At the same time, the expression of the Linghuang outside moved slightly, and then he chuckled.

"It seems that the second surprise has come. It is really rare to have an incarnation outside the body with a complete living body."

Linghuang thought for a while, and when he raised his hand, there was a flash of inspiration, and the demon incarnation that was blocked outside the Primordial Realm successfully broke through the barrier.

But at this time, Linghuang discovered something again, and suddenly stroked his beard and laughed.

"The little guy is really greedy, it doesn't matter if he is an incarnation, he doesn't even let go of the beast.

However, breathing was originally developed to deal with the racial advantages of star beasts.

The star beast practiced breathing, and it was okay at the beginning, but there are shackles in the high depths... huh? "

In a blink of an eye, Linghuang's expression became slightly serious.

"The law of devouring? Could it be..."

Fang Qingxiao on the opposite side dropped the chess pieces and said with a smile, "This is the reincarnated Demon Emperor from the South China Sea."

"Is that so, the reincarnation of the demon emperor, the way of devouring..."

Linghuang pondered for a while, then shook his head, picked up the chess piece and dropped it again.

"If it can really gain something, it should be regarded as a good relationship!"

In the Hongmeng Realm.

Yaopo emerged from the vortex of red light and walked up to Su Yuan.

"Just now, during the transmission process, it seemed that an impenetrable space barrier was encountered, but soon, the barrier of this space barrier disappeared."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly when he heard the words, and he pondered for a moment: "It seems that Lord Linghuang let us go."

The Hongmeng Realm itself is extremely special, and it is still owned and governed by the Spirit Emperor.

Even if the Yaodao's ability to recall is very strong, without the permission of the Linghuang, it is definitely not possible to enter.

Su Yuan made a note secretly, then looked at Yaopo, raised his hand and pointed at the center of the other's forehead.

Now Yao Po can already cultivate, and in terms of breathing, whether it is passive or active, it is completely synchronized with itself.

The reason why Su Yuan summoned him was that he wanted him to refine these chaotic qi together, and go to Wucunzhen to get that mysterious purple qi!

With the synchronization of the memories of both parties, Yaopo quickly understood the current situation.

Su Yuan said: "Then try your best to refine this Primal Chaos Qi!"


Yaopo already understood how precious the opportunity here is, so he didn't slack off, and immediately sat cross-legged and absorbed the energy of chaos from the surroundings to refine it with all his strength.

Then, Su Yuan released Ruan Ruan again.

"Ruan Ruan, see if you can absorb the energy of chaos."


Ruan Ruan naturally knew that this was the Primordial Realm, and immediately swallowed a cloud of Chaos Qi.


The next moment, the big soft golden eyes shrank slightly, and a bit of pain appeared on his face, obviously he swallowed too much in one breath!

"Ruan Ruan?!" Su Yuan was startled, and quickly looked over nervously.

The limp body grew rapidly, and the black light flowing all over his body devoured the chaotic energy in his body with all his strength.

After a while, some clear and turbid air emerged from Ruan Ruan's body, and Ruan Ruan's frowning brows eased a little.

"Tell you to eat a big fat man!"

Su Yuan shook his head and laughed, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

But it seems that Ruanruan's devouring law can really break down and extract that kind of purple energy?

But at this time, Su Yuan's Lingtai was clear and bright, and a bit of enlightenment rose from his heart, but he saw that the clear and turbid qi also separated up and down outside Yaopo's body!

Seeing that the incarnation and Ruanruan were both refining the chaotic energy, Su Yuan was overjoyed, and quickly suppressed his distracting thoughts to refine the chaotic energy here together.

In a blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed...

In front of the Linghuang Pagoda.

With a flash of brilliance, an Imperial Envoy of the Early Sun State appeared first.

The imperial envoy still had his eyes closed, and he woke up after a while, then shook his head.

"It's a pity that I couldn't comprehend the unique skill... But fortunately, there are only two star points short of the perfect star point, and it will take a few more years to practice to reach the perfect level, and the strength will increase greatly!"

The imperial envoy glanced back at the Linghuang Pagoda, bowed slightly, and left first.

If there is one, there are two, one by one, the imperial envoys keep appearing in the open space in front of the tower.

These were all sent out without comprehending the special skills, but everyone's breathing has improved significantly, at least saving decades of time.

Some people even directly reached Consummation, and their strength increased by 30 to 40% in one fell swoop!

At the same time, in the Linghuang Pagoda.

With a flash of purple light, an old man appeared in the field, his eyes were as bright as real.

This person was Baili Xu, the last three-yang master besides Ding Jin and He Zheng when Su Yuan was appointed as the third seat.

"One heart and no dust?" Fang Qingxiao looked at Baili Xu, then nodded slightly, "Congratulations, Baili."

The old man withdrew the silver light in his eyes, and there was a burst of joy on his face, and he bowed:

"Thank you Linghuang, thank you Throne."

Linghuang glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze.

Fang Qingxiao said: "You can leave on your own, or you can wait here with me to wait for the result."

"I'll go with the throne."

Bai Lixu replied respectfully, but he was not in a hurry to leave.

Anyway, I have already comprehended the unique skill, so I just want to see who else can comprehend the unique skill, and by the way, I can use the extremely rich energy here to practice.

Two days later, in addition to some imperial envoys from Chuyang and Chongyang, the two imperial envoys from Sanyang, Ding Jin and He Zheng, also came out one after another.

It is quite a pity that Ding Jin failed to comprehend the unique skill and was directly teleported outside the tower.

But He Zheng's eyes were full of joy, but he had mastered the mana tide, and waited in place with Bai Lixu.

In a blink of an eye, another three days passed.

Four or five imperial envoys came out of the Primordial Realm one after another, but nothing was gained.

So far, the remaining people in Hongmeng Realm can be counted on one hand.

Nangongli, Jiang Lan, Lin Mo, Su Yuan!

That is, the first three seats, plus Lin Mo who can't see the depth.

At this moment, the spiritual light in the field lit up, and Jiang Lan had already come out.

The body is as illusory and transparent, it is clearly close in front of the eyes, but it can't capture the slightest breath...

It is the invisible gods and ghosts.

"It's done!"

Jiang Lan's eyes were bursting with joy uncontrollably.

In the Primordial Realm, not only has he raised his breathing to perfection, but he has also successfully comprehended a unique skill, which can be regarded as completely making up for his own shortcomings!

Jiang Lan suppressed the excitement in her heart and looked up to the side.

At this moment, the chess game between Linghuang and Fang Qingxiao seems to be at a critical moment, and both of them are staring at the chessboard with full attention.

Jiang Lan silently bowed, and then waited together with Bai Lixu and He Zheng.

"Congratulations to the second seat." Bai Lixu and He Zheng said in a low voice.

Jiang Lan nodded slightly, and asked the two of them: "Who else is there, Zhenjun hasn't come out yet?"

"Not yet." He Zheng replied, "Now there are Zhenjun, Sanxi and the envoy of Lin Mo."

"Are there still three people?" Jiang Lan was quite surprised.

Although it doesn't mean that if you persist for long enough, you will definitely be able to comprehend the stunt.

But refining and absorbing more purple qi, naturally there is a greater possibility of comprehending unique skills.

After Jiang Lan thought for a while, she wanted to ask about the situation of Bai Lixu and the two of them.

But at this moment, there was movement again in the field, and in a flash of brilliance, Lin Mo followed Jiang Lan out.

At this moment, apart from Lin Mo's slightly transparent figure like Jiang Lan, his body surface is also covered with a layer of extremely bright spiritual gang!

At first glance, it looks similar to an energy body, but it is not an energy body, but every cell of the skin on the surface of the body is filled with extremely dense star particles!

It's like wearing a close-fitting mithril armor, which looks indestructible and hard to hurt!

"It's the gods coming down to earth!"

"More than that, he seems to have the invisible ghost!"

"Double stunts...he is also double stunts!"

Jiang Lan, He Zheng and Baili Xu all shrank their pupils, looking at Lin Mo in front of them, they were amazed!

I’m still outside today, I’ll take the train home later, and the word count should be back to normal tomorrow

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