Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 822 False Saint Demon Sword

In the north, in the Forest of Warcraft, in the Ice Mist Forest.


With a scream, the birds and beasts scattered.

I saw a Northern Ice Bear in the Double Sun Realm was sent flying by the Frost Giant's punch, and the blood mist burst from his body.

While still in the air, he was pierced by a dazzling golden arrow and nailed to the snow wall in the distance, with blood streaming down his body and still trying to struggle.

And with a flash of silver light, Su Yuan appeared in the void in front of the Northland Ice Bear, and swung the demon knife to kill it completely.

[Monster Slaying Progress (Legend): Scorching Sun Level (19/20), King Level (0/1)]

Su Yuan nodded: "In this way, it's only one end away."

At this moment, Su Yuan's expression moved slightly, and he suddenly lowered his head to look at the demon knife on his waist.

The demon knife that was originally glowing with a strange red light, but at this moment the runes on it suddenly dimmed a bit.

"Huh?" Su Yuan frowned suddenly, "The monster has fallen!"

Unexpectedly, Yaopo actually fell.

Could it be that he ran into a star beast from the Sanyang Realm?

Or did they run into a group of knights who could be liberated in real form again?

If this is not the case, Yao Po's strength should be enough to deal with it.

Originally, Yaopo sent Xia Xuan and the others back just to be on the safe side, but in the end even Yaopo fell, and it seemed that he had encountered quite a formidable enemy.

"I don't know what happened to Xia Xuan and the others, but as for the demon soul, it's fine."

Su Yuan rubbed the demon knife, and the runes on it were faintly visible along with Su Yuan's fingers.

Until now, Su Yuan can be sure that the Demon Sword is on the verge of going further!

And if it can be upgraded, the powerful power of the false holy weapon may be able to directly regenerate the demon.

"One more, that's fine."

Su Yuan directly took out the star core of the Northern Ice Bear, and asked Ruan Ruan to devour its body.

After swallowing softly, he jumped onto Su Yuan's shoulder, transformed his little finger into the deeper part of the ice fog forest, and told Su Yuan all the memories he had learned.

"Is it the overlord-level star beast in the Ice Fog Forest?" Su Yuan was quite interested.

Ruan Ruan folded his hands on his chest and nodded: "Puff!"

"Then let's go..."

Right now, even if you go back by yourself, it's too late to save Xia Xuan and the others, so act at your own pace first.

As soon as Su Yuan's figure flickered, he led a group of refiners and plundered all the way to the depths of the Ice Mist Forest...

After two days.

In the glacier canyon where the frost and snow roared, spiritual light exploded, roaring continuously, and a fierce battle was going on.

One of them is hundreds of ice and snow elves with exquisite appearance and gorgeous ice crystal wings.

In addition to many Yao-level and Huiyue-level ice and snow elves, there are also three ice and snow elves with six wings.

Among them, the ice and snow elf in the Sanyang Realm had extremely complex and gorgeous golden patterns engraved on its ice crystal wings!

Legendary quality ice and snow elf - Ice Sky Elf Envoy!

At this moment, apart from Liuli Tianqing, Ruan Ruan was divided into three parts.

The Great Sun Golden Crow spread its wings, and the golden sword transformed by the real fire of the sun cut gold and broken jade, madly slaughtering the ice and snow elves in all directions.

The Canghai Lingkun floated back and forth in the void, and a large black heavy water roared out around him. All the affected ice and snow elves were shocked. Once they were swept by the black water, they could no longer rush out.

As for the great holy monkey who unfolded the holy body of the alchemy furnace, he cast his spells on the sky and the earth, held the wishful golden cudgel of any size, and beat the other two ice and snow spirits in the early sun state into danger all by himself!

Ruan Ruan alone almost killed the ice and snow elf forces that ruled the entire ten thousand li area of ​​the Ice Fog Forest without any power to fight back!

Before, the strength of Ruanruan's avatars would drop more the more they split.

And after being promoted to the legend, as long as it is a completely imitative clone, even if there are multiple clones, the strength will not drop in the slightest!

It seems that the skills of the avatar are prepared for the complete mimicry of the law of devouring.

However, no matter whether it is a mimic or a fully mimicked avatar, it cannot use other powers of the law of devouring.

Only available in slime or avatar form.

At this moment, Ruanruan's avatars are dealing with all the remaining ice and snow elves alone, while Su Yuan and Tianqing Lianxing are besieging the three-yang-level ice and sky elf envoy!


The sound of weapons clashing was like a dense rainstorm.

In mid-air, Su Yuan's black cloak of flames kept burning, and he swung the Imperial God Demon Saber and Liuli Tianqing, colliding with the Ice Sky Elf Wearing Ice Sacred Armor and holding two ice crystal swords at high speed!

White air neighed, and after a strong collision between the two, Tai Xu's sword energy and the power of ice shot out, and the snow under his feet suddenly tore open a gully hundreds of meters long!

Su Yuan volleyed and retreated, the Ice Sky Spirit Envoy's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he immediately flew to chase after him!

But at this moment, a gigantic arm covered with long white hair slammed down from the sky, it was the Frost Giant's "Frost God Fist"!

The ice spirit kept his face unchanged, and the six wings of the ice crystal behind him were about to dodge.

And Su Yuan raised his left hand, and the ice spirit distorted and shattered the void outside him like a black whirlpool!

A large number of white scars were scratched on the ice holy armor and blue-white skin, and even the moving body was slightly involved.

The next moment, the Frost Sky Divine Fist was smashed down.


The earth shakes and the mountains shake, frost and snow roar!

However, with this punch, a somewhat strenuous look appeared on the Frost Giant's face.

Taking a closer look, under the huge arm that lifted the sky, the Ice Sky Elf just raised his left hand, and he supported the huge fist of the Frost Giant that was dozens of times bigger than his own body!

This power is simply astonishing!

But it wasn't over yet, the Howling Moon Ice Wolf and the Earth Demon Bear, who were waiting for an opportunity, attacked from left and right.

"Roar! Ouch!"

Barbarian giant palm!

Claws of the Ice Wolf!

The Ice Sky Elf propped up the giant arm of the Frost Giant with his left hand. With only one hand at the moment, he threw the ice crystal sword in his right hand to the ice wolf on the left, and then punched the earth demon bear on the right.

With two "bang bang" sounds, the Howling Moon Demon Wolf and the Earth Demon Bear were smashed into the air one after another.

But at the same time, a dazzling golden light lit up, and a lightning-fast, extremely powerful arrow suddenly shot at the chest of the Ice Sky Elf Envoy!


The incomparably sharp golden light almost pierced from the back of the Ice Sky Elf, but its ice armor defense was really terrifying, and it was not directly pierced by the arrow after Melche's true form was released.

The golden arrow slowly pierced through the ice armor to pierce the Ice Sky Elf Envoy's chest, but the Ice Sky Elf Envoy grabbed the golden arrow, the cold air surged in his palm, and crushed it into golden flakes with a sound of "咵啦"!

And just when the Ice Sky Elf Envoy's hands were restrained, Su Yuan teleported behind him in a flash of silver light, and the sword of Shenduan suddenly slashed out.

The Ice Sky Spirit Envoy reacted quickly, but with one hand supporting the Frost Sky Divine Fist and the other hand crushing the golden arrow released by Melche's true form, the timing of Su Yuan's appearance can be said to be extremely subtle.

At the very moment, the ice spirit made the imprint of ice between the eyebrows light up, and a huge phantom of the goddess of ice appeared outside her body. In an instant, the terrifying cold air like the tide of the abyss blasted away!

The palm of the Frost God above the head, and the Howling Moon Ice Wolf that spread its icy shadow and charged towards it, were all frozen in place the moment the cold air blew away!

Legendary skill, the roar of the Ice Goddess!

But in the next moment, the black flames soared, the golden wind was strong, the phantom of the ice god dissipated suddenly, and the chilling chill stopped abruptly.

The head of the Ice Sky Spirit Envoy flew up, but was chopped off by the light of the Divine Breaking Sword!


Su Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the Howling Moon Ice Wolf, the Earth Demon Bear, and even the giant arms frozen above his head that were frozen into ice sculptures on both sides, his eyes finally fell on the black flame cloak that was already filled with ice crystals outside him.

"Even ice-snow star beasts with high ice resistance can be easily frozen. If it weren't for the evil fire entangled in the evil, I'm afraid I would have to flash back first."

Just now, Su Yuan used the black flame cloak entangled in false and evil to temporarily hold this legendary skill for a while, and used ten times the acceleration of the return to the ruins kamikaze to forcibly kill the Ice Sky Elf Envoy in an instant, interrupting this skill.

Fortunately, although the Ice Sky Elf Envoy is indeed very hard, the weakness of the neck, which is exposed outside the ice armor, still can't stop the slashing blows of the God's Breaking Sword.

At this moment, an extremely strong and strange red light suddenly burst out from the Yaodao that had been silent because of the fall of the demon soul!

This is not only the 20th scorching sun star beast that has been killed, but also a powerful legendary star beast of the Three Suns Realm. The demon knife is so excited that it is about to undergo some kind of transformation!

[Monster Slaying Progress (Legend): Scorching Sun Level (20/20), King Level (0/1)]

Naturally, Su Yuan would not hinder him, his eyes froze, he let go of the demon knife in his hand and let it float in front of him.

"Let's go to a higher level, Yushen Yaodao!"


With a sword chant, the aura surged, and the strange red brilliance intertwined like silk and cocoons, wrapping the demon sword in it.

The red light on the light cocoon is constantly circulating, and some mysterious runes are looming, and the demon knife inside is undergoing some kind of change.

Su Yuan waited quietly, and did not focus on other things at this critical moment.

He just ordered the Frost Giant, who had just broken free from the remaining ice on his giant arm, to stay outside.

After a while, the red light subsided, and the light cocoon gradually disintegrated from top to bottom, and a brand new demon sword appeared in front of Su Yuan.

The red color on the knife is deeper than before, completely opposite to Liuli Tianqing's "temperament".

And in the sword grid, there is an extra red crystal, or... a crystal core!

"There is such a big change!"

Su Yuan's pupils narrowed slightly, he didn't expect that the demon sword would have such a big change after being promoted to a false holy weapon.

It's not just a huge change in appearance... Su Yuan stared at the red spar on the sword grid of the demon sword.

Compared with the energy core, it is more like a star core!

Demon Sword Demon Sword... Is it really the combination of demon and weapon?

Su Yuan raised his hand to grab the advanced demon knife, and turned on the system with a thought.

【God Demon Sword (Bound)】

[Quality: Epic (pseudo-legendary)]


[Yaopo·True Demon: Break through the limitation of the energy body incarnation produced by the star device, upgrade to a real life body incarnation, and gain more possibilities]

[Yaopo·Adventure: Like a god descending, the incarnation of a monster can obtain most of the abilities of the body within a certain period of time]

[Yaopo·Recall: With the Yaodao as the anchor point, you can recall the incarnation of the Yaopo from different places across the void]

[Monster Slaying Progress (Legend): Scorching Sun Level (20/20), King Level (0/1)]

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