Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 820 Fierce Battle

"A miracle?" Yaopo frowned.

Katu said: "Whatever kind of injury you receive, you can recover quickly, and adapt to improve resistance at an amazing speed, and then become stronger..."

"Super adaptable..." Yaopo frowned and looked down.

Xia Xuan's first arrow could still severely injure Tian Yu, partially burning it into coke;

But immediately after the second arrow fell, it was only a superficial burn.

Although it is too exaggerated to describe it as a "miracle", such a fast and amazing adaptability is indeed quite terrifying!

At least for the same level, such an opponent can be called a nightmare.

In just a few words, Xiang Dingqian, Tang Jiao and others below were all beaten one after another until they vomited blood and flew backwards.

"We must speed up!" Yaopo's thoughts turned, and his eyes fell on Katu in front of him, "Without Shenhuo Katu, it really can't be done, the only way is to use the funeral..."

As if sensing Yao Po's killing intent, Katu met Yao Po's gaze without hesitation.

"You do have some strength. You actually possess such powerful power and star power. There are not many people in the same realm who can cut off my lightning."

Katu grinned, and a white cross slowly lit up in the palm of his raised left hand.

"I don't know what hole cards you have, but you still want to kill me, that can only make you feel the power of real despair!"

Katu clasped his hands on his chest, accompanied by the dazzling cross holy light, accompanied by strong star power fluctuations, infinite azure blue thunder entangled around Katu's body and rushed straight into the sky!

After the thunder light dissipated, Katu, who was wrapped in many thunder chains all over his body, had already appeared high above the sky, with a mad look, and his blue hair standing on end!

"Real form liberation..." Yaopo's eyes froze.

At this time, Katu raised his hand and pointed, and a large number of thunder chains outside his body shot out to attack the monster below.

These thunder chains are not only amazingly powerful, but also harder than star artifacts!

"Golden Flame Burns!"

Immediately, Yaopo launched the strongest strengthening golden flame burning body.

"Oh, it got stronger again?" Katu grinned and raised his right hand high, "So what... Thunder!"

Many thunder chains on Katu's body lit up, as if triggering thunder and lightning, the sky also exploded.

In an instant, thunderclouds billowed and lightning flashed, and the entire sky was filled with hundreds of entangled and neighing thunderbolts looming in the clouds!

The gods are coming!

Katu raised his hand and pointed at the demon soul, the sky was full of thunder, and then thunder spears poked their heads out from the dark clouds!


Katu let out a low shout, and countless thunder guns rained down from the sky, as if to destroy the world!

Yao Po's eyes froze, and the speed of Jin Yan burning his body was extremely fast, and he dodged quickly.

In the next moment, countless pieces of blue lightning appeared one after another on the ground after the explosion of thunder guns.

The energy in a random thunder gun can easily wipe out a small town, and for a while, all you can see is the sea of ​​thunder that is constantly churning!

Without the acceleration of Kamikaze, even the demon could hardly dodge such dense thunder, and had to swing his sword to meet it.

"Bang bang bang... bang!"

After blasting several lightning guns one after another, most of Yaopo's shoulders were shattered, including his right arm!

Flash, but flash.

It is difficult to resist the unparalleled power and endless bursting thunder even if it is parried head-on.

This is true form liberation!

Low consumption, high strength, and very suitable for itself.

Without highly practiced legendary skills, without a higher level of realm, what can be used to compete?

Not to mention confrontation, it is absolutely difficult to even get close!

Don't look at how easy it was for Su Yuan to deal with the two of Melche before, but that was because Su Yuan possessed several supernatural powers.

As long as you master the true liberation, you will be a top master in the burning sun class, which is better than most legendary skills!

At this moment, Yaopo's body was glowing with red light, and in a blink of an eye, the blasted body returned to its original state.

"Huh? It's actually an energy body!" A trace of surprise flashed across Katu's face, and then he licked his lips with a smirk, "Whoever you are, you will die under my thunder!"


At the same time, in the surrounding wall below.

Tian Yu waved his hand and blew up the flaming arrows flying from the side, and then punched Ji Yuan again, sending him flying.


Ji Yuan spat out a mouthful of blood, hit the wall and fell down.

Looking at Tian Yu in front of him, Ji Yuan was still struggling to stand up, but fell to the ground and passed out.

Tang Jiao and Xiang Dinggan, who were on the side, had also fallen to the ground, spitting blood, and their consciousness was blurred.

Sensing the movement above the sky, Tian Yu looked up at Katu who summoned the rain of thunder guns after the release of Zhenxing.

"The true form is liberated."

Tian Yu looked at Katu, then at the overwhelmed demon in the thunderstorm, then turned his gaze away, and turned to look at Xia Xuan, who was the only one standing beside him.

At this moment, Xia Xuan's complexion was pale, her abdomen and shoulders had been severely injured, and her flesh and blood had been smashed by the fist.

Although panting again and again, Xia Xuan's hands holding Shenniao Zhishang were still extremely stable.

Seemingly aware of a huge and incomparable crisis, the five divine birds on the bow seem to be coming back to life!

Tian Yu's eyes flickered, and with one step, he rushed towards Xia Xuan again.

And Xia Xuan also held her breath, locked on Tian Yu tightly with her mind, and a green and red rocket on the bow was ready.

"The swan song of the divine bird, sacrifice your life with one arrow!"

Most of the star power was consumed in an instant, and the spirits of the five divine birds on the bow were all merged into the arrows. The flames of the rockets on the strings skyrocketed, and the arrows shot towards Tian Yu in front of them with incomparable brilliance!

Such a sacrifice, coupled with the outbreak of the divine bird's swan song, the terrifying power suddenly changed Tian Yu's face, and immediately tried to dodge to the side.

However, how could such an ultimate move, which was a bet on the outcome, be easily slipped by?

Xia Xuan moved five fingers of her left hand in unison, locked on string manipulation + divine sense, changed direction instantly and caught up with Tian Yu.


The flames were so intense that even the fence that Tian Yu opened before sealing himself was blown apart by the flames!


Xia Xuan gasped for breath, but her eyes were fixed on the flames in front of her.

But soon, Xia Xuan's pupils shrank.

But Tian Yu walked out of the flames, a blood hole in his abdomen was slowly repairing, other than that, his body was only a little reddish.

A big hole was pierced by the strong penetrating power of this arrow, but the terrifying fire element on the arrow still failed to cause much damage to it!

"If you can burst out with an arrow of this level in the beginning, maybe you really have a chance to kill me."

As soon as the words fell, Tian Yu suddenly appeared in front of Xia Xuan.

Xia Xuan's pupils shrunk slightly, and she fell into weakness after hitting with all her strength at this moment, and she almost couldn't even catch the opponent's movements.

The next moment, Tian Yu punched out.

When the air wave exploded, Xia Xuan only felt a sharp pain coming from her abdomen, and she was immediately blown away, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and her complexion paled instantly.

When Tian Yu raised his right hand, the ground shattered, and countless rocks, soil and quicksand rose into the sky like a tsunami, covering the sky and blocking out the sun!

"Then, you will be buried deep in the dust forever...Ground burial!"

Tian Yu's expression was indifferent, and the sand tsunami suddenly rolled down and washed over Xia Xuan and others in an instant.

Xia Xuan's eyes were wide open, her body, which was already seriously injured, was so impacted, and she passed out completely after a mouthful of blood spewed out.


"Bang bang bang...!"

High above the sky, within a short while, Yaopo was blown to pieces by the exploding thunder gun.

Even though the demon spirit regenerates at a high speed regardless of consumption, it is absolutely difficult to break through the thunderstorm and kill Katu.

As for Katu, he quickly saw the core in Yaopo's body.

"Don't say that you are an energy body with a core, even if you don't have a core...you will be blasted to pieces in front of my Thunder Gun Rain!"

Katu laughed wildly, and with a thought, the thunder chains wrapped around his body "cracked", attracting thunder with all his strength!

Lightning suddenly surged in the high-altitude thunderclouds, as if something was brewing. After a few breaths, a huge thunder halberd pierced through the dark clouds and came.

The surge of runes and entanglement of electric light on the thunder halberd exudes a scalp-numbing terrifying wave. At first glance, it is Katu's super killer move after the liberation of the real form!

"Go, Thunder Heavenly Halberd!"

Katu shouted loudly, thunder and lightning roared from the halberd, and instantly shot out and landed on Yaopo who was already stretched to the left and right!

The thunder exploded, and the bright blue lightning shot out like a gorgeous moon disk, and the thousand-meter radius turned into a pool of thunder in an instant.

"Thunder halberd kills the god, this time, you will die!"

The corner of Katu's mouth curled up, but when he suddenly noticed something, the corner of his mouth that just curled up slightly condensed.

But I saw an incomparably gorgeous golden fire shadow rushing from the thunder pool, and the hot golden flames all over my body continued to burn, just like the sun!

"Huh? He didn't die!" Katu's complexion changed slightly, and he was very surprised. "It looks like a trick to lock blood and extend life..."

But at this time, Yaopo turned into a dazzling sun and headed straight for Katu.

Katu snorted coldly: "I'd like to see how long your trick can last, Gunyu!"

The high-altitude thunder raged, and countless thunder spears shot down like a rain of guns again.

But this time, before the numerous thunder guns approached, they were already visibly melted by the high temperature of the sun.

Yaopo slashed and slashed a thunder spear to explode, and the bursting thunder couldn't kill Yaopo who was in funeral state.

In a moment, Yaopo had already rushed to Katu, and slashed down with a knife.

Katu's complexion changed slightly, and he immediately condensed a thunder spear to meet him, but he was chopped into pieces by Yaopo, and even flew out with his whole body.

"Huh? Much stronger!"

Katu looked at the monster in front of him who was covered in flames and whose eyes were bursting with murderous intent, his pupils shrank, and he quickly manipulated the thunder chains wrapped around his body to resist!

The funeral could not last long, Yaopo went all out, and the strong attack that only attacked but not defended quickly suppressed Katu.

Several chains of thunder broke open one after another, and the monster rushed in domineeringly and slashed Katu's chest!


The sound of meat piercing sounded, and a long scorched red wound opened on Katu's chest, and even his ribs were almost severed!

Katu let out a muffled snort, and just as he stabilized his figure, he saw a flash of flames, and the monster had already approached him again!

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