"not good!"

Katu's heart ached, and he quickly shielded all the Thunder Chains in front of him!

The Yaohun long knife was covered by the golden flame of the funeral, and when it was cut off, it immediately cut a few points into the thunder chain.

The Great Sun Burning Body Technique was born from the soul of the three-legged Golden Crow. After the funeral, it already has a bit of the power of the Great Sun Divine Fire!

I saw the extremely high-temperature long knife slowly cut through the thunder chains, but after a while, two or three chains were cut open.

Katu was startled, and he manipulated the Thunder Spear to continuously shoot at the monster in front of him.

But since Yaopo started the funeral, he was already brave enough to kill Katu and see if he could help the people below to retreat.

Katu yelled loudly: "You are looking for death!!"

Although it could be seen that the fire elemental energy on Yaopo's body was being consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye, Katu's eyes had already revealed a bit of panic uncontrollably.

Because Katu couldn't be sure whether the opponent ran out of energy first or cut through his own defense first!

Just after Yaopo cut off nearly half of the chains, he suddenly noticed something, and immediately turned his head to look down.

In addition to the bursting flames, Xia Xuan was also knocked to the ground, and the rock and soil on the ground surged up and buried several people deep in the ground!

Yaopo's complexion darkened, and he raised his long knife in a flash of thought, and slashed at Katu heavily.

Although he couldn't cut off all the thunder chains at once, he sent them flying with a single blow.

Afterwards, Yao Po took a sharp turn and rushed towards Tian Yu below like a falling golden sun.

Tian Yu had just dealt with Xia Xuan and the others, his eyes froze when he saw this, he raised his hands and pointed at his body with a seal, and he untied the seal with a flash of inspiration.

Then, with a wave of his hand, the turbulent black sand surged up to meet the falling golden fireball, wrapping it inside and quickly forming a huge black ball!

However, in a short while, a large area above the black ball dried up and cracked, and countless golden brilliance came out.


Shining golden light, Yaopo broke through the black ball and continued to attack Tian Yu below.

And Tian Yu didn't stay where he was, the black sand flowed on his body, he flew into the sky and crashed into the monster!


The two sides collided, and a strong aura exploded.

Even though Tian Yu had already improved a lot of fire resistance because of Xia Xuan, it was hard to resist the funeral day unfolding in the Yaopo Chongyang Realm. In a blink of an eye, there were large areas of burns on his body!

And Yaopo has already learned about Tian Yu's ability from Katu, and with a thought, the funeral energy was overloaded and consumed, the sun was shining brightly on his body, and even more astonishing high-temperature flames burst out suddenly!

In an instant, the whole body of Tian Yu in front of him was scorched black and gradually turned into fly ash!

The burning of such a high-temperature flame, not to mention the lethality, is painful and painful.

But Tian Yu's face was still indifferent, except that his lips were pale and he could see the pain, as if he was used to the pain.

And at this time, amidst the raging flames, the cross in Tian Yu's left palm lit up and stroked his chest.

"True Form Liberation!"

It was far less powerful than Katu and others, but with a flash of inspiration, Tian Yu completed the liberation of his true form.

Apart from the faint orange light in his eyes, even his appearance didn't change much.

But just like that, under an inexplicable regular force, the speed at which Tian Yu's skin burned to fly ash slowed down visibly to the naked eye, until a few seconds later, even the scorched red did not appear again!

Yaopo's pupils trembled, this time, he really experienced the power of a "miracle" for himself!

"Damn it!"

Yaopo looked down at the ground where Xia Xuan and the others were buried, and couldn't even feel the slightest breath, and couldn't help sighing secretly.

This time, I'm afraid I won't be able to complete the explanation of the main body!

Star card masters like Qiguang, who have liberated their true form, are really not comparable to star card masters of the same level!

If he didn't have breathing skills, Dayan might suffer a lot.

Especially individual abilities, which are simply too exaggerated, such as the person in front of him...


At this moment, Yaopo's eyes fell on a scorched red wound on Tian Yu's chest that was healing rapidly, but suddenly his pupils shrank slightly, and he couldn't help but glance at him closely.

Tian Yu still looked indifferent, and said: "This can't kill me, and your strengthening is about to end, right?"

"Let's die together!"

Yaopo's face turned cold, and then, the golden flames on his body burned with all his strength again, and he suddenly pushed Tian Yu against the ground and slammed into the ground not far away!

Just two breaths, the two fell to the ground.


There was a loud noise, like a small sun falling to the ground, and the rock and soil below exploded and disintegrated layer by layer in an instant, forming a shockingly huge charred pit in the blink of an eye!

The golden flames in the pit were raging, and it took a long time for them to gradually dissipate.

But at this moment, there was only one person left in the pit.

Tian Yu stood up slowly, and barely stood still after shaking twice. The chapped area in front of him was red and looked a little embarrassed.

Looking at the flying ash slowly flying in front of him, Tian Yu's eyes were full of deep thoughts.

At this moment, a thunderbolt crashed down and landed next to it with a "bang".

"Hey, Tian Yu, are you okay!" Katu, who was entangled in lightning chains all over his body, looked at Tian Yu, "This guy's final eruption is too terrifying, it is even more powerful than the legendary skill, luckily you attracted him away Already!"

Speaking of this, Katu still had some lingering fear in his eyes.

If it weren't for Tian Yu's timely efforts to attract the other party, he might be really in danger!

"I'm fine." Tian Yu shook his head, the muscles in his body regenerated rapidly, and even his breath became stronger and stronger. "Skills like his that are close to self-destruction will never be weak in terms of power."

Katu nodded: "That's true, this guy is an energy body, nine out of ten he is an incarnation, no wonder he is not afraid of death... If I see the main body next time, I will send them back to the west together!"

Katu snorted coldly, feeling quite upset when an avatar used the trick of killing each other to almost corner him.

When Tian Yu heard this, his eyes moved slightly.

Unlocking the release of the true form, Tian Yu said: "Let's go, this is close to the south, there is such a big movement, maybe other masters of Great Yan will notice and rush over."

"Okay, let's go."

Although Kato is crazy, he is not stupid.

The incarnation of Chongyang just now was even more difficult than expected. I have already activated the real form liberation, and my strength has been depleted. If I meet another master, it will be troublesome.

Katu turned his head to look at the place where Xia Xuan and the others were buried, and suddenly raised his hand, a few lightning guns shot down in a flash of lightning from high above.

Tian Yu's footsteps stopped suddenly.

"Bang bang bang...!" The thunder exploded, erupting with terrifying power.

"What are you doing?" Tian Yu asked.

Katu laughed: "After all, you sealed your cultivation just now, just to be on the safe side, I'll make it up a couple of times."

Tian Yu glanced at him, didn't say anything, then flew up and went straight to the distance.

Katu also put away his true form liberation, and followed him in a flash.

As the two left, the messy area quickly fell silent.

And hundreds of meters deep underground, a piece of black quicksand was mixed in the rocky soil.

A large area of ​​lightning flashed on the black sand, but after a while, the last bit of lightning was wiped out.

And under these black quicksands were Xia Xuan, Xiang Dingqian and others who were seriously injured and passed out.

After blocking the lightning, the black quicksand quickly dimmed, and only Jiyuan was shaken slightly by the quicksand.


Ji Yuan groaned and woke up suddenly, only felt a sharp pain in his body, and then he suddenly woke up.

"This is...underground?! What's going on, Xia Zhi sent them!"

Ji Yuan's pupils shrank slightly. As a star card master of the rock and soil system, he immediately understood that he was deep underground.

Although I don't know what happened after I fainted, but now it looks like I was buried here by the enemy.

"It's great not to die... By the way, Xia Zhi sent them!"

Ji Yuan's heart trembled, and he quickly launched the geotechnical technique to sense the past around him.


Soon, Jiyuan sensed the existence of Xia Xuan, Tang Jiao and Xiang Dingqian one after another.

However, several people were seriously injured, and being pressed in such a deep place, they might not last long.

Ji Yuan still didn't act rashly to help the other three, but hid his breath and movement, and moved up first to investigate the situation.

Near the surface, Ji Yuan launched the detection technique to check carefully, and then drilled out and looked around carefully.

"Looks like he's really gone!" Ji Yuan felt a sense of survival after the catastrophe, "Save people!"


After a while, Xia Xuan and others were all rescued and awakened by Ji Yuan with rocks and soil.

"Executive Xia, Executive Envoy Xia?"


Xia Xuan opened her eyes, and instantly tensed her body vigilantly.

However, seeing Ji Yuan, Xiang Dingqian and Tang Jiao who were in a panic in front of them, he quickly turned his head and looked around in surprise.

"Emissary Ji, where is the enemy?" Xia Xuan asked immediately.

Ji Yuan shook his head and said, "I don't know, it seems that I have gone far."

Ji Yuan talked about how many people had been transported out, and then asked: "Executive Xia, what happened next?"

Xia Xuan thought for a while, and said: "Before I fainted, I was about to be buried by that yellow-haired practitioner.

But at that time, it seemed that the avatar of the third seat exploded with all its strength, forcing another enemy to rush down and try to help us..."

Tang Jiao thought about it and said, "From this point of view, it seems that the incarnation of San Xi restrained the enemy."

Everyone looked around and saw the huge pit next to them.

Xiang Ding said: "I don't know if we repelled the enemy, or died together with the enemy? In short, we survived by luck, and it is also thanks to the auspicious envoy."

Ji Yuan waved his hand, and sighed for the rest of his life: "I just woke up before you, and it's all luck to survive this time!

I have to say that the people in Qiguang are really arrogant and arrogant, and fortunately they are arrogant, otherwise we might die after only one or two encounters. "

Xiang Dinggan nodded.

Xia Xuan frowned slightly, with thoughtful eyes.

"Is it really lucky?"

I always feel that this time is too lucky, and the four of them can all survive...

Xia Xuan thought of Tian Yu's appearance, but couldn't help but think of the other party's terrifying ability...

"Xia Zhishi." Tang Jiao stepped forward to remind, "No matter what, we should leave this place as soon as possible!"

Xia Xuan came back to her senses, looked around, and nodded immediately: "Let's go!"

The four of them flickered, and dragged their seriously injured bodies all the way to the south to evacuate...

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