a young man with short hair who was hidden in the shadows looked over.

"I didn't expect to break my multiple shadow clone so easily... However, it is still covered by the shadow field~"

The short-haired young man smiled, and the dark light surged around him. After gaining momentum, he stepped out with a short blade in his hand, and immediately turned into a shadow dragon, grazing and killing!

"Shadow Dragon Attack!"

The distance of hundreds of meters approached in an instant, but the shadow dragon transformed by the short-haired youth did not hit Su Yuan with one blow and fly out as expected, but stagnated in place!

In the shadow field, Su Yuan raised his left hand to point at the short-haired young man, and the powerful immeasurable force in his palm spread out to easily block him.

"Huh?!" The pupils of the short-haired youth transformed into a shadow dragon shrank.

But Su Yuan's complexion was as usual, silver light in his eyes lit up, and the hole shot out instantly and hit the shadow dragon.


After a muffled snort, Shadow Dragon pulled back immediately in pain, and the shadow trembling outside him soon couldn't hold back and turned back into a short-haired youth.

The short-haired young man glanced down, but saw a blood hole in his abdomen, and blood was continuously flowing out.

Quickly sealed and spread the shadow healing technique to cover his abdomen, the short-haired young man raised his head to look at Su Yuan, his eyes were surprised and gloomy.

"It actually blocked my surprise attack!"

Being in the Shadow Realm, his perception was almost completely blocked, and he was also in the Double Ninth Realm, yet the other party was able to react and block him with an inexplicable force?

And Su Yuan also looked at the short-haired young man, omniscient vision, coupled with the super perception of perfect breathing, naturally it cannot be completely blocked by the other party casually.

But it's a pity that he failed to penetrate his heart just now, and the other party's reaction was also very fast.

"Since he's from Qiguang, there's nothing to talk nonsense about.

Su Yuan held the long sword in his hand, Tai Xu's sword energy gathered a little bit, and then he swung the sword and slashed out!

Feeling the sharpness of the sword energy, the short-haired young man's complexion changed slightly, knowing that it was not easy to resist, he cast a shadow and jumped to the nearby stone wall as the dark light flowed on his body, turning into a shadow and sinking in.

Tai Xu's sword qi slashed on the stone wall, cutting through a large piece of chaotic rock in a destructive manner.

Seeing the short-haired youth disappear, the silver light in Su Yuan's eyes flowed, and he tried his best to activate the omniscient vision.

Soon, Su Yuan noticed something strange in the rear wall, turned around and slashed over with his sword again!

The short-haired young man had just moved into position, ready to launch a shadow attack from the stone wall behind to attack Su Yuan.

But as soon as he raised his eyes, he saw fierce sword energy coming, so he had to quickly put the short blade horizontally in front of him.


The sword energy surged, and the short-haired youth was instantly sent flying.

"Such a strong sword energy, this person's star power is so strong!"

The short-haired young man was startled. In terms of strength alone, this sword energy has even approached the attack strength of the Three Suns Realm!

Looking at the other party, it seems that they are quite relaxed.

Without waiting for the short-haired young man to think about it, Su Yuan had already teleported and slashed out with a sword.

The short-haired young man quickly erupted with the power of shadow, and waved his short blade to meet him.

However, the next moment, he was blown away by the same terrifying force.

"Bang bang bang... bang!"

After just a few rounds of fighting, with a loud bang, the short-haired youth was sent flying heavily and crashed into a stone wall!


A trace of blood spilled from the corner of the short-haired young man's mouth, he really felt Su Yuan's tyrannical strength, and he wanted to avoid the battle and retreat into the shadows.

But at this moment, several golden chains shot out from the void outside of itself.

The pupils of the short-haired young man shrank. Because the opponent was too strong, he didn't notice that the opponent had arranged such a backhand, so he was entangled on the spot.

"not good!"

The short-haired young man's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly felt that his movements were greatly restricted, and he immediately burst out the power of the shadow to try to break free.

And the sword intent rose, and when Su Yuan raised his hand not far in front, there was another Taixu sword energy slashing towards him!

"Play off!"

The short-haired youth struggled frantically, trying to avoid the vitals.

But at this moment, a golden light flashed, and suddenly a sharp golden arrow pierced through the stone wall nearby and hit Taixu's sword energy.


There was a sound like metal clashing, the sword energy of Taixu and the golden arrow were in a stalemate for a while, and then both of them collapsed!

Immediately afterwards, four more golden arrows scatter over and hit the sky lock that bound the short-haired young man.

The sky lock trembled slightly, and the aura on it dimmed a bit.

The short-haired young man was overjoyed, and took this opportunity to burst out with all his strength, break free from the chain of the sky, and then launched a shadow jump and moved towards the broken stone wall.

"Oh? Anyone else?"

Su Yuan looked up, only to see a cold and stern woman with a hot figure and an alloy longbow standing outside the broken stone wall.

On his body, he also has a white uniform.

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