Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 824 True Monarch

Somewhere in the burrow, two people were fighting fiercely.

One of them is a transformed star beast holding a long stick, and when the stick is swung, there is a large shadow of the stick lingering outside its body.

On the other side, there is actually a Doll Gundam holding an ion spear and an alloy shield!

Doll Gundam's right-handed ion gun's aura is highly compressed, and it fires a luminous cannon.

The terrifying star power of the Sanyang Realm was compressed and strengthened by the ion spear, and a burst of ion light cannons collapsed mountains and destroyed cities, exploding a large wave of energy tides.

And every time the transformed star beast swung its long stick, there was a tidal wave of stick shadows following it.

Not only can it blow up the astonishingly powerful ion cluster, but it can also force Gundam to move around in mid-air.

"This monster actually has a treasure at the level of a false holy weapon. With such strength, could it be that ten weapon envoy!"

There was a gloomy look on the Doll Gundam's face, and it was really aggrieved that the opponent blocked his true form liberation with just a star tool.

While thinking about it, another shadow of chaotic sticks came over, and the Doll Gundam quickly raised its alloy shield to resist.

In an instant, nearly a hundred stick shadows hit the large alloy shield, causing the Doll Gundam to sway in mid-air!

"This guy!"

The Doll Gundam was also angry, the metal outside his body flowed quickly, and six large alloy wings were quickly transformed.

"Overload mode, complete mecha!"

Six beams of light shot out from the large alloy wings, and the T-Doll Gundam's mobility increased dramatically. It also lost the large alloy shield in its left hand and replaced it with another ion spear.

Holding two guns, Dodge Gundam dodges the turbulent flow of stick shadows like lightning, and changes direction at high speed to shoot continuously.

"Bang bang bang...!"

A large number of light cannons exploded around the transformed star beast, setting off pieces of roaring aura.


With a sharp howl, a strong sound wave washed away the aura and smoke.

The transformed star beast has turned back into its original form, and it is a monstrous monkey covered in pitch black.

The monster monkey had some injuries caused by the light cannon. At this moment, it grinned and grasped the black wooden long stick, and the shadows of the sticks in the sky suddenly retreated. With both legs bent, it leaped into the sky at an astonishing speed and smashed the stick towards the Humanoid Gundam!

The figure is as high as six wings, and the engine is roaring, and it is about to dodge to the side.

However, when the monster monkey slammed down the stick, the shadows of the sticks fell from all directions like an overwhelming mountain!


Doll Gundam's complexion changed, and he quickly crossed two ion spears in front of him.


As if forging iron, the two ion spears were instantly scrapped into lumps of scrap iron under the shadow of the raging stick!

And the Doll Gundam behind was sent flying, and after stabilizing his figure, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

In a moment, both of them were injured.

"The primitive beast actually hurt the noble templar!"

The Doll Gundam roared angrily, and the metal on the scrapped double guns flowed again, forming two big swords in a blink of an eye!

Seeing the monstrous monkey attacking again with a stick, the Humanoid Gundam immediately waved his two swords to meet it.

Two swords against long sticks, both of them are extremely flexible, and it is a fierce high-speed confrontation in an instant.

After a while, the two separated again after a "bang" duel. After the stalemate, they both tacitly wanted to launch their ultimate moves.

The monster monkey held the long stick with both hands and danced at high speed on the spot. In an instant, the shadows of the sticks were like tides, ten weights, one hundred weights, one thousand weights!

The shadow of a thousand heavy sticks merged into one place, turning into a huge stick that reaches the sky like a substance!

The big sword between the two hands of the Doll Gundam has disappeared, leaving only a heavy gun carried on his shoulders!

The trembling aura from the muzzle of the gun fluctuated, and it burst into extremely bright brilliance in an instant!

"Shuishan Stick, Thousand Shadows One Stick!"

"Punishment Cannon!"

The two sides gathered their momentum a bit, ready to kill!

Just at this moment, the two of them suddenly noticed something, and Qi Qi raised his head.

However, there seemed to be a flash of fire above the high sky, and then the sky fire shone down on the world, and two beams of destructive flame light crashed down!


The two were shocked, and quickly aimed all the attacks in their hands above the sky.

The next moment, the terrifying skyfire with a diameter of tens of meters evaporated and smashed through the photon cannon before falling to the ground!

The dust annihilated, the water vapor was lost, and in an instant, it was a dry land with a radius of nearly a kilometer!

A moment later, in the two large circular pits, both the monster monkey and the Humanoid Gundam fell to the ground, emitting white smoke.

Almost all the metal in the Doll Gundam's body has melted, revealing its true face. It is a fair-faced, blond knight with hot molten metal flowing from his body.

But the demon monkey seemed not good at defense, and it was even worse at this moment. Almost all the hair on his body was burned, and his body was scorched red and black. He fell to the ground and was unable to move.

The blond knight struggled to prop up his body little by little, and looked up into the distance in shock.

But I saw a handsome man wearing a Suzaku cloak and a Suzaku jade pendant coming slowly from the front.

The blond knight suddenly remembered something, his pupils trembled: "Xun Tiansi, Suzaku Master!"

Nangong Li remained expressionless, walking towards the two of them step by step.

The blond knight gritted his teeth, and the metal on his left hand transformed into a pistol with an exaggerated muzzle and hid it under his clothes.

The aura gathered at a high speed, and shot at Nangongli who was getting closer and closer.

"Cannon in hand!"

The light dimmed suddenly, and spiritual light burst out. Although the energy was stored extremely quickly, it was an unexpectedly powerful shot, which instantly hit Nangongli.

The aura exploded, and then quickly dissipated.

Outside Nangongli's body, a vermilion bird spirit with gorgeous tail feathers was circulating around him, protecting Nangongli without any injuries at all.


The blond knight was startled and was about to struggle to stand up.

Nangongli raised his hand to hold it falsely, and the flames in his palm turned, and suddenly two huge illusory fire hands protruded from the ground beside the blond knight and the monster monkey and clasped them upside down.


The two suddenly let out a scream.

The two of them didn't scream when they were attacked by the sky fire just now, but they couldn't suppress it at the moment.

I only felt a burst of intense pain in my mind, as if it penetrated deep into the bone marrow and penetrated into the nerves, disturbing the movement of the body!

"It's actually a mental attack!"

The blond knight was terrified, the metal on his body surged like water, and he tried his best to separate the palm of the flame, struggling to stand up little by little.

But when he was about to get rid of the shackles of the big flaming palm and was about to stand up, he felt a strong and scorching sense of danger rushing towards his face.

The blond knight suddenly raised his eyes, only to see Nangongli approaching, and put an index finger on the center of his brow.


The blond knight's heart shook violently, and all the dead souls froze in place.

"Just relying on the liberation of the real form to achieve a surge in strength..." Nangongli lowered his eyes, and a little fire lighted up on his fingertips, "For an experimental subject of this level, it seems that you are just a failure of losing yourself."

The blond knight's pupils shrank.

The next moment, flames shot out from the fingertips, and all the mountains, rocks, vegetation, and trees that passed by were all shattered into ashes under one finger!

And the entire metal-like body of the blond knight in front of him was instantly turned into fly ash in the flames.

"Ho... ho?!"

Seeing such a terrifying blow, the monster monkey next to him lost his mind slightly, and then burst out with all his strength in horror, trying to break free from the flaming palm!

But Nangongli looked as usual, turned around, and was about to walk up to the monster monkey in a few steps.

But suddenly, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and a long black stone knife came to hit Nangongli!

The flames swayed, and the flame shield formed by the true spirit of Suzaku, who was circling around Nangong Li's body, blocked the blow in time.

However, it can be seen with the naked eye that the black stone long knife is still penetrating into the shield inch by inch, and the power on it is simply terrifying!

Nangongli raised his hand and pointed at the Heishi sword: "Explode."


The flames exploded, and the black stone long knife was completely blown out at an even faster speed.

In the distance, a burly black shadow shot towards him, and he raised his hand and grabbed the black stone long knife.


An astonishingly high temperature remained on the long knife, and a large amount of white smoke rose from the palm holding the long knife.

But the strong black figure seemed to be unable to feel the pain, and instead looked at Nangongli in front of him with great interest.

The person who came was a big man with red hair and thick eyebrows, and an unusually burly figure.

"Master Bassen!"

The monster monkey that fell to the ground suddenly cried out in surprise.

"I didn't expect to meet a human expert right away." Bason looked at Nangongli with excitement in his eyes, "Such terrifying star power fluctuations are almost the strongest I have ever seen, maybe , stronger than that guy Lyu!"

"Ten Weapons Envoy?" Nangongli also raised his head and looked at Bassen.

"Hey, that's right, I am the emperor's envoy, Ba Sen!" Ba Sen laughed and said to Nangong Li, "Since I have caught up, then the idiot in front of you can't let Your Excellency just kill you like this!" gone."

Nangongli sized up Bason, then nodded.

"Yes." Nangongli turned around, and the true spirit of Suzaku immediately wrapped around his right arm, and an astonishing wave of terror erupted, "If, you have that strength."

Seeing this, Bassen licked the corner of his mouth excitedly, bent slightly and took a step forward.


Terrifying star power fluctuations soared into the sky.

Bassen's muscles were knotted, his veins were tense, countless purple qi roared and flowed on his body, and he instantly entered a fighting stance with all his might!

One purple and one red, the terrifying aura of Bassen and Nangongli made the demon monkey who fell on the ground suddenly feel weak.

They are both in the Three Yang Realm, and they are also in charge of weapons, but these two people seem to be completely above their level!

Is this the true strength of the Ten Weapons Envoy in a serious state!

At the moment when he was distracted, Nangongli and Basen moved at the same time.

In just a blink of an eye, like sparks hitting the earth, the two figures wrapped in monstrous aura have already collided!

There was a sudden silence in the whole field, and then, a terrifying purple-red two-color star force tide spread from the collision place, crushing everything outside the two of them into powder!

The monstrous monkey stared at the sky, almost unable to open its eyes.

After a few breaths of stalemate, a crimson figure suddenly shot backwards, smashing into the distant mountain with a "bang".

"It's that human?" The demon monkey was delighted, "It seems that Master Bassen is the winner!"

The aura quickly dissipated, and Bassen, who was still a little red, flew down, grabbed the seriously injured monster monkey with his palm that tore apart the flames, and held it in his hand.


Then he took a look at Nangongli who had smashed into the mountain in the distance, and Bassen flew away with the monster monkey in his hand.

"Master Bassen, don't you want to kill him...!" the monster monkey asked puzzled.


Just at that time, Bason's left abdomen was reddened, suddenly an uncontrollable flame erupted, and a scorched black blood hole the size of a football was burned in his abdomen in an instant!

"This...?" The demon monkey raised his head, only to see that Bassen's face was covered with fine sweat, and his complexion was not very good, "Master Bassen!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Bason scolded.

The transformed star beast didn't dare to say any more.

Bassen kept on stepping, and glanced down at the blood hole in his abdomen, his expression froze slightly.

"This human...is very strong!"


In the same place, in the middle of the cracked mountain, Nangongli pushed aside the gravel and walked out.

He didn't have any injuries on his body, but the true spirit of Suzaku surrounded him was somewhat dimmed.

"The Ten Weapon Envoy... has such power without using the false holy weapon, and its own strength is already extremely amazing."

Nangongli moved his right hand slightly, and still felt a little numb.

"Since all the ten weapon envoys have appeared, it's time to evacuate."

Nangong Li looked at the direction Basen and the two were going away, and had no intention of chasing after them.

No matter whether he can beat the opponent or not, this Ten Weapon Envoy is indeed very strong, and he may not be able to take it down for a while.

And since the Gray Realm has already dispatched masters of the level of ten weapon envoys, this is a signal that it is time to stop.

Nangongli took out the Lingzi map. At this moment, the areas to be detected and weak points in space have been basically completed.

After thinking for a while, Nangongli flew up, turned into a ball of fire and shot back toward the south.


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