Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 834 Secret Society of Truth

Xun Tiansi, Four Elephant Hall.

Su Yuan paced in.

Looking up, there were already seven or eight people in the hall.

There are tall and thin, male and female, standing in a square shape.

Everyone has one of the four-color badges of blue, white, vermilion and black around their waists.

At this moment, the ones standing here are the top three masters of the Four Royals of the Sky Survey Division!

Nangongli had already arrived, and when he saw Su Yuan coming, he nodded slightly.

Su Yuan walked directly to his side, and then looked at the rest of the people.

Except Suzaku Yu, Su Yuan has never seen the other three top masters including Zhenjun, but he has heard of them to some extent.

At this moment, the four seated True Monarchs have all arrived.

Qinglong Zhenjun Xiahou is an old man who looks like an ordinary person in his 60s or 70s. He has a thin body and a sallow complexion, but he stands very straight.

He obviously looks like he is dying and skinny, but on the contrary, he gives people an unfathomable feeling.

Fang Yuan, White Tiger True Lord, has a thin body and sharp eyes. Just looking at him makes people feel flustered. He looks confident and self-confident.

And what surprised Su Yuan the most was that Tong Xue'er, the last True Lord of Xuanwu, was actually a youthful and lively girl with short hair who was a little bit out of the way.

If he hadn't heard about it beforehand, it would be hard for Su Yuan to imagine that this is the true emperor of Xuanwu Yu!

After a while, a total of twelve people in the first three seats of the four imperial courts arrived.

Everyone looked at Zhenjun Xiahou.

"Everyone, have you probably read the news about the Secret Society of Truth?"

Xiahou looked at everyone calmly, and a slightly dry voice slowly came out of his mouth.

Everyone nodded one after another. Before coming here, they had already browsed the news on the black card of Xuntian.

Xiahou lowered his eyes slightly, and said in a low voice: "In Qiguang, the initiators of the holy blessing are Constantine from the Holy Church and Patton from the military.

Before, the divine blessing created the Zodiac Star Envoy, who performed well in the New Dust Realm battle, but was denied because of the failure.

But later, a breakthrough was made in the way of Constantine's Law, coupled with Qiguang's successive setbacks in the Earth Tribulation, there was an urgent need to reserve more combat power to fight for the dragon's veins.

So Constantine was reused again, and with the full support of Qiguang, he restarted the divine blessing experiment. "

Su Yuan thought about it and nodded secretly, he really didn't know some of the details that Zhenjun Xiahou said.

It's no wonder that after the New Dust Realm Controversy, we haven't heard the news of the divine blessing. It turned out that it was denied internally.

In the case of Dayan, such an experiment that is extremely dangerous to the human body may be denied if it is not released.

"Later, the divine blessing experiment seemed to have achieved a breakthrough in the Northern Continent.

Coupled with Qiguang's full support, an elite team was formed at the fastest speed..."

Xiahou raised his eyes slightly, and said in a solemn voice: "It is said to seek the truth, the mystery of nature - the Secret Society of Truth!

There are 22 people in the organization, everyone is a master of Sanyang Realm, and all of them have mastered the liberation of true form! "

Even if the field is full of elite Xuntian Division, when they first heard this, their expressions were slightly chilled.

Although the 22 Sanyang realms with the ability to liberate the true form were built with the efforts of a whole country regardless of the negative effects, they are indeed a bit terrifying!

Tong Xueer laughed and said, "There was a zodiac envoy in the past, and now there is a 22-person Truth Secret Society. Qiguang is really getting more and more anxious~"

Tong Xueer's voice is clear and tender, coupled with her petite body, it is really hard to imagine whether this is a real emperor, or a calm and reliable Xuanwuyu...

But for Tong Xueer's words, everyone in the field nodded secretly.

What Tong Xueer said was right, not to mention how many inhuman human experiments Qiguang did and how many people died for the experiment.

For the dozens of Scorching Suns that have already succeeded, including the Secret Society of Truth, there is a risk of losing control and dying at any time in the future.

You know, it usually takes hundreds of years just to cultivate a scorching sun!

The adverse effects caused by this wave of divine blessings are incalculable, and they cannot be smoothed over in a hundred or two hundred years.

Perhaps because of the successive setbacks in the previous confrontations, Qiguang was really a bit reckless this time.

Of course, if you can win two or three more dragon vein thrones, it will definitely not be a loss.

The king level is already beyond the realm of the upper third level. Under the influence of the power of the law, the upper third level is hard to resist, and I am afraid that even a face-to-face can't bear it!

Not to mention a dozen scorching suns for a king rank, even twenty or thirty scorching suns for a king rank, it's not a loss!

Not only because of strength, but also because of longevity.

Scorching sun level, hundreds of years later it will be a handful of loess.

But after the king level, life is sublimated, and the life span is greatly increased, at least they can live for more than a thousand years.

Whether it is strength or shelf life, the significance of a king-level powerhouse to the country, sect and other forces is far greater than that of Scorching Sun!

Nangongli asked: "Xia Zhenjun, among the 22 people, who are there?"

Xiahou said: "The scorching sun masters who responded to the signs all over the country, as well as the knights of the major families, the military, and the temple.

In addition, there are also many dangerous people who passively accept divine blessings.

For example, top wanted criminals with huge rewards, such as high-risk prisoners imprisoned on the top floor of the heresy judge hall...

Therefore, the composition of the entire Secret Society of Truth is extremely complicated.

In order to control the Secret Society of Truth, even everyone has a control imprint planted by Constantine himself.

But... there is no doubt that everyone is not a simple character.

The Secret Society of Truth, this is an extremely dangerous organization gathered violently with the power of the Qiguang state.

Fang Yuan sneered and said, "I'm really looking forward to meeting the members of the Secret Society of Truth as soon as possible."

Xia Hou heard the words and said: "Everyone, don't be careless. According to information, many people in the Secret Society of Truth have mastered the ability of the rule system."

Everyone's expressions were a little dignified. Compared with the star power and the physical strength gap, some weird abilities are more troublesome.

Nangongli immediately asked: "Xia Zhenjun, do you have any more information about these 22 people?"

Xiahou nodded slightly, and then took out a pure gold card with a white cross on the back.

"The informant on Qiguang's side only sent back such a set of cards urgently for the time being."

Xiahou raised his hand, and all the cards flew up in a "swipe" manner, suspended in mid-air.

"Priest", "Justice", "Reaper", "Demon"... each pattern was displayed in front of everyone, no more, no less, exactly 22 pictures.

Tong Xueer grabbed one casually, and the pattern displayed on it was exactly "power".

Tong Xueer asked curiously: "Xia Zhenjun, what does this mean...?"

Xia Houdao: "There are 22 cards, and each card represents the ability of these 22 true spirit associations."

Everyone looked up at the cards.

"Hey..." Fang Yuan suddenly saw something, raised his hand and grabbed one of them, "It means, this guy can decide the death of others?"

The corner of Fang Yuan's mouth curled up, and what was in his hands was the "Grim Reaper".

Su Yuan also grabbed a card and checked it.


Su Yuan's expression moved slightly, and then a bit of curiosity appeared on his face.

The world... I have a small world.

I don't know what kind of ability this "world" card represents?

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