Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 828: Demon Recall

Su Yuan suddenly thought of "who am I", "where am I", and "what am I going to do".

Su Yuan looked at the energy of purple energy around him, this fluctuation was obviously the wisp of purple energy that the Linghuang hit him and others before.

Previously, he had absorbed this cloud of purple energy before gaining some strength to open his eyes and wake up.

Then it is not difficult to see that this cloud of purple energy is like the "basic guarantee" provided by the Linghuang to himself and others.

Su Yuan looked at his illusory body: "Then now, I have to absorb this piece of purple energy with all my strength!"

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, all the 72 astrological acupoints of perfect breathing opened up, frantically absorbing the surrounding energy.

Before, it was just absorbed by the body subconsciously in a daze, but now Su Yuan wakes up and urges all the star points to absorb the purple energy with all his strength, and the absorption speed suddenly increases greatly!

The purple energy dissipated little by little, and Su Yuan's phantom body became solidified little by little visible to the naked eye.

The last ray of purple energy was absorbed by Su Yuan, and Su Yuan's body was completely solidified.

"One point is not much, and one point is not much. This kind of star power control is worthy of the imperial level!"

Su Yuan was filled with admiration, and then felt his own state.

As if turning from fiction to reality, Su Yuan can feel that everything has come back to him again.

But the purple energy in front of him dissipated, leaving only a purple shell.

"So, before, it was like an embryo absorbing 'nutrition' in an 'egg'..."

Suddenly, Su Yuan couldn't help chuckling, it was really a special experience.

"Then now... let's see what's going on in the Primordial Realm!"

Su Yuan's eyes froze, he raised his right hand and punched out.

It didn't use much force, and large cracks appeared on the eggshell.

With a sound of "咵啦", the eggshell shattered.

In an instant, the sky widened and the earth widened, and a scene of chaos and darkness appeared in front of my eyes!

In the sea of ​​forests, Emperor Ling and Fang Qingxiao sat opposite each other, and a chess game in which blue stones and white stones were played had begun.

Fang Qingxiao said: "It's really surprising that Fang Yuan, the True Lord of the White Tiger Yu, never comprehended the new stunt."

Linghuang picked up the white stone chess piece and slowly rubbed it in his hand.

"I've also heard Yuwen Wuji talk about him a few times, and it's true that he's not weak.

But for him, the invisible gods and ghosts are the most suitable.

With his own strength and fighting style, the improvement of other stunts is also limited.

Understanding new tricks is icing on the cake, and it doesn't hurt if you don't.

However, the character is indeed a bit more radical, it would be good to be able to kill all the enemies along the way, but I am afraid that it is extremely rigid and easy to break. "

Fang Qingxiao nodded, but there is no high or low heart, everyone has their own behavior and fighting style.

It should be reminded that Yuwen Wuji must have told him long ago.

Linghuang put down the chess piece and looked at Fang Qingxiao: "However, some of the seedlings that you Suzaku Yu have are quite good."

Using "miaozi" to describe the scorching sun master is a bit exaggerated.

But for the imperial class, it is really not an exaggeration at all.

Linghuang slowly said: "Nangongli is extremely talented, with a peaceful mind, it is not difficult to comprehend another unique skill, nine times out of ten.

Jiang Lan's breathing was not perfect, and she lacked a bit of background, but because she has no special skills, she is very promising this time.

The Lin Mo you brought with him has the invisibility of gods and ghosts, and has been by your side for so many years like a sword with a restrained edge.

After settling for so long, this time, he also has a more than half chance of being able to master double stunts. "

The Emperor Ling stroked his beard: "As for the third seat of the Chongyang Realm named Su Yuan...

To be able to achieve such achievements at such a young age, the talent is hard to see in a thousand years, the foundation is solid, and he is neither arrogant nor impetuous.

I didn't expect that in the midst of disasters, I, Dayan, could produce such a genius. Maybe he will bring some surprises. "

Hearing this, Fang Qingxiao smiled and said, "It's their honor to be in your eyes, and I hope they can meet your expectations."

Linghuang nodded, and suddenly his expression changed slightly, but he noticed something.

"Oh? It's only been less than a day, and has someone had their first glimpse of the real world?"

"It took Qinglongyu and Baihuyu at least a day and a half before." Fang Qingxiao also put down the chess piece in his hand after hearing the words, "Could it be Nangong? With his background, it is somewhat possible."

Linghuang raised his hand a little bit, and a little purple light swayed, and a figure with silver hair and silver eyes appeared in the field of vision of the two of them immediately.

"Su Yuan?" Fang Qingxiao was slightly surprised.

But Linghuang smiled and said: "How about it, this first surprise has already appeared."

Fang Qingxiao shook his head with a smile: "Although I'm already very optimistic about him, I'm still not as sure as you."

Linghuang dispersed the purple light with a wave of his hand: "It doesn't matter much if you go faster or slower. Next, it depends on whether he can understand it."


In the Hongmeng Realm.

"Is this the 'Hongmeng Realm'?" Su Yuan was greatly surprised.

Originally thought that the place to comprehend unique skills would be some kind of mysterious fairyland.

But at this moment, the sky is thundering, the earth is fire, and the wind is howling, and the whole world is filled with a dark and incomprehensible atmosphere of chaos.

And Su Yuan, who broke out of his shell, was like a newborn baby, fragile and sensitive, just staying in this space full of chaotic air felt like being polluted and eroded.

Gradually, Su Yuan became weak and weak, and even his body that had just solidified became slightly unstable.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that it won't take long for my body to return to illusion.

And the purple energy given by the Linghuang has been exhausted, if there is no replenishment by then, they can only leave this world.

"Is it really the same as inside the womb, after 'birth', you start to accept the filth of the world?"

Su Yuan immediately mobilized the star power to resist, but the star power didn't seem to have any effect on the chaotic atmosphere here.

Not only could it not be blocked, but it was completely annihilated by the surrounding chaos as soon as it appeared, and it was impossible to resist at all!

Obviously, this is a more advanced energy that contains rules!

"Star power is useless here, so what should we do now..."

After thinking for a moment, Su Yuan stopped.

Because, without having to think about it, the star acupoint in the body that is completely used to breathing has already drawn a ray of chaotic air into the body by itself.


Su Yuan's heart twitched slightly. This kind of chaotic energy... seems to be refined by star point breathing?

Su Yuan immediately manipulated the star point and began to refine this strand of chaotic energy with all his strength.

After a week, the air of chaos seemed to relax a little.

After two weeks, this strand of chaotic energy tended to split.

When the three cycles were completed, the chaotic air suddenly split into two, the clear one floated up, and the turbid one sank.

Between the clear and the turbid, a trace of purple energy hidden in it emerged and was absorbed by Su Yuan.

In an instant, the body that was gradually damaged by the chaotic atmosphere solidified instantly, and the slightly tired star acupoints in the body suddenly became full of energy...

At the same time, as if feeling the breath of heaven and earth, traces of mystery emerged in Su Yuan's heart.

"This is……?!"

Su Yuan was slightly startled, this trace of purple energy seemed to be quite similar to the purple energy given by the Linghuang.

But there is a fundamental difference!

This wisp of purple energy was born in the Primordial Realm, it is incomparably pure and mysterious!

And the purple energy of the Linghuang is more like the imitation of the purple energy of this world. Although it is equally powerful, its mystery is difficult to match.

Su Yuan's heart was overjoyed, and he wanted to refine the chaotic energy that filled the entire world around him again.

But suddenly, Su Yuan seemed to think of something, and his eyes moved slightly.

Flipping his hands and taking out the Demon Saber, Su Yuan rubbed the core of the sword frame with his left hand.

"Recall the demon spirit!"

A red light flashed on the core, and immediately after that, a strange red vortex quickly swung away...

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