Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 815 Tooling, Handling Soldiers

"You have to die for me!"

The tall and thin man shouted angrily, his body was covered with blue light and suddenly changed back to his original shape, he turned out to be a big praying mantis whose whole body was made of green steel!

Large stretches of texture filled its body, making it look indestructible.

The legendary star beast, Qinggang Overlord Mantis!

Although the left hand and left foot have been cut off, but it does not affect its power.

"Green steel flurry!"

The only remaining right arm of Qinggang Overlord Mantis swung at high speed, and there were a large number of substantive cyan saber lights in all directions immediately filling the entire space, floating and flashing, life and death continued!

Su Yuan immediately dodged in the field of flurry of saber light.

But the density of the saber light has already exceeded Su Yuan's upper limit of dodge, and this is only when the opponent has one arm. If the opponent has two arms, the power of this move is unimaginable!

But after a while, the black flame cloak on Su Yuan's body had been torn open, and a little blood splashed out.

That is to say, the defense against the virtual and evil is amazing. If it is an ordinary Chongyang, I am afraid that it will be twisted into pieces in an instant!

Since you can't avoid it, then launch an attack to interrupt the opponent!

Su Yuan's Kamikaze accelerated, and rushed to Qinggang Mantis under the flurry of dancing cyan knife light, and swung the demon knife to slash it down.

"How dare you lean over!"

Qinggang Overlord Mantis showed a sneer in his eyes, and immediately shrunk the field, and the more dense cyan knife light suddenly hit Su Yuan's body like a meat grinder, making it difficult for Su Yuan to move forward!

Su Yuan frowned, this is the most difficult scene in the leapfrog battle——

One force will drop ten meetings.

"Chi Chi Chi...!"

Blood splattered everywhere, even the black flame cloak covered in virtual and evil could hardly stop such a dense and fierce offensive!

"Puff!" Ruan Ruan frightened and launched the Sea Soul Asylum to treat Su Yuan with all his strength.

Although Su Yuan was injured, his expression was extremely calm.

"Since it is a legendary star beast of the Three Suns Realm, then use all your strength."

Su Yuan's eyes froze, and the golden light and shadow returned to his body, and his injuries were healed in an instant by going back in time.

Then the kamikaze was blowing, and a golden mark lit up between the eyebrows.

"The covenant of returning to the ruins!"

The terrifying star power fluctuations slammed away.

Accompanied by the swirling golden wind, Su Yuan's realm has reached the Sanyang realm in an instant!

Qinggang Overlord Mantis showed surprise in his eyes: "It can still be improved?!"

If it is said that the severed hands and feet just felt a bit chilly.

Then looking at Su Yuan at this moment, a strong crisis rose in the heart of the tall and thin man, and he quickly distanced himself!

With the improvement of the realm, even the power entangled in virtual evil has also increased a bit.

Su Yuan looked at the retreating Qinggang Overlord Mantis, surrounded by divine wind, turning into a golden light and chasing forward!

Wherever it passed, the previously mighty Qing Gang sword light faded and collapsed in an instant, and when it fell on Su Yuan, it had already turned into a pure star, which had no effect at all!

In a blink of an eye, Su Yuan rushed to him again and slashed out with a sword.


Qinggang Overlord Mantis was shocked, and quickly swung his right arm to slash at Su Yuan.

Su Yuan unhesitatingly swung the demon knife and slashed at it.


The air wave exploded, and the white air neighed!

This time, Su Yuan immediately suppressed the tall and thin man.

That's not all, Su Yuan's left hand swung the golden wind, and suddenly grabbed the mantis arm that was held up by the demon knife.


The skin that was originally stronger than steel was countless times stronger, but at this moment in Su Yuan's palm, it became visibly slack and softened as if it was aging!

"Ah!... This power?!"

Qinggang Overlord Mantis let out a scream, and his expression changed drastically, a blue light flashed on his arm, and he broke free from Su Yuan's hand with all his strength.

But in just a moment, the mantis arm, which was originally extremely hard, has become slack, yellow and rusty, as if infinite time has passed in the blink of an eye!

The peak of the illusory and evil manifestation can activate its own undead characteristics and obtain "immortality and immortality".

And the Covenant of Return to the Ruins, which reached its pinnacle, can also discover the terrifying characteristics of the Covenant of Return to the Ruins.

Kamikaze ranked fourth, just speeding up?

How can it be that simple!

Returning to the Ruins Divine Wind, what is Returning to the Ruins?

Back then in the secret realm, the sudden passing, turning the living into bones and rotting everything, for a thousand years in a flash, was the truly terrifying part of the covenant of returning to the ruins!

At this moment, the right arm of Qinggang Overlord Mantis was almost crippled, and the red fruit was released again after being horrified!

The red fruit flew high, and in a blink of an eye it had become extremely huge, and crashed down towards Su Yuan below.

When Su Yuan raised his left hand, the speed of the red fruit suddenly slowed down, but it was still pressed down slowly with incomparable arrogance.

However, this time is enough for Su Yuan, because at this moment, the silver light in Su Yuan's eyes is shining again.

"No, it's the trick from before!"

The expression of Qinggang Overlord Mantis changed drastically, he quickly turned around to avoid Su Yuan's gaze and retreated quickly.

However, this time, a layer of silver light field suddenly opened up.

Qinggang Overlord Mantis froze, then stopped in place again!

Su Yuan's figure flickered and he teleported towards him, and the Divine Breaking Sword slashed at his neck, cutting in inch by inch.

It has to be said that the body of this legendary star beast in the Sanyang realm is really hard to the extreme, and it is difficult to cut it off even after returning to the ruins.

But this time, it wasn't just God's Broken Sword that was shining.

Su Yuan lifted his left hand, and the power of returning to the ruins fell on his neck, and he became aging and weak immediately visible to the naked eye.

With just one breath, the light of the Shenduan sword flashed past, and the head of Qinggang Overlord Mantis flew up!

Blood spewed out, and red light flowed on the demon knife!

It seems that because of beheading the powerful star beast, Yaodao was very excited, and even the scars left by the previous fight with Ba Shu and others slowly healed.

【God Demon Sword (Bound)】

[Quality: Epic (2 paragraphs)]


[Monster Slaying Progress (Legend): Scorching Sun Level (10/20), King Level (0/1)]

"Unknowingly, Scorching Sun's monster slaying progress has already passed halfway.

Although it is far from the legendary holy weapon to kill a king-level star beast, it is almost unnecessary to think about it.

But if the Scorching Sun Star Beast is killed... it seems that there will be changes? "

Su Yuan looked at the Yaodao, and had a vague feeling that maybe after killing the Scorching Sun Star Beast, the Yaodao could go further, maybe reach the level of a false holy weapon?

Su Yuan's heart moved slightly.

But leaving aside the matter of the demon sword, at this moment, I really have a chance to obtain a false holy weapon!

Su Yuan looked at the corpse of the mantis in front of him, his eyes shone with silver light, and his left hand pierced into the mantis' chest with the golden wind.

The fleshy body on the chest quickly rotted and loosened, and Su Yuan quickly caught the star core in Qinggang Bawangmantis' body.

The cyan star core is filled with a large number of micro-particles with strong texture, emitting extremely violent fluctuations!

"It's been a long time since I extracted skills..."

Su Yuan's eyes flickered, and his thoughts called out the system.

[The star core of Qinggang Overlord Mantis is detected, and the following skills can be extracted]

[Qinggang Flurry (Legend), Double-Twisted Overlord Slash (Legend), Handling Military Technique (Legend), Flying Scythe Slash (Epic)...]

There are three legendary skills!

Qinggang Luanwu is probably the legendary skill just now.

Double-twisted Domineering Slash seems to be a skill that needs to be used with both left and right arms. After the opponent's back arm is broken, there is no chance to use it.

Although these two skills can be used by myself, they are not what I need.

Su Yuan's eyes fell on the third legendary skill——

"Yes, Master Military Technique!"

A skill that can turn the Spiritual Divine Tree Tool into a divine weapon!

Even Su Yuan's immeasurable power after unfolding the Covenant of Returning to the Ruins could not completely block the red fruit of the Qinggang Overlord Mantis.

It cannot be said that it is not strong, it can only be said that tall and thin men have not played its role well.

Maybe it's because I underestimate the enemy, or maybe I haven't used it proficiently since I just got it...

If this thing falls into Su Yuan's hands, it will definitely be a killer weapon.

The scope can control the opponent in an instant, and if this thing hits it, it will really kill a lot of people at the Scorching Sun level!

It's a pity that it's like a symbiotic relationship. With the death of the tall and thin man, the red fruit, which may be large or small, explodes like a rotten tomato...

"System, directional extraction palm art!"

Su Yuan held the star core and immediately started to extract it.

But seeing a little blue fluorescent light shining from the cyan star core, the star core was full of brilliance, and quickly turned into a golden star card.

【Military palm】


[Introduction: Produced by the Royal Court of the Gray Realm, the skill that can transform the Spiritual God Tree into a weapon can support up to the "Legend" level. 】

Su Yuan's eyes lit up, and after holding the [Battle Palm], he turned his head to look at Ruan Ruan on his shoulder.

"Ruan Ruan, turn into a divine tree!"


Ruan Ruan was also very happy, and the aura on his body suddenly turned into a big glazed tree soaring into the sky.

At the same time, Su Yuan was also inlaid with [Military Palm Art].

Many mysteries came to mind. Although it was a star card produced by the Royal Court of the Gray Realm, it was no different from other star cards.

After Su Yuan realized it, he made a seal with his hands, raised his right hand and patted on the glass azure tree.

Suddenly, a feeling of connectedness emerged in Su Yuan's heart.

Su Yuan and Ruan Ruan are already in the same spirit, and there is no obstacle in the communication between the two at this moment.

Countless mysterious runes lit up on the entire glazed azure, and the brilliance flickered on the runes. Wrapping the glazed azure, it became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a palm-sized ball of light that landed in Su Yuan's hand.

The light cluster kept twisting, as if it was hatching something.

Not long after, there was movement in the light group.

The rich azure brilliance lit up and spread out in Su Yuan's palm like flowing water until it turned into a three-foot-three strip.

Afterwards, the dense rune chains continuously circled the long strip of brilliance, and more details followed.

After a while, the rune disappeared, the brilliance faded away, and a long sword made of entangled twigs of jade tree with a whole body of blue glaze fell into Su Yuan's hands.

"Is it still a sword..."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he checked the information of this sword.

【Glass Azure】

[Quality: Epic (pseudo-legendary)]

[Introduction: The sword tool transformed by the spiritual tree Liuli Tianqing contains the way of life and death, and possesses the ability to create life]

[Characteristic 1: Reversal of life and death: the sword can kill as well as create. It can transform the injuries caused by this sword into vitality for indiscriminate treatment, life and death at will. 】

[Characteristic 2: Tianqing Refining Shape: The dead rise again, and one person forms an army. With this sword, the dead body can be injected with vitality, and the 'Azure Shape' can be created and controlled. 】

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