Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 818 Arriving in the North

Su Yuan put away the sky lock and smiled slightly.

"It's really easy to refine the shape with these azures, and you almost don't need to do it yourself."

Since his practice, most of the battles have been fought by himself.

At this moment, I suddenly felt like when I summoned the Netherfire Steel Bone Wolf, Hellfire and Frost Dragon a long time ago.

It's nice to be able to paddle once in a while.

Su Yuan stepped forward a few steps, looked at the Earth Demon Bear and Howling Moon Ice Wolf that were shivering in the strong cold and almost frozen, he raised Liuli Tianqing and slashed at the two refining bodies with several swords.

The creation rune on the long sword lit up, and it cut through the bodies of the two beasts, but it didn't leave any injuries like an illusion.

On the contrary, strong vitality gushed out from the place where the long sword fell, and the frostbite on the two beasts recovered in a short time.

The Earth Demon Bear and Howling Moon Ice Wolf used their star power to charge again, and all the ice crystal fragments on their bodies were scattered away.

Life and death are reversed!

After treating the two beasts, Su Yuan looked at the Frost Giant next to him, and with a flash of silver light on his body, he teleported to the giant hanging head.

Turning the colored glaze in his hand, he inserted it upside down.

"Azure Shape Refining!"

Qinghua is dense, full of vitality!

After a while, accompanied by a muffled growl, the frost giant opened a pair of blue eyes and stood up again.

"Azure Formation, are you reaching your limit?"

Su Yuan could feel that Liuli Tianqing's load was approaching the upper limit because he created the Frost Giant of the Three Suns Realm again.

"From this point of view, the current Liuli Tianqing can create about five refining shapes at the same level, and it may vary according to individual differences."

This is already quite exaggerated.

For the ordinary Double Sun Realm, if one holds this sword, one can control almost five Double Sun Realm masters, and his strength has been multiplied countless times.

Even for a master in the same realm as Su Yuan, as long as Su Yuan can kill people, then Tianqing's shape training can continuously create powerful fighters one after another.

Moreover, although Tianqing Form Refining is not as flexible and strategic as Star Card Master and Star Beast itself.

But shape training also has advantages, that is, obeying orders and not fearing death!

Su Yuan put away the glazed azure, stood on top of the frost giant's head and looked around.

The battle just now had already attracted some ice and snow star beasts to watch from a distance. When they saw Su Yuan looking up, they immediately scattered in all directions in horror.

"Ruan Ruan, check out the information."

"Puff!" Ruan Ruan flew out excitedly.

Curiosity killed the cat. It was too late for these star beasts to run away.

Ruan Ruan manipulated the Siren's Touch, and bound several star beasts in a row.

The water and light on his body grew rapidly, and he unfolded the power of devouring to swallow all these star beasts into his body to absorb memory.

After a while, Ruan Ruan opened his eyes, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes, and he hurried back to Su Yuan.

"Master, this is..."

Su Yuan said: "The forest of monsters, right?"

"Hmm..." Ruan Ruan's face froze, and then she nodded again and again, "Yes, it's the forest of monsters!"

"It's really a forest of monsters..." Su Yuan's eyes narrowed.

Su Yuan had guessed before, but now hearing Ruan Ruan's words, he still couldn't help feeling ups and downs.

The Forest of Warcraft is boundless, and it belongs to the kingdom of star beasts.

There are a large number of powerful star beast clans, including the dragon clan, Titan clan, Beamon clan...

It can be said that although it is not as powerful as the Ancient Forbidden Territory, which has a full three emperors, it is definitely a dangerous place with a wide range of areas.

And in this snow-covered forest, apart from many ice and snow star beasts, there seems to be a family of ice titans within a hundred kilometers.

If Su Yuan remembers correctly, the Bach family among the five Qiguang families is responsible for guarding the forest of monsters.

"It's a jackpot!"

Su Yuan took a deep breath and quickly calmed down.

What else is more amazing than coming directly behind Qiguang?

In addition, the Forest of Warcraft is also a good place to collect star cores...

Even if it caused a commotion, it was none of my business.

Su Yuan was very satisfied to be able to find this passage, and it may have an unexpected effect in the future.

But now...

"Since you're here, let's take the opportunity to hunt here first."

Su Yuan looked at the system panel:

[Monster Slaying Progress (Legend): Scorching Sun Level (17/20), King Level (0/1)]

"The scorching sun star beasts of Yaodao are almost killed..."

Ruan Ruan understood Su Yuan's intentions, and immediately said: "Master, there seem to be Scorching Sun Star Beasts in the Ice Mist Forest 40 kilometers away to the east, and on a certain snow peak in the northwest!"


Su Yuan's eyes lit up, he looked back to the valley where he came out, and recorded the location.

Then with a thought, the Frost Giant at the Three Sun Realm immediately stepped out, leading the other three Chongyang Formation towards the Ice Mist Forest...

In the gray world.

Yaopo led the four of Xiang Dinggan forward, and along the way, Xiang Dinggan and the others secretly looked at Yaopo's incarnation.

Obviously, this incarnation is a real incarnation outside the body, with a quite independent consciousness.

Moreover, his personality looks quite perverse, which is quite different from Su Yuan himself.

So Xiang Dingqian and the others didn't dare to say anything along the way, but just followed along, making the atmosphere quite dull.

And Yaopo didn't bother to talk nonsense with a few people, as long as it was delivered.

It wasn't until they came out of the dark crypt that everyone became a little more active.

Yaopo said: "Out of the burrow, we will hurry on with all our strength, follow closely!"

"Yes!" Xiang Dingqian and others responded, and hurriedly followed.

After walking forward for two days, Xia Xuan came to Yaopo's side and asked:

"When Xinchenjie met Capricornus, you saved me?"

Ji Yuan and the others were quite surprised. They didn't expect that Xia Xuan and Su Yuan's incarnation would overlap, so they immediately pricked up their ears.

Yaopo turned to look at Xia Xuan, with a grin on the corner of his mouth: "I didn't expect you to remember~"

"After all, there are not many people at the same level who can save me." Xia Xuan looked thoughtful, and then asked with a frown, "And you helped me, Su Sanxi never mentioned it?"

Yaopo said casually: "It's just a small effort, and the main body has never been the one to ask for credit."

That's all in the past, but now Su Yuan and Yaopo don't know that Capricorn was bewitched by Ashlia.

It was purely unlucky that Xia Xuan ran into him first.

"Is that so..."

Xia Xuan pondered for a while, and was about to thank her.

But all of a sudden, Yaopo's expression froze, and he stopped abruptly and blocked the people behind with a burst of star power.

"Huh?" Xia Xuan and the others still hadn't reacted.

But at the next moment, lightning and light entangled, and a thunder spear suddenly shot towards them, falling in front of several people!


With a bang, the thunder gun exploded, and the surging thunder light burst out, illuminating the faces of several people!

Soon the thunder light dissipated, and a large pit appeared on the ground in front of them!


Everyone turned their heads quickly, but saw a flash of lightning in the sky, and a group of blue lightning had already caught up and stopped in front of them, turning into two figures.

A blue-haired young man who looked quite mad, and a yellow-haired young man with an ordinary face.

It was Kato and Tian Yu.

"Heh, it's been so long, I finally caught Dayan's human, it doesn't look so unlucky~"

"People from Qiguang!" Xia Xuan and the others all had ugly faces, and they couldn't help but look at the two in front of them.

The blue-haired young man had a ferocious smile on his face, surrounded by blue lightning, and the powerful star power fluctuations in the Double Sun Realm made people shudder.

On the other hand, the yellow-haired young man next to him seemed to be only in the early sun state, and he looked much more ordinary.

But after Yaopo glanced at Katu twice, his gaze soon fell on Tian Yu who was next to him.

With strong perception and intuition, I always feel that although this guy looks ordinary, he may not be simple.

"You go first!"

Yao Po's eyes froze, and he immediately turned his hand to transform into a copy of the Demon Sword.

Xia Xuan said: "Then you..."

"I'm just an avatar. My mission is to send you away. Go, I will try my best to stop them!"

Xiang Dingqian and the others are not people who don't know right from wrong, so they immediately cupped their hands and said, "Take care."

Xia Xuan glanced at Yaopo again, and then withdrew and flew back with everyone!

"Want to go?"

The corner of Katu's mouth hooked, and blue lightning bloomed from his hand when he raised his hand, turning into ten lightning arcs and shooting out to attack Xia Xuan and others!

Yaopo drew his sword and slashed continuously, and in an instant, several sword lights flew out and slashed towards Lei Arc.

However, the sound of "Keng Keng" continued, and the lights of the many swords seemed to be cutting on gold and iron, and none of them could be cut off!

"Huh?" Yaopo's expression changed slightly.

And the lightning is so fast that it doesn't care about Yaopo, and in a blink of an eye, it passes by Yaopo's side and rushes towards Xia Xuan and others who are behind!

Xia Xuan and the others suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis, and they couldn't help but turn pale.

After all, this is an attack of the Chongyang class, even if it is a casual blow, it is by no means something that the Huiyue class can easily block!

Just at this time, the sword was drawn and unfolded.

The demon turned into a phantom and rushed out, the sword flashed continuously, cutting off all the blue thunder and lightning at the critical moment, and finally stopped in front of Xia Xuan and others.

Flash and flash!

Xia Xuan, Xiang Dingqian and the others sighed in their hearts when they saw the lightning arcs that were all broken outside Yaopo's body.

As expected of the incarnation of that person, this move is really powerful!

"Thank you, Master Incarnation."

Yaopo said in a deep voice, "Hurry up and go!"

Without hesitation, Xia Xuan and the others pulled back immediately.

In the blink of an eye, thunder roared from behind.

But in the distance, Katu raised his right hand, and the blue lightning roared wildly in his palm.

"The more you want to save them, the more I want to keep them!"

Katu let out a grin, and at least thirty or forty lightning arcs shot out suddenly!

"Now, let me see how much you can block!"

Yaopo looked dignified, and with a thought, the billowing gray air converged into several torrents and rushed out towards these blue lightnings.

At the same time, Yaopo once again launched a flash and a series of flashes to try to block the thunder arc.

However, there are a large number of electric lights, and the speed is too fast!

Even though Yao Po tried his best to block it, after a while, three arcs of lightning still missed, crossing Yao Po's defense line and shooting towards Xia Xuan and others in the distance.

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