Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 840 Thunder Fire

Ruan Jinglun looked at Su Yuan who was holding a long sword in the field, did he, Yang Ming or Meng Jieyue have to make a move?

The chief disciples of the four major hidden sects, going to deal with the "Three Seats" of the "Chongyang Realm" of the Xuntian Division Suzaku Yu?

You know, the target of the chief of the four sects is Suzaku Zhenjun Nangongli, even if he is almost the second seat, Jiang Lan!

So right now, there is only one person who is suitable...

Ruan Jinglun looked at the person next to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming himself also had a dignified expression. Seeing Ruan Jinglun's view, a burly man with steady eyes beside him said, "Junior Brother Gongsun, you can go."

The burly male voice was like a bell: "Yes, brother!"

Sun Wu, Gongsun Wu of Zichen Mountain, No. 32 on the Burning Sun List, the first person under the four chiefs of Yinzong!

Although the disciples of the four sects seldom go down the mountain, they move around quite frequently among the four sects.

In the last competition among the four sects, Gongsun Wu even almost defeated Meng Jieyue.

That is to say, Meng Jieyue won with a narrow margin in the end by relying on her superb mystical skills.

At this moment, Gongsun Wu took a step forward, and the blue thunder fell on the field in an instant.

"Gongsun Wu of Zichen Mountain, please enlighten me, Fellow Daoist Su!" Gongsun Wu clasped his fists and shouted.

"Zichen Mountain, Lin Chongyun's sect..."

Su Yuan looked at Gongsun Wu with condensed eyes.

Even though the person in front of him had restrained his aura, he still gave off a strong oppressive force.

"Better than those two before!" This was Su Yuan's first instinct.

Speaking of which, I have already had contact with members of the four major sects.

Su Yuan raised the demon sword: "Suzaku Yu, Su Yuan."

Gongsun Wu stared at Su Yuan attentively and solemnly.

Although the person in front of him is only in the Chongyang realm, but he was able to force Ke Chai and quickly defeat Wu Feiyan, so he is undoubtedly a top player at this moment!

"Fellow Daoist Su, be careful!"

Gongsun Wu gave a low shout, and blue electricity rose between his eyebrows like a stream of air, and immediately turned into a handful of thunder and rushed towards Su Yuan.

I have to say that compared with Ke Chai, this Gongsun Wu is really an honest man with great martial virtues, and he needs to remind him before making a move.

Su Yuan's body suddenly turned with a divine wind, and he swung the demon knife to slash at him.


Fists and swords collided, and there was a muffled sound, and the stardust on Su Yuan's body trembled, and he was pushed back more than ten meters on the spot!

"This power is really amazing..."

There was a silver light in Su Yuan's eyes, looking at Gongsun Wu in front of him covered in green electricity, it seemed that it was some kind of soul power that used the thunder element to stimulate and strengthen the physical body.

With his rich combat experience, Su Yuan has roughly figured out Gongsun Wu's background in just one fight.

A-level strength and speed qualifications, B+ star power qualifications, combined with the ability of the thunder element to transform the strength of the physical body...

The opponent's physical body is already so strong that it can be called a pervert, far surpassing himself with the starry sky domineering body!

After all, although he also has A-level strength qualifications, his realm is lower than that of the opponent.

Su Yuan is very clear that his biggest weakness now is only the Chongyang realm.

It's okay to face the ordinary Sanyang realm, but if you really want to face a powerful Sanyang master with no shortcomings, then your own disadvantages in the realm will be infinitely magnified.

Just like now!

In this case, it is necessary to sacrifice a powerful means to level/shorten the gap.

"Zi La!"

Qing Dian neighed, and Gongsun Wu stepped forward with a single step, and in an instant, with the thunder and lightning, he jumped to kill again!

The black flames in Su Yuan's eyes danced, and a large piece of pitch-black flames instantly rose up from himself, turning into a black flame cloak exuding terrifying fluctuations, and then he swung the demon knife and slashed out!


A circle of air waves visible to the naked eye suddenly swayed from between the two, and immediately after, the ground under their feet collapsed layer by layer!

But this time, Su Yuan did not take half a step back!

"What a powerful strengthening skill!"

Gongsun Wu looked at Su Yuan in front of him, his pupils shrank slightly.

Can you catch up with your own strength with just one enhanced skill? Even ordinary legendary skills can't do it!

But Su Yuan's eyes were calm, his right hand exerted strength again, and the demon knife slowly pressed towards Gongsun Wu... In the wrestling, he was actually a bit stronger than Gongsun Wu!

Gongsun Wu's heart trembled slightly, looking at Su Yuan's silver pupils, he immediately exploded with strength and retreated with Su Yuan.

But just the next moment, the two suddenly collided again.


The speed of the two sides was so fast that the figures could not be seen, only the blue electricity and the pitch-black sword energy exploded around.

In the blink of an eye, after twenty or thirty rounds of confrontation, the pitch-black sword energy cut through half the sky and sent Gongsun Wu flying out on the spot!

"So strong!"

Everyone around looked over in amazement. Most of the people could hardly see clearly after the fight just now.

But at this moment, Gongsun Wu was slashed out by a sword, and everyone could see it clearly.

Gongsun Wu lowered his head slightly, a sword wound on his chest was neither deep nor shallow, and blood slowly oozed out.

"To be chased and beaten... This Suzaku Yu's third seat in the Double Sun Realm actually has such an astonishing strengthening skill, at least he is proficient in it!"

Seeing Su Yuan approaching again, Gongsun Wu's eyes narrowed, and with a sound of "Zi La", circles of green lightning suddenly rose around him.

The next moment, there was a thunderbolt from the blue sky, thunder palace shook the sky, and an extremely dazzling cyan thunder thundered down from the sky!

Su Yuan, who had just killed him, froze, and immediately moved back.


The blue lightning and thunder light descended, immediately engulfing Gongsun Wu.

After two breaths, the thunder light dissipated.

Gongsun Wu's upper body is naked, and countless blue lights are like pens and inks on the skin, forming a scene like a heavenly palace!

And at the same time, heaven and man are facing each other, thunder is ringing, and a blue palace with boundless power stands on the nine heavens!

"Here we come! Brother Gongsun's supernatural power, Qingyao Shocks Thunder Heavenly Palace!"

The members of the Yinzong were all excitedly staring at the Qingyao Temple above the sky, and they all exclaimed.

And Meng Jieyuezhang's eyes froze even more, he was almost defeated by this trick before!

The reason why Gongsun Wu can be called the first person under the four chiefs of Yinzong is that he is ranked 32nd on the Burning Sun List.

In addition to his own excellent strength, the most important thing is this Zichen Mountain supernatural power that has been refined to the pinnacle!

The Heavenly Palace loomed high above the sky, and the green electricity was booming outside Gongsun Wu. Su Yuan, who was looking ahead, rushed over immediately!

Su Yuan immediately felt an extremely dangerous aura from Gongsun Wu and the high-altitude Tiangong.

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his hand, and several Taixu sword qi slashed out.

However, the blue electricity "crackling" on Gongsun Wu's body kept entangled, and he directly dissipated Taixu's sword energy, rushing to Su Yuan in an instant, and punching him!

Su Yuan's expression was slightly condensed, and he immediately swung his sword to meet him.

With a sound of "bang", the blue light exploded, and Su Yuan was immediately thrown into the air!

With the help of Qingyao Shocking Thunder Heavenly Palace's thunder power blessing, Gongsun Wu's already extremely powerful physical body has been upgraded by one or two grades again!

And that's not all, in an instant, a large piece of blue electricity climbed onto Su Yuan's body from the place where the fist and sword collided.

Although the cloak of black flame cloaked in evil blocked the destructive power of Qingdian, the strong paralyzing effect attached to it immediately made Su Yuan stagnate!

This is the characteristic of Qingyao Zhenlei Tiangong when it has been practiced to perfection.

As for the changes after Qingyao Zhenlei Tiangong achieved supernatural powers...

Before Gongsun Wu could catch up with him, he saw the cyan sky palace roaring continuously, and a cyan thunder that shook the world suddenly descended and hit Su Yuan on the top of Su Yuan's head like a punishment from heaven!

Qingyao shakes the Thunder Heavenly Palace, and after the supernatural powers, it forms a "simulated divine thunder". Every few breaths, it absorbs the star power of heaven and earth and drops a simulated Qingyao divine thunder to strike the enemy.

In terms of power, every simulated Qingyao God Thunder is no less than the legendary thunder spells that entered the room, and coupled with such a frequency... it is simply terrifying!

At this moment Su Yuan is still in paralysis, seeing the blue thunder crashing down, immeasurable power straddles the sky with a single thought.

But Qinglei's power is unparalleled, and it is difficult to resist it with the immeasurable power that is not manually controlled, and it quickly distorts...

But at the same time, Guixu Shenfeng accelerated with all his strength, broke through the short-term paralysis effect in an instant, and teleported away with a flash of silver light on his body.


The next moment, the thunder light fell to the ground, and immediately dyed the world in all directions blue!

In the dazzling cyan lightning, Su Yuan had just teleported to the ground, but Gongsun Wu rushed forward again.

At this moment, if there is another punch, there is almost no chance for Su Yuan to dodge.

Su Yuan already knew that Gongsun Wu's attack at this moment had a strong paralyzing effect, so he immediately raised his left hand, immeasurable power straddled his front.

In an instant, Gongsun Wu who rushed forward suddenly became unable to move an inch, and it was difficult to surpass the distance between the two.

"What a weird ability!"

Gongsun Wu frowned slightly, and it was difficult to break through for a while.

But Gongsun Wu is not anxious, because...there is the Qingyao Shocking Thunder Heavenly Palace above his head!

"Thunderbolt from the Heavenly Palace!"

But hearing the continuous roar of thunder in the Tiangong, there was another terrifying thunderbolt coming down in an instant!

Gongsun Wu's eyes were bright, and he broke out with all his strength, and the thunder light in his fists soared, crushing the immeasurable power in front of him inch by inch.

Or, Su Yuan will eat the attack of his simulated divine thunder!

Or, just eat your own attack with paralyzing properties!

Facing such a situation, Su Yuan still looked normal.

Just as the thunder landed, a large piece of black and evil flames surged from outside Su Yuan's body and directly faced Qing Lei!

The thunder and fire collided, the green thunder was dazzling, and the undead evil fire suddenly surged violently.

The mighty and majestic Qingyao Divine Thunder seems to have some restraint on the Immortal Evil Fire.

But under the strong immortality and erosion and pollution ability, within a few breaths, the undead evil fire that rose from the sky turned back and swallowed this green thunder!

The evil fire surged, but it returned to its original state in a short while.

"What! This flame actually prevented the imitation divine thunder from Qingyao Shocking Thunder Heavenly Palace!" Everyone in the Yinzong looked at the black flame that resisted Qinglei high in the sky in shock.

"It's Divine Fire!" Many patrolling angels showed surprise in their eyes, "Twelve on the Divine Fire List, Su Sanxi's Immortal Evil Fire!"

"In addition to Kamikaze, he actually has Shenhuo!"

Gongsun Wu was also shocked, he didn't expect Su Yuan to have divine fire besides divine wind!

The simulated Qingyao Divine Thunder was single-handedly defended by the opponent's strange divine fire!

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