Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 814 Qinggang


A large amount of pus eroded the large net formed by the power of space.

With a flash of silver light on Ba Shu's body, she distanced herself.

Looking at the venom splashed on the ground, a trace of disgust flashed in Ba Shu's eyes.

"It's really ugly...the true form that I can't control myself is liberated."

Ba Shu didn't mean the old man's appearance, but she exerted this kind of power that she couldn't even control, and finally ended up being backlashed by the power of her soul.

Last time it was Fidis, this time it was this shadowy old man.

Ba Shu has also seen that these people are not completely liberated by the real form they have mastered.

But for the sake of strength, in a certain way, the potential of the soul power is forcibly stimulated and then liberated in true form.

That's why when one's own body is weak, the backlash of soul power will appear.

Shaking her head, Ba Shu raised her head and looked into the distance, only to see He Zhengzheng on the opposite side looking at her vigilantly from afar.

He Zheng suppressed his ups and downs, and asked in a concentrated voice: "I remember, Your Excellency is the transformed monster caught by Su Sanxi last time, right?"

"It's the little girl." Ba Shu smiled lightly and nodded.

"What do you want to do?"

"Didn't you see it, come to kill people." Ba Shu smiled and said helplessly, "I was still in retreat, but you humans broke in, so I was forcibly called here."

He Zheng's heart sank, and he gripped the Langhao pen again.

However, Ba Shu let go of her true form and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, I'm not very interested in you."

He Zhengke didn't dare to relax his vigilance. With his current state, even if the other party didn't release him in real form, it would be difficult for him to deal with it.

However, the other party did save him before.

Ba Shu smiled and asked: "Let me ask you, Mr. Su Yuan, has he also come in?"

"What did you ask Su Sanxi to do?"

He Zheng was even more vigilant. After all, Su Sanxi had defeated the opponent before and tied him up. Could it be that she wanted to seek revenge on Su Sanxi?

Ba Shu smiled and said, "Because among human beings, I'm only interested in him~"

He Zheng looked at Ba Shu who was talking and laughing at Yanyan, and he couldn't understand the other party's mind at all. He pondered for a while and said, "If you want to fight, you can fight. I have nothing to say about the three seats!"

"Hehehe, your Excellency is quite righteous." Ba Shu smiled cleverly, then suddenly raised her hand and pointed in a certain direction, "No wonder the little guys next to you should run first~"

He Zhengzheng's face darkened, he didn't expect Ba Shu to have such a keen sense, and he had already spotted Lou Yuntian and others from a distance when he came here.

And when the other party said this, it was clearly threatening him with Lou Yuntian and others.

He Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly, tightened his hands tightly, and didn't want to tell Ba Shu more, at worst, he just bought some time for Lou Yuntian and others.

Seeing that He Zheng was going to do something, Ba Shu smiled and said: "Why, I saved your life, but instead I have to do something to my benefactor, is this the way you treat people in this world?

Don't worry, since Mr. Su Yuan let me go, I will naturally not attack him now...for the time being.

Besides, I don't want you to tell me his whereabouts, you just need to tell me if he came in~"

He Zheng looked at Ba Shu, pondered for a while, then nodded slightly.

"That's right." Ba Shu smiled, then turned around and was about to leave.

"Why are you helping me?" He Zheng called out to the other party.

"Since you are his subordinate, he will let me go, and I will let you go, that's it~

Moreover, I have already killed two Scorching Suns, so it should be enough for 'practice'. "

When He Zheng heard this, his heart was complicated and inexplicable.

Before, I had doubts about Su Sanxi, who would have thought that at this moment, he saved his life because of him...

"By the way, let me remind you." Ba Shu, who had already walked away, turned around, and her eyes fell on He Zheng's left hand full of yellow and green abscesses, "If you are not decisive, your whole body will not be able to bear it Already~"

He Zheng's heart sank, and he could feel that his left arm had almost turned into a source of poison.

The Spirit of Four Elephant Fusion was defeated before, and he was eroded by a large amount of poisonous gas.

Other places can still persist, but the left arm that was first poisoned has already penetrated into the bone marrow, and is still trying to spread towards the body.

With his eyes fixed, He Zheng pointed at Cheng Jian and swiped his left arm, and then the whole arm fell off.


With a muffled groan, blood gurgled from his shoulders, but the pressure to suppress the toxin in his body suddenly decreased a lot.

He Zheng quickly stopped the bleeding and looked up, only to find that Ba Shu had disappeared.

While he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, He Zheng felt a little complicated...

And soon, Lou Yuntian and others approached.

"He Yushi! Are you okay!"

"It's okay, it's just a broken arm." He Zheng shook his head.

Lou Yuntian and others also saw the festering left arm not far away, this is no small matter...

Fortunately, there is also the technique of rebirth of severed limbs in the department, and it can always be cured after returning.

The female envoy hastened to use spells to heal and purify He Zheng.

And Lou Yuntian looked towards the direction Bashu was going away, and asked: "He Yushi, that was just...?"

Lou Yuntian and others also saw clearly what happened here earlier.

The woman suddenly appeared, beheaded the two indifferent youths with an astonishingly fierce attack, but let He Yushi go, as if she was helping.

It's a pity that the cloud mirror technique can't listen to the sound, and several people don't know the specific situation, so they are naturally curious.

He Zheng sighed and said, "It's a long story. In short, it was the gray world star beast that Su Sanxi let go of before. Maybe it was because of his old love that he helped me."

"Su Sanxi?" Lou Yuntian and the others were shocked, "Su Sanxi let her go, which means...she was defeated by Su Sanxi before?"

"That's right."

Lou Yuntian and the others couldn't help being shocked when they heard the words.

Everyone saw the strength of that woman just now.

Although it was because He Yushi had consumed the indifferent middle-aged man and the shadowy old man, the other party was able to kill those two enemies cleanly, and his strength was terrifying without even thinking about it.

Such a person was actually defeated by that Su Sanxi who was exceptionally promoted?


The other side.

In the catacombs, clanging sounds continued.

"Boom!" With a loud explosion, Su Yuan and the tall and thin man backed away to both sides at the same time.

The tall and thin man looked at the black flame cloak on Su Yuan's body, and said with a smile, "I'm afraid you won't last long in this enhanced state, right?"

Su Yuan's complexion turned pale, and the black flame cloak on his body also dimmed a little.

As the other party said, the star power in his body has been somewhat grasped.

Although being haunted by virtual evil is strong, the biggest problem is consumption!

The previous battle with Qiguang's two Chongyang knights who mastered the real liberation has already consumed a lot of star power.

At this moment, the tall and thin men are stronger, and after thirty or forty rounds of high-intensity fights, the star power in their bodies is already quite strenuous.

But if you simply consume star power, you have a reserve...

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, Ruan Ruan immediately appeared on his shoulders.


No need for Su Yuan to say much, the black light on Ruan Ruan's body directly enveloped Su Yuan.

The protection of the sea soul is no longer needed, and with Ruanruan's use of the law of engulfment, it can already achieve "reverse engulfment", that is, input to output.

Moreover, this output efficiency is faster than that of Sea Soul Asylum!

In an instant, the dark cloak of black flame on Su Yuan's body became darker at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, the tall and thin man couldn't help frowning: "I didn't expect there to be a royal beast that replenishes star power..."

I thought it would be easy to solve the problem if the opponent's star power was consumed too much and he couldn't maintain the enhanced skills, but now it seems to be a little trickier.

"Forget it, let's use more means to solve it earlier...huh?"

With a flash in front of him, Su Yuan appeared in front of him holding a long sword.

Contrary to the expectations of the tall and thin man, Su Yuan attacked first.

The tall and thin man subconsciously swung his sickle-like right arm to chop off, but saw a silvery color in the eyes of Su Yuan in front of him, and there seemed to be an infinite world in it like a bright galaxy.

Moments are boundless!

"This is?!"

The tall and thin man was startled, and then his whole mind was pulled into it.

The sword intent soared, Su Yuan swung the demon knife and slashed at the opponent's neck with the light of the divine sword.

But at this moment, a very textured blue steel pattern appeared on the tall and thin man's body, and there were countless metal-like micro-particles on the surface of his skin.

The light of the Shenduan sword cut in bit by bit, and Su Yuan could feel the mental power in his body drop at a high speed like a bank bursting!

"What a solid soul power!"

Su Yuan's expression froze, this physical defense was actually stronger than the golden bow of the Qiguang woman before!

Especially at the position of the head, under the omniscient vision, the density of microscopic metal particles on the surface of the opponent's skin is even three to four times that of other body parts.

Seeing the light of the Shenduan sword cut slowly, the master male's eyes already showed a bit of struggle.

Su Yuan decisively changed his strategy, turned his sword, and slashed towards his shoulder.

Although it is still extremely obstructive, it is obviously much easier.

But seeing blood splashing out, the left hand of the tall and thin man was quickly cut off!

Stimulated by the pain, the man's eyes showed more struggle.

But Su Yuan didn't stop in his hand, and directly took advantage of the situation and continued to slash the tall and thin man's leg with his sword.

That incomparably hard body, just as Su Yuan cut half of it, the opponent had already broken free.

The tall and thin man's complexion changed drastically, and he swung his sickle-like right hand towards Su Yuan's chest.

Su Yuan did not dodge or dodge, the long sword in his hand continued to cut into the left leg of the tall and thin man.

The black flame cloak entangled in evil spirits was visibly cut into by the naked eye under the sharp knife arm of the tall and thin man.

Seeing that the tall and thin man's saber arm was about to slice through the black flame cloak and stab towards his heart, there was a sudden "chih!", and blood spattered, but it was Su Yuan who cut off the tall and thin man's left leg first!

"Damn it!"

The tall and thin man's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly. He never expected that the other party had such perverted control skills, and... could cut off his own body?

I have an A-level defense qualification, and the top defensive soul power "Qingsteel is not bad skin"!

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