Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 826 The Four Emperors of Great Flame

"Pei Changlin, the Imperial Envoy of Eryang of Baihuyu, has realized that gods and ghosts are invisible!"

"Another master with great strength!"

Everywhere in the company, there are people discussing the matter of the Hongmeng Realm.

Since the opening of Hongmeng Realm, Qinglongyu and Baihuyu entered successively.

As early as ten days and a half months ago, the envoys of Qinglongyu had already come out completely.

In the past few days, Bai Huyu's masters have also come out of the Hongmeng Realm one after another.

The Primordial Realm is extremely mysterious, and it is about breathing and unique skills, so it is inevitable to be discussed by many envoys in the company.

"It is said that even though Bai Huyu's true king and second seat have pushed their breathing to perfection, they have not been able to comprehend the new stunt, but the third seat, He Xianyin, has comprehended the mana tide!"

"He Xianyin is already similar in strength to Lin Hao, the second seat. In this way, he may be able to take over the second seat."

"But having said that, among the many envoys who went in, although their breathing has more or less improved, the success rate of comprehending unique skills is less than 30%, and it has nothing to do with their cultivation..."

"That is, veteran masters who have cultivated to the scorching sun state have basically mastered their breathing, and there is not much difference.

And it is too difficult to breathe perfectly, and the gap between Dacheng and Consummation can be called a gap.

Without delaying daily practice, the time to open up a star cave is calculated in years.

And before the opening of the Hongmeng Realm, I am afraid that no more than two hands can reach the perfect breath..."

"But this time, although many imperial envoys failed to comprehend the unique skills, they took the opportunity to improve their breathing to perfection, and their strength also improved."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and many Yuanyue envoys were even more anxious. They all wished they could speed up their ascension to Scorching Sun and also take this opportunity to enter the Primordial Realm!

At this moment, in Su Yuan's room, Ruan Ruan brewed tea and handed it to Su Yuan and a young man opposite.

This young man is none other than the former Qinglong Shangxian, and now Qinglongyu's Chuyang envoy—Wang Yu.

"I haven't seen you for three years. You have returned from the Western Desert. Not only have you already entered the third seat, you can even kill the Three Suns Realm. Really, really..."

Wang Yu smacked his lips, grinned and said nothing more.

Su Yuan knew that what he wanted to say was "pervert", but due to his current status, it was already difficult to say it.

Su Yuan smiled, and then asked, "According to what I know, you have also learned the unique skills from the Primordial Realm, right?"

Although less than 30% of the people who have entered the Primordial Realm and comprehended their unique skills, Wang Yu is definitely one of them!

"That's right." There was no need for Su Yuan to continue asking, Wang Yu grinned, "God descends to earth!"

Su Yuan's eyes condensed slightly, and then he praised: "As expected of the previous Qinglong Shangxian, there are not many people who can comprehend the descending of the gods."

An envoy like Wang Yu who was promoted from the upper class is of course different from ordinary envoys.

Although the threshold of the Scorching Sun level has raised the lower limit of star card masters in this realm.

But even if the bottom 90% of the people are removed, Wang Yu, as a person standing on the top of the full moon, is still at the top after being promoted to Chuyang.

Both in terms of combat power and potential, they are far better than other recently promoted Scorching Sun ranks, and even stronger than many veteran Chuyang Imperial Envoys who have lived for hundreds of years!

"Hey, no matter what, I can't compare to you. You have already mastered a unique skill when you were still in Huiyue."

Wang Yu smacked his lips and took a sip of tea.

"However, there are really not many special skills. According to the statistics of the department, among the people who have mastered special skills in the entire Great Yan, less than 10% of them have comprehended the descending of the gods.

Most of them are one of the three of Shengui, Wuchen and Fachao. "

Wang Yu has been in Qinglongyu for decades, and he knows many situations and secrets much better than Su Yuan.

Su Yuan asked, "What about the gift of liberation?"

"Well..." Wang Yu's eyes froze, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "Less than 3%, it's rare to see!"

"Is it so little?"

Su Yuan's expression moved slightly, this was less than he expected!

There is no difference between high and low in the five breathing skills, only the emphasis is different.

However, there is no form for gods and ghosts, no dust, and mana tides, which can still be seen from time to time in the Scorching Sun class.

But it is relatively rare for the gods to descend to earth, and the gift of liberation is even rarer!

Rare things are precious, and people who can comprehend the descending of the gods and even the gift of liberation are naturally more valued.

Wang Yudao: "After all, one must comprehend [Xingji] of the perfect breath to be qualified to comprehend the gift of liberation.

It is not so easy to practice breathing to perfection, and it is one of the conditions for being promoted to the king level.

Those who can do this are basically the seniors who have been stuck in the Sanyang Realm for many years and have enough time. "

Su Yuan nodded, it was true.

Su Yuan looked at Wang Yu, and asked directly: "Then... Wang Yu, what is it like in the Primordial Realm?"

Wang Yu said with a smile: "Although there are no forbidden rumors about the situation in the Hongmeng Realm, it is best for you to experience it without distraction.

Before, I also asked the masters in the company who knew some information. At that time, Vice President Qin told me this-'Knowledge is useless'. "

Qin Linjiang, Qinglongyu's second seat, is also a super expert in the department, and now he has mastered double stunts after passing the Hongmeng Realm.

Su Yuan was thoughtful, so he didn't ask any more questions.

A few days passed, and soon, it was time to enter the Primordial Realm.

In the past two days, Su Yuan did not practice too much, but cultivated his energy in meditation, burned incense and took a bath.

The more advanced the cultivation base is, the more attention should be paid to the adjustment of one's own state.

Cultivation is something mysterious and mysterious.

Especially things like comprehension of stunts, maybe you will be able to understand it when you are in a better state.

"Master, clothes!"

Ruan Ruan came over with new clothes that still smelled of sandalwood.

After Su Yuan changed into it, he rubbed his limp head and brought her into the Beast Familiar Space, and then strode towards the outside.

In the depths of Yanting, in front of one of the four towers.

Su Yuan flew down early and walked forward step by step.

The Tower of the Four Emperors is the residence of the Four Emperors of the Great Yan Dynasty.

At this moment, the tall tower in front of Su Yuan is the Linghuang Pagoda where the Linghuang is.

The Four Emperors of Great Yan are Chi, Qing, Jian and Ling respectively.

Qinghuang Ji Qingyun is in charge of the domestic government affairs, as well as all departments such as the Education Department, the Military Supervision Department, and the Odd Works Department.

Chihuang Jiang Tianchi leads the Sky Survey Division alone.

It can be said that the Chiqing Erhuang basically took over all the affairs within the Great Yan.

The remaining two emperors, Jian and Ling, have basically stopped intervening in domestic affairs.

The Sword Emperor is the most at ease, going to and from the mainland and across the sky, it is hard to say whether he is on the blue sea star or not.

As for the Linghuang, it is the oldest emperor level in Dayan.

Not only in the Eastern Continent, but even in the entire Blue Sea Star, the Linghuang's lifespan among all emperors can definitely be ranked in the top three!

It is said that when the other three emperors of Dayan knew Linghuang, he was already at the emperor level.

Naturally, he had to have basic respect for the emperor-level powerhouses whose status, qualifications, and realm were far above him.

Therefore, in front of the Four Emperor Pagodas, there is the king class, and they usually walk around.

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