Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 838 Strong

"Su Sanxi!"

"It's Su Sanxi, Su Sanxi has gone up!"


Seeing Su Yuan enter the stage, the envoys of the Sky Survey Division all looked up excitedly and expectantly.

Among the many scorching sun imperial envoys of Suzaku Yu, many of them have been in power for hundreds of years.

But who is most familiar with the large number of Huiyue envoys below, and even more Yaoxing envoys...

In just ten years, Su Yuan, who has been among the three seats from envoy, executive envoy to now, is not the first but also the second!

Kill the star envoy, kill March instead!

He has made extraordinary achievements one after another in the midst of the Earth Tribulation, his combat power is unparalleled, and he has grown at an unimaginably astonishing speed.

It is simply a legend in the hearts of many special envoys and envoys, especially the many envoys who are also Suzaku Yu!

Ruan Jinglun and other Yinzong people also noticed that the envoys of the Sky Surveyor around them were obviously much more enthusiastic than before, and they couldn't help but look at the person in front of them again.

Because he didn't cover it up, he could see that Su Yuan was just a Chongyang.

But the Zhu Yu adornment on Su Yuan's waist showed his identity—Suzaku Yu, three seats!

"One of the top three seats, can the Double Ninth Realm also become one?" In the field, Ke Chai asked coldly.

In Yulun Mountain, below the king level, Chongyang Realm doesn't even rank in the top three, not even in the top five!

"Of course." Su Yuan looked normal, "As long as you have enough strength."

"Oh? It seems that you are very confident!"

Ke Chai sneered, and the white air on his body roared a little, then suddenly turned into a phantom and disappeared on the spot.

"Three seats be careful!"

Not only the many imperial envoys watching, but even He Zheng, Ding Jin and others all tensed up.

Although the opponent has acted too much, his strength is extremely tyrannical!

The top 50 in the top 100 list has obviously improved a level compared to the other 50.

The most basic thing is that most of the top 50 on the top 100 list are Gold Card Masters.

And Ke Chai, who is ranked 42 in front of him, is a golden card master with double A in strength and speed!

Under the blessing of white energy, Ke Chai's speed was so fast that it was hard to tell with the naked eye, after some tossing and turning, he suddenly swung to Su Yuan's side and punched him out!


At this moment, Su Yuan's body was full of stars, and he swung a strange red long sword and accurately blocked Ke Chai's fast and powerful punch!

The white fist energy roared and stirred on the fist, and the black sword energy entangled and circulated on the sword.

The air wave exploded, and the aura burst!

The fist that sent He Zheng flying with that punch was unable to force Su Yuan back at this moment!

In fact, although Ke Chai's strength is indeed stronger than that of He Zheng, He Zheng is not powerless to fight back.

The main reason was that the opponent erupted too quickly, causing He Zheng and Fusion Spirit to resist hastily. The first punch was pushed into an extremely passive situation, which in turn caused the second punch to be defeated by the speed of light.

But for Su Yuan, who was extremely sensitive and even mastered the cleanliness, it was not difficult to catch Ke Chai's figure.

Coupled with Perfect Breathing, Starry Sky Super Body and A-level Strength Qualification, it is no problem to block the opponent's roaring white air attack head-on.

"Oh? Something!"

Ke Chai narrowed his eyes slightly, he didn't expect that this Chongyang Realm actually blocked his sonic boom killing punch!

The black sword energy and the white fist energy annihilated each other, Ke Chai immediately raised his left hand, and punched Su Yuan's sword-holding right arm again.

However, Su Yuan's golden wind flowed, but he took out an exquisite long sword like glass again, and slashed towards Ke Chai at an astonishing speed!

"not good!"

Ke Chai was startled, and immediately retreated.

A trace of blood flew up, but Liuli Tianqing still drew a bloodstain!


Ke Chai's whole body was full of white energy, and his speed increased sharply, and he retreated quickly.

However, Su Yuan, a top combat expert, how could he easily let him go?

Step by step, step by step!

Su Yuan's kamikaze circled around him, holding two swords directly and forcing him to kill him!

Taixu's sword qi was wantonly vertically and horizontally, constantly cutting and exploding the white fist strength that hastily resisted, counterpressing the opponent in an instant.

"It's Kamikaze? Damn it!"

As a Star Card Master of the Wind/Air Department, Ke Chai naturally saw that the golden wind exuding mysterious power outside Su Yuan's body was definitely a divine wind, but he didn't recognize which one it was.

But no matter which one, the acceleration effect of kamikaze is extremely amazing even for non-wind star card masters.

At this moment, facing Su Yuan's approaching figure, Ke Chai couldn't shake him off.

But the sword energy that kept shooting wantonly made it even more difficult for Ke Chai to parry.

Ke Chai never expected that this Double Sun Realm is not only super powerful, but even the star power is not much worse than that of an ordinary Purple Card Master of the Three Sun Realm. The sword energy he cuts out is such a threat to a Gold Card Master like himself!

Under continuous suppression, Ke Chai was already in danger after a while!

“Top two days!”

Su Yuan's eyes were indifferent, and the wind and fire slashed across the two swords!

Just at this moment, Ke Chai's entangled white qi erupted suddenly, blocking Su Yuan's swords for a moment, and then his body quickly became transparent, and disappeared under Su Yuan's sword in an instant!


"No... no, this is the invisible gods and ghosts!"

"This Yulun Mountain disciple, he also knows great skills!"

All the envoys around were startled, and soon someone recognized that it was one of the five skills, the invisible gods and ghosts!

And many disciples of Yulun Mountain were delighted.

"It's not just the people in the Sky Survey Division who have special skills, Senior Brother Ke also has them!"

The invisibility of gods and ghosts can be said to be the most practical stunt.

Not only for assassins, but also for beast masters, summoners and even magicians, it is a very useful skill.

In the invisible state of gods and ghosts, not only can they become invisible, but all breaths, sounds, and energy fluctuations will be completely covered up, as if incarnated into nothingness.

Only at the moment when he takes the initiative to attack, will he reveal his figure!

Using the invisible spirit, Ke Chai not only got rid of Su Yuan's oppression, but also disappeared without knowing what terrifying offensive was brewing.

Everyone was quite nervous, but Fang Qingxiao above looked normal.

Nangongli looked at the field, his eyes flickered slightly...

Ke Chai entered the invisible state of gods and ghosts, and the white air all over his body was already blowing violently like a substantial wind.

But all the breath, fluctuations, and even the interference of some basic material energy such as air flow, smoke, temperature, etc., have all been erased strangely!

Under the effect of the stunt, even if a large swath of wind and sand is rolled up, Ke Chai's hidden figure cannot be reflected, as if he really disappeared in this space.

But at this moment, Su Yuan glanced around, lowered his head slightly and closed his eyes.

"Heh, another idiot who wants to close his eyes to enhance other perceptions in the face of the invisible gods and ghosts."

Ke Chai slowly flew into the air, and couldn't help sneering when he saw Su Yuan's behavior.

In the past, many people tried to enhance their "hearing", "tactile" and "tactile senses" when they could not see ghosts and ghosts with their spiritual sense and vision.

But it doesn't help!

"Then, let's kill you in one fell swoop, Shuangjiaopo!"

Ke Chai's fists surged into a double form of a dragon and a tiger, making a noise that no one else could hear, and suddenly flew down and smashed his fists at Su Yuan!

"Where did the person from the sect go!" Everyone in the Xuntian Division was anxious for Su Yuan because they couldn't see Ke Chai.

But at this moment, accompanied by a frightening energy fluctuation, Ke Chai appeared just a few feet above Su Yuan's head and swung the dragon-tiger figure to smash him down!

Everyone in the Xuntian Division was shocked and inexplicable, even He Zheng and Ding Jin couldn't help holding their breath!

"not good!"

"Three seats be careful!"


Just at this time, the golden wind suddenly rose, and the sword intent soared into the sky, and the two sword lights, which were too fast to be caught by the naked eye, charged forward and directly slashed on Ke Chai's dragon and tiger fists!


In an instant, everyone's eyes widened in shock.

With just a flash of sword light, Su Yuan received this blow that could be said to be extremely fast.

Everyone looked up, but they saw Su Yuan's expression was indifferent, and the radiance in his eyes seemed to be real!

"One-hearted Wuchen? It is one-hearted Wuchen! He also has special skills, and he has seen through Brother Ke's movements!"

At this moment, the sword intent on Liuli Tianqing and Yaodao is like water, and the light of Shenduanjian quickly cut through the dragon and tiger shapes on Ke Chai's left and right fists like cutting tofu!

"How can it be!"

Ke Chai's pupils trembled violently. He never expected that Su Yuan could block the invisible attack of his own gods and ghosts, and this terrifying sword light even sliced ​​through his Tiger Roaring Dragon Roaring!

Seeing that the sword light was about to cut into his hand, Ke Chai had no choice but to counterattack and explode Tiger Roaring Dragon Roar's punch.

"Blast me!"

With a "bang", the dragon and tiger punch exploded and swept around.

Although it looks ferocious, such violent detonations are actually limited in power.

And Ke Chai let out a muffled snort, and took this opportunity to activate the invisible ghost again to retreat backwards.

However, with a flash of silver light, Su Yuan had already appeared behind him, slashing down with his sword.


Suddenly, blood splashed.

Ke Chai was directly slashed into the ground by a sword, creating a huge hole in the shape of a human being!


Everyone in the Sky Survey Division cried out in surprise. Although Ke Chai could not be seen yet, such a large change in terrain could not be covered up even by the invisible gods and ghosts!

Ke Chai didn't care about the burning pain in his back from being slashed by the long sword, so he put his hands on the ground and wanted to stand up.

And the next moment, Su Yuan flew up and stepped on Ke Chai's chest!


Ke Chai snorted, a stream of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and suddenly he was furious, ready to explode.

And with a flash of sword light, Su Yuan's demon knife turned upside down and stuck it on the ground with his backhand!

"Zheng!" Yaodao groaned.

A strand of hair suddenly fell down, but it was the demon knife directly inserted into Ke Chai's ear, cutting off Ke Chai's hair.

Ke Chai caught a glimpse of the cold light on the side of his face, and felt a chill welling up in his heart, and his body stagnated immediately.

Looking up at Su Yuan, he saw that the other party's innocent silver eyes were staring at him calmly.

Ke Chai was expressionless, but Ke Chai was more frightened than anger or coldness, and he didn't dare to make any more moves for a while!

And Su Yuan held down the hilt of the sword, and slowly pressed it down towards Ke Chai's head, cutting Ke Chai's side face in just one breath.

"I surrender!"

Although Ke Chai knew that it was impossible for Su Yuan to kill himself here, he felt a strong sense of suffocation coming over him!

Without any further hesitation, Ke Chai immediately untied the invisible ghost and surrendered!

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