Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 819 Miracle

"Not good!" Yaopo's heart froze.

Seeing the terrifying thunder arc that was entangled and screaming was about to catch up in a blink of an eye, Tang Jiao and Xiang Dinggan, who were at the back, all turned pale.

Just at this moment, the fire was raging, and the green and red lotus flew out to block the two of them.

The next moment, the first lightning arc landed on the Qinghong lotus platform.


In an instant, the thunder burst, and the green and red lotus platform trembled, and a crack appeared immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the second and third lightning arcs came one after another!

After two thunderclaps, the green and red lotus platform burst open!


Xia Xuan was shocked, and a large cloud of blood burst from the surface of her body.

"Executive Xia!" Xiang Dingqian and Tang Jiao were shocked.

Xia Xuan formed a mudra with one hand, and quickly started the fire healing technique to treat herself, and quickly stabilized the injury.

"I'm fine, I just suffered some backlash, let's go!"

Quickly suppressing the injury, Xia Xuan hurriedly called everyone to retreat.

But at this time, Katu in the distance opened his hands again.

"So... how about this?"

Lightning surged from both palms!

Seeing this, Yaopo's complexion changed, knowing that it is impossible to block it by blocking alone, he immediately changed his target and turned into a phantom of fire and rushed towards Katu!

But how can the movement be as fast as thunder and lightning?

The corners of Katu's mouth curled up, and he was about to release a blue arc of lightning to scatter towards Xia Xuan and the others behind him.

At this time, Tian Yu who was beside him suddenly stepped forward.

"Huh? What are you doing, Tian Yu?"

"If you don't make a move, then the Chongyang Realm will be handed over to me." Tian Yu flew to meet the monster in front.

"That can't be done!"

Katu raised his brows, and the lightning flashed in his palms, and dozens of lightning arcs immediately changed their targets and bombarded all the monsters in front of him.

Seeing this, Yaopo breathed a sigh of relief, and with a thought, tens of thousands of murderous aura gathered in front of him and slammed into Thunder!


The thunder burst, and the white gas howled!

With the blessing of A-level star power aptitude, the surging murderous aura blocked the fast and powerful blue lightning in a burst of surge.

"Oh? It's blocked just like that!"

Katu was surprised, but he became more interested in Yaopo.

"Leave this guy to me, Tian Yu, you go and get rid of those bastards!"

After finishing speaking, Katu didn't wait for Tian Yu's response, so he raised his hand and condensed a thunder gun to kill Yaopo!

And Tian Yu turned to look at Xia Xuan and the others in the distance.

"Okay, then I'll go play with those people."

With a flash of Tian Yu's figure, he suddenly turned into a phantom and rushed out.

Immediately, Yao Po released half of his murderous aura, blasting towards Tian Yu like a torrent.

With a thought in Tian Yu's mind, a large amount of black quicksand rushed out of his body and quickly condensed into a black rock wall.

"Sa Sa Sa...!"

Thousands of torrents of killing energy hit the black wall, and there was a dense sound immediately.

Cracks gradually appeared on the black wall under this impact, but it was not destroyed immediately!

"This person is really not simple!" Yao Po's heart froze.

I have the star power of the Double Sun Realm and the top-notch star power aptitude. Facing an early Yang Realm, the killing spirit of the Transformation Realm Killing Purdue Technique didn't overwhelm it all at once?

His eyes fell on the black sand outside the opponent's body again.


"Hey, if you fight against me, can you still be distracted and take care of other people!"

Without waiting for the ghost to control the murderous aura to block it, the perverse and presumptuous voice has already sounded in front of him.

But it was Katu who charged with the blue lightning tearing apart the other half of the murderous aura, swung the thunder gun and it was a thunder thrust!

Yaopo had no choice but to raise his long knife to face the opponent.

But Tian Yu took the opportunity to fly forward and chase after him.

"not good!"

When Xia Xuan and the others saw Tian Yu chasing him quickly, their expressions changed drastically.

But no one stopped, how could the ordinary Huiyue class run faster than the scorching sun?

But in a short while, Tian Yu had already caught up with Xia Xuan and the others.

The ground shook as he raised his hand, and a large amount of rock and soil surged and rose into the sky. In a blink of an eye, a huge rock wall hundreds of feet high was formed to stop Xia Xuan and others.

Xia Xuan took out the bird of death in a flip of her hand, bent her bow and drew the string and shot it with an arrow.


A piece of rock and soil on the rock wall burst, but soon healed again.

"So tough!"

Several people's expressions changed.

As a star card master of the rock and soil system, Ji Yuan saw that this rock wall is definitely not something that Huiyue class can easily break through, so he immediately said: "Go around..."

Before he finished speaking, layers of soil on both sides of the rock wall surged up, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a wide wall to enclose Xia Xuan and the others.

As for the top, it was blocked by a wave of energy and could not fly over.


Xia Xuan and others' hearts sank, and when they looked back, Tian Yu had already fallen back to the ground, walking over step by step.

"The only thing left is to fight to the death!" Xiang Dingqian said in a deep voice.

Several people tightened their star devices, and looked at the expressionless Tian Yu in front of them as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

The other party doesn't look like a northerner, but from the face point of view, he is quite similar to a southerner.

In other words, apart from Qiguang and other northerners, all the continents of Blue Sea Star are relatively similar.

Suddenly, Tian Yu stopped and raised his hand.

"Be careful!" Xia Xuan and the others were all on alert!

However, when Tian Yu stretched out his hand, he counted points on his chest.

Then a seal aura lit up, and the scorching sun-level star power fluctuations on Tian Yu's body suddenly began to fall, and the fall became faster and faster!

In a short while, it has fallen to the full moon level!

"What is he going to do!"

Xiang Dingqian and the others looked at Tian Yu in astonishment and without knowing why.

"It shouldn't be over in a while over there. If it ends too soon here, we can only wait."

Tian Yu looked at Xia Xuan and the others expressionlessly, and spoke slowly.

"Then use the strength of the Huiyue class to play with you."

Ji Yuan and the others were startled, and then their expressions darkened.

"The Qiguang people are really as crazy as ever!"

Xia Xuan also narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at the mysterious seal pattern on Tian Yu's body.

The opponent really restricted his cultivation to Huiyue level, isn't he afraid of overturning?

Xia Xuan said: "Although being despised, it's a good thing for us, anyway, we can't run away now.

Since he proclaimed himself a cultivator, it is possible to seriously injure...or even kill him while he is unprepared!

No matter how bad it is, we can hold on for a little longer, and when Su Sanxi's incarnation kills the blue-haired one, there may still be a chance of survival. "

The three of Jiyuan's eyes lit up when they heard this. This is indeed an opportunity, not to mention that Xia Xuan, who is in the top 20 of Huiyue Ranking, is here!

Several people secretly looked at each other, then suddenly moved.

"Tiangang Demon General!"

Xiang Dingqian acted as the vanguard to conduct a test, stepped out of the Tiangang Demon General, and he condensed out of his body, quickly flew forward, swung Fang Tian's painted halberd, and slashed at Tian Yu with a heavy slash!

When Tian Yu raised his hand, a little black quicksand covered his skin, and he punched Fang Tian's painting halberd.


As if cutting on an indestructible rock, Tiangang Demon General's halberd not only failed to split Tian Yu's fist in half, but he was beaten back a few steps!

As for Tian Yu himself, the ground under his feet sank a little.

"What a powerful force!"

Xiang Dingqian could feel the slight numbness in his hands, and looked at Tian Yu in front of him in surprise.

Soon, Xiang Dinggan stabilized his figure, and once again manipulated the Tiangang Demon to kill it!

After a few rounds, Xiang Dinggan spat out a mouthful of blood, and was sent flying out together with the Tiangang Demon General!

But in the same place, Tian Yu didn't even have any injuries, and he was about to chase Xiang Dinggan in a flash.

Just at this moment, a dense shadow twisted out, instantly engulfing Tian Yu.

Tian Yu's eyes darkened, and he immediately stopped and looked around.

Without waiting for Tian Yu to see clearly, a huge gully was suddenly torn out after the ground under his feet shook!

Under the action of a force of burial, Tian Yu immediately fell between the cracked ground.

On the left and right ground walls, the rock and soil energy surged, and large rocky pillars protruded at high speed, hitting Tian Yu in the middle staggeredly!

Until the end, it formed a large rock ball interlaced with rocks.

This is not over yet, accompanied by a burst of extremely scorching energy fluctuations, a dazzling green-red arrow of divine fire plummeted down from the sky, and instantly hit the rock ball!


The terrifying flames under the blessing of the green and red divine fire burst out like sea waves, instantly filling the torn gullies in the earth, and even lighting up Tang Jiao's dark domain!

"It hit, what a strong arrow!"

Tang Jiao and the others were overjoyed that Xia Xuan's powerful blow almost surpassed the limit of the Huiyue class!

Xia Xuan's red pupils flickered, staring closely at the center of the raging flames in front of her.


Seeming to find something, Xia Xuan's complexion changed slightly.

His eyes quickly dissipated, and Tian Yu stood in the air, his whole body was scorched black and red, and a blood hole was broken in his shoulder!

It looked like he was seriously injured.

But with such injuries, Tian Yu not only did not die directly, but all the injuries on his body were recovering visibly with the naked eye!

The wound healed, and the charcoal-blackened flesh began to fall off and grow new flesh.

In just a few breaths, he has already recovered to a great extent!


Ji Yuan, Xiang Dingqian and others all exclaimed.

It would be fine if Tian Yu used some defensive tricks, but he survived Xia Xuan's devastating arrow so abruptly and healed himself?

What a terrifying physique!

Not to mention Ji Yuan and others, Xia Xuan's eyes trembled slightly, and her heart was inexplicably shocked!

"God's Arrow!"

Xia Xuan resolutely raised the bird of death, and the star power of the fire element was poured into it frantically. After a little momentum, an extremely concise pure white rocket was shot from the string!

Tian Yu raised his hand, black quicksand covered his palm, and directly grabbed the arrow of God's Extinction.


Tian Yu really caught the arrow of God's Extinction.

And the next moment, the fire element within the God Slayer Arrow roared violently...


The blazing arrow suddenly burst out with extremely dazzling brilliance, piercing people's eyes!

When Bai Yan dissipated, Tian Yu still stood in place.

Although there were many burns on the palm and body, there were almost no traces of being charred!

As for Tian Yu, it was as if he couldn't feel the burns, and his expression was still indifferent.

"How can this be!"

Xia Xuan was also stunned. The other party actually took the arrow of God's Extinction with his bare hands in this way?

Moreover, Xia Xuan can be sure that the other party has never used more star power than Huiyue.

The powerful attack power that I am proud of... is actually ineffective?

Xia Xuan looked at Tian Yu who was approaching step by step, and was a little dazed for a while.

"Let's go!"

Seeing that Xia Xuan, who was the most powerful, seemed to be a little distracted, Xiang Dingqian suppressed the fear in his heart, and immediately greeted Tian Yu with a loud burst of devil's heart.

And Tang Jiao also gritted her teeth, and separated several shadow clones to meet the enemy together.

Ji Yuan also took out a long stick and stepped forward to block the enemy.


After a high-altitude collision, the thunder exploded, and the gray and white air dispersed.

Yaopo pulled back and backed away, turned his head to glance at the wall below, and couldn't help frowning.

"Self-proclaimed to Huiyue level, but even Xia Xuan can't hurt him, how can he have such a terrifying body..."

The tyrannical lethality of Xia Xuan's double divine fire and archer is top-notch among its peers, so Su Yuan and Yaopo are naturally very clear about it.

"Hahaha." Katu in front of him laughed out loud, "This has nothing to do with the physical body."

"Huh?" Yaopo narrowed his eyes slightly.

The corner of Katu's mouth twitched: "He is in the early sun state, but he can walk with me... Do you know why?"


"That's because of his ability called 'miracle'!"

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