Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 830: Special Skill!

This calm and introverted, unrevealed person has even been mistaken for a long time as the envoy of Lin Mo who only has the cultivation level of Huiyue.

Not only did he comprehend the unique skill, but he also comprehended the descending of the rare gods other than gods and ghosts, Wu Chen, and Fa Chao when he had a unique skill himself!

The three of Jiang Lan looked at Lin Mo in amazement, which was no longer admiration.

In the past, Jiang Lan and the others regarded Lin Mo as an envoy doing errands, but now...it's quite different!

Lin Mo has mastered two unique skills, surpassing Jiang Lan and the others, not even inferior to Nangongli who has high hopes!

If Nangongli failed to comprehend the second stunt after he came out, he would not be as good as Lin Mo in terms of breathing alone.

Even if he comprehends the second stunt, unless it is a gift of relief, he will be comparable to Lin Mo...

At this moment, Lin Mo's eyes were full of joy, but Lin Mo quickly suppressed the excitement due to the restraint he had been accustomed to all year round.

After saluting to Linghuang and Fang Qingxiao, who were still intoxicated in the chess game, Lin Mo stepped back first.

Jiang Lan and the others cupped their hands towards Lin Mo: "Congratulations to Envoy Lin."

"Congratulations, everyone." Lin Mo immediately returned a salute.

The two sides are familiar with each other, they are both in Zhuque Palace and have met many times.

If you want to say that it's strange, it's strange, and suddenly discovering that Lin Mo is a master of hiding, Jiang Lan and the others are really not used to it for a while.

Bai Lixu said in a hoarse voice: "Next, Zhenjun and Su Sanxi are left."

Jiang Lan looked thoughtful, and said slowly: "Nangong Zhenjun is amazingly talented, and his strength has been unfathomable for so many years.

It is easy to understand the second unique skill, but I don't know which unique skill Nangong Zhenjun will comprehend.

Su Sanxi's words... Although his aptitude is extraordinary, not only has he cultivated to the scorching sun at the age of thirty, but he has also comprehended a unique skill by himself.

But it is also because of this that he is too young. In addition, he has already comprehended one unique skill, so he may have little hope of comprehending the second unique skill this time. "

Bai Lixu nodded slightly, also feeling that Su Yuan had little hope.

In fact, it is right to think so, after all, Su Yuan is too young!

As for the level of genius...

Not to mention Zhenjun, who can be ranked in the top three seats of the Sky Survey Division, who is not a genius among geniuses, and a master among masters!

A super expert like Nangongli who has been a true monarch for countless years can grasp the opportunity of the Hongmeng Realm to comprehend another unique skill.

Looking at the Qinglong and Baihu imperial envoys who have come out of the Hongmeng Realm, less than 30% of them have comprehended the unique skills.

Even Bai Huyu's Fang Zhenjun and Lin Hao's second seat did not comprehend the new stunt.

Therefore, even in the Primordial Realm, unique skills are not something that can be obtained as soon as one opens one's mouth.

Now that Su Yuan has mastered Yixin Wuchen, that's all.

But if Su Yuan comprehended another unique skill this time, wouldn't he be comparable to Nangongli at the age of thirty!

Even if Lin Mo, who has mastered double skills, is accidentally killed now, he is still a hidden master who has hidden his front and kept silently by the throne for hundreds of years, and several people can accept it in their hearts.

But how old is Su Yuan?

Thirty years old!

Even if Jiang Lan and others lived for hundreds of years, this is really beyond imagination!

Among the three, He Zheng's eyes flickered, but he couldn't help but think of the transformed star beast he encountered in the gray world.

"Perhaps, Su Sanxi can really comprehend the unique skill, maybe." He Zheng said suddenly, lowering his head and muttering slowly, "Because sometimes, some people just can't be treated with common sense..."

Both Jiang Lan and Bai Lixu looked at He Zheng in amazement. They didn't expect that Su Yuan took over as the third seat in just a few months, and He Zheng was still quite convinced of Su Yuan at this moment.


In the Hongmeng Realm.

Chaos separates, the upper is clear and the lower is turbid.

Su Yuan, Yaopo Avatar and Ruan Ruan all closed their eyes tightly. Wisps of clear and turbid air slowly floated up and down from the three of them, returning to heaven and earth.

Looking closely, the world that was originally filled with the energy of chaos has become much clearer.

At this moment, the purple light on Su Yuan and Yaopo's body was dimly lit, and there was a layer of purple brilliance all over their bodies.

Until now, the speed of Su Yuan and Yaopo refining the chaotic energy has become slower and slower.

It's not that the two are struggling more and more, but because the two have absorbed enough and entered a state of complete comprehension.

At this moment, the purple gleam overflowing from Yaopo's body suddenly subsided.

After a short while, a little bit of spiritual light emerged from the star cave and gathered on the surface of the monster's body.

It's like starting a prairie fire, but within a few breaths, Yao Po's body is filled with more and more auras.

Until the end, the entire body surface lit up with a layer of rigid and extremely resilient close-fitting spirit gang!

Taking a closer look, this layer of spirit gang is surprisingly formed by the highly compressed and aggregated countless planetesimals ejected from the star cave, and its density is unimaginable!

Yao Po suddenly opened his eyes, purple air rose from the corners of his eyes, and a majestic and domineering aura swayed from his body.

"Stunt, it's done..." Yaopo lowered his head and looked at the spirit gang on his body, grinning, "God descends to earth!"

That's right, the demon incarnation not only really comprehended the unique skill, but also came down to earth as one of the five breaths!

The god descends to the earth, the stunt that evolves when the domineering body reaches its limit.

Invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and immune to almost all negative states and restrictive effects!

What is the descending of the gods? As the name suggests, it is really invincible and unstoppable to turn on the unparalleled mode!

Yaopo can't wait to try the effect of the god descending to earth, but it's not the time yet.

His eyes fell on the main body and Ruan Ruan's body, Yao Po immediately subdued the gods and descended to earth, and waited quietly.

At this moment, Su Yuan felt in his heart.

In a world full of turbulent purple energy, past enemies appeared one after another in front of him.

At the Star Apprentice level, the Qingyan White Wolf in Daman Mountain;

At Bronze level, the Nether Mage of the Lava Vault;


All the way to the gray world, the blue steel overlord mantis;

In the Forest of Warcraft, I have been made by myself as an ice elf envoy who has been refined into azure shape...

All the battles seemed to be over again.

But the opponent was the same as in memory, but Su Yuan was already different, surrounded by fragments of light.

Whether it is the Burning Golden Hand, Cangyan Strike, Hell Flames...

Or shattering the void, ascending to the nine heavens with the sword, and Taixu sword energy...

Even ordinary punches and flat cuts...

All attacks, when used, have a little bit of rune glow, and the power is doubled!

In the original memory, the battle that would have taken several rounds to end.

After Su Yuan's attack surged, it was only in the middle of the battle, and even the battle had just begun, and the killing of the opponent ended suddenly!

Up to this moment, Su Yuan swiped Liuli Tianqing's sword across the neck of the Ice Sky Elf Envoy, and easily slashed it as if cutting into tofu, and the radiance surrounding him suddenly reached an extreme!

In an instant, all the previous battles turned into scenes and scenes surrounding Su Yuan.

After a while, all the pictures suddenly shrunk and gathered in Su Yuan's body!


Outside, Yao Po's eyes lit up.

Seeing that all the dense purple light seeping out of the body converged into Su Yuan's body, Yao Po knew that the main body was finally about to comprehend the stunt!

Yao Po's eyes showed joy, but he didn't feel any surprise.

The one who knows Su Yuan best is the incarnation of demons.

Even oneself can comprehend the unique skill, let alone the body?

"If it's the main body... it should be that special skill." Yao Po looked thoughtfully.

I have just realized that the gods have descended to earth, so Yaopo is very clear about this process.

Depending on the "what you want" in the subconscious, relying on personal understanding, with the help of the mysterious purple energy in the primordial world, it may develop in a certain direction.

If you have enough savvy, find the right direction and go on smoothly, you will have the opportunity to comprehend a special skill!

Yao Po itself is extremely aggressive, and wants to crush the enemy from the front without any scruples, so he embarked on the road of hegemony.

As a newly upgraded life form, Yaopo's perception seems to be unexpectedly high.

Coupled with the blessing of a large amount of purple energy, he finally successfully walked to the mysterious gate at the end of the domineering body, stepped into it with one step, and realized that the gods descended to earth!

Compared with Yao Po, Su Yuan is more versatile in terms of combat strategy and the means he has mastered.

In this case, Su Yuan has almost no shortcomings.

Facing opponents who are at the same level or even weaker than him, no matter how many they come, it will have no effect on Su Yuan.

And in the battles Su Yuan grew up with, the most and most important thing is to face strong enemies!

Under such circumstances, Su Yuan, relying on his powerful means and fighting ability, can usually enter into a confrontation with an enemy whose realm is higher than his own.

But it is not so easy to defeat and kill the opponent because of the flaws in one's realm.

And what is needed at this time is a breakthrough in "value"!

For example, Qinggang Overlord Mantis, if his attack can cause more damage to him, he doesn't need to start for a month to use the last covenant of returning to the ruins with his absolute trump card.

For example, the Ice Sky Elf Envoy, if the Divine Breaking Sword Light could easily cut the opponent's neck, then there would be no such critical situation after the opponent started the roar of the Ice and Snow Goddess.

And these problems, as long as one's own attack can be stronger, then all of them can be easily solved... Just like the battles he experienced just now!

Suddenly, Su Yuan opened his eyes.

A mysterious imprint on the center of the eyebrows suddenly lit up, surrounded by fragments of light, and an incomparably fierce aura soared into the sky!

Su Yuan opened his right hand, and the Cang Yan Strike was ready in his palm with a thought.

Different from the previous Cang Yan Strike, in the cyan flame of this Cang Yan Strike, there are tiny runes constantly flickering with the flames, which is very mysterious.

These tiny runes are strikingly similar to the mysterious mark on Su Yuan's brow at the moment, but it has been shrunk countless times.

"Such an increase!"

Su Yuan just glanced at it, and he could feel that the power of this Cangyan Strike had been pulled to several times higher than before!

Su Yuan's eyes were burning, he turned his hand and took out Liuli Tianqing, and the light of Shenduan sword spread on the sword with a thought.

In the pitch-black sword light transformed by Taixu's sword intent, tiny runes shone in it, as beautiful as the stars in the night sky but full of murderous intent!

Accompanied by a mysterious wave, the lethality of this sword doubled immediately, even stronger with the urging of the mind!

You must know that the Divine Breaking Sword Light is a supernatural move, and if its power is doubled, it is simply terrifying.

"Gift of relief!"

Su Yuan's eyes lit up, this is the gift of relief, which can simply and roughly double the attack power displayed!

With the help of the magical purple energy of the Primordial Realm, I finally realized such a unique skill!

After careful induction, Su Yuan's thoughts moved, and he withdrew from the state of the gift of liberation.

The mark between the eyebrows dissipated, and the glow outside his body disappeared.

Su Yuan looked at the monster ahead, and said: "It seems that you have already gained something."

Yaopo grinned, nodded and said: "Fortunately, I lived up to my trust~"

Saying that, Yaopo's body flashed red and returned to Su Yuan's body.

In an instant, the perceptions of the two communicated with each other.

The imprint between the eyebrows and the spirit gang on the body surface flickered slightly, and then, some substantial silver light appeared in the eyes.

"With one heart and no dust, the gods descend to the earth, and the gift is liberated!"

Su Yuan's eyes were extremely bright. This time, he not only comprehended the rarest gift of liberation among the five uniques.

Moreover, relying on the Yushen Yaodao, which was promoted to the false holy weapon, Yaopo also realized that the gods descended to earth!

Coupled with pure heart...

I don't know how much the upper limit of my own strength has been raised!

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