"Huh? Yushi He used a new trick again!"

But in the field, He Zheng waved the Langhao brush and punched it heavily into the inkstone.

The inkstone shook slightly, then suddenly shattered!


He Zheng's already pale complexion suddenly became even paler.

And the broken inkstone turned into a large amount of thick and dark ink to wrap the Langhao pen.

He Zheng waved his wolf hair, and quickly drew a star beast with the head of a dragon, the body of a tiger, the wings of a vermilion bird, and the armor of Xuanwu.

"Four-element fusion!"

As soon as the star beast pattern was drawn, the four spirits of the dragon, tiger, sparrow, and tortoise all lit up with black brilliance.

Afterwards, the brilliance flourished, and the spirits wrapped in the four images reflected back and converged on the star beast pattern that He Zheng just drew.

The ink surged, the black light soared, and in a blink of an eye, a lifelike fusion spirit beast stood in front of He Zheng!

The four-element metamorphosis technique, which was supposed to reach its pinnacle, could be fused with the spirit of the four-element.

But at this moment, with the power of his own soul, He Zheng was able to temporarily fuse the four ink forms in advance at the cost of smashing the inkstone. The power is already comparable to supernatural powers!


The spirit of the four elephants roared, and rushed towards the indifferent middle-aged man in front of him.

The indifferent middle-aged man didn't back down, and the rocks around him swelled violently, turning into a stone giant several meters high in a blink of an eye.

In an instant, the two sides handed over.


There was a loud noise, and a bit of astonishment finally appeared on the face of the indifferent middle-aged man.

The next moment, he was sent flying by the spirit of the Four Elephants, and the rocks on his body were cracked, and a crack was actually punched out!


The eyes of Lou Yuntian and the others who were staring at the battlefield were brightened. Previously, it was difficult for the dragon and tiger spirits to cause any obvious injuries to the indifferent middle-aged man, but now they finally broke him a little bit!

However, He Zheng's situation at the moment is not good. He lost the protection of the Xuanwu Spirit and was immediately eroded by the plague gas even more strongly.

He Zheng's heart trembled, knowing that he could not last long in the plague gas, he immediately swiped his wolf hair, controlled the spirit of the four elephants to turn around and attack the shadowy old man who continued to expand the field in the distance.

The spirit of the four elephants at this moment not only has the defense and resistance of the spirit of Xuanwu, but also the flames of the spirit of Suzaku. It seems that the poisonous gas of the shadowy old man can't pose much threat to it.

But at this moment, the corner of the old man's mouth suddenly evoked a cold smile.

"At first you were hiding under that turtle shell and it was difficult to take you down, but now, you are rushing to die by yourself..."

The old man Yin Yin's eyes turned cold, and he raised the plague staff in his hand high: "Plague will be buried!"

The dark green gem on the plague staff suddenly burst into a strong light.

Suddenly, a strong green brilliance lit up in the body of the spirit of the four elephants rushing in front of it.

The spirit of Four Elephants trembled all over, and then violently twisted and trembled, with a look of extreme pain on his face.

In just a blink of an eye, large areas of yellow-green abscess appeared on the ink-formed body of the spirit of the four elephants!

"Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

Accompanied by a burst of screams, but only for a moment, the spirit of Sixiang completely turned into a handful of pus and exploded in front of the old man Yinyi!


Lou Yuntian and the others were shocked, the situation turned around just now, why did it suddenly become like this.

The female deaconess was surprised and anxious: "How could this happen! He Yushi's four-element spirit combined, didn't he just slap that stone man flying away, why did he just..."

"It's the combination of toxins in the spirit of the four elephants, and doubled the explosion!" Lou Yuntian looked at Yunjing and said in a deep voice.

Although He Zheng's Suzaku Spirit and Xuanwu Spirit can contend against the poison gas field after the liberation of the shadowy old man's true form.

But the spirit of the green dragon and the spirit of the white tiger had already been secretly corroded by the poisonous gas in the process of fighting against the indifferent middle-aged man.

So at this moment, the old man Yin Yin directly launched the plague staff's unique move "excessive poison", detonating ten times the poison, and instantly dissolved the spirit of the four elephants!

"Oh no!"

He Zheng's expression on the field also changed drastically, knowing that this move was wrong!

I am still not decisive enough, if I start the fusion of the four images as soon as I come up, maybe I can directly overwhelm the two of them.

Of course, it's just a possibility.

This is how the battle is, is it necessary to test, how to test? When to use the ultimate move, what ultimate move to use... In most cases, these are uncertain.

Star card masters have different skills, and there is no absolutely correct method in battle, it all depends on the situation.

Whether you can make the best choice depends on a person's fighting talent and a little bit of luck.

But this time, He Zheng obviously didn't do well.

The shadowy old man activated the poison gas field to keep suppressing He Zheng, and at the same time sneered, "Kill him, Hansen!"

The indifferent middle-aged man who was beaten away by the spirit of the four elephants flew out and killed He Zheng again!

He Zheng was resisting the plague domain, and the poisonous gas had already eroded his body and penetrated his star power into his skin.

Without the guardianship of the Xuanwu Spirit, even if the middle-aged man can't come, he can't last long.

He Zheng took a deep breath, and secretly made a "retreat" gesture with his hands behind his back.

He Zheng knew that Lou Yuntian and others had been watching.

In the distance, the female deacon's eyes were red: "He Yushi!"

Lou Yuntian and another envoy also clenched their fists and gritted their teeth.

Although everyone knew that they should go, they still couldn't move their feet at this moment.

"Let's go!" Lou Yuntian said in a deep voice, "The envoy told us to go first, which means that he can't hold on any longer, so let's go!"

As Suzaku is going down, Lou Yuntian has the responsibility to lead everyone away.

"Wait a little longer...!" The last thin young man gritted his teeth unwillingly, "Wait a little longer, let's go!"

The air in the arena exploded, and in an instant, the indifferent middle-aged man flew towards He Zheng.

"What a failed battle demonstration..." He Zheng sighed secretly.

Seeing the murdered middle-aged man, He Zheng's eyes froze, and he simply stopped urging his star power to resist the poisonous gas.

No matter what, let's buy some more time for Lou Yuntian and the others.

"Come on!" He Zheng shouted violently.

The indifferent middle-aged man had no expression on his face, and he slammed down his fist like a black stone towards He Zheng.

He Zheng grasped the wolf hair tightly, poured all the star power into it, and waved the wolf hair to meet him!

At this moment, suddenly there was an extremely bright silver knife light that shot thousands of meters and passed between the two of them in an instant.

Then, a clenched fist, a strong arm like black iron flew up from between the two of them...

But the right arm of the indifferent middle-aged man was cut off!

"This is……?!"

He Zheng's pupils trembled, and a look of astonishment appeared on the face of the indifferent middle-aged man.

"Heh, that human being, you look very embarrassed now~"

The thousand-meter silver blade suddenly retracted, and not far away, an elegant woman in a sexy silver armor with golden pupils between her brows had appeared not far away.

"Compared to the little girl back then, she is much more embarrassed..."

He Zheng turned his head to look, and suddenly his pupils shrank: "It's you?!"

This space silver blade that cuts everything for thousands of meters in an instant is naturally liberated from Ba Shu's true form!


Ba Shu smiled cleverly and didn't say much, her eyes fell on the indifferent middle-aged man and she clenched the handle of the silver blade again.

The indifferent middle-aged man immediately felt a strong chill, his pupils shrank, and he quickly pulled back!

"Little stone man, do you also want to avoid the predation of the Overlord Spider King?"

Ba Shu chuckled, the eight arms outside her body suddenly spread out, the silver light flashed violently, the cold light flashed, and the eight space silver blades jumped out like machine guns!

Although he has a body as strong as gold and iron and strength that is different from ordinary people, the speed of the indifferent middle-aged man is slightly insufficient.

But for a moment, when the indifferent middle-aged man withdrew and retreated to the old man's side, there were already countless cut marks all over his body.

The indifferent middle-aged man looked down at his body, but his calm and indifferent gaze was now trembling!



With a muffled sound, the indifferent middle-aged man suddenly exploded into a large amount of rubble and scattered from the air!

"Hansen!" The shadowy old man next to him exclaimed.

"Because I don't know if your energy body has a core, so the little girl stabbed a few more times~" Ba Shu looked at the gravel in the sky and smiled.

And He Zheng's pupils trembled sharply, and he turned his head to stare at Ba Shu in the distance.

"True Form Liberation?!"

She will actually be liberated?

And that stone man with impenetrable spells and extremely hard body was chopped into pieces by her?

He Zheng was shocked for no reason, but suddenly thought of Su Yuan, his heart skipped a beat.

If I remember correctly, at the beginning, Su Yuan defeated her and tied her up!

Doesn't this mean that the young Su Sanxi... is far stronger than I expected!

Thinking of this, He Zheng couldn't help feeling dry mouth!

"It seems that I underestimated others, too, how could Fang Yuzuo's vision be worse than mine..." He Zheng laughed at himself secretly.

But right now is not the time to think too much, He Zheng quickly restrained his mind, was wary of Ba Shu and the old man Yin Yi, and retreated from the poisonous gas field in a flash.

Although I don't know why that woman "helped" me, it is undoubtedly a good thing for me to have a third party inserting at this time, and the situation can't be worse anyway.

"Want to run?" The old man Yin Yi looked gloomy.

Hansen was already dead, how could the old man let He Zheng, who was already seriously injured, leave, and immediately waved the slightly dimmed plague wand to release more poisonous gas.

However, when the poisonous gas was about to catch up with He Zheng, the silver light flashed continuously, and the silver blade in space flew past, cutting off even the poisonous gas!

"Damn it!" The old man Yin Yi turned his head to look at Ba Shu in the distance, his expression was extremely gloomy, "Grey Realm Star Beast, what on earth are you trying to do!"

"What do you want to do?" Ba Shu put away her eight arms and only her hands remained, a cold and joyful smile appeared in her eyes, "Of course I killed you~"

The old man Yin Yin suddenly trembled in his heart, and looked at Ba Shu vigilantly: "You...!"

And the corners of Ba Shu's mouth curled up: "The net of heaven and earth."

Grabbing with the five fingers of the slender left hand, the cobweb-like spatial web that had been secretly arranged for a long time fell from the old man's head!


The old man Yin Yin was startled, and quickly activated the poisonous gas to corrode the big net.

However, after using too much poison just now, the power of the plague staff was greatly reduced, and the sound of "chi chi" continued, but it failed to quickly corrode the net of space!

Ba Shu pulled back with her left hand, and the net of heaven and earth quickly dragged the old man over from a high altitude.

At the same time, the real power of space on the silver blade of the right hand circulates, and it is already in place!


A look of horror suddenly appeared on the old man's face.

And Ba Shu looked at the shadowy old man who was getting closer and closer, his eyes filled with increasingly joyful smiles.

"Then, goodbye~"

As soon as the words fell, the brilliance of the silver blade flashed out and pierced through the old man's body in an instant!

The old man Yin Yin trembled all over, staring at Ba Shu with wide eyes and ashamed face.

Without waiting for his heart to shatter and die, the old man's face twisted in pain, and a large number of pustules suddenly appeared on his whole body, which turned into a huge pustule and exploded from mid-air in an instant!

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