"It's really noisy!"

After Luo Cheng made a seal with his hands, he slapped it suddenly, and the jade jue suddenly split into countless pieces of rubble and hit the sky high into a large black crow.

"Bang bang bang...!"

How can a black crow made of ink be as strong as a rock?

The black crows in the sky were constantly being blasted by countless gravels flying in all directions, and it was difficult to attack Luo Cheng below.

But when Luo Cheng focused all his attention on the sky, there was another ink jelly that aggressively smashed into the broken stone and rushed to Luo Cheng in one fell swoop!


Luo Cheng's complexion changed slightly, and he raised his hand to form a seal, and a rock wall quickly unfolded in front of him.

With a sound of "bang", the hastily formed rock wall was smashed and exploded, and Luo Cheng himself was thrown out!

Still in mid-air, Luo Cheng suppressed the churning blood in his heart, and raised a finger with his right hand. After a shock, most of the gravel flying high in the air fell back and smashed onto the body of Mo Jiao who was about to continue chasing him, directly killing Mo Jiao. smashed into the ground.

Mo Jiao still wriggled and struggled, Luo Cheng stabilized his body and formed seals with his hands.

"Thousand Rock Boom!"


A strong light of the earth element lit up on all the rocks, and then it exploded. In a flash of inspiration, the ink dragon has completely turned into a pool of ink...

"The ink technique of the Suzaku Royal Envoy is really flexible, and its power is stronger than expected."

"Worthy of being a master of the top 100 list, Luo Cheng of Yulun Mountain is really quick to adapt, and it's blocked by this!"


The disciples of Yinzong and everyone in Suzaku Yu couldn't help talking about it.

With the end of the first round of confrontation, Luo Cheng and He Zheng can be said to be equals.

The skills and combat abilities displayed by the two are both high-strength, and they are both people with rich combat experience!

Luo Cheng and He Zheng looked at each other, and they knew that the other party's strength was not weak after such a test, and they immediately entered the next stage together.

Luo Cheng made seals with both hands, and suddenly slapped the ground.

"Earth Order · Earth Spirit Manifestation!"

The spell unfolded, and a large number of rune chains sank into the ground from Luo Cheng's palm.

While the spiritual light was surging, a humanoid energy body covered in runes was extracted from the ground and followed behind Luo Cheng.

Yulun Mountain's legendary skill "Earth Order" can seal the "Earth Spirit" and mobilize the power of mountains, rivers and earth to obey its orders.

At this moment, as soon as the earth spirit manifested, he opened his hands, and an astonishing wave of energy swayed.

The ground suddenly cracked and turned into countless huge stones rising up.

The area covered by this move was so large that even Su Yuan and the others who were watching the battle jumped to distance themselves.

With the push of the earth spirit, countless huge boulders were thrown towards He Zheng!

And He Zheng's pen and ink continued to draw, and he also launched the four-image metamorphosis technique.

The Xuanwu Spirit stepped out first, and its strong and huge body blocked a large amount of gravel.

Then Suzaku flew up from overhead, spewing out fiery flames in its mouth, and burned many huge boulders flying in front of it!

Qinglong and Baihu rushed out from left and right, and they all killed Luo Cheng in the distance.

Luo Cheng formed a seal in his hand, and the earth spirit beside him engraved the seal one by one.

"Earth Dragon Chongzhutu!"

The viscous earth elements gathered in front of Luo Cheng and Di Ling, and two ten-foot-long dragon-shaped stone pillars shot out and crashed into the spirit of the green dragon and the spirit of the white tiger.

The spirit of the green dragon let out a low growl, and the scales on the surface of the body emerged with blue light, and with the blessing of the power of the green dragon, it directly pushed up.

With a "bang", the air wave exploded, and the stone pillar suddenly shattered after two breaths.

The spirit of the white tiger next to it is even more direct, the silver light on the claws lights up, and it cuts the rock pillar when it crosses back!

"The green dragon and white tiger formed by this ink is really not simple!"

Luo Cheng frowned, and when he raised his hand, he threw out powerful rock and soil skills one after another.

With the presence of the earth spirit, not only the consumption of Luo Cheng's rock and soil skills is greatly reduced, but the earth spirit can also simultaneously copy and cast all the skills below the legend.

It is not too difficult to resist the two spirits of Qinglong and White Tiger, but right now, the spirits of Suzaku and Xuanwu have come up again.

Luo Cheng's eyes froze, and he raised his hand to form a seal, and the earth spirit next to him immediately possessed him.

Accompanied by a shocking energy fluctuation, the already broken ground cracked wildly again, countless chaotic rocks flew up and covered Luo Cheng's body, and within a few breaths, a gigantic giant of rock and soil was formed.

"It's amazing, this is much bigger than the Titans in the north!"

"Only by practicing the Edict of Earth Xing to a high degree of proficiency can the earth spirit bend down, mobilize and control such a large area of ​​rocks, Senior Brother Luo is really amazing!"


Looking at the rock and soil giant, people on both sides were secretly shocked.

Many Huiyue disciples of Yinzong have never seen the earth line edict at the level of proficiency.

But at this moment, without the hindrance of geotechnical techniques, the two spirits of Qinglong and Baihu have attacked again!

The spirit of the green dragon collided at high speed, while the spirit of the white tiger cut with its claws continuously, causing random rocks to fly up in an instant.

But that's all, for the huge rock giant, such damage is nothing more than a drop in the bucket!


The rock and soil giant slapped out with both hands, and directly sent the two spirits of Qinglong and Baihu flying.

But at this time, the temperature rose sharply, but it was the spirit of Suzaku that spewed out a pillar of flames and hit the face of the rock giant.

After the flames passed, most of the rock giant's face had been burned away, which showed the power of the blow from the spirit of the Suzaku.

In fact, apart from the single skill, the spirit of the Four Elephants is comparable to the legendary star beast in terms of six-dimensional attributes, otherwise the Four Elephant Transformation Technique is not worthy of being a legendary skill.

But at this moment, the rock giant is even more terrifying. Even if it is injured, it can manipulate more gravel and soil to rise from the ground to make up for the injury.

He Zheng took out the inkstone as a sacrifice, and then waved the wolf hair in front of him to paint continuously: "Four elephants merge!"

After the last battle with the two scorching suns who were liberated by Qi Guangzheng, He Zheng has become much more decisive now.

The Qinglong, Baihu and other four spirits instantly turned into streaks of brilliance and gathered together to form the spirit of the fusion of four images, and killed Luo Cheng with a roar.

"Bang bang bang...!"

The rock and earth giants and the fusion spirits come and go, both of them are powerful and powerful!

It is also the summoning product of the legendary skill, the rock giant has amazing defense, but the fusion spirit is more flexible.

Although the fists hit the flesh, it seemed fierce and dangerous, but for a while, no one could do anything to anyone.

In this way, the two sides gradually entered the stage of confrontation and consumption...

"No accident, He Yushi won." Su Yuan looked at the field and already had a judgment in his heart.

Seeing that Luo Cheng adopted a strategy of sticking to his defense, trying to consume He Zheng with his own majestic star power, Su Yuan already knew the outcome.

Judging from the confrontation for such a short period of time, the opponent's star power is indeed more majestic and vigorous, and He Zheng is slightly inferior.

But the reason why they entered such a confrontational situation was precisely the result of He Zheng's deliberate guidance.

It just so happens that Luo Cheng is also a master of spells, so it is easy to enter such a situation of competition and consumption.

And once you enter such a situation, then...

Not long after, a vast and boundless aura swayed from the field!

A vortex of spiritual light lit up on He Zheng's chest, and endless star power gushed out from it!

In an instant, the black light on the Fusion Spirit's body, which was already dim and faintly unable to maintain, became dark and deep again.

He Zheng's eyes were bright, and he shouted: "Blast him, Sixiangling!"


With the support of infinite star power, the aura of the fusion spirit suddenly flourished.

And this scene directly shocked everyone in Yinzong.

"What? What's going on!"

"That's a stunt, it's a mana tide!"

"He's actually good at it!"


The Huiyue-level disciples of the four sects exclaimed, even Ruan Jinglun and other scorching sun masters were quite surprised.

Wen Renfeng, who had been lowering his head slightly, raised his head, took a look and then looked away.

"Bang bang bang... bang!!"

The Fusion Spirit kept crashing into the rock giant like a fast-moving meatball chariot.

The Rock and Earth Giant Spirit couldn't hold on anymore, it was so ravaged by the Fusion Spirit that had recovered its full strength, it was smashed and exploded in a moment!

The earth spirit possessed him collapsed, Luo Cheng grunted with a pale face, and was swept away by the aftermath.

Before Luo Cheng could stabilize his figure, the Fusion Spirit rushed to him and slapped him.

Luo Cheng's complexion changed, and at this moment, the fusion spirit's slap suddenly stopped in front of him.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, I accept it." He Zheng's voice came from a distance.

He Zheng stopped the fusion spirit's actions. After all, it was just a martial arts competition, and it was enough to stop as soon as it was clicked.

As he unfolded the tide of mana, the opponent should have little resistance.

Luo Cheng looked at the big slap of the fusion spirit in front of him, and then at the star power vortex slowly rotating on He Zheng's chest, his face was rather ugly.

"Emissary He is powerful, and he also possesses special skills such as mana tides. I am ashamed to be superior in skills!"

After Luo Cheng finished speaking, he cupped his hands and immediately flew back out.

"Okay! Yushi He will go on the next journey first!"

After Luo Cheng conceded defeat, the envoys who were watching around the square suddenly cheered up!

"It turns out that the unique skill He Yushi comprehended in the Primordial Realm is Mana Tides, and the star power in his body was fully recharged in a short time. The unique skill is really amazing!"

"However, the scorching sun master on the opposite side is also very powerful. Fortunately, he has Mana Tidal, otherwise he might not be able to win the opponent."

"I don't know what special skills our other envoys of Suzaku Yu have mastered!"


Everyone was talking about it, and they couldn't help looking at Nangongli, Su Yuan and others when they were excited.

During this period of time, the Hongmeng Realm was opened, which was already arousing discussion.

But now, He Zheng can be said to have performed an excellent demonstration for everyone in person, using his unique skills to determine the outcome in one fell swoop!

At this moment, He Zheng called the fusion spirit beast to his side.

In fact, after one battle, He Zheng can come down.

After all, it's just a discussion, not a battle of wheels.

But the tide of He Zheng's magic power started, and the momentum was in full swing, but he didn't intend to back down.

It's not that He Zheng is inflated, but anyway, he won a game first, and he has no burden, so he can compete with the masters of the sect again.

Moreover, He Zheng is well versed in the way of dealing with things, knowing that if he wins the first game on behalf of Xun Tiansi, he will probably lose the next game.

Otherwise, the people of the Yinzong who just arrived and lost two games in a row will be hard on the face.

The opponent will definitely send a master down, so it's better to lose the next game.

At this moment, Ruan Jinglun frowned and was still thinking, and a tall young man with a slightly cold demeanor beside him rushed out.


Ruan Jinglun frowned, he didn't expect the other party to still do whatever he wanted.

But people have already gone up, Ruan Jinglun can't say anything more.

Seeing this tall young man appearing on the stage, not only the people from Yulun Mountain, but also the people from the other three sects were all impressed.

The person who made the move this time is also a top expert among the Yinzong.

No. 42 on the top 100 list, Yulun Mountain Kechai!

It can be said that besides Ruan Jinglun, he is the strongest person in Yulun Mountain today.

Seeing this person coming up, He Zheng's expression became more solemn.

"Yulun Mountain, Ke Chai, please enlighten me." Ke Chai cupped his hands casually.

"Suzaku Yu, He Zheng...huh?!"

As soon as He Zheng finished speaking, his complexion suddenly changed, and he immediately controlled the fusion spirit to stand in front of him.

The next moment, a sonic boom sounded.

With a sound of "bang", the air wave exploded, and the abdomen of the spirit of the four elephants suddenly sunken, and flew upside down tens of meters against He Zheng behind him!

"So fast! So strong!"

Many envoys around were shocked and looked at the field in amazement.

But I saw Ke Chai's body was surrounded by spiral white air, roaring violently!

One punch sent He Zheng flying, the sonic boom sounded again, and Ke Chai's speed broke through the sound barrier and disappeared again instantly.

"not good!"

He Zheng didn't even react, he felt a sharp pain in his left waist, his pupils quivered and his face turned pale.


There was another burst of anger, and He Zheng was blasted out on the spot!

"He Yushi!"

Many envoys around were shocked, they didn't expect this sect to be so strong!

Even Jiang Lan, Bai Lixu and other imperial envoys moved slightly, and wanted to fly over to catch He Zheng.

But an invisible wave swayed in the air, and He Zheng, who was retreating rapidly, stopped as if blocked by something.

Then, with a flash of silver light, a silver-haired young man appeared beside him.

"Executive He, are you alright?"

Su Yuan raised his hand to hold He Zheng to help him relieve his energy, and then asked.

"It's...it's nothing, it's just a trauma..." He Zheng looked at Su Yuan with gratitude, "Thank you three seats."

Su Yuan didn't say much, looking at He Zheng's pale face and bloody waist, his expression turned cold.

But at this time, there were bursts of exclamations from Yinzong's direction.

"too strong!"

"As expected of Senior Brother Ke, a face-to-face meeting sent the Imperial Envoy flying away with two punches!"


Ke Chai's move was quite exciting for everyone in Yinzong.

As for He Zheng's injury...it was ignored by everyone in Yinzong.

It's normal to get injured in a sparring match.

Besides, He Zheng's injury was indeed not a serious injury, and it could be resolved quickly in the Xuntian Division.

Although, that's what he said, but when He Zheng had voluntarily stopped his hand to express his friendliness before, it would be a bit too much for the other party to do this again...

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and turned to look at Nangongli.

Nangongli was also looking at the two of them, and understood Su Yuan's meaning at a glance, and nodded slightly after a little thought.

"He Yushi, take a good rest." Su Yuan helped He Zheng stand up, and withdrew his hand.

He Zheng noticed something: "Sanxi, you...?"

"I also want to meet, the master of the sect."

With a flash of silver light on Su Yuan's body, he appeared on the ring.

"Suzaku Yu Su Yuan, please enlighten me."

Su Yuan looked at Ke Chai who was surrounded by white air in front of him, and spoke slowly.

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