"Melche, you're finally here!" The short-haired young man heaved a sigh of relief, and patted his chest with lingering fear.

The stern woman raised her eyebrows and said coldly, "It's you who ran too fast."

The short-haired young man froze for a moment, then looked at Su Yuan who was holding a sword in the distance, "That guy is really powerful, he actually countered my surprise attack, it was so dangerous, it was almost over..."

Hearing the words, the stern woman also looked carefully at Su Yuan in front of her.

"Since it's so powerful, then you should use all your strength!"

The short-haired young man smacked his lips: "I don't know how powerful he is until I try it. If it's another Double Ninth Festival, my Multiple Shadow Clone + Shadow Dragon Strike can at least injure him..."

Just at this moment, a burst of silver light appeared under the short-haired young man.

The cold and stern woman's expression changed: "Under you is...?"

Shadows surged around the short-haired young man trying to suppress the silver light, but it was already too late.

The next moment, the shape shifted, and Su Yuan suddenly appeared in front of the cold and stern woman, holding up the demon knife and slashing down with a sword!

Although the cold and stern woman was not disturbed, she quickly raised her golden bow to block her body.

However, when the sword and bow clashed, the cold and stern woman's face changed, and she was suddenly pushed back and hit the stone wall behind.

"Well... this power is so strong!"

The cold and stern woman snorted, the sudden sword has such a strong power!

But with a flash of silver light in front of him, Su Yuan teleported to him again, and swung the demon sword surrounded by sword energy to slash down with his sword.

At this moment, shadows entangled on the stone wall behind the cold and stern woman, and four huge shadow assassins rushed out to Su Yuan in an instant.

Su Yuan's figure swayed slightly, and after avoiding four giant thorns one after another, he chopped them all into pieces with a backhand sword.

But at this moment, the shadow of the stone wall behind the cold and stern woman twisted, wrapping her inside and dragging her away in a blink of an eye.

Su Yuan raised his head and looked into the distance, it was the short-haired young man who used the power of shadow to drag the cold and stern woman into the shadow of the stone wall and saved her.

"Star card masters who can cooperate can not only attack together, but also rescue each other. One plus one is greater than two." Su Yuan looked thoughtful.

The cold and stern woman and the short-haired young man also had serious expressions at the moment.

The people who came to the church this time, except Sanyang, were in groups of two.

Coupled with the liberation of the true form, even if you encounter the Three Suns Realm, you still have a chance!

Previously, after the short-haired young man discovered Su Yuan using the shadow detection technique, he felt that it was not difficult to solve, so he attacked and killed the cold and harsh woman on his own without waiting for the cold and harsh woman to come over first.

But now... I found that the other party was unexpectedly tricky!

The cold and stern woman said: "Just use your full strength!"

The short-haired young man understood what she meant, and nodded slightly: "Okay!"

The next moment, a pure white cross lit up in the palms of the two, and then clasped it at the heart.


The golden light and shadows suddenly rose sharply, and a strong spiritual light swayed from the two of them.

Su Yuan's eyes froze: "Is this also..."

But after a while, the spiritual light dissipated, and the figures of the two reappeared.

The stern woman grew four golden arms, behind her was a pair of golden wings, and a two-meter-long golden bow could only be held by her with two hands.

On the other hand, the short-haired young man was covered by a shadow hood, his face and figure could not be seen clearly, and even his breath disappeared completely, as if he had merged with the surrounding shadows.

If it wasn't for Su Yuan looking at him, he wouldn't even be able to perceive his existence.

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Sure enough, it is also the liberation of the true form... It seems that the people who have been blessed by the Holy Spirit have been sent out."

After transforming, the cold and stern woman drew the big golden bow with two hands, and the string with the other two hands, and a solid golden arrow landed on the string while the golden shavings were flying.

Suddenly, Su Yuan felt a strong sense of sharpness, as if just looking at it like this would pierce his own skin!

"Broken Golden Demon Arrow!"

The cold and stern woman shouted violently, and the golden arrow shot out with a "clank", turning into a stream of light piercing the night and rushing towards Su Yuan in an instant.

Su Yuan stretched out his immeasurable force to block in front of him while raising his hand, the sharp golden arrow was suddenly slowed down, the golden light on it trembled, and it was still approaching constantly to penetrate the immeasurable barrier!

"In terms of penetrating power alone, it is almost catching up with Bashu's silver blade attack. It is worthy of the liberation of the true form..."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, trying to dodge.

Just at this moment, a large number of shadows flew quietly from all directions and entangled Su Yuan's body, but it was the shadow control technique that the short-haired young man spread far away.

"Not only has he completely merged into a dark burrow, but even the shadow spells have been greatly enhanced and become silent?"

Su Yuan's face turned cold: "Void and evil are haunted!"

Black flames surged out of the chest, and instantly turned into a twisted and burning black flame cloak.

Su Yuan's strength soared, and with one step, he broke free from the entanglement of the large shadows around him.

"What!" The expression of the short-haired youth changed.

The shadow entangled after the release of his true form, was actually broken free by the opponent with brute force? !

And Su Yuan's body flashed with silver light, and immediately leaped over the sharp golden arrow and rushed to the cold and stern woman!

The cold and stern woman was startled, the golden wings fluttered behind her and she immediately retreated. At the same time, she bent the bow and drew the string again, and another golden arrow landed on the string!

Su Yuan wanted to chase after him again, but suddenly found that the short-haired young man was no longer where he was.

The next moment, the shadows on the ground moved, and the short-haired young man wrapped in a shadow cloak stabbed from below with a dagger!

Su Yuan frowned, and immediately slashed down with his sword.

With a "clang" sound, the short-haired young man was sent flying at a faster speed, and quickly manipulated the shadows in all directions to turn into a big net to catch him.

"The power has skyrocketed again!" The short-haired young man froze in his heart, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "However, I can just delay a little bit."

But seeing the golden light shining brightly, for such a single moment, the cold and stern woman's broken gold magic arrow has already shot towards him again, extremely fast!

Su Yuan didn't have time to dodge, and immediately blocked the golden arrow with his horizontal sword.

In an instant, the golden light flashed, and the bright golden beam shot out thousands of meters away from Su Yuan Cave, smashing countless heavy stone walls!


The short-haired young man was overjoyed, and quickly spread out his shadow move and flew towards the direction where the Broken Golden Demon Arrow was shot.

The eyes of the cold and stern woman also lit up.

The strength of this opponent is really extremely tyrannical, the enhanced skill just now is simply stronger than some people's true form liberation.

However, being hit head-on by the Broken Golden Devil Arrow...you will be seriously injured if you don't die!

The stern woman fluttered her wings and was ready to follow, but at this moment, there was a burst of energy fluctuations behind her.


The cold and stern woman noticed the abnormality and turned around immediately.

However, amidst the flashing silver light, a space gate suddenly opened!

And from it, Su Yuan walked out holding the sword.

Apart from the fact that the black flame cloak transformed by the evil spirit is still repairing itself at a high speed, the whole body is unscathed...


The cold and severe woman was horrified, she was hit head-on by the Broken Gold Demon Arrow and was not injured!

In fact, since the demon sword was used to block it head-on, the remaining force of the golden arrow's explosion alone was not enough to break through the defense entangled in virtual evil.

After all, although it looks like a thin cloak, it is actually the evil armor condensed from the entire virtual and evil manifestation, and the defense is not even below the power increase!

At this moment, the stern woman could no longer maintain her composure, and immediately flapped her golden wings and was about to retreat.

And a circle of silver light swayed, and the immeasurable power like substance had already covered Su Yuan and the cold and stern woman in it.

In just two rounds of confrontation, Su Yuan already had a rough idea of ​​the opponent's ability.

Although the penetrability is almost comparable to that of Jianba Shu's True Form Liberation, it even has a longer range and stronger attack power.

But the degree of flexibility and comprehensiveness... is far from being comparable to that of Ba Shu!

The opponent was clearly positioned as a long-range turret. Even though the golden wings provided her with a certain high-speed movement ability, it would not be of much use when facing Su Yuan.

Surrounded by the divine wind around him, the sword intent on the sword soared, Su Yuan swung the sword of Shenduan and slashed down!

"not good!"

The cold and stern woman's complexion changed drastically, she could only turn around and raise her golden bow to resist!

However, with a flash of sword light, the golden bow snapped, and the stern woman was cut in half by the sword!

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