Gongsun Wu looked at the invisible barrier that was about to be broken under his fist.

"It doesn't matter, with the blessing of the virtual god thunder, even if you confront him head-on, you will definitely not be able to withstand it!"

Gongsun Wu's eyes froze, and he couldn't help adding a little more strength.

But at this moment, a brilliance gradually lit up in front of him.

But seeing countless stars swarming out of Su Yuan's body, turning into a layer of spirit gangsters covering the body surface, an unstoppable, domineering and inexplicable aura blasted away!

"What is this?!"

Not to mention the disciples of the four major hidden sects, even the many envoys of the Xuntian Division couldn't help being surprised when they saw Su Yuan who was glowing all over.

"Heaven descends to earth?" Gongsun Wu's pupils shrank suddenly, he was more surprised than seeing the fire, "How is it possible, why does he still have god descending to earth!"

"Double stunt?!"

Ruan Jinglun, Yang Ming and others outside the arena also looked at Su Yuan who was covered in star power and spirit gang in amazement.

Even among the chiefs of the four major hermit sects, Meng Jieyue has yet to master a unique skill, let alone a double unique skill!

Ruan Jinglun and the others couldn't understand how difficult it is to comprehend the dual divine skills.

After comprehending one stunt, the comprehension speed of the second stunt can be called a turtle crawl!

And Su Yuan, who is only at the Double Sun Realm in front of him, has used Yixin Wuchen before, and at this moment, he has launched the God of Heaven?

this? !

In the arena, under the gods descending to earth, Su Yuan's strength increased, his defense was greatly improved, and he was immune to most restrictions and abnormal states!

A silver light flashed in his eyes, and Su Yuan dispersed immeasurable power from his left hand, and slashed at Gongsun Wu who was in front of him with a sword.

Gongsun Wu has been preparing for a long time, so he will naturally not retreat at this moment, he immediately raised his fist and smashed out.

With a "bang", Gongsun Wu was knocked back a few steps on the spot, and the paralyzing power of his fist had no effect on Su Yuan, who was descended from the gods!

Qingyao Zhenlei Tiangong has been completely suppressed by Su Yuan's Heavenly God Avatar and Immortal Evil Fire, and even its strength has been suppressed again.

Su Yuan's heart is divided into two functions, while controlling the undead evil fire to resist the green thunder above his head, while taking out the glazed sky blue, jumping in and holding two swords and slashing out continuously!

Green Thunder and Black Fire, Thunder Fist and Sword Qi!

There was another violent collision between the two sides that was indistinguishable to the naked eye, only the roar of star power and air waves, and the terrifying aftermath of energy swept up and down in all directions!

After you came and I collided for a while, suddenly there was a strong wind, and the sword intent was shocking.

But seeing a flash of dark sword light and splashing of blood, Gongsun Wu was instantly thrown out!

Looking closely, Gongsun Wu's body was already covered with twenty or thirty sword wounds.

And just now, a sword mark of Shenduanjian's light cut across Gongsun Wu's body!

"not good!"

Gongsun Wu's heart trembled, and his pupils trembled when he saw the deep bone scar in front of him that almost cut his body open!

If I cut another inch or two deeper, I am afraid that I will die!

And this is clearly the other party's intention to stop...

Gongsun Wulue pondered for a while, then raised his head to look at Su Yuan who was standing in front of him, and clasped his fists:

"Thank you Daoist Su for your mercy, I lost."

Su Yuan put away his long sword and nodded slightly: "Accept."

"Su Sanxi won!!"

Almost at the same time, bursts of strong shouts erupted from all directions.

"Three consecutive victories!"

"As expected of Su Sanxi!"

"Three seats! Three seats!..."

A strong sense of excitement welled up in my heart, and the envoys around couldn't help shouting loudly, and they all lost their usual composure!

Facing Yinzong Ke Chai's excessive actions, Su Yuan not only defeated him forcefully as soon as he came on the stage, but also directly defeated three people in a row in one go, greatly boosting the power of Xuntiansi!

And the reason why everyone is so excited that they can't help themselves is not only because of the three consecutive victories against Yinzong, but also because of this person who won the three consecutive victories.

It's Su Yuan!

It's this super genius Su Yuan who has been famous all the way through disasters and catastrophes with his own strength since he was a special envoy!

Xiang Dingqian laughed and shouted loudly, even Xia Xuan was moved by the exciting atmosphere in the field, and couldn't help shouting twice.

At this moment, all eyes are on!

On the side of Yinzong, hundreds of disciples of Yinzong have completely lost their previous prestige at this moment, and they are all horrified beyond words.

"Shenfeng Shenhuo, dual divine skills, proficient in various legendary skills..."

Yang Ming, Meng Jieyue and others were still in a daze at the moment.

Ruan Jinglun's expression was even more serious. He never expected that Yinzong would experience three consecutive defeats in the hands of Suzaku Yu alone!

In fact, it wasn't that Ruan Jinglun was arrogant and underestimated the masters of the Sky Survey Division.

But the people in the field at the moment are too incredible.

It's only in the Chongyang realm, but it has a body and star power far beyond the ordinary Chongyang realm, and also masters the unique skill of being clean-hearted, and defeated Ke Chai in one fell swoop!

That's all, and then Wu Feiyan, who is good at spiritual mysticism, was sent to defeat the opponent with mental attacks.

But the other party also has extremely powerful spiritual skills, and instead, a master of divine sense and Taoism like Wu Feiyan was killed in seconds!

Okay, then don't take any tricks, just go straight to the strength.

Send out Gongsun Wu, who is unparalleled in frontal combat power and only inferior to himself and others.

It stands to reason that with Gongsun Wu's strength, even if the opponent has some cards, he can suppress him!

But the other party not only took out a kind of magic fire, but also launched a second stunt, the god descending to earth?

Every time someone who thought he could catch the other party was dispatched, the other party always had an endless stream of unexpected and tyrannical methods...

Are you still playing or not!

Meng Jieyue took a deep breath and said, "His strength is already comparable to that of a sect chief.

Just the third seat of Suzaku Yu, one of the four royals of the Sky Survey Division, can be so strong! "

Ruan Jinglun pondered for a while, and sighed, "Tian Xun Si... Sure enough, masters come forth in large numbers, and they are unfathomable!"

"How about I go up!" Yang Ming said in a deep voice.

"You go? Then he won't be the opponent..." Ruan Jinglun shook his head, and said slowly, "Beating three people in a row, his consumption is not small."

Yang Ming looked up at Su Yuan, sure enough, Su Yuan's complexion was quite pale at this moment.

It is only in the Chongyang realm, and it is of course a lot of consumption to fight against the three masters of the hidden sect.

If Su Yuan wants to step down, it is only right and proper.

If other sect disciples were sent at this time, they would definitely not be Su Yuan's opponents.

And if Ruan Jinglun and Yang Ming are the four chiefs, then Jiang Lan and even Suzaku Zhenjun Nangongli will definitely be there!

Yang Ming frowned and asked, "Then what should we do?"

"I can't do anything." Ruan Jinglun looked at the many disciples of Yinzong who were still in shock behind him, "Because it's about to end."

Ruan Jinglun knew very well that today might be the end of the day.

The king didn't see the king, and now it's time for the four great hermit sects to go down the mountain and set up the Qilin Yu. It's not the time for the four chiefs to confront Zhuque Zhenjun.

That's all for the third seat, if it's really a battle between Suzaku Yuzhenjun, the second seat, and the four chiefs.

No matter which side loses, it will affect the prestige as a leader, which is not a good thing for Xun Tiansi.

Ruan Jinglun looked up at Fang Qingxiao on the north side: "This Fang Yuzuo really gave us a 'killing stick'..."

The strength of the elite disciples of the four major hidden sects is naturally worthy of recognition, otherwise Fang Qingxiao would not have personally borrowed these people down the mountain.

But after coming here, I can't let these people who are used to themselves do whatever they want.

Then it is imperative to kill his prestige.

Now, the killing power stick with Su Yuan as the stickman is very effective, if Ruan Jinglun and others are not strong enough, they can only eat it!

Su Yuan himself can clearly see the stakes in this.

Therefore, he made a move, showed his power, but did not make enemies, and lost three people in a row!

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