Western Desert.

The Hitomi Islands, including the seven surrounding islands.

During the boats passing by, the people who faced the Qingming Palace on the island were extremely respectful.

Yuantong Island, Qingming Palace, has now become a holy place in the West Desert.

Not only has it regulated the chaotic situation in the Western Desert, but it has also provided support for many forces in the Western Desert with a large number of spiritual pills, treasures, formations and talismans.

The Western Desert, which was originally chaotic and scattered, was once again condensed with Qingming Palace as the leader.

If we talk about war, it is an opportunity to seek a breakthrough.

So stability is the key factor for development.

Talents are constantly pouring into West Desert and Qingming Palace, among them there are even masters of the Four Arts at the master level!

Qingming Palace is like a locomotive, pulling the entire Western Desert to develop rapidly.

On the seven islands outside Yuantong Island, Yang Aoshan had already set up a grand master-level seven-star demon-killing formation by the people leading the formation.

And according to the distribution of formations on the island, the Seven Islands of the Guardian Palace were also simply named as the Seven Stars.

At this moment, on the westernmost shore of Tianji Island, three Qingming Palace deacons wearing uniforms of the pupil of the abyss are on duty in a team.

"After completing this duty, you can make enough contributions to go to the holy island to practice for three days!"

One of the black-faced men grinned, his face full of anticipation.

"Practice two more times, and you will almost reach the limit of Yaoxing, and you can apply to enter the Qingming Sacred Realm to break through!"

A rather young young deacon next to him said: "Brother Yao, I will also go to the Holy Island with you."

The black-faced man was quite surprised: "Xiaoyang, have you collected your contribution points?"

"That's not true." Xiao Yang touched his nose.

At this time, the last tall and thin man among the three raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile:

"He has only joined the Qingming Palace for three months, how can he gather all the contributions? I think he wants to meet Master Luo Xiaoyun from the Palace of Talismans!"

"Hahaha, so it is like this!" The black-faced man laughed heartily when he heard the words, and raised his hand to pat Xiaoyang on the shoulder, "Xiaoyang, you can do it, and you can come together with Master Xiaoyun quietly!"

Since Qingming Palace integrated Ximo, as Ximo became more stable and more and more talents poured in, more people became partners.

Especially in the third hall of the Danfu Formation in Qingming Palace, there are many excellent female Star Card Masters.

In addition, the status of the fourth hall of Qingming Palace is quite high, so it is definitely enviable to be able to form a partner with someone from the fourth hall.

The combination of two is more conducive to the stability and development of the power, so Qingming Palace not only does not prohibit it, but will hold some joint activities appropriately.

Xiao Yang smiled a little embarrassedly: "No, it's just a little bit of progress..."

The black-faced man laughed and said: "Then Xiaoyang, you should use more snacks. Master Xiaoyun is well-behaved and can make blue-quality talismans. There are many people chasing her."

Xiao Yang nodded again and again, and was about to say something, when suddenly he stared at the sea surface.

"Brother Yao and Feng, there seems to be something over there!"

Xiao Yang stretched out his hand and pointed far above the sea.

The black-faced man and the tall and thin man immediately looked up, only to see a large sea beast floating on the surface of the sea.

From a distance, he was tall and tall, with cyan skin, scars, and a large amount of blood staining the surrounding seawater.

The black-faced man and the tall and thin young man all looked fixed, and the three of them immediately flew up, stepped out of the barrier of the seven-star formation, and went forward to investigate.

"Sea beast... no, it's a real dragon!" The three of them looked at the blue dragon with dragon horns in shock, "It looks like it's a dragon from the Dragon Palace!"

Being in the West Desert, and still a master of the third level, the three of Xiaoyang naturally knew that there was a "Dragon Palace" between the Southwest Sea and the South Continent.

And Qinglong from the Dragon Palace actually appeared here with a serious injury?

The black-faced man quickly sized up the green dragon, and said, "He looks like he's been seriously injured!"

"I'll give him a try with water-based healing first."

Xiaoyang moved a little closer, and at the same time, the star power in his hands was about to launch a healing technique and landed on Qinglong.

At this moment, Qinglong suddenly opened his eyes.


With a low growl, the strong Longwei swayed away, causing the three of Xiaoyang's chests to twitch violently!

Scorching sun level!

Under severe injuries, just a little bit of residual power made the three of them churn, definitely at the Scorching Sun level!

"Be careful!" the burly man shouted in a low voice.

The three flew away in unison, looking at Qinglong with astonishment and pale complexion.

But at this time, Qinglong had already closed his eyes again and passed out.

"He fainted again." Xiao Yang was startled.

"Tongchuan Island and Holy Island!"

As the tall and thin young man spoke, he immediately took out a communication talisman and sent the news out.

After a while.

Hundreds of Qingming Palace masters have come to Tianji Island, and even the three elders of Yuanyue who are in charge of the island have already waited here, guarding the Qinglong in front of them vigilantly.

At the same time, the seven-star demon-killing formation has been secretly prepared, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

At this moment, two figures flew towards Yuantong Island.

"Master Luo, Master An!"

Everyone bowed and saluted towards the sky.

It was Luo Bingtong and Antonis who came.

Hearing that there seemed to be a real dragon from the Dragon Palace appearing near the Qingming Palace, Luo Bingtong immediately rushed over with Antonis.

Looking at the Qinglong lying on the sea, Luo Bingtong raised her right hand, and Wanhua Xuanbing rushed out of her body like water.

Xuanbing continued to freeze the sea water and rushed straight to the green dragon, turned into a big palm, grabbed it and threw it back to the shore.

With a "bang", the shore trembled slightly.

Qinglong, who was seriously injured and fainted, suddenly twisted again, scaring some of the shining star deacons back again and again.

Luo Bingtong looked at Qinglong in front of him, and said, "It's... Qinglong from Dragon Palace."

Antonis stepped forward and quickly checked Qinglong.

It was bruised and purple, and there were a lot of cut scars.

"I was seriously injured, both internally and externally, but other than that, there are no other negative conditions, except that I lost too much blood."

Antonis finished the inspection and looked at Luo Bingtong.

Now that Su Yuan is not here, Luo Bingtong is naturally the Acting Palace Master.

Luo Bingtong's eyes fell on the unconscious Qinglong, she thought for a while, and said, "Save..."


Antonis nodded, turned his hand and took out the silver knife, and in a flash of silver light, he opened the surgical field to treat Qinglong.

After a while, the surgical area spread out, and the scars on Qinglong's body had been stitched up and scarred.

Because it is just an ordinary injury, it is not difficult for Antonis.

Antonis snapped his fingers at the dragon's head: "Wake up~"

Qinglong was shocked, and then suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking at Antonis in front of him, Qinglong subconsciously wanted to roar loudly.

But right after, Qinglong saw Luo Bingtong next to him, and couldn't help being slightly startled.

Not only is it icy cold and beautiful, but it also exudes a breath of blood from the same source...


Qinglong suddenly let go of his vigilance, and looked at Luo Bingtong, Antonis, and the people in Qingming Palace behind him in surprise.

"who are you?"

"Before asking others, you should give your name first, right?" Antonis put away the knife and smiled softly, "Besides, it's facing the person who saved you."

Hearing the words, Qinglong immediately came back to his senses and turned to look at his body, only to realize that his injuries were almost healed!

He immediately understood that it was the people in front of him who saved him.

With a flash of spiritual light on his body, Qinglong transformed into a pale and handsome man.

"Dragon Palace, Ao Rong of Qinglong lineage, thank you for saving me."

Qinglong arched his hands, then looked at Luo Bingtong in front of him, his eyes lit up.

"This... girl, are you also a Dragon Clan?"

"En." Luo Bingtong nodded slightly.

Ao Rong was overjoyed, but suddenly remembered something, his face changed and he was about to fly up.

But just as he flew up, he staggered and almost fell straight down. Fortunately, Antonis next to him supported him.

Antonis said: "Although the injury has recovered, you are short of energy and blood, and it is not suitable to move in a short time."

Ao Rong said anxiously: "I still have tribes fighting in the sea, send me there quickly!"


Antonis's eyes moved slightly, he turned his head to look at the surrounding people of Qingming Palace, and ordered: "You all step back."

"Yes, Palace Master!"

The three leading Elders Yuanyue also knew that several people had something to discuss, although they were curious, they immediately called everyone to disperse.

Antonis swung the silver knife to cut out an isolated silver field, then looked at Ao Rong.

"What battle are you talking about?"

Ao Rong raised his head to look at Tianji Island, and suddenly asked, "Where is this?"

"This is the west coast of the Eastern Continent."

"Eastern Continent?" Ao Rong looked slightly startled, and then turned ugly, "I have drifted so far! From this point of view, the battle has long since ended..."

Antonis said: "The good news is that you survived, let's talk about it, what happened."

Ao Rong suppressed the emotions in his heart, and said in a low voice: "Some recovered sea monsters led a large number of sea beasts to rush out, and few of us were able to stop them... By now, I am afraid that all the sea people under him are dead!"

Having said this, Ao Rong couldn't help sighing again.

Luo Bingtong asked in confusion: "Recovery...?"

Ao Rong nodded and said: "Well, now our Dragon Palace has already suffered many casualties because of these revived sea monsters!

Not only in the sea, but now in the entire Southern Continent, there are big monsters from before ancient times recovering one after another.

Some big monsters are so powerful that even several sects of the Scorching Sun level have been wiped out.

The elites of the ten major sects came down the mountain in large numbers to quell the chaos, and they were a little too busy. "

Antonis heard this, and raised his head to look at Luo Bingtong: "It seems... the beast robbery in the Southern Continent is quite different from ours?"

The eastern continent is the arrival of the gray world, but the southern continent is the revival of ancient monsters.

I don't know what's going on with the Western Continent and the Northern Continent amidst the catastrophe.

Antonis looked at Ao Rong, no matter what, it is not appropriate to have a bad relationship with Dragon Palace.

Antonis questioned Luo Bingtong, and Luo Bingtong nodded slightly.

Antonis said: "You rest in our Qingming Palace for a few days first, I can recuperate for you, and I can also send someone to contact Dragon Palace for you."

"This..." Ao Rong looked at Antonis with some hesitation, then turned to look at Luo Bingtong next to him, cupped his hands and said, "Okay, then I'll take care of you two!"

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