Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 832: The End

Seeing the mana tide displayed on Ruan Ruan, everyone really didn't want to pay attention.

Even though Jiang Lan, He Zheng and others in the field were at least three-yang masters, they were still dumbfounded seeing this scene at this moment!

It's nothing more than Su Yuan possessing the three great skills including the descending of the gods and the gift of liberation.

Why can a royal beast comprehend the tide of mana from the Primordial Realm?

Two masters and servants, a total of four stunts?

Simply unheard of, unseen!

Everyone's hearts were shaken, obviously they had also comprehended the unique skill, but at this moment they felt an inexplicable sense of loss...

Regardless of what Jiang Lan, He Zheng and others thought, Su Yuan himself was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, Ruan Ruan actually comprehended a unique skill. As one of the top ten top laws, the Law of Devouring is really terrifying and mysterious!

Now, Ruan Ruan understands the tide of mana, and the reverse output of the law of devouring is in...

"Isn't that basically equivalent to comprehending the mana tide?" Su Yuan was quite excited.

This time, the group in Hongmeng Realm gained three great skills at once.

Even Su Yuan couldn't calm down for a long time at this moment.

Su Yuan put away the three special skills on his body, patted it softly again to remind it to restrain itself, then turned to look at Linghuang and Fang Qingxiao in front of him.

"I have seen the Linghuang and the throne!"

Su Yuan bowed and saluted the two of them.


Fang Qingxiao laughed, looked at Su Yuan and nodded repeatedly.

"Su Yuan actually comprehended the two special skills of Liberation by Gift and God's Descending to Earth in one fell swoop when he possesses a unique skill himself. This is really beyond our expectations!"

"Thank you Throne and Lord Linghuang for giving this opportunity to my subordinates."

Saying that, Su Yuan sincerely bowed to Linghuang again.

It can be said that it is thanks to the Linghuang who let the demon come in.

Otherwise, without Yaopo, I can't guarantee that I can comprehend one more stunt.

You know, even Nangongli, Jiang Lan, and even other masters of the imperial court can only comprehend one unique skill at most.

Even if you put aside your own talent and understanding outside the system, it's not bad, but Nangongli, Jiang Lan, and even He Zheng, Bai Lixu and others are not bad?

No one is worse!

This is the Xuntian Division. The top three seats like Nangongli and Jiang Lan are all top-notch fighters and top-notch talents of Dayan!

Standing out from hundreds of millions of people, in terms of aptitude and savvy, they are definitely extremely perverted!

Su Yuan has never lacked self-confidence since he practiced, but he has not reached the point of blindness.

Su Yuan knew very well that apart from his own quality and opportunity, the stardust system was extremely important for him to be able to surpass others.

Just talk about talent, understanding, effort...

A super master like Nangongli, who ranks as a true monarch and stands at the apex of a country, may not necessarily be inferior to him!

Linghuang's eyes were still on Ruan Ruan, and upon hearing this, he also looked back at Su Yuan, nodded and smiled.

"Now, all imperial envoys have the opportunity to enter the Primordial Realm. It is your own ability to have such good fortune."

Su Yuan said again: "Thank you Linghuang."

Linghuang nodded, but stretched out his hand to look at Ruanruan.

Seeing this, Ruan Ruan immediately shrank back from Su Yuan's neck in fright.

Su Yuan patted it lightly: "It's okay, let's go."

"Puff Chi Chi ~"

With a sullen face, she flew out slowly and jumped into Linghuang's palm in fear.

Not far away, Jiang Lan and the others have gradually suppressed their surprise.

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately looked up, wondering what the origin of this slime was.

Not only can it grow to the scorching sun level, but it also looks very difficult.

Linghuang stared at Ruan Ruan, Ruan Ruan couldn't help shrinking back timidly.

And soon, with a burst of black light flowing around his body, Ruan Ruan's eyes suddenly became cold.

The golden pupils met Linghuang's gaze without hesitation, and a cold abyss-like temperament came out.

Fang Qingxiao's eyes moved slightly.

Jiang Lan and the others didn't know why, they just felt an obvious change in Ruanruan's aura.

Su Yuan understood that this was another "Ruan Ruan".

I don't know if it was because of oppression by the Linghuang that he woke up.

"Ruan Ruan" and Ling Huang looked at each other, neither of them spoke, but an inexplicable coercion swayed from between them, making Su Yuan and others feel a little uncomfortable.

Nangongli and the others were secretly startled.

Being able to look at the emperor like this is not something everyone can do.

This slime who has comprehended Mana Tides is absolutely extraordinary!

After a while, Linghuang let go of his hand.

And Ruan Ruan jumped up and returned to Su Yuan's shoulder, glanced at Su Yuan, and recovered with slight ripples in his eyes.


He hugged Su Yuan's neck softly, as if he was a little frightened by the staring at him just now.

Seeing this, Linghuang stroked his beard and smiled.

Su Yuan's eyes twitched slightly, as they looked at each other just now, I don't know what "Ruan Ruan" communicated with Ling Huang.

"Okay." Linghuang said, looking at everyone, "Since it's over, let's go back."

"Yes, Lord Linghuang."

Everyone bowed in unison, and Fang Qingxiao also bowed slightly.

Then Linghuang shook his hand, and sent everyone out in a flash of inspiration.

However, Fang Qingxiao has not been sent out yet.

"What other orders does Linghuang have?" Fang Qingxiao asked.

Linghuang walked up to the chessboard and said slowly: "Qing Xiao, you pay too much attention to every detail.

If you have to give up, just give up, if you have to give up, just give up, otherwise even if you keep these weak moves, the big dragon will be slaughtered, and the situation will be over.

Fang Qingxiao glanced at the chessboard, a large number of bluestone chess pieces were encircled and suppressed, and Linghuang's white pieces were about to destroy the city. The army was pressing in, and it was absolutely impossible to resist the front.

Fang Qingxiao pondered for a while, but said:

"A small pile of soil can cast a nine-story platform; new shoots can also grow into towering trees.

Even if the main force is damaged, afterglow is still there, and it can form a new star and have a chance to turn the tide. "

At the end, Fang Qingxiao said with a smile: "Of course, in terms of chess skills, my subordinates are much worse than Linghuang."

Linghuang looked at Fang Qingxiao, nodded slightly, and said, "Go."

Fang Qingxiao cupped his hands and saluted: "This subordinate will retire."

After speaking, Fang Qingxiao's body flashed with inspiration, and then disappeared in place.

Linghuang looked down at the chess game and shook his head slightly.

Fang Qingxiao came out of the pagoda, knowing what Linghuang meant.

What the Emperor Ling said was that he should focus on the main points, think more about himself, and not think too much about others...even Dayan.

Practitioners, themselves are the root.

Linghuang lived for too long, so long that Dayan was only a part of his life.

Further exploration of the upper realm is the ultimate pursuit of the Linghuang, which naturally takes "self" as the core.

But Fang Qingxiao herself has been from Dayan since birth.

First the Yanren, then the Star Card Master.

Since he is benefited by the country and has the position of the throne, he naturally has to take responsibility!

Everyone has their own way.

And also at the imperial level, the two emperors, the Chiqing and Qingqing, both did their best for Dayan.

Even the Sword Emperor, who is free and unrestrained and roams the sky, will definitely show up when Dayan encounters a crisis.

Therefore, Fang Qingxiao understood what Linghuang said, but did not agree with it.

Letting go of what was on his mind, Fang Qingxiao thought of something else.

"With the catastrophe approaching and the dragon's veins about to emerge, the formation of the 'Fifth Imperial Palace' by the four great hidden sects should also be put on the agenda as soon as possible..."

Fang Qingxiao's figure flickered, but he didn't go back to the Suzaku Hall, and went directly outside the Yanting.

"Shen Niandao... Forget it, let's go to Momei Valley first."

Fang Qingxiao thought for a while, and then disappeared into the sky like a flash of fire.

Su Yuan returned to his residence and sat on the main seat. He pondered for a while, thinking about the harvest of this trip.

Then he looked at the softness on his shoulders and put it on his legs.

"Ruan Ruan, when 'she' came out just now, do you still have any memory?"

"Puff!" Ruan Ruan nodded.

"So, did 'she' communicate with the Linghuang?"

The flowing water on Ruan Ruan's body suddenly turned back into a human form, holding his white chin and pondering for a while, then shook his head.

"Master, it seems that you didn't say anything."

"Is that so..."

Su Yuan nodded slightly, stretched out his hand to touch his limp head, and then took it into his arms.


Ruan Ruan's body softened slightly, and then hugged Su Yuan happily.

And the silver light in Su Yuan's eyes lit up like substance, and Yixin Wuchen had already been opened.

The silver pupils looked carefully at the softness in front of him, but he didn't find anything superfluous.

After a while, Su Yuan dissipated, his eyes were full of deep thoughts.

Just now there seemed to be a feeling that "Ruan Ruan" seemed to know Ling Huang?

Shaking his head, Su Yuan let go softly.

"Get up, soft."

"Uh... oh!"

Ruan Ruan stood up from Su Yuan's embrace with a little reluctance.

Su Yuan said: "Then, next, let's test these special skills."


Hearing what Su Yuan said, a bit of excitement rose on Ruan Ruan's face.

As soon as Su Yuan raised his hand, the power of space swayed away, and he entered the corner of the green underworld with Ruan Ruan.

And in front, Melche, the Frost Giant, and the Ice Angel were standing quietly.

Su Yuan smiled and said: "It's just right, there is Tianqing to practice the shape and hands, and if it is broken, just come back with Liuli Tianqing milk."

Ruan Ruan was already eager to try, and immediately rushed towards Melche upon hearing this.


In a blink of an eye, a few days passed.

In the Tian Xun Division, accompanied by a burst of danxiang, curling purple smoke rises from the cauldron of hundreds of beasts.

"Open." Su Yuan said lightly.


Accompanied by a strange cry, the purple-skinned monster rushed out of the cauldron filled with clouds and mist.

After circling several times in mid-air, he came to Su Yuan, holding a elixir with double corona patterns in both hands.

"The second Double Ninth Sun Elixir."

This is the sun panacea refined from the star core of the earth demon bear.

Last time, all the Chuyang star cores were disassembled, but the Chongyang Sun Spirit Pill was retained by Su Yuan.

Now, I am far superior to my peers in terms of skills, breathing, star artifacts, etc.

What is lacking is realm and soul power.

It has been a few months since he broke through the Chongyang Festival, and his cultivation base is stable, so it is time to hurry up and practice.

Su Yuan took the pill from the purple-skinned monster, and the purple-skinned monster grinned strangely, and retracted into the cauldron again.

"It seems that this monster has solidified again." Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly.

As two Chongyang Sun Elixirs were successively refined in the Hundred Beasts Cauldron, the purple-skinned monster seemed to have benefited a lot.

"Sure enough, there is still potential, but if you want to advance to the pseudo-holy artifact, you have to find level 5 materials..."

After thinking about it, Su Yuan shook his head, picked up a Sun Spirit Pill and took it, and prepared to practice quickly.

But at this time, Su Yuan noticed something, turned his hand and took out the black sky survey card, and his eyes fell on the top news.

"Secret Society of Truth?" Su Yuan couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly after browsing through.

After a little thought, Su Yuan put away the black card and immediately got up and went outside...

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