Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 827 Entering the Primordial Realm

"Su Sanxi."

"Three seats."


Following Su Yuan's approach, all the envoys of Suzaku Yu bowed their hands in salute.

Among these people, Su Yuan had met quite a few of them in the gray world before, and he still knew them.

"Third seats, you're here!" He Zheng also saluted, looking at Su Yuan with a little more respect.

"He Yushi."

Su Yuan noticed that He Zheng's attitude towards him had changed, and felt a little puzzled in his heart. He didn't know what happened, so he nodded slightly.

Soon, Nangongli and Jiang Lan also arrived.

After a while, Fang Qingxiao also came with a flash of golden fire.

But Fang Qingxiao didn't come alone. Beside him, there was another man who looked quite ordinary. He was the envoy of Lin Mo who used to summon Fang Qingxiao.

"My lord!"

Su Yuan and the others all bowed and saluted, but their eyes could not help but glance at Lin Mo who was beside Fang Qingxiao.

Most of the people in the arena are familiar with Lin Mo, and they often deal with Fang Qingxiao when they go to Suzaku Palace to meet Fang Qingxiao.

But in everyone's impression, Lin Mo has always been Fang Yuzuo's "boy in front of the seat".

For hundreds of years, Lin Mo has never made any extraordinary or outstanding movements.

But at this moment, the other party came here with Fang Yuzuo, and it seemed that he was about to enter the Primordial Realm?

"Hidden master?"

Everyone still doesn't understand that Lin Mo is definitely a master who has hidden his strength for so many years.

If it weren't for the opening of the Hongmeng Realm, no one would know about it.

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and it was difficult to see through Lin Mo's true state even if he opened his perception.

But if you want to look at it with omniscient vision, it would be too impolite.

Only a few people, such as Nangongli and Jiang Lan, moved their eyes slightly, and seemed to have a certain understanding of it.

Fang Qingxiao looked at everyone and said with a smile: "It seems that everyone is well prepared, so follow me into the tower... Oh? It seems that there is no need."

Everyone in the field hadn't realized what Fang Qingxiao meant, but they suddenly discovered that there were double shadows in the four directions, and everything changed.

Everyone felt that the sky was spinning in front of them, and they had already appeared in another space.

"This is……?"

This is in the Sky Survey Division, so naturally there will be no danger.

Although everyone was shocked, they immediately looked around carefully.

I saw ideas here everywhere, ancient trees forming a sea, looking around, the whole world is clear and full of vitality!

Everyone felt that every cell in their bodies was crazily absorbing the breath of this place, and within a few breaths, it seemed that even their cultivation had increased a bit!

Just when the imperial envoys were amazed and sighed, Fang Qingxiao bowed to the ancient tree that reached the sky straight into the sky in front of him.

"Fang Qingxiao, I have seen the Linghuang."

Everyone was startled, and they all looked at the ancient tree reaching the sky in astonishment.

Could it be that this ancient tree was the reason why the Linghuang could not manifest his holiness?

Although everyone didn't know, they were all ready to salute the ancient tree together.

Just at this moment, a somewhat dry voice came from high above the head.

"Qing Xiao, long time no see."

Although the voice was not loud and far away, it fell clearly and abnormally in the ears of Su Yuan and every other envoy.

Everyone hurriedly looked up along the Tongtian tree, only to find that there seemed to be an old man sitting on the top of the Tongtian ancient tree.

One of the Four Emperors - Linghuang!

"I have seen the Linghuang!"

Su Yuan and others all bowed.

The sky-reaching ancient tree in front of it shook slightly, then quickly shortened, and after a while, it was only a hundred meters high.

"Get up." Linghuang said softly.

Su Yuan and the others stood up straight and raised their heads to look at the emperor-level powerhouse of Dayan.

His face is thin and his beard and hair are white, but he is not mean and serious, on the contrary, he is quite gentle.

Great Yan's imperial powerhouse!

This was the second time Su Yuan saw the emperor, and he was still quite excited.

If it is said that the king level is to comprehend the law and step into the door of law practice.

Then the emperor level is the existence that has mastered at least one complete law, and is the existence that stands at the pinnacle of Blue Sea Star!

Linghuang glanced over the crowd, and suddenly stopped on Su Yuan.

"Oh? This little guy is really extraordinary."

Hearing Linghuang's words, everyone turned their heads and looked over.

Su Yuan remained calm, but his heart was slightly trembling. Could it be that the system has been seen through...

"It's really good to be able to cultivate so much at such a young age." Linghuang spoke again.

Su Yuan also secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Suzaku Yu Su Yuan, I have seen the Linghuang."

Fang Qingxiao said with a smile: "Emperor Ling, Su Yuan is the third seat of our Suzaku Yu, and he is extremely talented. He is now thirty years old."

"Is it worthy of thirty?" Linghuang's eyes moved slightly, and after taking a look at Su Yuan, he nodded slightly, "This kind of talent is indeed rare in a thousand years, not bad."

He Zheng, Ding Jin and many other imperial envoys were envious when they heard Linghuang's words of praise.

Su Yuan didn't dare to speak nonsense, but just bowed again.

The Emperor Ling looked away, and said to everyone: "There is nothing special about the Primordial Realm, so I will send you in directly."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel a bit of excitement and anticipation on their faces.

Linghuang raised his right hand and pointed it at the void in front of him, a purple light slowly swirled away, forming a passage in an instant.

The purple light in the passage is dense, and the darkness is uncertain.

"Is this the Primordial Realm?" Everyone opened their spiritual senses and probed into it.

But at this time, Linghuang raised his hand to form a seal, wisps of purple air shot out from his hand and wrapped around everyone's wrists.

Su Yuan immediately turned his head to look, but he could faintly feel the terrifying energy contained in it, but he couldn't find out what it was.

"Then let's all go in."


Everyone agreed, but they didn't move lightly, but looked at Nangongli.

Without any hesitation, Nangongli flew up and sank into the passage, disappearing in an instant.

Jiang Lan and Su Yuan set off one after another, and all the imperial envoys entered the Hongmeng Realm one after another.

As he entered the tunnel, it didn't take long for Su Yuan's consciousness to blur suddenly, and his thinking was so dull that he couldn't even carry out basic thinking.

There was darkness in front of my eyes, my eyes could not be opened, and I couldn't move at all as if my strength had been pulled away.

More importantly, it is difficult to breathe through the mouth and nose, and a sense of suffocation arises spontaneously.

Although for Su Yuan's level, he no longer needs to breathe air to maintain his vital functions.

But breathing also has many other functions, so it has not been completely abolished.

The sudden powerlessness and fragility made Su Yuan feel a strong discomfort, like an ordinary person stuck in an underground quagmire.

Unable to move his body, in a daze, Su Yuan subconsciously wanted to use the star power, but Xinghai also remained silent.

After tossing and tossing for an unknown amount of time, Su Yuan seemed to be influenced by instinct, and began to try to breathe through the star point, absorbing some kind of energy that seemed to exist around him.

Suddenly, the originally fragile body seemed to gain some energy, and Su Yuan was able to boost his strength a little.

Although the consciousness has been blurred, but according to the body's feedback, Su Yuan is constantly absorbing the energy of the whole body driven by the "hunger" instinct.

In this way, after a while, Su Yuan finally absorbed a certain amount of basic energy.

The eyelids moved slightly, and then Su Yuan opened his eyes and saw the scene in front of him.

Up and down in all directions, there is purple air like silk like clouds.

And his body was in an extremely illusory state, being surrounded by this piece of purple air.

Opening his eyes, as if waking up from a dream, Su Yuan's eyes that were still a little out of focus suddenly froze.

"Hongmeng Realm!"

Going out, the two chapters are slightly watery. .

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