Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 816 Deformation

"False Hallows!"

Even Su Yuan's eyes lit up when he first saw this sword, and his heart was burning hot.

Needless to say about the shape, the three-foot-three blue long sword can be called a work of art.

More importantly, two powerful and useful features!

【Death and Life Reversal】, it complements the healing means that I currently lack. I don’t need any more important injuries, and I only have time-reversing as a means of recovery.

What is indiscriminate treatment is to simplify all injuries and unify them into a method similar to "life value" for treatment.

Including burns, frostbite, poisonous wounds, external injuries, internal injuries... All kinds of injuries can be healed with vitality.

As long as the vitality is enough, even the rebirth of a severed limb is not a problem!

Relying on the terrifying regeneration ability exhibited by the glass azure tree on Yuantong Island before, it can be said that as long as you hold this sword, you can have almost infinite vitality.

It's just super milk!

As for the second feature [Azure Shape Refining], it can be manipulated by reviving dead corpses to make "Shape Refining".

Su Yuan immediately remembered the leader of the Rock Dragon Gang before he met Liuli Tianqingshu.

At that time, the other party was in a very different state, his eyes and skin were tinged with blue, and now it seems that it is most likely that he was made into an azure form by the glass azure tree.

"In that case..."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he immediately held Liuli Tianqing before the Qinggang Overlord Mantis just now and stabbed his body with his sword.

A large number of creation runes lit up on the sword, and the azure sword body was surging with vitality, and it was time to perform azure shape refining.

But the cyan brilliance flickered for a while, then suddenly dimmed again.

"Is the core missing..."

Su Yuan pulled out the glazed azure, his eyes revealing his thoughts.

Because of the lack of the most core star core, the corpse of this Qinggang Overlord Mantis cannot be used as the object of Tianqing's training.

Although the power of creation can revive vitality, the star core as the core of energy does not have it, and it is useless to refine it into shape.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the brilliance flowing on the glazed azure turned soft again.

"Ruan Ruan, swallow it." Su Yuan ordered.


With a soft reply, he opened the Devouring Law and swallowed all the corpses of Qinggang Bawangmantis.

Since the combat power of this Three Suns Realm cannot be used for Azure Formation, it should be swallowed up, at least some information can be obtained from its memory.

It's fine to meet Qiguang's knight, it is very likely that he also came to the gray world to investigate.

When encountering monsters from the Gray Realm, nine times out of ten, the other party discovered the intrusion of humans and came prepared.

In a moment, Ruan Ruan finished swallowing and reopened his eyes.

"Master, the gray monsters sensed the intrusion of humans, so they sent these 'handlers' to hunt and kill them, which seems to be a test."

Ruan Ruan told Su Yuan some of the memories he got.


Su Yuan's eyes showed some thought. If the masters of the gray world cannot leave the gray world for the time being, the gray world should be more willing to see the human struggle in the Eastern Continent.

But since humans broke in, it is indeed impossible for the gray world to remain silent.

Some "master envoys" were sent over.

One is to take a look at the human strength of Blue Sea Star and create chaos;

The second is to test the strength of these newly promoted master masters who may replace the ten master masters.

Su Yuan asked: "About this cave, is there any information in his memory?"

"Master, according to his memory, this area seems to be very remote to the Gray World.

As for the burrows, they are often formed due to the turbulent flow of space in the ground, tearing the inner cavity.

So there seem to be quite a few burrows in the Gray Realm. Of course, this burrow is already quite large. "

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly: "Ruan Ruan, you mean the space is turbulent?"

"That's right." Ruan Ruan nodded, and added, "But master, there used to be space turbulence, and it may not be there now."

"This cave is so big, maybe there is still room for turbulent flow..."

Su Yuan thought for a while, and then a flash of inspiration came before the short-haired young man who had been smashed into meat paste earlier.

The water on Ruan Ruan's body flowed, and immediately split into a clone that turned into a glass sky and landed in Su Yuan's hands.

Holding the Sky Blue Sword, Su Yuan tried the Sky Blue Shape Refining with a fluke mentality, but it still didn't work.

"The integrity of the corpse is too low, which is expected."

"Master, the woman from before should be able to do it!" said softly on the shoulder.

"Okay, then go back and have a look."

Su Yuan raised his hand to open the door of space and stepped into it.

It didn't take long before they came to the place of the previous battle and found the body of the cold and stern woman who had been cut in half.

Su Yuan put the two halves of the corpse together, and then turned the glass sky blue in his hand upside down and stuck it on top of the corpse!

In an instant, the azure brilliance overflowed from the sword like the first morning light, covering the entire corpse of the cold and stern woman.

A terrifyingly intense vitality surged under the sword, and after a while, a figure seemed to stand up in the dense blue light.

A pair of azure eyes suddenly opened, and all the blue light gathered in the eyes.

Afterwards, the cold and stern woman who had been beheaded by himself before appeared in front of her intact.

However, his pure white uniform was still broken into two halves from the middle.

Su Yuan retracted Liuli Tianqing to his waist, the vitality on Liuli Tianqing seemed to have been consumed, and it was recovering at a high speed.

"If I remember correctly, your name seems to be Melche..." Su Yuan said slowly.

The cold and stern woman's eyes flickered with blue light, but she didn't respond.

False holy artifacts can't resurrect others so easily and casually, and Tianqing refines his shape. To put it bluntly, he is just some kind of living dead.

It can only execute orders mechanically according to orders, but cannot think and answer questions independently.

At least, for now.


Su Yuan looked at Melche in front of him, very satisfied.

After the opponent's true form is released, the terrifying lethality of the golden bow poses a fatal threat even to the Sanyang Realm!

With a flash of Su Yuan's hand, he put a black robe on her casually.

Although it can be resurrected, it is not a problem to always be by your side.

However, although Qingmingjie and Fengmai are on Yuantong Island, Su Yuan originally cut a space to store sundries and living things.

Su Yuan raised his hand and took Melche in.

"It's quite convenient." Su Yuan nodded secretly.

"Pu Chi Pu Chi!" Ruan Ruan waved her little hands excitedly, looking very happy.

Su Yuan turned to look at it: "What's wrong, Ruan Ruan?"

Ruan Ruan's eyes glowed: "The avatar transforms into a sword, so that we can fight side by side with the master all the time! Ruan Ruan is very happy!"

Su Yuan smiled and squeezed it, and at this moment, several figures came from a distance.

It was Xia Xuan, Xiang Dingqian and others.

"Three seats, are you okay!"

Xia Xuan and the others looked at the traces of fighting around them, and asked quickly.

Several people were still checking the situation step by step, but they noticed the movement here.

Fortunately, the soft avatar on the shoulder reminded them not to come over, so Xia Xuan and the others did not act rashly.

Su Yuan said: "A few enemies have been encountered, and they have been resolved."

"How many enemies?" The four looked slightly condensed.

Ji Yuan quickly asked: "Su Sanxi, are they all scorching sun?"

"Two enlightened knights and a gray star beast are not weak, so it took some time."

Su Yuan nodded, and then told several people some details.

After hearing this, the four of them couldn't help but smack their lips. They didn't expect it to be so lively here!

After Su Yuan thought for a while, his eyes fell on the demon knife whose damage had been fully recovered.

With a thought, a red light rose above the demon knife, and then turned into a man in a blood robe.

When Xia Xuan saw this person, her pupils shrank slightly.

"Huh?...It's him!"

Xiang Dingqian and the others also looked over and sized up Yaopo carefully.

"This... this is the incarnation of Sanxi, right?" Xiang Dingqian asked curiously.

Su Yuan nodded and said, "That's right."

Xia Xuan looked at Yaopo, then at Su Yuan, and couldn't help being startled.

Although I always knew that Su Yuan had an avatar, I didn't expect it to be the person in front of me.

Isn't this the one who saved him when he was fighting against Capricorn!

So, it turns out that Su Yuan saved himself when he was in the New Dust Realm?

Su Yuan said: "Nowadays in the gray world, there are not only the knights liberated by Qiguang's true form, but also the wielders of the gray world.

I let the avatar leave the burrow, pass this matter on to Zhenjun and the others, and send you back by the way.

It's getting more and more chaotic right now, if you don't reach the Scorching Sun level, you should withdraw as soon as possible. "

If it was a general danger in the gray world, Xia Xuan and the others could handle most of them with their strength.

But if facing the scorching sun-level combat power of the gray world and Qiguang, then the strength of Xia Xuan and others at the Huiyue level is not enough.

Xiang Dingqian asked, "What about you at the three seats?"

"I will continue to explore this crypt, maybe there will be some unexpected gains."

Xiang Dingqian looked at Su Yuan and said seriously: "Then you must be careful!"

After all, he is also a classmate, Su Yuan smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and then said to several people: "You all need to send the news back safely, I don't want any loss to the people I brought out."

Xia Xuan said: "Don't worry, we are not weak, not to mention... and your incarnation."

"Then let's go," Su Yuan nodded, looking at Yaopo, "Take care of them."

Yaopo grinned: "Just don't worry."

Seeing the people leave, Su Yuan flickered and continued to explore the crypt...

A few days later, somewhere in the Catacombs.

The subsidence of the ground suddenly turned into a large turbulent swamp, and a howling moon ice wolf with long snow-white fur was trapped in it.


Howling Moon Ice Wolf let out a roar, and with the flying frost and snow, a layer of ice bloomed from under his feet like flowing water, and was about to freeze all the swamps that restricted him below.

But at this moment, the ice wolf felt a strong crisis again, and out of shock, the star power of the ice exploded again, forming a stern ice wall in front of him.

The next moment, a sharp golden arrow was nailed to the ice wall.

"Ka Ka Ka" sounded as the ice cracked, and the golden arrow pierced the ice, piercing through the ice wall inch by inch in the eyes of the ice wolf, and was about to shoot out in a blink of an eye!

The ice wolf was terrified, and wanted to sway to dodge when the ice under its feet completely froze the muddy swamp.

And at this moment, several dark tentacles shot out and entangled the ice wolf who had just escaped from the swamp, immobilizing it immediately.

The next moment, the sharp golden light pierced through the ice wolf's body in a flash, opening a big hole!

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