Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 823 Boiling Blood

Looking at the panel, Su Yuan quickly checked the three new features.

The first [True Demon], probably because the nature of the demon incarnation has changed, and it should be related to the core similar to the star core at the Jiange.

As for the specific impact, Su Yuan is still not very clear at the moment.

However, the second feature of [Spiritual Awakening] made Su Yuan's eyes shine.

"It means that even if the skills are not handed over, the ghost can use my skills for a short time?"

This characteristic is undoubtedly a huge improvement for Yaopo.

And for myself, it is also greatly enhanced!

When encountering a strong enemy, it is completely possible to separate the demon incarnation and start the seance, which is equivalent to two selves.

Coupled with the third [Recall] feature...

Even if Yao Po is not by his side, he can forcefully pull him over for two against one!

Su Yuan showed joy: "This level of improvement is worthy of being a false holy weapon!"

Rubbing the brand-new Demon Saber, Su Yuan flicked the blade.

"Come out, Yaopo!"

A large piece of red light danced on the sword, and a moment later, a monster with its whole body intact appeared in front of Su Yuan.

"I thought I would sleep for a year and a half, but I didn't expect to come back to life so soon!" Yaopo grinned.

Su Yuan asked: "How do you feel?"

The red light flowed on Yaopo's body, and he felt his own state carefully.

"Not to mention how much stronger it is, but it's like being reborn, it's very different!"

Saying that, Yao Po closed and opened, and a light like essence suddenly appeared in the eyes.

"Huh? One heart and no dust!" Su Yuan was slightly startled.

Yaopo nodded, grinned and said: "That's right, even Yixin Wuchen can be used!"

Before, although Yaopo could inherit the passive improvement brought by breathing, it couldn't use the active stunt like Yixin Wuchen.

Since being promoted to Burning Sun, Su Yuan's own strength has skyrocketed.

But when fighting against high-strength enemies, because the key skills of Shenhuo Shenfeng and Shenban are often taken away by him, the strength of the demon incarnation has not improved much.

If Yaopo can use special skills, even without the new feature [Shen Shen], then the strength will be greatly improved!

Especially in the future, I am about to enter the Hongmeng Realm, and maybe I can comprehend new stunts again!

And the reason for this is probably because of the changes brought about by [True Demon], making Yaopo truly a "life body".

"Besides, I seem to be able to cultivate myself." Yaopo said quite unexpectedly.

"Cultivation?" Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, "Try it!"

Just do what you say, Yaopo immediately practiced cross-legged.

After a while, Su Yuan suddenly felt a little more star power in his vast Chongyang star sea.

"Huh?" Su Yuan's pupils narrowed slightly, and then a burst of joy welled up in his heart, "It's really possible!"

Su Yuan was overjoyed, and immediately realized that after being promoted to a false holy weapon, the most important characteristic might not be "God descending", but this "true demon"!

[Shen Shen] brought only an increase in combat power, but [True Demon] gave Yaopo unlimited possibilities!

Just being able to use unique skills and actively practice these two points now has already surprised Su Yuan, and perhaps, there are also some unexpected benefits.

Yaopo was also overjoyed, not only was his body reborn this time, but his individual essence had also been transformed.

Thinking of something suddenly, Yaopo's eyes flickered coldly, and the trace of killing intent emerged.

"If I had a clean heart before, that kid's thunder would not be able to suppress me!"

Just kidding, Yao Po's temperament is much more violent than Su Yuan's.

Since he suffered a loss, how could he just let the other party go like this.

"Speaking of this." Su Yuan looked at Yaopo, "Then let me see what happened."

Yaopo nodded, turned into a red light and flew back into Su Yuan's body, and flew out again after a while.

Su Yuan closed his eyes, his body glowed red, and soon synchronized with the information before the fall of the demon.

But when Su Yuan opened his eyes again, there was a burst of surprise in his eyes.

"This is... boiling blood?!"

When Yaopo was about to die with that yellow-haired young man Qiguang, a blood mist suddenly boiled from a certain wound on the other's chest.

If it were someone else, they might not be able to recognize it.

But Su Yuan recognized at a glance that this is the skill of the master star beast Purple Flame Wild Lion - boiling blood!

When I went to Moyang Peak to look for the Qiyao Silver Branch that made the Fengqi Saber, I gave Huang Xiang the [Boiling Blood] that I had just extracted, and the two were able to kill and survive down the mountain.

"Is it you, Huang Xiang..." Su Yuan lowered his head and muttered.

That yellow-haired young man has such a terrifying ability to adapt, how can he need the blue skill [Boiling Blood] with limited effect?

This is almost an "exclusive code" that only he and Huang Xiang know.

Moreover, the opponent's terrifying adaptability is really like a super enhanced version of Huang Xiang's original ability.

Su Yuan was almost sure that although his appearance was different, that person was Huang Xiang!

"It's actually him!" Hearing what Su Yuan said, Yaopo also remembered, and couldn't help but be very surprised.

Not long after Su Yuan got the Yaodao, Yaopo had already seen Huang Xiang and the boiling blood when he was on the Longmen Ladder.

It's just that Yaopo doesn't have all of Su Yuan's memories, and doesn't know that Su Yuan gave Huang Xiang the boiling blood.

But the boiling blood only appeared on the wound on the opponent's chest, which was too deliberate, and then, the opponent whispered the word "Su Yuan".

At that time, there were two enemies, Yaopo already realized that he was powerless to save Xia Xuan and the others, so after a little thought, he firmly believed that the other party was "one of us".

It wasn't until now when Su Yuan said it that Yaopo realized that it was the weak Huang Xiang in his memory.

It's only been ten years, and the opponent can actually be promoted to the same scorching sun level as the main body?

Although it's just Chuyang, it's too exaggerated!

Moreover, the opponent's qualifications did not seem to be very good at the beginning.

And Su Yuan has already started thinking secretly, and the memory pictures before the fall of the demon are constantly replaying in his mind.

The sunny, cheerful, persevering boy before had changed so much.

Not just strength, but also appearance and character.

And to make people change and grow so fast in a short period of time, there may be nothing but grief and disaster.

"Not only in Qiguang, but also became the object of divine blessing, was it taken away?"

Now Huang Xiang hides his name, changes his face, and participates in Qiguang's holy blessing to become a master knight...

Su Yuan frowned, probably guessing, but he didn't know what happened to Huang Xiang in these years.

However, since he hinted like this, he also tried to show his identity through the demon.

At least it shows that he trusts himself;

Moreover, his original intention should not have changed.

"Huang Xiang..."

Su Yuan pondered for a while. At present, it seems that Huang Xiang was probably controlled by others, or voluntarily hid in Qiguang.

In that case, his life should be fine, so I don't need to worry too much.

However, it is best to find an opportunity, communicate with him face to face, and figure out his situation.

After thinking for a while, Su Yuan temporarily suppressed his thoughts.

"There is no rush for this matter, let's deal with the immediate matter first."

Su Yuan walked up to the Ice Sky Elf Envoy, raised his hand and pierced Liuli Tianqing's sword into his body.

Runes appeared on the sword, and with the influx of the power of creation, Su Yuan once again felt the limit of Liuli Tianqing.

If he wanted to make the Ice Sky Elf envoy into an azure form, he needed to erase the two double sun form refiners first.

As a legendary star beast in the Sanyang Realm, the Ice Sky Elf Envoy is quite powerful, so there is no reason why it should not be made into a refined form.

As for its star core, it is not in a hurry to extract it.

One is that for me, Ice Legend skills are not what I need urgently;

Second, for Ruanruan, there is only one "full mimicry" position left.

It's best to choose a legendary star beast that is extremely good at speed to increase its B+ speed aptitude, and there is no rush either.

Then use it as a powerful thug first, and then take out the star core when it is not needed.

"Azure Shape Refining!"

Su Yuan's eyes froze, and a strong cyan brilliance flooded over the body of the Ice Sky Elf Envoy.

At the same time, a large piece of blue light rose from the frozen Earth Demon Bear and Extreme Cold Ice Wolf and converged on the glass azure in Su Yuan's hand.

As the blue light pulled away, the aura of the two beasts suddenly dissipated, and they turned into corpses again.

And the head of the Ice Sky Elf Envoy grew back again, his eyes were bright blue, and his body was full of terrifying star power!

Afterwards, the Ice Sky Elf Envoy stood up and walked up to Su Yuan with a blank expression on his face.

Su Yuan's eyes lit up, and he checked the panel of the Ice Sky Elf Envoy.

[Six dimensions: strength A, agility A-, defense A, physique B, spirit B-, star power B+]

"Double A's strength and defense, A-'s speed, B+'s star power, six-dimensional is not bad.

In addition, there are two legendary skills including the roar of the ice and snow goddess before, this form should be able to be used for a long time! "

As for the weak physique... With Liuli Tianqing, there is almost no need for physique, and it can give them full milk even if they are injured.

Su Yuan nodded slightly, and ordered: "Let them go."

The Ice Sky Elf shook its six wings, and immediately, the ice crystals that had frozen the Earth Demon Bear and the others dispersed.

The corpses of the Earth Demon Bear and Howling Moon Ice Wolf fell to the ground immediately.

Su Yuan stepped forward to take out the star cores from the bodies of the two beasts, and then took a look at the two corpses, and when he raised his hands, black flames roared out and cremated them together.

"Then this trip can be regarded as a rewarding experience."

Su Yuan was quite satisfied, since he found the turbulent passage leading to the forest of monsters adjacent to Qiguang;

And further raised the demon knife to the level of false holy weapon;

At the same time, by the way, he also harvested a pretty good Azure Formation.

Su Yuan raised his head and looked forward, he came out of the ice fog forest, and behind him, he was about to enter the wild mountain ravine.

According to the memory of Ruan Ruan Gu Qing, it seems that there is a powerful ethnic group inside.

"The matter in the gray world is not over yet, it's better to find out the exit as soon as possible and return.

Moreover, the Yaodao has completed evolution and has the characteristic of [Recall], which can just keep the Yaohun here to hunt the star core. "

Since it is the Forest of Warcraft, how can we easily let go of the star core in it?

This is not an ancient forbidden area, and with my current status and strength, I can no longer go in and slaughter.

But for the Forest of Warcraft, if it causes some chaos, beast tide, etc... wouldn't it be better?

When Su Yuan was thinking, the battle on Ruanruan's side had also ended, and he handed over hundreds of star cores to Su Yuan.

"Yaopo, you should stay here to collect some star cores." Su Yuan left behind the incarnation of Yaopo.

Yaopo naturally had no objection, and nodded in response: "Okay."

After Su Yuan instructed a few more words, he put away the many forms and returned to the chaotic flow of space with Ruan Ruan.

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