
The short-haired young man in the distance came back and suddenly exclaimed in horror. Unexpectedly, Su Yuan killed the cold and stern woman cleanly and neatly in this moment.

Even the golden bow couldn't block the opponent's slash, and the short-haired young man couldn't imagine how fierce the sword move was!


Just as the short-haired youth was thinking, Su Yuan had teleported to him and charged out with a sword.

"not good!"

The shadow in the hands of the short-haired young man turned into a long knife and slashed at Su Yuan.

But the power gap between the two sides is so large that it is unimaginable!

The previous Fidis was at the Three Suns Realm, and after the liberation of the true form, those jagged wings could face Su Yuan who was behind the virtual and evil entanglement.

And the short-haired youth is a Double Ninth Festival, and it is not a Double Ninth Festival in terms of strength. Even if the real body is liberated, how can he fight Su Yuan head-on?

The sword light flashed repeatedly, but within a few strikes, the short-haired young man retreated again and again, in a panic.

Realizing that the front was not Su Yuan's opponent, the short-haired young man's shadow swirled and he dived into the darkness again.

Because he was in the Catacombs, surrounded by darkness, it was undoubtedly the best fighting environment for the short-haired youth who was a Shadow Star Card Master.

Su Yuan's eyes were slightly condensed, even if his perception was fully deployed, it was still difficult to lock on to the other party.

Although Su Yuan has never seen a ghost with no form, but in places where shadows exist, the other party is completely immersed in the darkness and it is difficult to find the slightest trace. This concealment ability may be comparable to that of a ghost with no form.


"One-hearted clean!"

The substantial silver light in Su Yuan's eyes spread out, filling the entire eye socket.

In an instant, all the information from all directions flooded into his mind.

Although it is not very clear, but it is not as unaware as before.

At this moment, Su Yuan looked sideways slightly, and coldly glanced at the shadow under his feet.

And the next moment, a dark light flashed, and the short-haired young man burst out from Su Yuan's shadow!

The next moment, the sword light flashed across, and blood splashed!

The short-haired young man stared in amazement at the long sword marks that had been cut open on his chest, and then at the indifferent blue silver in the eyes of the young man who turned around and cut him...

If he hadn't reacted in time, he would almost have been cut in half!

"How could it be? Even the Knights of the Three Suns can't detect me hiding in the shadows!"

The short-haired young man's complexion changed drastically, he didn't care about the blood pouring out of his chest, and the shadows all over his body surged towards the rear on the spot!


With a flash of Su Yuan's figure, he chased after him with his sword.

Seriously injured himself, coupled with the beheading of the ruthless woman, the short-haired young man was extremely shocked.

The shadows kept jumping desperately, and released a large number of shadow nets along the way to try to block Su Yuan.

But Su Yuan's divine wind accelerated, and Taixu's sword energy cut through the shadows, almost without any hindrance.

Not long after, the short-haired young man was finally hit on the back by the continuous burst of Taixu sword energy after some shadow maneuvering, smashing through a large stone wall with a bang!


The short-haired young man spat blood on the ground, turned his head to look at Su Yuan who was flying after him, and felt inexplicably terrified.

What kind of monster is this?

Strength, speed, and star power are all so terrifying, and, unexpectedly, he was able to discover his true form and blend into the shadows after liberation!

Without waiting for the short-haired youth to make any other moves, a silver light flashed in front of him, and Su Yuan had already teleported to him.

"Damn it!" The short-haired young man turned pale, "I'll fight you!"

The shadows all over his body twisted and surged, and a burst of madness appeared in the eyes of the short-haired young man in despair. A large amount of shadow power revolved and converged at high speed around himself like an abyss, emitting a terrifying breath.

But at this moment, Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and the silver light flashed back from his body.

The short-haired young man was stunned, and then a burst of madness appeared on his face, and he laughed wildly: "Are you afraid? So you are nothing more than..."


Suddenly, an extremely huge red fruit crashed down from the top of the head, and there was a huge shock that shook the ground!

Su Yuan's pupils shrank, and he raised his eyes to look forward.

"Oh, it's really lively~"

Accompanied by a rather frivolous voice, a tall and thin man came out from a distance.

The tall and thin man beckoned, and the red fruit, which was as big as a building, turned around, then quickly shrunk and returned to his hand.

And in the huge pit left in place, the short-haired young man has turned into a piece of blood and mud without any accident, and he can't die anymore!

"It's a pity, but one of them reacted quickly, and it didn't make a double hit..." The tall and thin man smiled relaxedly, and his eyes fell on Su Yuan.

Su Yuan also looked at the tall and thin man, especially the palm-sized red fruit in his hand.

"This star device is really terrifying!"

If it wasn't for Yixin Wuchen's quick reaction, I'm afraid he would be hit too.

And with the power of this red fruit...

Su Yuan scanned the situation in the field, quickly calculated in his mind, and soon got the result.

If it is me who is haunted by false evil, I will be seriously injured if I am hit by this red fruit, and I may be able to barely resist by unfolding false evil and manifesting the holy.

And that's not all, although the tall and thin man in front of him didn't release his aura unscrupulously like other star beasts.

But under the powerful perception, it is not difficult for Su Yuan to see that this is a transformational star beast of the Three Yang Realm!

Suddenly, Su Yuan thought of something.

"Ten weapon envoys?"

"Hahaha..." The tall and thin man suddenly laughed, and then said, "I didn't expect you to know the Ten Weapons Envoy?"

"I've heard it once or twice, so have you?"

The tall and thin man showed some eagerness in his eyes, and said: "Ten Weapons... Soon, I will be one too."

Su Yuan nodded and said, "So, not now."

The tall and thin man looked slightly stagnant, and then sneered and said, "I am an envoy selected by the imperial court. If ten envoys fall, then I will have a chance to replace them."

"Substitute Palmist, this is it..." Su Yuan's eyes fell on the red fruit in the right hand of the master man, as if thinking of something, his eyes flickered, "In this case, I can't let you go..."

The tall and thin man raised his eyebrows: "What did you say?"

As soon as the kamikaze turned, Su Yuan had already jumped out with a sword in his hand!

"I didn't expect that you would dare to send it to your door by yourself?"

There was a flash of inspiration in the tall and thin man's left hand, and the red fruit became bigger again and flew towards Su Yuan before smashing it down!

Although the red fruit is extremely huge, there seems to be some kind of rule on it, which causes its speed to be uncommonly fast!

"Bang bang bang...!"

The red fruit kept rising and falling, making huge pits on the ground.

But for Su Yuan, who has opened up a clean heart, such an offensive is naturally not difficult to dodge.

After approaching a certain distance at high speed, Su Yuan's body flashed a silver light, and he teleported to the tall and thin man and slashed out with his sword!

But seeing a blue light passing by, with a "clang", Su Yuan actually took a few steps back.

Su Yuan's expression was slightly concentrated, looking ahead, the right arm of the tall and thin man suddenly became like a sickle.

"Oh?" A trace of surprise flashed across the face of the tall and thin man, "Your strength is not much different from mine in a Double Sun realm..."

Su Yuan flicked his long sword, and once again slashed with the opponent.

The two colors of black and blue clashed at high speed, making the sound of "Dangdangdang..." like raindrops.

Incomparably sharp sword energy and green awns shot out, rocks splashed, plants shredded, and the field was a mess in a short while.

After a burst of blows, Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he immediately pulled back.

The next moment, with a "boom", the red fruit fell from the top of his head again, almost hitting Su Yuan!

"What a keen perception! And being able to observe things in other directions, it should be some kind of pupil technique." The tall and thin man smiled.

Su Yuan looked at the tall and thin man in front of him, and his expression became serious.

Even though the Phidis from Qiguang was also at the Sanyang Realm, he was not as good as the monster in front of him.

Moreover, this star artifact is simple and crude but has amazing power. It is probably a treasure of the pseudo-holy artifact level.

This is the first time that Su Yuan has seen a real "false sacred artifact", not a false sacred artifact transformed by false evil and manifesting the holy!

Although the other party is not a "Ten Artifact Envoy", being able to possess the precious false sacred artifact transformed by the fifth-level spiritual tree is definitely not weak.

After all, at this moment, after only a short fight, Su Yuan sensed the difficulty of the opponent.

That thin and tall body hides a powerful force that is completely opposite to it!

While Su Yuan was thinking, the tall and thin man put away the red fruit when he raised his hand.

"Come on, let me see how much talent you have at the Double Ninth Realm!"

As soon as the words fell, the corners of the tall and thin man's mouth curled up, and then he jumped out...

the other side.

He Zheng's complexion was slightly pale, panting heavily.

The basaltic spirit transformed by ink and wash protects the body, resisting the poisonous gas that is constantly eroding from the surroundings like a plague.

On the top of the head, the spirit of Suzaku released a large black flame, burning the shadowy old man in front of him who had turned into the king of plague. The flame of Suzaku was able to compete with the poisonous gas.

And further ahead, the two spirits of dragon and tiger are fighting fiercely with the indifferent middle-aged man who turned into a stone man!

This technique, called the four-element transformation technique, is He Zheng's best legendary skill, and he has practiced it to the point of proficiency.

Combined with its own way of ink, the spirit of the four elephants is not only more flexible, but also has a certain self-healing ability.

But at this moment, He Zheng lowered his head and glanced at the large area of ​​yellow and green mottled colors on his left arm, but his complexion was not pretty.

Originally, from the very beginning, the enemy conspired to splash the venom, and it was necessary to continuously mobilize part of the star power to suppress the toxin.

And as the shadowy old man started to liberate his true form, he not only launched a large-scale poisonous gas field centered on himself.

Even the toxin on He Zheng's left arm seemed to be catalyzed and became more terrifying, almost destroyed.

And the other indifferent middle-aged man who was liberated from the true form has extremely strong strength and defense, but what is even more amazing is that the opponent's petrified energy body is actually immune to energy attacks and various negative states!

Therefore, the indifferent middle-aged people can fight with all their strength in the field of poisonous gas without any scruples.

And in this way, the spells that He Zheng was originally good at fell on the indifferent middle-aged man, and it was almost useless!

He Zheng's expression was serious. If things go on like this, I am afraid that he will really fall into the hands of these two Chongyang realms today.

And ten kilometers away, Lou Yuntian and other three envoys unfolded the technique of cloud mirror to observe the distance.

"If this continues, the situation will be very bad for He Yushi!" The face of a Huiyue female envoy next to him was full of anxiety.

Lou Yuntian took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "It's useless to be anxious, I have already sent out a call for help according to the specific signal."

Lou Yuntian is not in a hurry, but he also knows that there is no use in being anxious.

In the case of Chuyang Realm, maybe a few people can give it a try.

But in the face of the battle of Chongyang and Sanyang, if I and others really want to go up, they will definitely be courting death and holding back!

In this case, it would be nice to be able to observe here, but fortunately, the two of Qiguang seem to be not very good at anti-reconnaissance.

Right now, they can only observe the scene while sending out a signal for help and wait for other imperial envoys to come to support them.

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