Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 817 Turbulence


The ice wolf screamed, and his body twitched.

And several sea monster tentacles wrapped around his body tightly, and the devouring power and paralyzing toxin unfolded together.

Xiaoyue Ice Wolf struggled endlessly, but was seriously injured by the golden arrow, and was already weak and weak.

But after a while, a handful of blood splashed out, Xiaoyue Ice Wolf was strangled to death by the tentacles!


Ruan Ruan grinned, and withdrew the sea monster's tentacles.

And behind Ruan Ruan, besides Mei Qieer, there is also an Earth Demon Bear with blue eyes shining brightly, and his whole body is as dark as Qing Gang Rock.

The earth sinking into the swamp just now came from this earth demon bear!

Su Yuan, who was watching the battle from behind, stepped forward, took off the glass azure from his waist, and stuck it on the body of Xiaoyue Ice Wolf.

A dense cyan brilliance swayed, and not long after, the ice wolf that had just died stood up again, walked up to Su Yuan and let out a low growl.

"The third double-yang realm refinement..." Su Yuan nodded slightly.

This crypt is extremely huge. Su Yuan explored the crypt for the past few days. Although he didn't meet anyone from Qiguang or the Gray Realm, he also encountered five or six Scorching Sun Star Beasts.

Forget about the star beasts in the early sun state, it's useless.

And the previous Earth Demon Bear and this Howling Moon Ice Wolf were both at the Double Sun Realm.

After the beheading, it was naturally unceremoniously made into an azure form.

Compared with Ruan Ruan, Mo Fei and other imperial beasts, Azure Shape Refining is more like a ready-to-use combat power plug-in.

You can just throw it away when you don’t need it, and you can also take away the star core, so there is no loss, so let’s call it full first.

Su Yuan took Liuli Tianqing back to his waist, and continued towards the entrance of the cave with Ruan Ruan and the three shapes.

This was originally the territory of the Xiaoyue Ice Wolf, but it soon came to an end.

"It seems that this road is not smooth...huh?"

After a few days, with Su Yuan's search speed, he has seen many dead ends.

But at this moment, the silver light in Su Yuan's eyes swept across the front, but he suddenly found something, and his heart moved slightly.

Su Yuan raised his hand and pointed: "Open it."

The blue light in the eyes of the general devil bear suddenly turned into a black shadow and rushed to the ice wall, swinging its huge fist and punching wildly.

"Bang bang bang..."

But after a while, after a series of roaring sounds, a tunnel more than 100 meters deep was opened up ahead.

But at the other end of the tunnel, it was pitch black, and the power of the space inside was surging, and it was a turbulent flow!

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly: "I finally found something."

The last time Ba Shu took herself through the turbulent space, Su Yuan was quite experienced in this.

For ordinary star card masters, entering the turbulent flow of space is like swimming in an endless river.

First of all, you must be able to protect yourself and not be crushed by the chaotic space power in the turbulent flow.

Secondly, you must be able to resist the changing direction of the turbulent current and control your own direction.

For Burning Sun, basically everything can be done.

But how far it can go is hard to say.

But for space star card masters, living in such an environment brimming with space power is like a duck to water!

"So soft, hold me tight."

"Puff!" Ruan Ruan transformed into a small hand and hugged Su Yuan's neck.

Su Yuan put away many forms, and entered the turbulent flow of space in a blink of an eye!


In the turbulent flow, time gradually became blurred.

Even Su Yuan didn't know how long it had passed.

However, judging by the loss of his own star power, it may have been a few days!

You know, before Su Yuan and Ba Shu had only traveled through the turbulent current for less than two days, they had already caught up with Liu Dongming and Fidis who had set off for several days.

Although there were reasons why Liu Dongming and the two had detoured many times in the gray world and were unable to travel at full speed, it could still be seen that the speed of walking through the turbulent current was astonishing.

Originally, Su Yuan thought that maybe he could find a turbulent flow that could lead to a hidden place that Qiguang didn't expect.

But now it seems that after walking through the turbulent current for several days, the location of this exit may be much farther than expected!

Su Yuan felt the star power on his body, the unexpectedly long turbulent flow, and even himself felt a little struggling.

But Ruan Ruan can still replenish some star power for herself.

"It's really not possible, before the star power is exhausted, break through the wall of space and return to the gray world." Su Yuan thought secretly.

This is also the reason why Ba Shu dared to shuttle freely in the turbulent space.

Even if you don't reach some natural exits of space turbulence, you can leave from relatively weak space barriers at any time to avoid "drowning" in the turbulence.

In a blink of an eye, another half day passed, and Su Yuan's star power was less than 30%.

"Ruan Ruan..." With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, he was ready to let Ruan Ruan transmit star power.

But suddenly, Su Yuan suddenly raised his head and looked forward, it was the end of the turbulent flow like a whirlpool.


Su Yuan's eyes lit up, and he sped up and flew to the front of the turbulent flow channel.

Not in a hurry to go out, Su Yuan tried to penetrate some spiritual power into it.

A trace of icy breath seeped out of it, even colder than any place in the gray world before.

"Could it be an ice field in the Gray Realm?"

Su Yuan looked thoughtful, and secretly mentioned Xingli to get ready, and stepped into the end of the turbulent flow one step at a time.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

The sky is bright and snowy;

Frost flowers are flying, and the cold wind is howling.

In the blink of an eye, the scenery has changed drastically, and a forest of ice and snow has appeared in front of Su Yuan.

Su Yuan's pupils shrank slightly: "This is... on the Blue Sea Star?!"

Looking up, the bright sun hanging from a very high place undoubtedly indicates that it has left the gray world.

"Does this turbulent flow lead directly to the Eastern Continent in the end?"

It is indeed possible for the turbulent flow to reach the blue sea star. When the gray world first appeared, it also used this method to release a large number of star beasts to attack near the gray world passage.

But Su Yuan was still extremely surprised, and immediately sensed the location of the Qingming Realm.

Although it is too far away, the distance cannot be measured, but the direction...

"South!" Su Yuan's eyes flickered, "The Qingming Realm and Yuantong Island are to the south, which means that I am in the extreme north at the moment, maybe I am already close to the northern countries..."

Just at this moment, the ground was slightly undulating, and a big frosty palm more than ten meters long suddenly rushed out of the snow behind Su Yuan, clasped the palm with five fingers and patted Su Yuan down!


Su Yuan raised his left hand, and the big palm on top of his head suddenly couldn't get any closer.

The snow ground shook violently, and Su Yuan teleported away on the spot with a flash of silver light.

But saw a humanoid star beast tens of meters high tearing the snow and getting out.


The star beast clenched its hands and let out a growl. The frost and snow roared, and the strong frosty air hit Su Yuan who was near him.

Su Yuanyin raised his eyebrows and hunted in the black robe, but he did not take half a step back, but instead looked curiously at the star beast in front of him.

"Frost giant?"

This is a Frost Giant, and it is a Frost Giant in the Three Suns Realm!

Frost giants can only grow in extremely cold places.

Apart from the secret realm, there are really not many places like this on the Eastern Continent.

And when I was still at the silver level, there was a person named Sino in Qiguang Bach's family who used the "embodying technique" of the frost giant.

Su Yuan's eyes flickered, and he had some vague guesses.

But for now, let's deal with the frost giant first.

As soon as Su Yuan raised his hand, a silver light flashed, and three azure shapes appeared in front of him.


The Earth Demon Bear and Xiaoyue Ice Wolf rushed out at the same time with a loud roar.

And when Melche raised his hand, the golden light flowed, transforming into a golden bow.

This frost giant is neither a wielder, nor can it be liberated in real form. It is just the most common epic star beast in the Sanyang Realm.

In addition, the Frost Giants are not very flexible, and Melche and the other three Azure Shapeshifters should be enough to deal with it.

The Earth Demon Bear is tough, the Howling Moon Ice Wolf is flexible and harassing, and Melche is shooting from a distance!

After a fierce confrontation between the two sides, six or seven golden arrows were inserted into the frost armor outside the frost giant.

However, although these golden arrows pierced through the body of the frost giant, they did not hit the fatal point.


The Howling Moon Ice Wolf let out a long howl, and the ice and snow on the ground surged, and twelve huge ice thorns rushed out and stabbed the Frost Giant in an instant.

Although it failed to pierce it, it restricted its actions.

The Frost Giant roared angrily, raised his left foot and right foot one after another, and the ice thorns shattered one by one, and he was about to break free in a blink of an eye.

And at this moment, a piece of rock element gathered in the sky above the head of the frost giant at high speed, turning into a hill of rock and soil several times larger than its body and smashing down!

Mount Tai overwhelms!


With a loud noise, the Frost Giant was directly smashed into a hunched body, and his movements stopped for a while.

In the distance, Melche, who had drawn his longbow long ago, immediately shot out an arrow. The golden light flashed, and the arrow shot precisely at the Frost Giant's chest, almost missing half of the arrow!

The Frost Giant sensed some death threats, and immediately flew into a rage, and the vast frost exploded like an erupting sun of ice.

In an instant, whether it was the ice thorns below, the rocky mountain above, or the golden arrow on the chest, they all froze in an instant and shattered into large pieces of ice that exploded!

Even the earth devil bear and howling moon ice wolf in front of them had a large amount of frost on their bodies after being affected, and their movements were greatly slowed down.

Explosive skill in range, extreme cold shock wave!

The frost giant stepped forward and rushed towards the slowed down Earth Demon Bear and Howling Moon Ice Wolf.

Seeing that he was about to rush to the Earth Demon Bear and step on it, several golden chains shot out from the surrounding void and wrapped themselves around the Frost Giant.

The Frost Giant's body froze immediately, but its terrifying power kept hitting the Sky Lock, trying to break free quickly.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the black light on Earth Demon Bear's body rapidly expanded a bit, and it entered a frenzied state and rushed up to hug the Frost Giant's thigh instead of advancing.

At the same time, accompanied by a burst of strong golden light and fluctuations, Melche in the rear has launched the true form liberation.

Among the four arms, two hands held a nearly two-meter-long golden bow, and the other two hands pulled the bowstring.

A sharp and dazzling golden arrow has landed on the bow by itself, and shot out towards the chest of the frost giant!

The golden arrow flashed and burst into a dazzling golden light. After a moment of stalemate, it broke through the ice armor and pierced through the incomparably hard frost body of the Frost Giant!


The frost giant roared fiercely, the sky lock trembled violently, and the strong ice almost froze half of the bodies of the earth devil bear and howling moon ice wolf into ice sculptures!

And in a moment, the golden light reappeared, and another dazzling golden arrow rushed into the frost giant's open mouth, and rushed out directly from the back of its head!

The body of the Frost Giant froze, and the brilliance in his eyes quickly dimmed. After shaking slightly, he fell down with a "boom".

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